
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Saturday, 15 December 1934 OUR RADIO SERVICE AFIASPIRINA TI SANTAMAND whether to Chong León Albino Villalobos Crhistian Marriage.
14. per Maduro Lumber Yard race, Daniel Zeledón Hotel Limón Millions all over the world FLEMINGTON, Bur SAN PAULO. Brazil. WINSTON, SALEM. Libby no Hauptmann, who faces trial gold mine, once operated by the Holman, husky voiced torch songknow from personal Jany. 2nd. for the murder of the Jesuit Fathers and forgotten for stress, used not only her shysical Lindbergh Baby, was for the first more than two centuries, is report charm but also the shrewd mind of experience that time since his arrest given the op ed to have been discovered almost a Portia in winning the late Za.
BAYER portunity to disclose, to his Attor under the busy streets of this chary Smith from his first wife, ney, the full story of his life and Chicago of South America. Ann Cannon Smith, the latter his explanation of his prossession August Ullmann. mining engi charged in a sensational petition of 14. 000 ransom money. At neer, and Richard Mollenhauer, claiming Smith entire 25, 000, torney Fisher, questioned him with Jr. claim to have found the Sao 000 fortune in the name of her is the safe remedy for his guards out of carshot. Plead. Paulo Mine in Itapecerica, which daughter Anne. Mrs. Smith charing that the silent German had a is virtually a suburb of Sao Pualo. ges that the divorce obtained by HEADACHES. PAINS. COLDS right to confer privately with Coun PORTLAND, ORE. sud her late husband in Reno, on Miss sel Fisher obtained permission for den change of denaturants in non Holman persuasion, was illegal the interview, after threatening beverage alcohol was claimed by and therefore marriage to Miss Court action. The Attorney was the police for the deaths of 18 Holman was void and that the sin assassinations.
accompanied by his secretary, who men and the illness of several ger infant son cannot share in Meanwhile Roumania and Czemade a complete stenographic trans others. Chief of Detectives said the estate. Miss Holman, with a choslovakia joined Jugoslavia in cript of the prisoner statement. that authorities were debating university education in law, advis. rejecting efforts to defer action El Gran Depurativo file murder charges ed Zachary how to get a divorce on the dispute uneil tempers have against certain vendors of the although he had no grounds under cooled and demanding that Hun Soberano para toda clase de reumatismo, útil para las cheap potion which spread death North Carolina Law, persuaded gary be denounced as morally res enfermedades del cutis, cura las ronchas, manchas de la through Portland Northern End him to enter into a marriage con ponsible for the tragedies.
piel y es un gran purificador de la sangre.
LIVERPOOL rooming house district.
tract before the divorce, and con.
vinced him he should go to Reno, De venta en todas las boticas, pídaselo a su boticario Licores ExtranjeGREYSTONES, Irish Free Mrs. Smith petition alleges.
quien con gusto se lo dará.
ros y del País State. Hundreds of soldiers, police and volunteers worked fran LONDON. Births in EnABARROTES tically on 9th. inst. in an effort to Igland and Wales for 1933 set a Precios save the life of a plumber who new low record of 580, 413 babies, Attorney at Law and Notary was lodged immovably in a well by statistics available on 9th. instant Public. Office and Residen.
Fren page Económicos the custom to enrich the wedding the collaps of the sides. Crowds showed. The rate was cake, until at last it reached such knelt in prayer beside the well 1000 inhabitants, which is. below ce: Upper Floor of residen.
were not actually ordered by the noble proportions that to break it Church until the ninth century, but over the head of the bride would while the despairing cries of the the previous lowest birth rate set ce of the late Juan José León WASHINGTON. The Uniwhen they were so ordered the third have been inconvenient, not to say victim were heard.
in 1932. Deaths, on the other ted States has served notice on Jahand, were 12. per thousand, or finger was still the chosen one.
dangerous, so that to day tradition pan that this country will not agree WASHINGTON Great In England the priest still some is fulfilled by the bride cutting the a rise of above the rate in 1932.
to her demands for naval parity.
Britain has officially notified the times claims his old privilege of cake herself.
If Japan persists in her determinaGENEVA. Jugoeslavia and United States of her intention to kissing the bride: this kiss has a Tenacious as marriage customs tion to abrogate the Washington Hungary were reported to have default outright on the 117, 000. very beautiful origin, and it seems are, there is one that seems to have and London Naval Limitation Treaties, she may expect a accepted. in principle. a resolution, 000 debt payment due Dec. 15th. a pity that a custom should die out. faded completely out of its place free FRANK MADURO Jr.
drafted by the Big Powers by In a note delivered to the State The story is that at the martyr of pre eminence: this is the cusfor all naval construction Prop.
which the League of Nations Coun Department, the British Govern dam of James the Greater the tom of bride knives. Throughout with the strong implication that the United States can, and will, outs Best native lumber, cil would condemn political terro ment let it be known that it con soldier who had been ordered to the days of our Tudor and Stuart rism and Hungary would promise stress. used not only her physical bind him and drag him to execu kings, bride knives were pare of trip her in building warships.
at moderate prices to aid the League in investigating from last June when it defaulted tion was so moved by his victim the regular accoutrements of the responsibility for the Marseilles outright for the first time.
