
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sábado 21 de Julio de 1934.
Shado Ayudamos Help Us!
News of the World Méndez on his Venta permanente de LOTERIA NACIONAL Nostalgia man take it Tom over Cooperation is the backbone of knew what he was talking about, BRITAIN TO DOUBLE AIR BERMUDA ASKING CANADA FLEET business, it is the string to for in his line of business and GREATER PROTECTION Establecido hace más de 30 años which harmonious business is at whilst he kept his head and his tuned, it is a muraille redoubt, a forces organized he consistently London: The Marquess of Lon Montreal: Greater protection Cambio de Moneda rampart which gives the ampliest inflicted defeat enemies. donderry Secretary of Estate for for Bermudian vegetables entering protection to they who being bus. The little corporal is even re. Air, announced in the House of Canada will be asked the Canadian iness wise sceks its embattlements; ported as saying, swear by Lords to night that the British Government by a delegation of the in sdort, it is the practical manifes myself. Because of the utterance Government had abandoned all island officials arriving here tatoin of the maxim which says in many are inclined to censure him hope of any disarmament con today.
unity is trength. Cooperation for as being overbearing and proud, ventions being concluded at Geneva business or for any other line of (forgetting he was human and and that therefore the Cabinet had FRENCH HOPE SHAKEN endeavour might well be regarded had to do or say something wrong decided to proceed immediately to as a composite brain. even as a lif indeed he was wrong in this build an air force adequate for the Paris: France hope of inducBy RODEN composite genius, and it is well We do not censure him, for we defense of British shores. Plans ing Great Britain promise for Magic in the name of home, Then my heart is hurt greatest to remember that no one that the objetionable for this rearmament he said, al quick armed aid in case of foreign Power in its spell; Longing for my home.
knows it all. miyself of the famous phrase ready were under way.
attacks was seriously shaken to How miss my native land, reffered to the organization he reday by purported revelations in the alone can tell.
Living tis in durance vile, You might bring to the organi presented. To us his attitude is an HITLER SEEKS ADVICE Daily Herald of a full fledged Living in a foreign clime; zation your native intuition for example of what an organization Anglo French military alliance sup Mornings am restless, Priceless friends love may profitable buying (buying low) does to a man. it inspires him Berlin: new crisis in the Nazi posedly being. prepared by the Noonday am sad, may be mine and advantageous selling (selling with confidence. so he may even Government last night sent Adolph British Cabinet O, want my native land!
Yet for home pine.
high) and might bring it my go on from victory to victory. The Hitler in an aeroplane to the side Nough to drive me mad! powers of making friendly con gods too it seem intend the thing of President Von Hindenburg, the ROYAL FAMILY MOURNS Longing for my native land, tacts for said buying and selling to be so, as can be gathered from one man credited able to do what Pining for its heath and strand; there and Dick and the fable of Hercules and the car. pleases Germany, using the army. The Hague, Netherlands: The Night time when the shadows Only God doch understand, Harry may contribute what of the ter. If we regard the carter as an The Chancellor dashed from a Dutch royal family is again plung Fall about my world, God alone may break my bonds.
penchat for organization, adminis. organization, we see that equipped cabinet meeting to the airport aftered into mourning, by the death on tration, and other business requisite organization slobbering in the mud, a carefully planned scheme to July 3rd of Prince Henry (Prince Tit Bits of the News they have.
praying the god for help (must remove Franz Von Papen fell Consort. have had a fungus growth where through during the daylong Ca As a result of Mr. Car CULTIVATE SOYA BEANS?
Napoleon it was who said God brain ought to be anyway. Thabinet session. Everybody expected few months before Holland gill recent visit to England, Ja. few Jamaica planters are in is on the side of the strongest ba. rebuke of the god was a timely his removal, but finally the propa mourned the passing of the Queen maica banana planters may shortly teresting themselves in the cultivat tallion. That man of battles lestoppel for his half witted gabble. ganda spokeman stated that it Mother (Queen Emma) Prince have the benefit of insurance pro ing of soya beans (foremost is Mr. may in fact never become a fact. Henry died at the age of 58 years: Dection against hurricane damage, Nunes) Secretary of Agri through a policy with Lloyds, the culture Mr. Glaister Baxter says wellknown underwriters. can be profitable, but warns against excessive optimism.
MR. GARVEY ASKED TO STAY NEW ZEALAND TO BUY Cirujano Dentista At a meeting of the citizens and MORE JA. ORANGES The city of Madrid has cons for the development of its sulphur SAN JOSE taxpayers of the Corporate Area With a much better knowledge tructed 702 apartments and cot deposits and the expansion of the a resolution asking Mr. Garvey to of existing conditions in the citrus tages capable of housing 3, 500 manufacture of glass, bottles, Oficina: Clínica del Dr. Facio reconsider his decision to leave the business in Jamaica gained during Persons to take the place of houses cotton textiles and paper.
Teléfonos: Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 island was unanimously adopted. my visit, feel that New Zealand demolished for hygienic reasons. deputation from the meeting will be able to buy larger quantiThe mayor of a Brazilian city is Apartado 1252 was appointed to wait on Mr. ties of your oranges this season.
