
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 15 December 1934 SAL UVINA Attorney Antonio Cruz Wins Wins Firs Sensational Case thing.
ters For Liver pracudly said Aye spie Eeng and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of PRACTICE Hereby Hangs a Taleneatly attired French girl coming Indigestion stronger babies?
druggist, and we ve had no com thought it wise to put a bottle of FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES plaints.
AN AWFUL FIRE reserve some conLove is like soup. if you want to know what in it you ll have to do a little spooning.
Mike Rafferty, pulling his wife out of a well. Be gorra, a MR. BERMUDEZ REPLY CONCLUDED woman at the bottom av ivery Antonio Cruz (Lawyer) char kis proceedings before each of us THE RIGHT SALTS ges me with pretending to know wat is to say, Mr. Bermudez is the law. have never pretended respectful, Attentive and Gende. French soldier meeting an American in certain headquarto know more than have been And Governor Filadelto Granados able to learn at the expense of my knows that the above statement is town, asked. You spik French Nope, not yet was the own efforts and sacrifices, and here true. The Franchman similing comis the best proof: San Jose, Ja. As a complement to the foregonuary 6th. 1932. Esteemed Aure ing, am quoting also the opinion lesh, looked around for an lio: It is my greatest pleasure to of Doctor Ramon Zelaya Villegas. opportunity to display his prowess.
work along with you, as you know, a graduate from the University of Espying a very good looking and to cooperate, TO LEARN and to Paris School of Law and former PRACTICE. Sgd) Antonio professor of Civil Law at the Cose towards them triump Cruz. Another letter readsta Rica School of Law from which hantly Chicken. The American Flatulence thus: San Jose, April 28, 1933. Antonio Cruz (Lawyer)
And all forms gua.
The young bride approached roared. Shake said he, You Esteemed friend: recognize that duated with the title of LL. to the druggist timidly, That baby don speak English, you speak of Stomach you are a genius for constancy, that Lawyer Antonio Cruz will tonic you advertise, she began American.
minuteness and diligence hence not feel discouraged or disappointfeel sure that you will triumph. ed over does it actually build bigger and Colics Disorders the preceding reproduc Two Scotchmen decided to be (Sgd) Cruz. And did tions: San Jose, 21 June 1934 We sell a lot of it, said the come teetotalers, but MacGregor triumph Mr. Cruz?
Mr. Aurelio Bermudez, Limon.
Three years after Antonio Esteemed Sir: The most practical whiskey in the cupboard in case of Cruz (Lawyer) and myself were thing for you to do is to file a Then Ill take a bottle, said sudden illness. After three days in partnership, during which period request for examination to obtain MANUFACTURED BY: the bride. And do have to take Sandy could bear it no longer.
he had an oportunity to study the title of Attorney at Law; it, or does my husband. MacGregor, he said, am ill.
Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa me, my aspirations and my charac shall be pleased to assist you, since. Too late, replied MacGregor, teristic, and after he had a chance am satisfied that your knowledge SAN JOSE Maggie, the cook, is so religious was ill all day yesterday.
to ascertain the cause for certain of the laws is quite sufficient.
she thinks Purgatory is something mailgnant charlantry, he wrote in feel that have contributed for the liver. What do you charge for your che Atlantic Herald of Novem sufficiently to advertise Antonio rooms. From up.
ber 11th, 1933 for the information Cruz (Lawyer. but if he should HER FUTURE: If a toe dan But m a student. Then of the public, as follows: Mr. feel dissatisfied he may advise me, cer insures her toes, and a chorus its down.
During the early hours of the dy been recovered from the ruins Bermudez paid me several visits to through you Mr. Editor, as quick girl her legs, what does a shimmy dancer insure. Susan, these windows are a dis the eight story hotel in Langsing, ditions.
11th instant, a fire broke out in but in almost unidentifiable con my office, our office should as possible, as have in have said. Fine specimen of man: some more advertising material grace, the outside haven been always ambitious, always studying which am willing to use for the Michigan, known as the Grand Mr. Brown was returning home been touched. Well, ma am, Hotel Kerns.
always working hard and IM good that they may do.
PROVING after a long business trip and was done it for the best. cleaned the The kind of man LUIS WA CHONG The hotel, built In the meantine, the furniture twenty met at the door by a new maid, insides so you could see out, an five years ago, was not in ALWAYS ENVIED by his town are still decorating Limon Servihired during his absence. The head left the outsides so that the people dition, it is said, to withstand the GUACIMO GUAPILES people for whose watchful eyes he ce Bureau, now located above of the house handed her a huge over the way couldn see in.
flames, which rapidly consumed Cantina, Licores Extranjehas to work with tied up hands. Pena store on Central Avenue, bouquet.
the entire building.
ros y del país And now it appears as though kept in good and the best of con Present these to Mrs. Brown Many of the lodgers Antonio Cruz (Lawyer) has en dition until Antonio Cruz (Lawthrew and tell her that wish to see her Friend just saw a young themselves out Tienda bien surtida y listed himself with the envious yer) calls for them, and until the windows and at once, he said.
man trying to kiss your daughter. suffered serious injuries by falling Abarrotes en general town people and is out to tie my then Antonio Cruz (Lawyer) can Well, cautioned the maid, Modern Mother Did he sucin the street.
