
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sábado, de Agosto de 1934.
EDITORIAL The Banana Question Some Opinions The Opening of the Cahuita Region THE BANANA QUESTION an more tel Dow lit р ti The contracts seem Getting an Eyeful B Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina de The opinions of many of Li will be a new fountain of riches Of the many proposals which cocoa and other minor products.
mon prominent citizens, for the whole province of Limon. have been moored for the purpose Now, however, that there is every professional and business men may Padre Francisco Acosta, Actg. of relieving our economic depres possibility of the long pending de Every other person for that matter, is, at present dis be summed up with the apt truism Vicar Apostolic of Limon. sion, the one under way banana question being settled it is cussing the likely outcome of the banana crux which con Better a bad settlement than a The new arrangement propos should, we think, afford the best pleasing to note that Cahuita is tinues to occupy the attention of the National Congress good quarrel. The following are ed by the Executive by measures possible results. We refer to the to be given the opportunity, in Speculation is rife, yet all are hoping that out of the many but a few of their expressions: of his dynamic Minister of Fo scheme for the opening up of the common with other zones, to share deliberations will emerge such action as will ultimately re The transaction constitutes a mento, Lic. Leon Cortes, and Cahuita region and the establish in the resultant benefits.
deem our downtrodden banana industry, and incidentally triumph for the government and accepted by the United Fruit Co. ment of a new banana zone in this Messrs. Findlay and Galbraith el release the country from the clutches of the industrial stag the country. Sr. don Filadelfo seem to me to be of great advant section of our province. of the Penshurst Banana Company nation and incertitude under which it has been existing Granados, Governor of the Prov. age to the country, and very spe It is a long acknowledged fact are extending their tramway to for some time.
cially to the province of Limon. that most of the lands in this re within, we understand, a mile of It is the consensus of opinion that, as matters, are, The banana contract pending Sr. don Ricardo Gutierrez, Admor. gion are pre eminently adapted for Old Harbour. thus traversing the the various proposals are as good as can be desired; and discussion in Congress? Do you Virginia and Thagor Farms. the cultivation of our country greater part of the region. The It is precis the wish is that the matter may be concluded as early as wish my opinion?
excellent principal product, but have had to length of the line, when completed may be possible.
ely what is desired by the people to me. Sr. don Carlos Kirkpa emain idle for lack of transpor. will be about sixteen miles with its The President of the Republic, Lic. don Ricardo Ji. lof Limon. The undertaking is, in trick, Pharmacist.
ation facilities. Time and again terminal as at present at the Pernsmenez Oreamuno, aptly sums it up thus: For the mo. my opinion, the Happy Medium quick arrangement with the ave the inhabitants endeavoured hurst platform on the Estrella ment we are able to say we have obtianed what is desira. Sr. don Frank Maduro, Manager Banana Company is considered in remedy this disability but with branch of the railway.
ble, therefore we have abandoned the idea if judicial proLimon Trading Company.
remain dispensable and better than a long ut success, and had to Planting operations have already ceedings. Lawsuits are uncertain. We may win or we may am entirely with the banana drawn out dispute. Mr. intent with the precarious results commenced and cover an area of Stainable from the cultivation of more than one thousand hectareas lose. In the meantime, whether we should win or lose, we planters contracts, and think they Jones.
are losing time, for the province of Limon needs the urgent attention of the country because, of the evils of the ori.
sis and the staadstill of (business) activities, it is being ruined more and more each day. Above all else, the governWe beg to call your attention to our remark ment desires the rebirth of Limon and that the Company at the back of receipt which reads: should better labour conditions, where it is compatible, with justice and in accordance with our wishes.
This bill must be paid at our The President attitude is certainly concilliatory and laudably pacific, but, as is natural, there are those who hold office before the 15th of the month opposite views and, in all sincerity vigorously defend them. We quote from a recent statement of Lic. don Victor Be so good as to comply with this request Guardia; and his affirmation may not be lightly set aside 11 for ti must be regarded as the serious and thoughtful exand do not oblige us to suspend our service, pression of a courageous citizen. He says My first a step which we would mach regret to take. idea, better still my first sentiment was nos to refer to the banana contracts. must say hat if those of the year 1930 were bad, these are worse. Don Victor subsequenNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota tly advanced a strong argument in support of his views, al dorso de su recibo que dice: but is appears to us that he weakened it when he said, there has already been many years of unfruitful labour, etc.
We believe don Victor to be truly sincere in his utterances, el but we are aware that the present terms of adjustment bear a wide and far flung latitude. We also observe that they dentro de la primera quincena de cada mes abound with matters, which, from the very nature of thnigs, are peculiar to the interests of the Atlantic Zone generaLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitary lly and to Limon particularly. We would not postulate the thought that the gentleman is parochial in his views, still nos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
we cannot help the mental quirk which suggests he may Who you looking for, Joe?
be so. We are wondering if there would be a like hue and For myself!
