
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA bado 21 de Julio de 1934.
Sáb RODEN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Bux 8 LIMON Price 15 per copy EDITOR ENGLISH SECTION Jtopia by Way of the Menace. We realize that there is a sinister something abroad, perlaps PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF the very thing what incited and gripped the world in the Let the Red Spider enjoy his Elysian, and unntil his orgies of the hellish World ar Wof 1934 18. And we reaPL The dream of Utopia of the perfect state has ever lize too that the Great Onlooker has so arranged nthat in draught proves afficacious for his ills, let Him alone! Not until the political bourgeois deliver the goods should he vi lectored mankin, throughout man long passage down the strictly mundane affairs man may even redeem himself.
until then, let him heal himself.
diges, serving his sentence even to death, a convict in the Who of us that cannot learn of the past? Who be he. be taken into account great prison camp of a vexed world from Eden, to the Greece was superceeded by Rome, and the breaking up of He profess to have a good thing, yet he arects stockades, present day ever since he lost that perfect state anl for him the Roman empire gave us the nations of Europe (we are and blinds against the eyes of the world and institute cen.
Utopia. Well, maybe with a grain (a full the glory had deperted (Ichabod) he has wished for, not here concerned with a nomenclature, numbers, or chan sorships longed for the restoration of this pristine heritage. From the ged frontiers. We pass oil to an ambitious Alaric Genseric scruple) of salt.
BEWARE OF CREEKS depths of the heart and soul the murmur comes, and his Attila of hun fame, who boasted that the grass never grow yearn rises. It comes echoing, booming in our time, it see where his horse feet trod. to Genghis Kan, to Napo Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. The classic advice thes.
leon, to the last of the Hohenzollerns. all of whom is most timely and apt, beware of the specious gifts of Al ages has its visionaries, its prophets, its seers, and stood for power or world subjugation, what of their efforts, the them! It is well to observe that the ringing admonition in the Sixteenth Century Sir Thomas Moore rose to intri their gain? They crossed manw frontiers tie true, but every was not against the Greeks as Greeks, but most likely it gue an impassioned world with his inmortal work, Uto one of them was turned back at the frontier of destiny was against the subtle doctrine of Platonism which was pia. The great Romancer conceived an island Paradise and was later swallowed up in oblivion. Will Leninism en once rife. The zealous armentatively disposed Greek was with a perfect social and political system, the island is go dure, Stalinism? Is it worthwhile fighting for, dying for? an astute cajoler a diplomat who would fawn on you. He rerned by popular election, has community of goods and Has empires who had their beginings in comparative righ would shower you with gifts preparatory to selling his ealth, meals in common; monogamy, religious freedmon teo usness endured? States like Greece and Rome that ares his doctrine. it is a good thing you should ha.
ith the use of money forbiden a perfect state. Uto were comparative commonwealths did they endure? What ve it. See said the Greek, what is has done for us. We pia indeed. If a man its hungry it is reprehensible to taunt rational man would worship in the temple of they who are are the world intellectual leaders, we are luminaries, cohim with food, if he is thirsty it whets his thirst to see a quilty of either matricide of patricide, the hands of the me into our camp! It the warning was intended to warn purling stream; and if these, food and water be encompas. High Priests of the Bolshevik cult are redder than those some weak kneed christian against the subservioeness of sed with the stoutest redouble he is going to try to get them. of a Shakespeare an ady Macbeth. Can a fountain bring the Greek ism it could not be stronger, nor more apr; When the intellectual Sir Thomas descovered his Can forth sweet water and bitter water? Do men praise God for the careful one knowing the irreconcilableness of Ch.
nan its delination but whetted the hunger of men, for what and curse Him in the same breath? We should look to the ristianity and the Platonic philosophy, would shout the should have been a feast, was an empty board, the wine end of a matter, for consider, if a World War. and vigorous warning. Beware of Greeks!
was vinegar, the whole savored of dead fruits. Where the the aftermath of a World War can bring so much suf Cool headed and dispassionate thinkers the world dreanier dreamed and passed on the would be realist. his fering to mankind what dreadful choatic thing may not an over are by voice and pen chorusing a warning. Beware cousing german Karl Marx gave the world Socialism. But Itnernational. War be? When we have a vexing question of Communism! It offers you a good thing? What has alas for that seeming good thing! It fell on evil days, its it is well to dispassionately think it out, We should enver the good thing done for them? Investigate Communism, theories have proven impotent to heal, there is no health accept a doctrine fanatically, we may rue our hastiness study it, search it out! Then if YOU, THE INDIVIDUAL in it. Every practical trial of the thing has failed. Perhaps Some (the cynic) will say patriotism is outmooded. but see fit to serve under the banner of the sickle hammer and the two most outstanding trials of Socialism were those of who would have this fair land given to the sword. Glib star, by all means do so, go ahead! We would not have any New Australia in Paraguay, and at St. Etienne. The for tongue fanatics may promise Heaven but it may crop up objection to YOU (though we may pity you) for we are not er was such as to cause the British foreign Office to sit to be Hell.
