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PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, January 19 1935.
SAL UVINA The Hauptmann Trial more For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of our som notes.
Hereby Hangs Tale Was he mad long. FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Lindbergh estate, also declared was revealed for the first time af girlie.
one Our Burial Schemes git it.
on not more. speak, What would you say if your sheep strayed to some one else property?
John. Well, far as that goes, wouldn say nothin if the The all important trial of Brunotoo! his green automobile to a pasturage was better.
Hauptmann still continues with Bronx garage a month after the the prosecution making every pos kidnapping and had it painted Still in danger: Do you think THE RIGHT SALTS sible effort to prove the guilt of black. He remembered this, he Alphonse will recover from his the accused.
Laid, when he came across an old operation The proceedings, during the bill that had been rendered for m afraid not Complications greater part of the past week have the job.
have set in been devoted to the identification Albert Osborn, a deaf old man. Isn that terrible. of the accused as the author of the of New York, who is supposed to Yes, he married his nurse.
ransom notes, and as the party who know about handwriting was, on various occasions, observ. than anybody in the world, swore My dad blamed me on ed by different persons as having that Hautmann wrote all the ran trip for the three tire blowouts we connections with the tragedy.
had. Bronx Taxi driver, dramatically identified him by declaring Additional interest has been No, patched things up. that is the man who, on March given the case by the statement It was the day of the school con Flatulence And all forms 14th. 1932, gave him a dollar to that the accused has been offered cert, and the audience consisted That man has comething worthdeliver a note to Dr. Condon, the confession and provided he names mainly of mothers, proud or en while in his face.
Indigestion of Stomach Lindbergh negotiator. At the sta his accomplices in the kidnapping.
vious, according to the parts their You mean character. tement Hauptmann, with a frown The fact that Hauptmann turned children were playing No, mean his gold TEETH.
Colics Disorders sweeping his pale face, muttered down a similar offer of life imprisA small boy came on the plat. you re a liar. An eighty seven onment, provided he was not the form and, striking a bold attitude. park policeman kept me and year old man, who resides near the unassisted perpetrator of the crime, began: Friends, Romans, coun a boy friend from making love on that the accused was the man heter it was learned that the authtrymen, lend me your ears. Whea bench last night.
reupon one of the mother turned Really. MANUFACTURED BY: saw in an automobile near Hope orities were more anxious to solve to her companion. There that Yes, he and a little blonde well about noon on the day of the the case and punish every possible the Jones boy, she said tartly.
were occupying it.
Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa kidnapping. Dr. Condon swore conspirator, than they where to send He wouldn be his mother son SAN JOSE that Hauptmann climbed the lad. Hauptmann to the electric chair, if he weren trying to borrow ve been married three times, be der and carried the baby out of and thus let others who something.
his crib. He knew that he said, implicated escape. high State Well, they say the third because when he spoke with the Official, however, declared that accused in Don cruy, little boy, you ll always takes.
Woodlawn Cemetery Hauptmann could only make a get your reward in the end. And how. She already taone night, he shewed him two sa confession to save his life if he pose so. That where allusken my money, my car and my fety pins and asked him if he know, actually implicated others so that HOME.
Our Correspondent comments still going strong. Please insert what they were and Hauptmann they may also be convicted.
the operations of the many attached Poem which aptly applies told him they were the pins which The Court was also presented Medium. have called the Why don you divorce your schemes, among us, have brought to our delinquents.
fastened down the covers in the with a further surprise when on spirit three times. She moves, she husband if you don love him any forth quite a number of peculiar crib of the baby. The Doctor also the 14th. instant, the prosecution makes signs, but she does epithets from some of those con Forget the Scandals you have heard, stated he identified Hauptmann admitted that a man close to the Oh, no; wouldn give him cerned.
Forget the hasty unkind words, as the man with whom he talked defense had made the offer that Widowert. She does not the satisfaction of seeing my motForget the quarrel and the cause. in St. Raymonds Cometery when Hauptmann be given a life senten speak? Well, that can be my wife her leave his house forever. Here is a sample sent us from Forget it all Because he passed the 50, 000 over the ce if he told all. The Attorney our friend. don Pedro Hombre. Forgetting is the only way.
who mentioned the matter, refusled to think there something wrong negro: You have been writing disclose the name of the Neighbour. So your son got with you.
up all the Schemes in your pa Forget the trials you ve had, large number of samples of Hauptmann handwriting, taken but added that he had been told party who had made the offer, his and his per, but not the Schemers. The Forget the weather when its bad, Father. Yes, but his HAT. Yes, but keep it under my Costa Rica Burial Scheme Associa. Forget the Traiters, they are sneaks. Since his arrest, and several letters, a newspaper had offered Hauptchecks motor license applications still supports him.
tion is running good. Keep it up. Forget them seven days a week.
mann 75, 000 for a confession Give us all you can. We are like Forget to even get the Blues, and bank deposit slips, written by the good old Johnny Walker But don forget to pay your Dues.
him during the past three or four EDGAR YOUNG years, have been admitted as evito open a joint account with your husband. Current or drawing?
dence. These samples will be comComerciante Competent and Experienced Mechanic.