Operated by compressed air, a paying a cash bounty for red ants (Councillor) Garvey and acquaint So said Mr. MacFarlane, trigger gun for garages has been killed in his municipality.
him of the desire of the meeting. Managing director of MacF invented that can clean batteries, An English inventor automolane and Company) in an draw out dirt and moisture and bile bumper shaped like a seat and JA. BANANA ASSCN. view given to a reporter of the Ja.
blow out gas lines and radiators. padded with sponge rubber is as TENNIS CRICKET POLO huge total against Australia in the AND DIGIORGIO CORP IN maica Daily Gleaner.
serted to pick up uninjured and RACING third Test. it was a great day for TIFF carry along a person who may be Jamaica as through The big fruit company is mak ENGINEERS FOR WATER Mixed with sand and cement struck.
Dorothy Round (England) de that Donald Leahong and Harry ing claim against the Jamaica SEWERAGE BOARD and applied cold, a material has feats Helen Jacobs (U. winn Dayes had fought their way into the concern which runs into six figu. ARRIVE JA. JULY been invented for resurfacing worn Experts of the Coast and ing women singles title, at Wimb final of the Men Doubles, and res. for loss suffered by them Messers Guy Humphreys, floors, clinging to wood, brick, Geodetic Survey have constructed ledon England.
Dayes to the final of the Mixed in as result of a faulty apportioning Consulting engineer, Donconcrete, asphalt or composition. the worlds portable device to meastheir first tournament in Canada. of the expenses of the joint activi nell Peet. Chiefengineer and ure changes in the force of gravity ties of the concerns in the banana Fraser asst. engineer water Direct passenger airplane ser. at different places. St. Scotter writing in the trade.
vice has been established in China Gleaner of July 9th, says it was The news that Jamaica repres beteween Canton and Peiping, Ger German builders have develop a great day for the Old Country entatives for the Empire Olympics man planes covering the 200 ed a two ton truck powered with as Dorothy Round stroked her way in England has sailed is prefaced AMERICAN BAR kilometers in two days.
afout cylinder 55 horse power to victory for the women title at in the Gleaner this way: Fit as Diesel engine to avoid the high Wimbledon; and Patsy Hendren paint and full of hope, three of Fine Liquors Steps has been taken in Turkey fuel cost of gasoline trucks. and Maurice Leyland piled up a Jamaica representatives to the Tuborg Beer on Draught Empire Olympics sailed for En.
Specializing in Ice Cream gland in the Jamaica Merchant on Saturday afternoon. They are BEAVERS Miss Nina Morales, Mr. Proprietor Jones and Mr. McKenzie.
Limón, Costa Rica.
Their Manager, Mr. Foster, himself a former sprinting cham pion, also sailed.
Scientific News Notes Dr. Carlos MI. Fernández Sport internews came and et 基本 AEROVIAS NACIONALES Cigarrería Víctor EMPRESA DE ROMAN MACAYA to SERVICIO AEREO DE PASAJEROS CARGA LOS SIGUIENTES LUGARES: LUNES: San Ramón y Villa Quesada.
MARTES: San Isidro del General, Buenos Aires y el Pozo.
JUEVES: Puntarenas y Guacanaste.
SABADO: Puerto Limón y Sixaola.
DOMINGO: Puntarenas y Guanacaste.
POLO. EXCITING LIMON CHUKKAS Depósito de las mejores marcas de Cigarrillos, Puros y Tabac keenly. contested polo match Revistas, Chiclets, Confites Repuestos para Victrol was witnessed at Longhill on Tues Depósito de la Industrial Soap Co.
day afternoon, when the Pirates Tabones Palmera, Sao Luis y Lavandera met Los Caballeros in the first AGENCIAS COMISIONES round of the Marescaux Cup. The Caballeros had a start of six goals Félix del Barco as a handicap, and managed add four more in the course of the TRINIDAD OLYMPIC footed in the one. mile threemile game, making a total of ten. The RUNNER TO RUN and six mile event, but will use the Pirates scored six goals, and thus BAREFOOTED regular running shoes with a few with their handicap the Caballeros short steel spikes in the Marathon were winners by 10 goals to six. Trinidad: The Trinidad Guar event.
dian says: Mannie Albert Dookie, RACING the Trinidad and West Indies ERRATA champion long distance runner, We beg to express regret to our Caymanas out of Eagle Eyrie who will represent Trinidad at the readers for the many typographical and sired by Papyrus a Derby win Empire Games to be held in Lon and other errors, as appeared in ner, won the Royal Hunt Cup for don next month will race barefoot our first issue. It is realy unavoid.
his owner Mr. Crum Ewing, ed at White City Stadium, where able for the moment, being due to yealthy land owner of Jamaica. the Games will take place. Dookie our printers unfamiliarity with the The horse is named after Mr. who is being sent by the Guar English language. We assure them Crum Ewing estate in St. Cath dian has already started training however that as time pass and they erine Jamaica. He started at odds for his attempt to win internation become familiar with the work it of 50 He will run bare will be amended.
VIAJES EXPRESOS TODAS PARTES DE LA REPUBLICA Para más informes dirijase a nuestra oficina situada frente al Almacén Robert, Teléfono 4021. Apartado 793 Agente en Limón: ROBERTO JOHNSTON Viaje en BIMOTOR con toda seguridad y completo confort Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cuecognitioud Costa Rica.


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