
ATLANTIC. THE Page March 8, 1952 JAMAICA HURRICANE RELIEF FUND THE PEOPLE HOUSE Collections week ending November 30, 1951 20. 00 Carlos García Manuel Gribaldos Nathan Docas Ku Ali Chong Charlotte Gordon Ishmael Brown Louise Wright William. Fuller Charles Simmons Friend Edgar Gregory 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 25 00 JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. 00 PORT LIMON BRANCH No. 134 ATTENDED ST. MARK CHURCH 00 15. 75 Basilio Chen Arthur Payne McKenzie Cewtas Anastasio Theophilus Thomas Caroline Sutherland.
Antonio Ezanica Chacón Fred Taylor Edward Ricketts James Lambron Emelia McLean Levi Llody Jacob Chushi Antonio Obando Richard Wilson.
Samuel Bartley Johanathan Wedderbym Joseph Johnson David Campbell Theodor McKinley Louise Buckridge James Matthews Arthur Young Felix Hamilton Nathaniel Stewart Wm. Sealey Frank Gutier Alfred Swaby Dafid Henry Irene Wilson William Burrell Jerome Ordonez Alfonso Carranza Ernest Clark Frank Able Emelio Fajardo 00 Sarah Able 00 John Barnett 00 George Stewart 00 Donisio Seguridad 00 Fernando Salas 00 Friend 00 William Brown Frank Oastucs. 00 William Charleston 00 Indiana White 00 Hilda Palmer. 50 00 Manuel McKenzie 00 00 Samuel Richards 50 00 McKenzie. 50 Inés Ortiz 00 00 Encarnación Castro 50 00 Andrés Guevara 50 60 Elizio Mata 00 00 Carlos Ruiz 50 50 Gloria Solis 50 20. 00 From Nasmyth 17. 00 50 Christian Union Sunday 60 School (San Jose)
321. 8) 00 British Legation 100. 00 00 Templo Biblico (San Jose. 443. 50 00 Methodist Church (San José) 200. 00 00 Clarke 30. 00 10. 00 Adina Clarke 10. 00 75 Allan McDowell 20. 00 00 Josiah Gouldborne 20. 00 00 Clarence Sankey 10. 00 00 Uriah Hamilton 00 10. 00 Joseph Wright 00 00 Edmundo Taylor 00 11. 20 Arturo Fernando 50 35. 00 Jane Redguard 00 15. 00 00 TOTALS: 15. 75 1486. 00 00 00 Already acknowledged C7809 00 25. 00 77 0.
20. 00 Collected week ending November 00 30, 1951 1486. 00 15. 75. 00 59 Collected to date 9295. 35. 40. 75. 00 77 0. ANGUS 00 Treasurer.
On Sunday the 17th of February The text was surely one to lift up the members of the Port Limon hope and understanding to know Branch Nº 134 of the Jamaica Burial what Jesus said and if we have failScheme Society, in a very unique ed in our service to Him, we should manner proceeded from the Parish return to His words, His character Hall to the St. Mark Church and and His life, and in doing so we there formed part of the congrega shall learn His teachings of God tion during the Evensong.
character and what He wishes His By the ever present endeavour of Children character to be. forgivthe Venerable William Ziadie, ing charitable, humble, in relation Archdeacon of Limon to draw all to Him as prayerful, trustful, obemankind to the knowledge of the dient and faithful.
saving grace of God, the request of By the Message, if the hearers the Society to assemble and give understood, there were teachings and thanks to God for the 18th year of principles of life. It is God who its existence was zealously granted. cares for our lives the great, the The Archdeacon having to attend humble, the group and also the inthe Convocation held in the Canal dividual and by His providence the Zone, prepared one of the most members of the Society were again soothing Messages and left for de able to give thanks to Him at the livery by Mr. Wm. Daysley, Layreader end of another year.
who conducted the service.
How wonderfully appropriate was The words of inspiration were the the quotation. That God knows thought of the Venerable Archdeacon when a sparrow falls to the ground, but before expressing were surely He cares for the birds of the air and imbibed and penetrated into the very the flowers of the field as mentioned sould of Mr. Daysley. a condition in the Holy Writ Consider the which enabled him to handle the Lillies message in a clear comprehensive and By the text we were refreshened soul impressive manner.
by another wonderful lesson as stat The Message is taken from Mat ed in the Lord Prayer. Give us thew chapter, verse 25. Therefore, this day our daily bread that is say unto you take no thought for bread sufficient for every day. Our your life, what ye shall cat, or what ve Heavenly Father provides this for us shall drink; nor yet for your body but it is the luxuries we crave and what he shall put on. Is not the life not the necessities. Not what we use.
more than the meat, and the body but what we squander keeps us than raiment (Continued on Page 71 REUBEN ROTHSCHILD LIMITED Port Limon FOR SALE MULES AND HORSES AT ESTRADA.
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