gentleness and long suffering that bride. Juliet wore them as she he asked to be allowed to die at stood in the friar cell, and in old his side. James kissed him and Flemish pictures they are shown WASHINGTON. Munitions said Pax vobis. The ceremonial hanging from the ladies girdles, for the Chaco war were supplied wedding kiss was given by the beside the bodkin, keys, and other by American companies which sold SAN JOSE priest to the bridegroom, passed by insignia of the new wife: they are to both sides, Paragua and Bolivia, him to the bride, and so on. The also to be seen on the tombs of the in the bloody four year struggle in 150 yards South of the Central Market Kiss of Peace at High Mass is said ladies of the period. The literature Notario Abogado y South America. was disclosed when Special attention given passengers from the Atlantic to have the same origen.
of the time makes constant referofficials of the Remington Arms Tradition dies hard, and the ence to them, for instance in an old First Class Accommodation Oficina: Ciudad de Limón Company testified before the Semarriage ceremony is surrounded play called Match me in Lonnate Munitions Investigators, and Term Moderate English Spooken by customs which once had their don, the bride says to her jealous admitted it was their policy to sell Escarré significance, but nowadays are re husband.
PATZCUARDO, MEXICO. weapons to both sides in any congarded as being lucky. For in See at my girdle hang my wed Three persons were killed and sixty flict.
stance, the idea that a bride was ding knives.
two others under medical treatunlucky if she did not cry, So ment for injuries suffered in the BOLBAO, SPAIN. Fire, be.
sometimes mustard or even onions with those dispatch me.
collapse of a section of the Bull lieved by authorities to have been In his efforts to add an addi Matina and the neighbouring were resorted to to produce the neIn The Witch of Edmonton Ring during a corrida on Dec. criminally started, destroyed more tional area to the lands already districts, particularly Estrada, havecessary tears. This idea has its root (1658) comes a passage which 8th. Others were expected to die, than 300, 000 pine trees on Dec. located for his cane planting pro had the unfortunate experience of in old tribal customs, which de bears witess to one of our mose although the majority suffered 9th. seriously impairing the reposition, Mr. Deusberry got lost in suffering from flood rains on four manded that unwillingness on the ancient crafts. fractures of the arms and legs. gion resin industry.
the woodlands for three days. He separate occasions this year. It is part of the bride should be forcibly See the bridegroom and th left for the Lacarina mountains consequently, expected that there expressed.
last Saturday and was unable to will be a serious falling off in the Again the throwing of rice sig. Anew pair of Sheffield knives get back before Tuesday morning. banana crop the earlier part of the nified the good wishes of the com fitted both to one sheath.
coming year, as also a heavy shor pany that the marriage should be Again, in a drama called EdResidents here are anxious to tage of plantains, yams, yuca and fruitful, and the old shoe, which ward the Third which was perknow something regarding Mr. cocoa. It is feared that unless has given rise to many a jest. was formed before Queen Elizabeth Benj. Ashley, who left for the something is done to keep the la symbol of possession and autho are the words. Limon hospital on the 28th. ult. Barbia river in her proper course, rity on the part of the groom. Fortune doth give these pair of and was transferred to San Jose a large number of the residents in In Greese tradition still decrees the following day. It is reported these districts will be forced to that the bride must wear new shoes, To cut the thread of love if be that he has since died. Your previ vacate their homes for more secure the gift of the groom, but placed not true.
In RCA VICTOR reports in this respect on her feet by the best man as she It is no doubt that owing to the highly appreciated.
Corresponsal leaves her father house. idea of cutting the thread of love Magic Brain. Range, The Wedding Cake is a relic of that this custom died out so com the most ancient forms of marriage, pletely: it lingers now as a pale Tone and Reception the Confarreatio, or eating toge ghost in the universal superstition SERVICIO DE VAPORES ther. The bride always carried that knives or scissors are unlucky Are Finer that Ever! Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK three wheat ears at that time, a if given as presents, and must be con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
custom that was carried right bought by some small LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS through the Middle Ages. payment.
The wedding knives, VAPORES SALIDAS The present wedding cake was however, have long oudived their originally in the form of little bis tradition, like the wooden chests QUIRIGUA.
16 de Diciembre cuits which were broken over the of the brides of Wales and Scot.
PETEN 23 de Diciembre head of the bride as she returned land, the knives were made to last VERAGUA 30 de Diciembre from church, the company sought the highest forms of craftsmanship anxiously to obtain pieces of the were often brought to bear upon biscuits: those which fell on her their blades and sheaths, as the Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres head and shoulders being special. rank of the bride rose, so they be CORONADO.
21 de Diciembrely esteemed. The men promptly came more elaborately chased and CAVINA de Enero ate their portions, but the girls jewelled. The British Museum haFELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. beneath their pillows at night, for are in the possession of ancien treasured theirs, them some lovely specimens, and many Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON a reason which many a girl today families, who living for many pod Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Perry Girton fully understands.
crations in the same house, Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica With the first importation of been able to treasure TELEFONO 3156 Such dried fruits into England it became cious relics of their ancestors.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
GLEANINGS FROM MATINA bride come See the Radio that thinks!
knives to you, ous are localities.
token as C VICTOR RADIO COSTA RICA RADIO Elders Fyffes, Ltd.
and put


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