
Sábado, 28 de julio de 1934.
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA A. RODEN Editor English Section The Voice of the Atlantic Published every Saturday Box 218. Limon Price: 0. 15 per copy Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone EMANCIPATION Our qui th ad do.
Austria Chancellor Assassinated News of Emancipation the freedom of the black rents to make straight paths for their feet. Our crying slaves had come, and talk of it was covertly whispered in need is for a better home life. There is in Limon an ele Engelbert Dollfuss, Chancellor It is presumed that the killing the Great Houses of the several plantations; slave owners ment of unwashed urchins who are a disgrace to any so of Austria, has been assassinated. was in retaliation for the execution grew Surly, they raved, threatened and stormed, but to ciety, they are an offence to the eye (even an olfactory of. The foul deed was committed by of the first victim to receive the no avail, the decree stood the slaves must be freed. What fence. they are the offscouring of society, its renegade Nazis on Wednesday last. Accord death penalty under the decreo are a few thousand miser pounds by way of compensa lotsom adn jetsom. In the name of decency, in the name ing to the reports received here, recently pla in force as a furt.
tion the disgrunted ones growled. We have the right of racial pride, we appeal to you. Before high Heaven we over 100 Nazis forcibly entered her attempt of the Chancellor to to own slaves if we can purchase them, the strong has ever appeal to you to remedy the appalling condition. Let Renais the Chancellory building and fa restrict Nazi activities.
ruled the weak. It was a bitter morsel for the landed gen sance in all walks of life be dated from the Centeanry. Would tally shot him in his office.
The funeral takes place today.
try, but as far a that was concerned, it was useless kicking it mean nothing to you who are parents if by any means They husbanded the news and vainly plugged the spigot our departed dead perceive our shame. would it mean of information, but by way of hearsay (information from nothing to you that their heads hang in shame?
the missionaries who had thundered against the nefarious non stop Dance traffic) the burdened, weary slaves learned the good news.
One can imagine how stunned those bondmen must have It will come as a surprise to the The Competition starts at 11 been when the bells that proclaimed liberty rung in the old readers of this paper, that such a lasting until A. giving town halls. Surely a man jaw dropped. He was stunned.
thing is to be attempted in Costa a total of hours straight dancing.
Rica affrighted, even afraid. For a long while he stands it has been in other big The winner will receive a Silver cities; We can fairly see readers Cup to be kept in her possession, aghast, scarce daring to think, hardly even able to do so, for his is a one track mind, a mind whose toroidal course sitting up to take notice and we and to be defended at anytime is set about the axis of work. Little by little, timely, very feel they will be anxiously await called upon to do so. In event of ing the outcome. It has always been retiring she shall name some other timely, an appreciation of his new state dawns on him. The in the mind of Mr. Drummond girl to defend the cup. The win.
process is slow, disrupting, somewhat confusing, but at (better known as Drummy. toner will also receive a purse of not length he finds himself for freedom is not alien to his naattempt big things, especially in less than 20. 00. Each competture; contrariwise, it is natural to him, for he is a MAN, a child of nature, whose ancestors were ever free men.
the line of Sport. Now he is to ing woman will send in a form This ancestral heritage soon comes to his aid for the give us a chance to see a non stop with an entrance fee of 1. 00 to dance.
somulent spirit of freedom (somulent because compelled the Secretary, Mr. Stanley Dixon.
to detour by the dictates of destiny) is soon rekindled.
The form must be in the secreta.
The event is to take place in later than Sept THE SLAVE FINDS HIMSELF lin Liberty Hall Limon, Sept 1934. Fy hand not 12th. The Voz del Atlantico will carry from time to time, the That the slave has found himself is beyond cavil.
results of the dances. Photographs What other erstwhile enslaved race has in so short a time of the Winners and associates, as be reached the heights he has reached. The Russian (white)
also that of the Orchestra will also serfs were freed before our American brothers, and the arm of appear in it. Altogether it is a test the world became open to them, what of their contribution of stamina and endurance, and to their race, to the world? Statistic show that the larger when we have staged the first percentage of them are yet illiterates, and are scarce mo.
dance we will fully well know of bed from their former condition of servitude. In our search what stuff boys and for the Gold in the races, these Russians are as good a di.
girls are made. We understand vining rod as any; and when with it we survey the field the Radio band is practicing te of the intellectual achievement of the Black race it dips put over an endurance playing test.
earthward, indicative of the find the Negro. We are priGo to it! Let see who will be the marily concerned with emancipation as it applies to the Bri.
first to establish an endurance tish West Indies, but our peregrination brings us in con.
record in Costa Rica.
tact with the achievement of the American Negro. His Ris emancipation (reckoning from Lincoln Emancipation Pro.
