
PAGINA TLANTICO Sábado 14 de Julio de 1934 TO ME Worst Earthquake in History severe on an PAK HOTEL VERICAN BAR By Dr. Frank Crane The recent Indian earthquake sleep out in camps; large areas of Fine Liquors Before starting out on his trip keep my Body fit.
was one of the biggest and most some of the most fertile land in Tuborg on Draught he Salesman wrote out the follow will improve my Mind. extensive in history, according to India have been covered with Specializing in Ice Cream ng Pledge to Himself. signed will do some hard Study regular the Indian Geological Survey sand: and through the change in pasted it in his pocket, and ly every day. will follow some expert, Dr. Dunn. review of the level of the country BEAVERS romised himself he would read Course of Reading, and not frit. the situation given by the Governor flooding is certain to come with Proprietor over every morning at breakfast, ter away all my mentality of Bihar in the course of an ap the next monsoon. It is added that Limón, Costa Rica. will respect myself. can trash.
peal for the Viceroy Fund states: soldiers who have flown over Bihar yet away from everybody else will conserve my Enthu. The area of greatest destruction is liken it to a battle field; thoutslot myself Since have to live siams. will never give away to as large as Scotland; twelve towns ands of square miles are traversed When Greeks Met Greek vith this Me all the time, eat with Complainings and Bitterness. will with a population of between by enormous fissures.
im, sleep with him, and travel avoid Pessionism and keep away 10, 000 and 60, 000 each were werecby Roden rith him, will try not to make from gloomy people as much as ked, and the people compelled to (From Christian Herald. We dave all doubtlessly heard, into Boston harbour. Thereupon im ashamed.
possible. recognize Joy as the would be great proposition and some young American bloods seized will not be satisfied with asset in Selling, for nobody wants brain buster which asks, What the tea chests and emptied their that am, but will keep my grouchy people around. will not would happen if an immovable contents into the bay. This act of ind eye on what am to become. worry, nor climb any hill until object met an irrestible force? the Sons of Liberty so incensed fence will put away Ego come to it.
Not a few have tried to think the King and his ministers that in sm, will not be angry when will conserve my Energies.
Limon, Costa Rica, what the resultant sequence of 1775 war with America was de hown my shortcomings, but will will not Argue with contentious On ocean front such a phenomenon would be, and clared. Up to this time Chatham.
rudy to overcome them. will not persons, will not fight Prejudices, Comfortable rooms Rooms with bath daresay they have arrived at Burke, and many others of the et puffed up, but try to build up. but will try to circumvent them. Well ventilated dining room varying phenomenal conclu best men in political England had will watch my Thoughts, will not get angry What the First class table Good assorted bar talizing that Thoughts sions! We know for certain anyway, sided with the colonies; shortly are use? am out to sell goods, not that there exists no such impasse however (when both Spain and hings that they make and un feel good. will not carry Grudges.
Sample room in nature, that neither empiric nor France sent help to the United lake me, that they underlie suc Life is too short.
LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress scientific observations affirm its States and declared war against iss or cause failure. Hence will existence. We however observe in Britain) they evinced the vengeful will Flatter, not Criticize.
Post Office Box 236 Telephone but out all Thoughts of Failure, the spirit of human beings, an hostility of the friend who becomes II Morbid Brooding, all Fear and Agreeableness is money in my element which approximates the a foc. Chatham was old and very Despondency. will shunsuch pocket. And nothing is more agreeX. unknown quantity. to an ill, but he betook himself to the able than pleasant speech. will hings as refuse to eat unclean say complimentary things to peo SIQUIRRES HOTEL alarming degree. Casting about in House of Lords, and in an impaspod.
our mind for a way to express our sioned speech said, thank God will be absolutely Honest ple to their face, and also about COSTA RICA observation, we hap on the phrase that the grave has not yet closed oth with myself and others. people behind their back, so that This train stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes for Lunch, buy as heads this text, viz. When upon me that am yet alive to will be Honest in the Dark as well may get the habit. will save up Grek met Grek. The your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be served all Greks lift my voice against the dismemmy Disgust, Contempt, and in the Light, Alone as well on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Restaurant were preeminent and renowned berment of this ancient and noble in Affairs. will look on any Profanity till get back to the in many ways, and the intended monarchy. He was a worthy son Hotel rigth at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts. English spoken, Se ioney may make by Dishonesty inference is both to their intellec of the Greeks! Evincing their courDirty money.
