
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sábado, 28 de julio de 1934.
Earthquake Shocks no tato.
led a new HEALTH SIQUIRRES HOTEL By Hygeia peelings are known to passes very COSTA RICA valuable mineral salts which the Reports to hand are that the Water was pitching from the Co dock at Puerto Armuelles tank he relates, and the wires The ordinary methods of pre body cannot do without, and if a El pasajero de Limón a San José se detiene en Siquirres 20 is damaged, and that there has were a blaze. When later threw paring food are such as to waste person lives on potatoes alone, minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar cómodamente.
been the loss of six lives. Three in the switch to start her (the the most important elements of which are peeled before they are Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea atendido a la llegada.
banana carriers are reported sub pump) sho would nt budge, had same.
The average housewife, boiled, that person will become ill, El precio es 50. El Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Es.
to send for the wire boys to straig shrows away the valuable mineral this way the nourishment is kept which are extracted from within the potato. Then, again, it tación. Cantina, Cigarros y Cigarrillos. Se habla inglés, español, salts hten her our. she running francés y alemán.
Several distinct shocks were felt now. he wound up.
the vegetables in process of cook is best they be steamed in order to KISSLING Administrador ing here during the greater part of the maximum nourish. and pours them down the maintain last week, and on Monday at THE EARTHQUAKE LANE drain with the water, which she be ment. a slight shock was felt. The Russian professor has stated lieves to be useless. As a matter of People spoil vegetables when mak Items of interest to ing salad by adding condiments shock on the night of Friday 20th that a definite northward move of fact, she would be far wiser last pocasioned some alarm among the earth crust is developing, throw away the tissue which is left and salad dressing.
On the 100th birthday of Mrs. ment is under pledge to do the people of Limon; Mr. bringing Africa nearer to Europe and drink the water in which they need worry about, and that is of Wight, The first to congratulate in the form of the solid vegetables The only dressing that you Sarah Ann Loney of Ryde, Isle of propagandizing.
Samuel, pump man on the Camp and Asia, while other eminent For the first time in the recolOne road, had the unique exper scientists are anticipating a disas and his illness will disappear if he any real help, is fruit. If you put her was her sister, Miss Louisa lection of the oldest inhabitants ience of having his quake accom trous earthquake near the fault given peelings and prevented vinegar on a salad, it simply prev Ann Tarver aged 101.
panied with flashes of light, ob line, which runs from San Fran from eating the inside of the potents the digestion of the vegetables snow recently fell in North Africa servation showed that the swaying cisco across Europe and Asia, and of that salad; and, by the way, Los Angeles. The death of an eighteen inches deep on level land.
high tensioned electric wires con Japan (Courtesy of the West Again, it is necessary to boil po never put potatoes in a salad and unidentified man on funeral pyre The snow caused the most reverentacted and caused the flashes. Minster Gazette)
tatoes in their jackets, ber Salon videcar with those patates, in lonely Arroyo Seco in the tial reactions, many of the natives Northern part of the city remain prostrating themselves in There was the some improvement to We culled the foregoing from have been boiled.
Most food preparation mystery this early on the morning of Saa 1927 magazine; subsequent happas police con fleecy drifts.
turday, 28th, when there was a lenings prove that the prophecy is nued their investigation. Tied to seem to involve this throwi a stake near the pyre was a silver book has just been issued in real blaze. This time Mr. Samuel, more than justified, as witness the of the most useful clemer in company with several banana catastrophic earthquakes of Japan toes are usually peeled; crucifix, and around the neck a Germany entitled God songs for cord from which a catholic scapu. German people. It is a men, observed the spectacle at and India. The Indian Earthquake Prohibition close quarter, being up to Lar medal had been suspended. edition of the Psalms of David start is considered the worst in history.
Added to these bits of evidences, purged of all its Hebrew contents his machinery going for the day. IEd Note.
According to the Provie police Chemist Ray Pinke obtain with Teutonic references substitut Colombia President Elect on visit here Secretary of War. prohibie an executive order issued ed ashes from the scene in an (ed.
effort to establish if the fire was officially lifted in the Can accidental or whether it was atartDuring the last few days Costa tives, the Colombian reception Dr. Butler of Columbia Uni Rica has had the pleasure of enter committee and a large number of on the 20th. instant to th ed by the man with suicidal intentversity, on his recent return from raining Colombia President elect, the capital prominent citizens.
or by a murderer. Flames from the a European trip, asserted that Dr. Alfonso Lopez, his wife and desolated spot, attracted radio the destruction of the freedom of President Jimenez entertained daughter.
his distinguished guests at a state patrolmen to the desolated Arroyo the pret is the most sinister sign In the forenoon of Tuesday last, dinner in the National Theatre and the pyre, but too late to save in the wo today.
the distinguished party arrived by the same night.
the life of the man, who was burnplane from Managua on their lafe cd beyond recognition.