Centre Stump Gut clamation of Jan. 1836) has been but seventy one years ago, yet to what heights has he reached! He was first in the field of literature, for the first woman in the United States (black or white) to attain literary distinction and AMERICAN BAR or receive literary recognition was the negress Pyllis WheatFine Liquors ley. Just a few years ago there died the negro surgeon who was the first to make a sucessful operation on the hu.
Tuborg Beer on Draught pe man heart Specializing in Ice Cream The Negro potential greatness is manifest. His Hall BEAVERS of Fame is not dusky as the ignorant imagine; for consiProprieto der his achievements. In seventy one years he is well towards the top of the intellectual ladder. There is not a proLimón, Costa Rica.
fession in which the Negro is not represented, and not merely so, he has been master is many fields; text books on the sciences from his brain and pen have been acclaimed firmly believe that if the ma The Editor do and accepted by the most exclusive white institutions of nagement of the Voz del Atlan The Voz del Atlantico.
tico learning, Harvard and Yale are instances, find the remedy for the In Industry businnes as a whole, he hugs the rail, above, working with zeal to get Dear Sir: and all things considered he is not a length behind the their own press, holding the inJust a line of appreciation for ieaders. Educational plums, Rhodes Schorlarship and the terest of the public by giving them your effort and that of the facto like, are a mattar of course with him. He receives medals the best news etc. they will quiers of the Voz del Atlantico dal for this or the other with monotonous regularity, and ckly approach the time when suc. For some time wondered at the the end is not yet!
cess will crown their efforts.
lack of newspaper in This same Negro is courageous and dauntless on the In regard to you personally Mr.
ut field of battle as he in the field of life, for both Gordon Editor know you are a man with Limon, and hoped that the wan would be supplied. For a time and Hodge of the British West India Regiment were awar Importer of merchandise in general and outstanding willingness even had reason to believe it was filled eagerness ded the Victoria Cross, England highiest award for va.
to support up to but before one knew what wa COCOA EXPORTER lour. There too has been a Sir Conrad Reeves, negro Chief date journal. This you have from happening his hope drie up Justice of Barbados; the knighthood is now about the time to time demonstrated; wish Consult my special prices which in all cases will be the predecessor of the Voz del Atlas you success. brows of scores of negroes. Where will it end? The negro tivo died a sudden death. can best in the market.
is just getting into his stride, with superb jockeying, and not believe, rather fervently hop regardless of his handicap, he may yet pull a trick.
On my part will give poy val. the Voz del Atlantico is here it was On my part will give you stay, for one thing Sir, feel you whatever assistance can, however are the right man, in the right fathers and mothers of the younger generation for readsmall it be.
justment, and a better understanding in all phases of li.
The Editor; sum of money has to be paid for Please send me a copy of rather like your editorial fe. It is true a member of the family ought not to air the Dear Sir: printing the paper. Again it is valuable paper each week.
the first issue, endorsee affairs of the family, but the ghost is no longer in the cloPlease accept my thanks for the claimed the public is not a read remain Dear Sir word of it for it is too true Sir th set; it is without, and we deplore its evils. With this oppor copy of the Voz del Atlantico ing public. Some people they Yours for success we suffer very many fouls, idol tunity before us to cry aloud we would be recreant to appreciate it very much. It is the say, will read but once per week; sup it because of not having lie our trust if we forebear to do our duty.
opinion of many people, that an (on Sundays) even if they have John Samuel medium of experssion etc. etc.
We appeal to fathers and mothers to be emancipated English newspaper live the time to do so on other days.
With best wishes for your from the shackles of parental indifference. We appeal to long unless the owner or cess, owners (Many do not realize that unless Limon, 19th. July.
them to rouse themselves from the lethargic laxness which procure a press of their own one is well read he cannot be wel. sympathiser.
nshrouds them. We appeal to children to honour their pa due to the fact that an appreciable informed. Limon, July 21st.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
vac unde Allan Sime a an an oni op znent we feel! We appeal to the older generation, to the APPRECIATIONS your cannot


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