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón cry, a similar imbroglio and sheding of thears if, let us say, the Pacific Zone were to particularly share in whatever of the benefits to acorue to Limon. We cannot forget that, but for a few patriotic, wide thinking and well meaning Jeoliticians such as, don Filadelfo Granados, don Juan Ro.
uragosa, don Paco Gutierrez nad Dr. don Virgilio Chave. The two Nazis accused as the prin The Rev. Fr. Gladstone Wilson Cri, Limon has ever lacked a champion. It is therefore na cipal actors in the assassination of of the Catholic Church and a By John Truthful rate the many unsavoury things ural that we should complaisantly disregard the actions of Chancellor Dollfuss, were execut talented of Jamaica, will with which we are confronted and those who bemoan that which, by the grace of Providened on the 31st. ult. they were shortly be visiting his native Island.
Let us do something to further the moral ulcers which mar ece, must ultimately be ours.
found guilty of high treason by a Fr. Wilson has been in Rome for improve our City. Patriots like don civic advancement than to devote Our opponents would even attribute our gain to the military tribunal.
many years and is on the teaching Rafael Iglesias Castro and progres all our attention to the destruction cin ptitude of what we term reactionary governments staff of the Propaganda University sive men like Minor Keith of street refuse.
they who would keep the country under the noose The world largest underwater in that City.
provided us with a city which is We need to disseminate cultural of the gibbet of the United Fruit Company. Now it hap roadway, the giant new Mersey said, by some, to be among the knowledge in every direction and pens that we know, as does all Costa Rica. the world tunnel, which connects Liverpool On the 1st. instant the Officers best on the Atlantic coast of Cento impress on the minds of our for that matter that the present incumbent of the Pre with Birkenhead, has been formally in charge of the American Marines tral America.
people the necessity for a more sidency is second to none as a stateman and patriot. We opened by King George. handed over authority to the Haygeneral educational advancement. ee a noble purpose in the concilliatory attitude of our Pre The tunnel has four lanes fortian government at a very impos feel that we should not only Then too, would remind our ident. He knows, only too well, that the matter can be de vehicles and broad sidewalks. It ing ceremony which was attended honour the memory of these ben civic authorities of the obligation ided in the lawcourts, but alongside the uncertainty of thas been named Queensway in by the President of the Republic factors but should be ever on the placed on them to set the citizens egal victory is, as he reminds us all, the continuing priva honour of the Queen.
and about fifty thousand persons. alert to preserve the legacy handed the proper example in all these An of the Province of Limon.
The first contingent consisting of down to us, by improving its things, so that Limon, our city, The inhabitants of our province know exactly what Zaro Aga, who claimed he was 220 men has left and the remaind beauty and hygienic conditions. may in no wise deteriorate but required for their benefit and, incidentally for that of 60 years old, died at Istambul. or will leave on the 15thinst. And in this respect would state rather retain her position as the he entire country, hence the man on the street, the men Turkey, on. June Thus will the long looked for eva it is much more essential to oblite principal gateway of our homeland.
in the tribunals of the Province, business men, clerks, farcuation be completed.
mers and we aver, dock hands EVERYBODY, with one accord cry FIRME YA. SING IT NOW Chinese Census Taken Large numbers found So as to more effectively control without proper papers the importation of foreign lottery The loan of 000, 000 authtickets and other prohibited articles orized by Congress for the laying Under instructions from the charge, we gather, it is stated, that by air mail, the government has of the water mains in Puntarenas Importer of merchandise in general and Executive, the Police authorities a large number of chinese have decided to place an extra Alcalde has been augmented by a further throughout the Republic took a been found to be without proper at the Santa Ana Aduana, San sum of 800, 000.
COCOA. EXPORTER census of the Chinese inhabitants immigration papers, particularly Jose, who will be directly in charge those on Saturday last.
Consult my special prices which in all cases will be the resident in the northern of the inspection of all packages In addition to the information provinces towards the pacific. It is introduced here by this service. In consequence of being forced best in the market.
which is usually required of every che presumption that these by the recent law to sell their sugar one in such a matter, we underst came clandestinely into Costa Rica recent census of the cattle in at the maximum price of 17. 00 and, that the government request across the frontier. Just what the province of Alajuela gives a per quintal, Messrs. Niehaus have Pacific Planters Object to coloured Laboured the police to investigate and action the government contempla total of 72, 482. Of this amount reduced the salaries and wages of report on the conditions under tes taking is not yet known, as the 57, 546 were without calves. If to employees on their Alajuela Farms Ar the conference which was pressed their unanimous disap which every one of these aliens decision to undertake this work these are added those of the prov. by 15 per cent. This action has eld in Puntarenas on Thurs proval the employment of entered the country, as well as the was kept absolutely secret, but inces of Guanacaste and Puntare caused, it is stated, much dissactby last in connection with the coloured labourers in preference to positions they now occupy. from what we can gather all who nas we get a grand total of more isfaction among the parties affected oposed new Banana Contract, it the natives.
From the reports which are now are unable to show proper papers than 300, 000 in that section of the and might possibly bring about reported that the planters being sent in to the department in may have to quit the country. Icountry.
some trouble.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. SI ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Worthy Suggestion son our Current Items Sime men to

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