Precios sin competencia not boast of winnig a sensational you better make it snappy, beceed? am not in the habit of ocmmit case.
Over twenty bodies have alrea.
cause she expects the old man any No. Well, it wasn my ting contempt of court Mr. Cruz Whoso diggeth a pit, says the minute now.
daughter, then.
always been attentive to the Hon. wise man, shall fall therein, and ours of our Courts; the best evi he that rolleth a stone, it will fall dence of this is the testimonial upon him.
which am quoting: Los infrascristos hacemos constar que el se. Thanks Mr. Editor.
TIENDA DE NOVEDADES nor Aurelio Bermúdez, en su calidad de Agente de Negocios JudiAurelio Bermude Ha recibido un ENORME y BELLO SURTIDO de ciales, ha sido como tal correcto en sus procedimientos ante cada uno El más surtido en Matina de nosotros, es decir, que el señor para hombres, mujeres y niños, seleccionados por la dueña Da. Silvia Bermúdez es respetuoso, atento y de Pass, a los precios más bajos, en los Estados Unidos.
moderado. Sgd) Marciano Goodwill Flyers.
Abarrotes. Mercadería en costa. former Criminal Judge. general From paje that it is the first land plane Oct. Rodriguez Civil Judge. Venta al por Mayor y make the flight between Nassau Fonseca Chamier. Now Criarcompletely reconditioned.
Menor At Miami they were welcomed and Havana.
inal Judge. Manuel Martinez (A! Agentes exclusivos de la faby a large group of citizens and calde Primero. The English tran mosa mantequilla y queso addressed the students of the In the Cuban capital the Gov.
slation of the foregoing testimonial ROSSI y Co.
Booker Washington Highernor issued orders that they be is as follows: The undersigned Finca Saborio School.
given every courtesy and all the BERLIN, Nov. Prof Ja. phrase of the commandment on hereby attest: That Mr. Aurelio Leaving Miami at 3:30 in the regular air port fees were set aside. cob Wilhelm Hauer, leader of the brotherly love.
Bermudez, is his capacity of Soli aumenta con los años afternoon, they arrived at Nassau Colonel Batista, Commander in anti Christian German (From Miami Herald. citor, has been as such correct in two hours later. There again they Chief of the Cuban Army assign movement, today announced adop were welcomed by thousands of ed a Captain to be their personal tion of a new Nine Command persons and were received by His escort during their stay in Havana ments destined to supplant the Excellency Sir Hugh Clifford, and telegraphed all military sta Biblical Ten Commandments in Governor of Nassau, and Lady tions enroute to Havana to give the group ethical teachings.
Clifford at Government House. them protection and show them Dr. Hauer omits the command Sir Hugh Clifford gave them a every courtesy on the flight to San. ment, Thou shalt Not Kill. His letter for the Governor of Jamaica. ciago. a necessary step in view commandments follow: Several functions in their hon of existing conditions in the Rep. Honour the Diety.
Banco del Estado State Bank Honour ancestors and our were given for Dr. Forsythe ublic. Colonel Batista also received poste.
Unico Emisor and Mr. Anderson while they were them at the Military Headquarters city.
Sole Bank of Issue in Nassau.
their 13, 000 mile joruney. Honour the great of thy In Santiago they were feted by people.
Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the Honors In Cuba several organizations and Honour thy father and mopúblico la apertura de su Public the opening of its received by the Governor of the ther.
They left there at 12:30 o clock Province and by the Mayor of Keep thyself pure.
on Saturday for Havana and made Santiago. They left there at 11:30 Be faithful to thy people.
the journey in three and a half o clock yesterday, and journeyed Sreal not.
hours in spite of heayy winds and here completing 300 miles of Be truthful.
rainstorms. making a record in their 13, 000 mile joruney. Be helpful to the noble.
The last was regarded as a para EN LA AMERICAN BAR TUBORG BEER ON DRAUGTH ¿Tiene usted necesidad de peEsnecialidad de la casa: Helados de las clases siguientes: Vai.
riódicos, revistas, programas, nilla, Fresa, Cereza, Tutti Frutti, Frutas y Nueces, Melocotón carteles, facturas, etiquetas, tarpara toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service y otras muchas. Son deliciosos y los mejores del país jetas, esquelas, talonarios, accio servicio bancario.
Rendered. BEAVERS, Proprietor Imprenta BORRASE Hnos.
LITTLE PARIS Hop Lee Lung Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes JUGUETES REGALOS Bonilla y Co.
го GERMANY ADOPTS BUT NINE COMMANDMENTS Faith Banco Internacional de Costa Rica were SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON nes, etc. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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