
Sábado, de Agosto de 1934.
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA A. RODEN Editor English Section Box 218. Limon The Voice of the Atlantie Published every Saturday Price: 0. 15 per copy For quick results advertise in LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Eating Under Capitalism Miners Discover Rich Gold Vein Flood Rains in Atlantic Zone ing.
CONFIANZA CALIDAD. Our local sugar trade matter LA to ana CERVECERIA RECOMIENDO Cos Three chlldren killed at Peralta, Railway traffic interrupted Government to decide question Tourists transported by airplane Our Moscow correspondent reported on Friday that We observe from an article in fortnight or so ago, discovered a well informed circles in Soviet Russia estimate this year La Prensa Libre that a rich vein rich vein which they considered During the afternoon of Sat. quirres the water inundated certain grain crop at 70 per cent of the 1933 harvest. This means of gold was recently discovered in was situate outside the Abangarez urday last heavy rains began fall. portions of the township to such that Russia is facing a Winter and Spring of famine. STA. che vicinity of the Abangarez mi Mines property and so claimed is ing throughout the Atlantic sec. an extent as to cause many persons LIN at the recent Communist Congress claimed for the bumper 1933 crop an increase of 30 per cent over 1932. thes. by a number of the men work for themselves. the Mine owners tion of the country and within a wabandon their houses however claimed that it was theirs, few hours assumed torrential in At Nueva Flor in the vicinity of If this Summer brings a decline of 30 per cent from last with the result that the men wem tensity, which continued through Peralta a landslide destroyed a year, Russia food supply is 10 per cent below that of There are, we understand, some on strike in protest.
out the following day.
house killing three children and 1932. There died in Soviet Russia in the Winter of 1932 33 150 men employed in the mines, On the matter coming to the The Siquirres, Pacuare and Re seriously injuring three others.
a minimum of 6, 000, 000 people by starvation, typhus and who during their off hours are in attention of the government, the ventazon rivers overflowed their In consequence of the damage other diseases.
the habit of prospecting the sur Director General of Public Roads banks causing much damage to the to the railway by landslides, the Last Summer respite turns out to be brief. letter rounding territory on their own was sent to the locality to investi nearby farms and destroying large service between San José and Li numbers of banana trees. In Simon had to be suspended from in our columns on Wednesday quotes Dr. Stephen Dug account. Some of these, about a gate and report on the matter.
Sunday until Thursday. The gan, just returned from Moscow, as saying: There has been tourists who went up to San Jose no doubt of the existence of famine in Russia. There is other on Saturday were brought down evidence, not the least important of which is the latest attiby airplane. They were transporttude of the Soviet Government to the peasants, as descri ed in lots of fourteen without en bed in our Friday dispatch. Once more the Kremlin assails countering any difficulties on the the peasant kulaks for imperiling the nation food. The kuway.
lak has been liquidated several times since 1930, but in 1934 he is once more in the field plotting to starve out the proletarian regime. To any one familiar with the tone of Soviet utterances this is obviously a way of breaking the bad news.
Government ac. ion lowers Mr. Davis in his University of Virginia speach said Tetail prices that one of the achievements of capitalism which cannot be denied is that it thas fed and housed and warmed and In consequence of the high prices which consumers were for some clothed a population in the Western World three or four time past being called upon to pay times as large as when the Industrial Revolution began for sugar, the Executive took the Today we may not be proud of the fact that a consideraunder consideration and ble part of that population is being fed from public relief.
decided that these prices were But the food is there, from whatever source derived. Starinimical to the interests of the vation, except as a microscopic fraction due to human misgeneral public; a law was therechance, does not exist. The health of the people has been fore enacted by Congress which fully maintined. Such is the record of the old Order, at gave the government power the very moment when many people find that it has failed.
import this commodity into the The only existing alternative to it is the New Order CERVEZA country unless the producers were in Soviet Russia; and there in the space of fifteen years willing to sell for prices not to here have been two devastating famines, with a third bad QUE exceed seventeen colones per quinWinter coming. They have not been acts of GOD but mantal.
made. Drought has played but a small part. The famine of This action, of course, had the 1921 22 was the result of a planting strike by the peasants desired effect so that now the Subditos in protest against the grain confiscations under military CARMEN IS public can purchase the first class communism. LENIN surrendered, but too late to prevent grade at twenty cents per pound.
the loss of perhaps 10, 000, 000 lives. The starvation times REINA OBRERA We understand that the Dulof 1932 33 were precipitated by STALIN collectivization ce prices are now receiving attendrive. The peasants were herded into the collective farms, tion and similar action might be but they first killed of their cattle, and they have been FLA che result if satisfactory reductions, half hearted in sowing and cultivating and harvesting. Mil.
are not made by the producers at lions of them are in sullen revolt.
an early date.