10. will Succeed. Nothing can habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht Deutsch.
tual and physical prowers.
In age and fighting spirit to the end, will take care of my body. stop me. am wired to the Central KISSLING other words, What would happen for while he was speaking he was from it get endurance, good Power Plant of the Universe. If Manager if individuals of like mental or seized with a fit, was carried out pirits, pep, and vigor. will not one road is blocked ll make a physical prowess meet? If the ana of the House insensible, and died buse it by excess. will not cheat Detour, but ll get there. will logy would be true, our Greek a few days afterwards. The hour by lack of proper rest and reput every ounce of strength into must by all means be of like cali has always produced the reation. will not let it grown my business, spare no pains, desbre. They should be men of the Some cynics would have us believe labby from want of exercise. pise no labor, fear no obstacles. same race, culture, and tradition that the troops sent by Britain and drink intelligently, will believe that good luck follows If we have found our heroes, we against the Colonists were drumas an indoor Sport, but to the Alert and Corageous.
will go back to where they were med up mercenaries, they argue Importer of merchandise in general and wont to be on the stream of time, her hands were filled with COCOA EXPORTER we will peruse our history, We will the Continental War, hence the sit in some mental amphitheatre overseas forces were mere Second For your convenience, Consult my especial prices which in all cases will be the and watch the fortunes of battle raters, we never pay any attention best in the market.
as the purposeful Gladiators lay to to these detractors, the facts of For your health, the attack.
history gainsay their piffle anyway.
In the year 1756 the reign of Washington George Washington, George the Second was soon done. was the man for the hour Drink always The Seven Years War with Fran. General Burgoyne and Lord Corce began in 1756 was brought to a wallis learned to their sorrow. to We say that knowledge is stock of useful knowledge.
close by the Treaty of Paris in their dying day they could power and we applaud the speaker The man who would master his have war anyway, hence they decid. Caesar they came, they saw 1763. The fighting English must forget Saratoga or Yorktown. Like but who tells us that the man who profession or trade must be always ed that the American Colonies unlike Caesar they did not con knows how can manage to get learning, even if he is admitted to ought to share the expense of that quer along when others are ready to be the wisest of the wise. Constant war with the mother country, and THE GREEK.
they were conquered by They are the best starve, but all too few of us are ly are meeting situations proceeded to raise a revenue by doing what we say ought to be which An English historian has this are, least in part, means of taxation. An Act called to say of the great man: They done and adding daily to our little new and unexpected, and have must be prepared to adapt oursel. Americans wel the Stamp Act (1765) obliging (the Americans) could not to use stamps on all had a nobler leader. In after years, 00 ves to them. We must know just legal papers was passed; but the when his work for his country was what laws were passed last year Americans refused to comply with done, it was said that he was the and this year; we must know just it. They showed their displeasure man first in war, first in peace, and what different kinds of insect we decidedly that the Act was the first in the hearts of his fellowI USTED es casado, le aconsejamos may expect to attack our crop this repealed in the following year. In countrymen. We English may be year, and how to meet them; we 1767 duties were laid on certain allowed to share the pride which un seguro ordinario de vida, porque must know what we are to do with imported commodities, glass, pa Americans felt in George Washthe pupils who sit to day in our con un pequeño desembolso puede schools and ask all manner per, woolen goods and tea. The ington, for he was of English of quarrel went on, and in 1773 blood, being sprung from an old obtener una protección adecuada para su familia.
question which were unheard of a British ships laden with tea sailed family in Northampton.
ago. Learning, ever, learning, this is the demand of the age on every man and woman who would make the best of life. USTED es soltero, le aconsejamos (From Great Thoughts)
un seguro dotal para ser cobrado ALMACEN, MERCADERIA EN GENERAL por usted mismo en su vejez.
Zapatería y materiales para el oficio.
y Pinotea.
Maderas del País, Zinc, Pinturas y toda clase de y Materiales de construcción man.
Allan Sime will cat ot as Keep Learning noc Atlas. Selecta or Traube We at SO few years Avelino de la Peña Cía. Sucs.
Daniel Zeledón BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Hop Lee Lung LAWYER SAN JOSE LIMON LIMON MATINA Establecimiento de Licores y Abarrotes Ventas al por Mayor y al Detal El más surtido en Matina LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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