
Sábado 11 de agosto de 1934.
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA A. RODEN Editor English Section Box 218 Limon The Voice of the Atlantic Published every Saturday Price: 15 per copy For quick results advertise in LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone New Lottery Law Proposed President Jiménez Disapproves the Open Vote The Cañeria of the Port of Limon Ess ADA CON SELABORA BUTA DE BOHAT!
ATLAS UTION SUVACION VICE Drastic Penalties for Infringments tional Congress, it was agreed, by he may be obligated, thus preventing This much discussed subject in should not be regarded as being majority, to amend the Franchise him from the free use of his cons. a few words!
alone worthy of consideration.
In view of the serious inroads) 100 to 1, 000 on any one who Law by substituting the Open Vocience. Don Ricardo further likens Agreed that vast sums of money the trade in raffles and lotteries introduces, sells, purchases trans te for the Secret Vote as it exists such a system to the giving up of Technically the task of finding have already been wasted on same, is making in the income of the mits or possesses tickets connected at this time.
the use of electricty for candle a suitable solution to Limon and for that very reason, it is time Junta de Caridad consequent on with foreign lotteries. fine of In giving his opinion on the sub light or the abandonment of motor Water supply, the most vital of to look for a different solution.
the decreased sale of our National from 50 to 500 is also to be ject, President Jimenez has publicly propelled vehicles and cemented all public services in any tropical The selection of the Banana RiLottery tickets, the government imposed on any one who should be expressed his absolute disapproval roadway for the use of ox carts. port, should present no serious dif ver, in the first place, presupposes has thought it necessary to submit guilty of the offence of introduc with this decision. He regards the He finally states he will not at ficulties, if studied afresh with an that the originals studies favoured a further project for the conside. ing lottery lists or notices of the against the individual rights of the the closing period of his political unbiassed mind; by which is meant that site for a pumping installation, ration of Congress which provides results of drawings, or with the citizen. The Open Vote would, life place his signature to such an that the existing location and sys taking all factors into considera.
for the enactment of such string publication of same in the local he says, place the voter under the enactment.
tem of piping and distribution tion, namely, quantity and quality ent restrictions and drastic penal papers, by radio or any other form of water, convenience of the situa.
ties that it is hoped it will ultima of publication.
tion and cost of construction, but tely eliminate this illegal trading. Foreign companies established does not necessarily preclude that The project proposes that every here are to be prevented from rethe same location is the ideal one person found to be the owner, ceiving any imformation regard for a gravity system.
manager or agent of local lotte ing such lotteries, either by teleIt will be remembered, no doubt, ries prohibited under the law of graph, cable or radio and transthat when in 1925, Limon for some 1922 shall, on conviction, pay a mitting such information to the reason or other became suddenly fine of 500 for the first offence public. Any manager of a com City Proud and called for ter and the owners, managers or agents pany who infringes this provision ders on its Street Paving Con of raffles the sum of 50. Sellers, will pay a fine of 100 for every tracts, tacked on the same was the purchasers and other persons inter offence.
New Gravity System for Limon ested in these raffles or lotteries Any one unable to pay fine Water Supply. Without exag will be subject to 50 of these will be imprisoned for a period gerating the case, the plans and fines. For every subsequent offence equal to one day for every con specifications for same were, in the under this Law, the fines will be tained in the fine.
opinion of all who entered into the double those imposed on the prev.
bidding, to say the least of it DEious occasion.
Foreigners guilty of any of these FICIENT The project further proposes offences will be liable to expulsion Many of the bidders were honest the imposition of a fine of from from the country.
enought to express themselves openly on the subject, but had to swal.
low the water in order to catch the Paving Whale.