We are told that just inside the way south. They were received by Peace Palace erected at Geneva, the country offical representa 17 Georgetown The broadthe words Peace and Safety are casting station to be run by a local inscribed: a solemn reminder to company goes on the air soon. The the student of the Bible of the negatiations with the Government LIMO are reported far advanced. British Apostle warning in Thess 5:3. For when they shall say, Peace Guiana stateowned broadcasting and Safety; then sudden destruc Depósito de las mejores marcas station was closed down three Revistas, Chiclets, Contites ition cometh upon them, as travail years ago as an economy measure.
Depósito de la Industri The company hopes to be ready in upon a woman with child; and Tabones Palmera, time to broadcast part of the trian. they shall not escape.
AGENCIAS C gular inter Colonial cricket tournament between Barbados, Trinidad London. Sir John Simon, the Fél and British Guiana in Septem Foreign Secretary discussing the ber.
recent Anglo French conversations told the House of Commons that Comm Great Britain made no secret alliThe Editor influencing the reader for either The first vessel to enter the portance with any power. He made it Voz del Atlantico.
good or bad. Since your purpose Eastern European of New York bearing the banner clear that an At the Methodist Chu Dear Sir: is the former warmly commend Sunday night was held and sickle ensign of the Union of security pact, the goal of France, understand that your venture your efforts and trust that there pressive service. Mr. Ter Soviet Socialist Republics recently must not be used as an instrument in starting a new paper, Voz del will be a wide circulation for your Hine should have prea docked in the big city. signifi. against any country such as GerAtlantico, has behind it the intenpaper.
trial sermon at the morr cant part of its furnishings are a many.
ion of the Service of the people. Yours sincerely, statue of Karl Marx and a banner ice, but was hindered by In these modern days the power Clifford Rider The Pastor, the Rev inscribed with the device, Ahead Windhoek. South. West Afri to World Revolution. It will be of the press is very great and there Parish priest. Berry was the preacher ca. Local authorities have declared wonderful opportunities of Marks Rectory. July 20th.
recalled that the Russian govern the South. West Africa Hitler P. service when nin Youth movement illegal and or.
Costa Rica Soda dered the leader, Capt Von LosDitzer to leave the country. F. Rub Cigarrer a are Water Factory DO PU maces PO je de 59 el ra Si Germany: The stench of sizzl.
USTED es casado, le aconsejamos LIMON ing human flesh filled the furof German un seguro ordinario de vida, porque crematoriums Fábrica de Hielo recently as they worked over con un pequeño desembolso puede on the bullet riddled remainsmen people will be ad y Refrescos and women who died a fortnight obtener una protección adecuada para su familia.
Wednesday, Aug 1st: Centenary previously in Adolf Hitler blood Emancipation Services.
11 Mr. Thompson; Florida Ice and purge. P. Rev. Berry.
No respect was paid to the fact that cremation is against Catholic Representatives from several chur Farm Co.
tenets. Into the flames despite the USTED es soltero, le aconsejamos ches on the lines will be in attendance protests of grieving relatives, went LA FLORIDA at these services, all are the corpse of Dr. Erich Klausener, un seguro dotal para ser cobrado asked to attend.
Fábrica de Hielo beloved leader of the Fatherland por usted mismo en su vejez.
BAPTIST CHURCH Catholic Action Society. What Dr.
Sunday, July 29th: The follow Venta de Leche Klausener had done to deserve death ing preachers will take the services the State had not officially said, At 11 Mr. John Clarke. y Maderas merely classed him with other P. The Pastor.
Tuesday 31st. At P. August Eve. Centenary Meeting in which Ministers and Representatives are expected to take part.
THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION ALMACEN, MERCADERIA EN GENERAL San José Limón Mark Parish Church: Zapatería y materiales para el oficio. Pinotea.
Sunday, July 29th, Trinity a. Martins of the Sunday Maderas del País, Zinc, Pinturas y toda clase de TIT pm. Catechism.
Materiales de construcción p. Evensong.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica en ch ta ab un ni ta ras aho Avelino de la Peña Cía. Sucs.


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