Ore often hears it said that communism would ne.
Hurricane visits San Jose ver do for this country, though it seems to have worked well in Russia. system can hardly be said to have worDuring the afternoon of Thurs fierce winds of almost hurricane ked well which in the space of fifteen years has failed no Shanghai. British, American tions is estimated at many million day last the inhabitants of San intensity.
less than three times in the elementary duty of providing and Japanese warships are being dollars.
Jose had the unusual experience the people with bread even at hall rations. at a cost tushed to Foochow, where, it is of being held in the grip of a Much serious damage is reported of probably more than a score of million lives.
reported, more than 5, 000 Comrible downfall of rain which was to have occurred to many of the munists concentrating and San Jose With the hope of time, by public and private buildings. From The New York Times July 15 1934. threatening the city and the lives terminating the conflict which still accompanied for some of foreigners.
continues between the owners of the Abangarez Mines and a large AMERICAN BAR SIQUIRRES HOTEL Flint, Michigan. More than number of their employees regarda dozen persons are said to have ing the gold vein recently discoverFine Liquors COSTA RICA lost their lives and scores of others ed by the latter, as reported else.
Tuborg Beer on Draught Trains from Limon stop 20 minutes at Siquirres for Lunch. injured, a result of a terrible where in this impression, a force Buy your Lunch ticket on the train so you will be quickly served storm which passed over the south of 10 policemen, under the comSpecializing in Ice Cream on arrival. Price 2. 50. Costa Rica Currency. Restaurant is ern part of the state during the mand of Col Anibal Morales, was BEAVERS right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Gigarrettes. English, French, German and Spanish spoken.
night of the 2nd. instant. The dispatched from San José to the Proprietor damage to buildings and cultiva Mines by airplane yesterday.
Limón, Costa Rica. KISSLING Manager Death of Germany President Limon, Costa Rica, On Thursday last at a. Chancellor Hitler assumes On ocean front Paul von Hindenburg, President office as provisional President Members of Special Committee unable Comfortable rooms Rooms with bath of Germany, died at his residence until the 19th. instant when in Neudeck, East Prussia, at the plebiscite will be held to ratify the to reach Limón Well ventilated dining room advanced age of 87 years.
fusion of the Presidency with the First class table Good assorted bar office of Chancellor and confim Great was the disappointment to deal with the matter, were un of the exceedingly large number of able to leave San Jose in Sample room Under the provisions of the Hitler in the dual position.
planters and other interested par sequence of the suspension of trafThe funeral of the lats Pres: LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Law which was approved by the Cabinet ties who had gathered for the con fic a few days previously, Iident will take place next Tuesday, on the railway due to the Post Office Box 236 Telephone ference scheduled to take place damages sustained from the heavy Manchukou Emperor aids Salvado: here last Sunday afternoon in con rains which had been falling since nection with the proposed new ba the previous day.
Lawn Party! Lawn Party!
The Manchukuoan Ambassador The Ambassador informed the nana Contract, between the Gov. The members of the Committee to Japan recently delivered to the Consul that the gift was a personal and the United Fruit however hope to be able to hold Grand Lawn Party under the August 13th 1934. Tropical Ra Salvadorean Consul in Tokyo, a contribution from the Emperor.
Company, when it learned the conference at an early date, auspices of the Sacred Heart dio Band will be in attendance. check for 10, 000 yen for the relief Besides Japan, Salvador is that the members of the Special The conference will very likely Cathedral Port Limon, which will Admission: of the sufferers in the recent hu only government that has recogn Committee appointed by Congress take place tomorrow. take place Mondaynight, 50 adults, 0. 25 children. Irricane in El Salvador.
lized that of Manchukuo.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Some Last Hour items are as PARK HOTEL Rains Prevent Banana Conference conernment was TE on


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