We beg to call your attention to our remark To day, Limon paved streets at the back of receipt which reads: save (in gas, springs and tires) a few dollars annually to the dozen This bill must be paid at our or so car and truck owners, while 995 per 1000 of the inhabitants office before the 15th of the month who have to walk, do so, in fine weather, over broken sidewalks Be so good as to comply with this request (that is if they don take to the street, which by the way they mostand do not oblige us to suspend our service, SY LUPULO LEGITIMO DE SAAZ ly do) robbed of the agreeable a step which we would much regret to take.
shade of the trees long since gone, with the additional discomfort of the sun refraction from the costly Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota paving and many with the knove ledge that they can never meet their al dorso de su recibo que dice: paving tax, and last but not least wondering whether on their return home they will find the shower working or not.
lo dentro de la primera quincena de cada mes In wet weather, they paddle through puddles and shiver in the Showers.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarNow for the protests to the sug: nos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
gestion of any new project.
Money, money, where is it to Compañía Eléctrica de Limón There are at least two feasible TAA solutions to the problem, both of AL COMERCIO A TODOS which will allow the tearing up of QUIENES INTERESA the pipeline from the Bomba to Cros Fine Liquors Habiendo mi esposa, señora Agua Zarcas.
Tuborg Beer on Draught Edna Cole de Grant, abandona.
Perhaps we could prevail upon Under the laudable and patriotic (peal to the public for financial Specializing in Ice Cream do mi hogar en Siquirres, desde our sister port on the Pacific to initiative of Doctor Facio, Costa assistance to systematically combat hace más de un año a esta fehelp us out by taking over at a BEAVERS reasonable discount these pipes, Era Rica has entered on an active and the terrible malady which threacha, no seré responsable por determined antituberculosis which are in first class condition Proprietor cam. tens our future populace.
ninguna deuda contraída por paign, in common with other coun We are pleased to record that Limón, Costa Rica.
This transaction would give Limon ella, en su propio nombre, metries throughout the civilized the doctor noble and humanitanos en el mío. Siendo dicho a funds enough to put either of the rian efforts have met with a rebandono, sin mi previa consulta two systems, capable of supplying continuous and adequate water, In a very lucid and forcible dis markable response. Already subsni aprobación.
into operation.
course last Saturday night, the criptions amount to over 90, 000 well known medico called attention EMANUEL GRANT Puntarenas should you rende It is proposed to start the cam ter to the growing prevalence of this paign by erecting an While working on a building head, back and other parts of his de agosto de 1934.
us this small service, let us hope additional that desease throughout the country, building at the Duran Sanitarium for Mr. Chittenden, Man res of his admission to the San under construction, in San Jose, body that he died within 15 minuour small contribution to your million doctor fee will not particularly among the younger for the accomodation and treatment produce the periodical attacks of generation. He made a stirring ap. of poor patients especially children, ager of the United Fruit Compa Juan de Dios Hospital. ny, a workman fell from a high TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Water on the Brain we are so scaffold to the pavement and suf The unfortunate man leaves a My wife Edna Grant nee Cole, subject to.
fered such serious injuries to his family of eight children. having abandoned my home and a care, for over one year, shall not When the Supply of water has be responsible for any debt or been satisfactorily settled, maybe Cuba Still after Machado Herrera debts which she has or may con there will remain a few colones Importer of merchandise in general and tract, in her name or mine, she ha over to give the distribution and Cable advices from Havana Herrera, who are reported to be ving left without my consultation house service connection a decent COCOA. EXPORTER chance.
state that the Cuban government in residence there, pending the reEMANUEL GRANT Consult my special prices which in all cases will be the has instructed its representative in ceipt of the usual extradition paWhat are the two propositions.
Santo Domingo to request the pers charging the ex president and best in the market.
provisional arrest of ex president his late Secretary of War with Siquirres, August 4th. 1934.
Don spill the beans before you have them. Machado and General Alberto murder and various other crimes. Montagne Jones MANTÉNGASE SALUDABLE.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina ATLAS LA CERVEZA ARISTOCRATICA come from?
ZT AMERICAN BAR The Anti Tubercolosis Campaign ado ICI world. Tragic Accident Allan Sime or consent.
a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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