She. Oh, deposit for himpared with the writing on the MATINA Establecido en toda la Provincia por fourteen drawing for me.
notes and the más de 20 años.
The Pastor (driving to Church) Pianos, Violins, Gramaphones, Or The Holiday Season, when the improve our intellect and ambition, prosecution expects to be able to Vende al detal, vinos y licores ex to a passer by, Where are you gans, Sewing Machines, Guns, Rifles, majority of us give vent to our and be anxious to lead more useful convince the jury that the accused tranjeros y del país, abarrotes en general. Micelánea.
going, John?
Automobiles feelings, so far as expressions of lives. Let us also be determined to wrote the note found in the nurJohn. To church in the next Efficiently Repaired good greetings and celebrations are assist in every good and worthy sery, the address on the package Trato especial para su distinguida numerosa clientela y, muy especialCharges Moderate concerned, has now passed. We cause, and to shun all evil desires containing the dead baby sleeping mente para el público en general.
Pastor. don like that. Give us a trial and be convinced are now on the threshold of anot and hamful habits. Let us, hence suit and the receipt for the ran Establecimiento Esquina Norte del her Cydle.
forth, be determined to Mercado entre la Av. 3a. y la calle 4a.
Do we intend to take up our ourselves by more study and more George Johnson, a garage meRefrescos y aguas gaseosas.
LIMON, COSTA RICA neglected education, and shew our reading of useful books, magazines, chanic. testified that Hauptmann people how they can make the best papers. etc. This is a Bugle call to Contra merdedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano of their lives by safeguarding the action, a call to us to use all that French Poor To Receive Flour Dole en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
powers with which our All Wise is within us for our physical, moral Existencia permanente: Creater has endowed us? Is it our and mental well being.
The French Government is re to be made into flour and distridesire to achieve something worth Germania.
ported to have ordered the purcha buted among the poor of the naLaboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Lic. Carlos Viquez while and thereby utilize some of se of the large quantity of three tion.
the powers and ability which we Frank Tully million bushels of wheat, which is Avenida Central. Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas possess?
With the present complexed state of civilization, education is an essential element, and if we do not The undermentioned Officers, 2nd. President, Miss. Mc fit ourselves to take hold of the elected by the financial members Pherson; Chairman of Board of opportunities as they present themof the Limon Division of the Trustees, Mr. McKenzie; Scselves, our ignorance and incomUniversal Negro Improvement cretary to Board of Trustees, Mr. Petence will be easily discerned. It Association, were duly installed Foster; Associate Trustee, is common knowledge that many Banco del Estado State Bank last Sunday night, in the presence Mr. William Bosently; Treasurer, employers frequently have to comof a most enthusiastic assemblage Mr. Williams; General Secrement on the unpreparedness of our Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue of the Negro Race: tary, Miss Elena Douglas; Chapla. youths to satisfactorily perform President, Mr. Mitchell; Ist. in. by appointment. Mr. the various duties allotted them Se complace en anunciar al Begs to announce to the Vice President, Mr. Thomas; Plunkett.
in the ordinary course of their 2nd. President, Mr. John Sa very successful and harmo work.
público la apertura de su Public the opening of its muel; President Ladies Division, nious year regime is predicted Mrs. McPherson; Ist. Pres under Presidents Mitchell, Thomas, In the vicinity in which reside ident, Mrs. Maud Laird Laird; Samuels and McPherson. very few, if any, of our youngmen Ta interest themselves in general stusin then.
Bank Clerk. So you wish ISHMAEL MURRAY We Young Men ransom parish.
improve som money.
Suero Butantán Officers Installed Banco Internacional de Costa Rica su en ina ca tay SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Guillermo Niehaus Co. dies or reading. With the absence IN THE da ria del CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON end cun to Tes of a purpose there can be no satisEN LA LIMON faction in life.
Maderas Extranjeras y del País Let us, therefore, bear in mind that the entire period of our youth COMPRA CACAO should be essentially devoted MATERIAL DE TRANVIA the acquiring of useful knowledge para toda clase de and the building of a good charac.
Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo. ter, and that we cannot afford a servicio bancario.
Importación de mercadería en general moment loss.
We should ever endeavour to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
dea All Kinds of Bank Service Rendered.
ta do ion
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