
Very many persons have questioned the why of the repeated failures of the newspapers that have come and gone in the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica. We ween that for every mind has enssayed to solve the why of these failures there have been manifest the palpable causes of their short lease of life viz. lack of a wortwhile polioy lack of KG the paper printing press in Limon, lack of interest on the part of the reading public. The foregoing are the obvious causes, save one lack of sympathetic understanding of the neeeds of the peoples on the part of those who publish: the paper. We take the last cause as being the one for these failures, we regard it as being the fly in the ointment and because we do, we make bold to say, that the Voz del Atlantico has come to stay; yet nos morely to stay, but to LIVE! We make bold to say this, for the doctor would be indeed obtuse who though he correctly diagnoses the pa.
tient ill do not prescribe the remedy. The management of the Voz del Atlantico has dispassionately thought out all this all that ails sick the body (literary and otherwise) and propose to prescribe the remedy. Mostly always the name of a newspaper declares its policy, or its purpose. Taking this into account it was thought best to so name the present paper as to leave no doubt in anyone mind as to what it is all about. Literally, Voz del Atlantico means, Voice of the Atlantic, e. the crying voice (needs of the peoples of the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica.
To facilitate the making known of these needs this organ is launched; to interprit them, to assist in its official capacity to present them in the forum the judicatories of justice we dedicate ourselves.
The most pressing need of the moment concerns the masses whom we vow to serve at all times, and at all cost.
Por We are entirely dedicated to the cry (hire) of the labour.
er who has reaped down your (the) fields. We propose to ever knock at the door of the powers that be, yea even to hammer bang! until we get a hearing. No lonnuestra ger must it be said that there is no adequate voice to protest the injusticies to the working man among us. The sorry pass salud!
to which our staple industry (the banana industry) has coR. LEPIZ. me must be righted. We aim for the payment of a living wa.
ge to all and sundry, to a realization of our purpose we ask the cooperation of all. It should ever be understood that the Voz del Atlantico is the impartial medium of expression.
It should ever be understood that we do not cater to a class til finally it is shelved or buried in the limbo of forgetfulor the favoured class, but that we serve the masses. The ness. We think we have made it plain in our editorial leader pages of this paper are ever open to the suggestions by any that we are out to serve. We therein also stated, that the By Roden one of means and ways for the betterment of the masses ppaer is yours your official organ, and asked your coo.
It must be understood that the paper is yours your of peration etc. Now therefore we ask another sort of coope. Hail Columbia! Morning star, Yea an hungry wretch may feast ficial organ, hence that perfectly good plan of yours for fin ration. We ask that you be on the alert for news events or Beaming on a world afar; On a crumb, though it be least.
nancial and social betterment must not be cooped. Bring it happenings as come your way aud rush same to the Voz Now thy dayspring hour is past, out in the open! Unravel it! It is a good thing? Very well, del Atlantico Limon. Each news item must be well subs. To the world give what thou hast! There a world prone at thy feet, we need all good things withing these pages let it be distantiated and must be accompanied with the name and adAsh can scarce be fit or meet cussed in the forum of public opinion.
dress of the sender. In passing we beg to say that the price Give of Lib ty freeing power! For an hungry world sad need of the Voz del Atlantico is 15 cents per copy, or 50 cents To redeem us in this hour; Give the needy world some mear!
SUPPORT THE GOOD CAUSE per month. For advertising and other rates (of birth deaths, And majestic, in thy might, marriages etc. write to the Voz del Atlantico Limon.
Shed upon the world thy light!
Hai Columbia! Morning star, We need your cooperation, we need your help. Wont Beaming on a world afar; vou help us? Wont you the individual be a link of the strong Slaves are thankful e en for crumbs Now thy ppointed hour has come, chain we hope to forge? God helps those who help themFrom an heaping board it comes; To the world give! Give! Thou hast.
selves. surely we need His help, then let get busy for our own welfare. In the United States of America they do things on a big scale; tire present incumbent of the highest office of that proud land Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has set an example to the world of the value of united effort in THE JOKE CORNER the famous National Industries Recovery which he SABADO LAS Y Estreno. Aventuras Police. Come along, not sponsors, surely we may take a leaf from the colossal effort Lane Chandler y Frankie Darro en Sergeant Rooney noticed that quietly, which bids fair to be all suocessful. There are no barriers or it will be the worse for one of the squad had neglected to you.
set on our doing so, no patents to infringe on, no copyEL CICLON DEL OESTE wash the back of his neck. Hi, Toole. OP 11 not. The rights to abuse. Let get together! local cannot you! he called to the culprit. magistrate told me last time niver be amiss. The moment in undoubtedly the appriorate time to SATURDAY AT AND Right about face, and look at to be brought before him again declare in unmistakable language ahat the Voz del AtlanCHEYONNE CYCLONE yourself!
an. begorra, m going to obey hi tico is synonymous with clean journalism. We play no instructions.
party politics. We do not approve of mud slinging. We will Prices: 25. 150. 10C pompus physican, was in not lend ourselves to the abuse of anyone. Our attitude is DOMINGO 15 DE JULIO clined to criticize others watching gentleman once asked a bo friendly and we hope to ever maintain it. We are not a catchA las P. Gran triunfo a stone mason build a fence for where he was born, In Ireland, penny publication. We are not yellow.
Wheleer y Woolsey en his neighbor, and thought the ma said the boy.
We are above board. The aggregate it that of the planks son was using too much mortar. What part?
HIPS. HIPS. HOORAY He said: Jim, mortar covers up a of our journalistic platform, after this manner we serve. Why, all of me! was th and hope to serve.
good many mistakes, does it not? reply.
AT P. Yes, doctor, replied the maNOCHE LAS Y son, and so does the spade. An Irish lad, complaining of the HELPS US TO HELP YOU Greta Garbo y John Gilbert en harsh behavior of his father, de LA REINA CRISTINA Iady. Can you cook on the clared that he treated him as if good newspaper should fullfil in the most literal emergency?
de was his son by another fat manner the cause of its existance. We take it that the pri.
New Servant. No, mum, but and mother.
mary cause of a newspaper existance is to disseminate the Greta Garbo, again in the screen can cook on a gas stove.
news, to this end it should be an apt gatherer of the news. Wanted.
QUEEN CHRISTINA gentlemen News is fodder on which a newspaper thrives or even Landlord (pointing to fiddler, undertake the sale of a patent with John Gilbert lives. It may even be regarded as tools, and just as dull tools who is playing outside his door. medicine.
The advertiser guaran will kill a job, half baked news may even kill a news.
Prices: 50 30 15 What is he playing, Pat? tees it will be profitable to the Pat. Begorra, sir, think he undertaker. Ad in an Irish paper, e. render it dull and uninteresting, tiresome, unis playing a fiddle.
newspaper. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. 2 3 TEATRO ARRASTY Smile, and the World Smiles With You to


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