bigots, we are not dictators, nor yet tyrants.
up and take notice, nevertheless they finally reported that e the ideal of the El Dorado, was not realized. From the Magna Charta to Appomattox is a far cry. 652 years! Yet there was no moment of that 652 years in which the race ceased or hesitated in its resolute and unflinching battle for the equality o fall men before the law. It was yet more years to the World War, to the appalling regicidal murders and overthrow of the Romanoff denisty and the glorificaCon of Menshisheveki, Boloheveki, and the ultimate enthroiement of Communism. ocialism in the parent of Com.
nunism, but how unlike its peaceful order lovind parent it s! for wherein Socialism abhored blood letting and lawlessness, the bloody jowled wolfkin glories in the homici.
dal hecatomb and is not ashamed. No! He is frenzied with his fratcidal extravagancies and proceed to unwaranted lengths; he is even antagonistic, to his sire, and because of irreconcilable doctrines. When we say that such a hybrid (Communism) was sired by the pacific orderly doctrine of Karl Marx, we mean that the Utopianisim of that great man aroused unfulfilled desires in the heart of men just as did the dream of Sir Thomas Moore. a dream of which Mar.
xian Socialism is kin. with this difference, man has long anno been badgered with the ignes fatui of ideal monarchism, ideal democratism, ideal republicanism, and was vexed and dissapointed with them all, and was willing to try something new, even a newfangled uncertain thing.
THE RED HEROES Producto Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky. Their names might well be written in blood. a sea of blood. What horrors might not Traube be conjured up at the very mentioned of the sanguinary immortals! What crimes may not be laid ah their door! To create an Industrial Proletariat they tell us, the end does Without work comes soft, easy not justify the means. we rotort. We admit is is a short living and decay. We are no longer Costa Rica Soda zoad to power. a semblance of power. for unless the alert, eager, enthusiastic, but pas Russian people are made of other dust than are the rest of sive, sedentry, and satisfied. The Water Factory humanity, they will continue like dumb beasts to be gre.
very first thing to do if you have gareously penned and burdened. writer in the Saturday Importer of merchandise in general and not already done so, is LIMON Evening Post has this to say on the point. If history has a any meaning, there is the.
desperately in love with work For certainty that in time penCOCOA. EXPORTER work, contrary to the all too pre Fábrica de Hielo ple will want their freedmon back, and there is at least the Consult my especial prices which in all cases will be the velent idea, is not man punishprobablity that to get it back they will have to fight for it.
best in the market.
ment, but his reward, his glory, We deplore the infectiousness of Communism, it spreads y Refrescos and his pleasure. Only through with conflagatory rapidity. The impassioned youths who work do we come into satisfying Florida Ice and hold forth in Hyde Park, England, their bretheren on soap. be more boxes in metropolitan New York, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, or less succesful at amusing our or even our own beloved Costa Rica are all more or less selves for a time with incidental Farm Co.
affected with the soul and freedom destroying virus as are time killers, but the happy, healththe most rabid hell spitting Red veteran. just give the his ful person is the person who has LA FLORIDA disease time to run its course, then watch results!
What we use grows! Muscles the beauty which he feels in exercised consistently grow strong. soul. Every worthy achievement asential, necessary, productive, Fábrica de Hielo ATILLA ALARIC, GENSERIC er and more capable; talents used is the result of joyous labour, whet creative work to do, and if cannot stream cannot rise higher than its cource, Commu skills; minds used develop expand and unfold into productive her it be a magnificenc prelude, find it he makes it. Roseevelt in Venta de Leche nism was begotten of intringue in a bed of a craftiness, and velously; emotions; used return to chair. a building, a mar a colourful canvas, a well wrought his characteristically vigorous fasmachine, aſhion declared: The happiest man was cradled in the a of robbery rapine, and murder. How y Maderas us ten fold.
character everything that we is he who has toiled hard and sucthe heretofore footpads of the Czars is able to foist their abomination on the rest of humanity is truly one of the tual labour. When we serve, we skilful baskes, an attractive dress, work may be done in a thousand doing that is all we have a right Service to others is social spiri achieve is the result of work. Acessfully in his life work. The wonders of the World Show. Zealous and proselyting mis are at our best. Work is man sal. an appetizing meal, a book, a gar different ways with brain or hands, to ask. And Carlyle said: Bles sionaries preaching the Red gospel have encompassed the vation, for through it he finds den, a worthy thought. all are in the study, the field, or the sed is the that has found his work earth, and converts are hourly made. There is an apparant self expression in a thousand ways. product of work. Nothing just workshop. If it is honest work, Let him ask no other blessedness.
phantasmagoria about the thing, only God it is too true! He creates into innumerable forms happens.
honestly done, and well worth the (From reat Thoughts. Pida Siempre MALTA (CON ELABURADA TOE BOHEMIA Atlas ATLAT La Cerveza Mundo Elegante Allan Sime to fall!
Work and Service Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismEnglandLeninLeninismMarxSocialismStalinStalinismTrotskyWorking ClassWorld War

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