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Saturday, January 19 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA AFIASPIRINA health of General Plutarea Callas Maduro Lumber Yad Attorney Clarities Conduct In Court See the Radio that thinks!
Bonilla y Co.
at Magic Brain. Range. Tone and Reception Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
he Vapor VENEZUCLA Fire Does Serious Damage Mary Pickford Divorces Douglas Voluntary Prisoner Goes To Fairbanks.
Devil Island PORT HURON, MICH.
PARIS. Because he claims he Millions all over the world Four blocks of Grand Trunk RailLOS ANGELES. In a three is disappointed with civilization, road Shops were destroyed by fire which caused an estimated damage said minute Court appearance which is Benjano Ullmo, who returned to know from personal to have left her almost in France last year after spending of 250, 000. Two firemen were tears, Mary Pickford divorced twenty six years, as a convict, on experience that seriously injured by collapsing Douglas FFairbanks on the 10th. the Devil Island Prison Colony, buildings.
instant. The case which had been again left France on the 10th. inshanging fire for more than a year, tant. Although he is said to have Health of Ex President Calles was called on suddenly and in suffered untold hardships and desCauses Anxiety.
comparative secrecy.
pite the fact that he had found a good job in aris, he is voluntarily is the safe remedy for MEXICO CITY. Much anreturning to the Prison Island.
xiety is being expressed over the HEADACHES. PAINS. COLDS. Vatican Denies Divorce Rumours.
former President and Strong Man of the Mexican government, VATICAN CITY. The Va.
who is unofficially reported ill. On FRANK MADURO Jr. eican Authorities have denied the the urgent advice of his physicians Prop.
rumours that former King Alfonso of Spain had decided to seek an he has gone to Los Angeles in the Best native lumber, annulment of his marriage to The Director, hope of checking there the serious Egbert Thompson had told him did not think he would be a Queen Victoria. spokesman af. The Atlantic Voice.
ailment from which he is suffering.
that while he (Thompson) was an useful witness in the Case, and that He was accompanied by two of his at moderate prices firmed that the motive was absol Sir: employee in the office of Mr. Da it might be better to do without physicians.
utely non existent from the Catniel Zeledon, he had heard a con him; but as Smith insisted on hav.
holic Church viewpoint. It was In the number of the Weekly, versation between Messrs. Zeledon ing him, resolved to speak to pointed out that granted the for which you so worthily direct, dated and Bermudez which he was will. Thompson on the first opportunity mer King had such an intention 5th. instant, there appears, in the ing to give in favour of Smith if had of meeting him.
when younger and still king, on English Section, an article under he were summoned as a witness On my interrogation, he gave an accont of their unhealthy offspring, the Caption Attorney Slaps Wit before the Court; the details of Ample confirmation of what Smith the idea was untenable now that he ness in Court.
this declaration, signed by Thomp had told me a few days previously, is an aging man and deposed from As the information given in this ison, are hereinbelow inserted for and which Thompson said he his throne.
article is incorrect, and as the man the benefit of your reading public. would give in Court provided Smith ner in which the occurrence is nar told my Client that the declara would recognize a payment of rated has the tendency to cast a tion was of importance, but as it twenty five colones for his services slur on my professional reputation, seemed to me that Thompson was in this respect.
In RCA VICTOR Abarrotes. Mercadería en from the fact that it is made to yet in the employ of Mr. Zeledon. Continued in Next Issue)
general appear as if contracted to bribe Venta al por Mayor y the witness Thompson to give a false declaration for the sum of Menor Fifty Colones, and as this calumny Agentes exclusivos de la fais far from being the fact, am mosa mantequilla y queso (LINEA HOLANDESA DE VAPORES)
forced to make the following clariAre Finer that Ever!
Finca Saborio fication, which pray you will be good enough to have inserted in Ex President Calles Undergoes your publication: Operation.
SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS The History of the Affair LOS ANGELES General LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS Calles underwent an operation on am the Lawyer for Mr. Wil25 de Enero 1935 the 14th. instant at St. Vincent liam Smith Jarrett of 28 Miles in Hospital for Gall Bladder disord Ithis Province, in his lawsuit being er. It was stated his condition was ventilated before the Courts Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirto of very good and that he had respond this Jurisdiction, against Messrs.
Compañía Ultramar Agentes Generales ed splendidly to the treatment Aurelio Bermudez and Daniel Zegiven him since his arrival from ledon, so that they should declare, FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
Mexico. After the General was among other things, The lack of Sub Agentes en di taken to the operating room, the Cause in a Pagare for the sum of LIMON PUNTARENAS he following bulletin was issued by two thousand seven hundred coloPerry Girton the Mexican Consulate here: Genes which the plaintiff Bermudez neral Calles was operated on today alledges Smith extended him for at p. at St. Vincent Hospi cash loaned, and which Smith detal by Dr. Verne Hunt, Chief nies, assuring the Court that hel SERVICIO DE VAPORES Surgeon. His condition is very sa has never made such a transaction Asamblea General Ordin.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK tisfactory and the attending Sur and that his signature on the do mi con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA.
Ha Viene de la pág. TRES de la Junta de Caridad. En for geons do not fear any complica cument was obtained by means of LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS las más cumplidas gracias y ma ma parecida se expresó doña Aa Trick VAPORES SALIDAS aifesándole la satisfacción de él nita de Sheehy, Presidenta de la When the proofs were called y del vecindario por la for, my Client informed me that VERAGUA.
actua Sociedad de Señoras de San Vic 20 de Enero QUIRIGUA.
27 de Enero ión de ellos; que la lectura del cente recibe de la Junta de CaPETEN. de Febrero informe del señor Presidente a ridad, no podría cumplir su miSHONG LUNG FAI penas de una idea de las labors sión, porque los recursos que re fo LIMON le la Junta no siendo posible cibe del comrecio y del público que en etalle se conozcan tantos son tan escasos que solamente Licores Servicio quincenal de Limón llevando café solamente para Londres Abogado y Notario beneficios porque no es posible porque son entregados con tan Artículos del País CAMITO.
18 de Enero que en detalles se conozcan tan buena voluntad son dignos de CORONADO 19 de Febrero os beneficios porque no es posi tomarse en cuenta; que la Junta Oficina: Ciudad de Limón Los precios más bajos.
le consignarlos; que habla muy no solamente da a la Sociedad FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON alto de esa institución el que con de San Vicente una suma menManzana 23 Scandal In Theatre In Havana.
entradas tan exiguas haya podi sual sino que le ha estado presPara otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United do atender en el hospital Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica tando gratuitamente una Lote número casa HAVANA. somewhat TELEFONO 3156 1, 468 personas durante los años para sus pobres y le ha atendido serious scandal occurred in the 1933 y 1934; que haya podido a todos sus enfermos; que en Theatre Marti on the 15th. instant, Railroads Strike In Chile sumistrar medicinas en el dispen consecuencia ella se une a la during the last act in the represenSANTIAGO DE CHILE.
sario a 3, 321 personas en el mis moción del señor Tasies. La Asation of a play in which some of Hamburg. Amerika Linie Almost all of the employees of mo período que; haya podido samblea por aclamación dió el the performers made certain rethe government railroad went suministrar pasajes de ferrocarril voto de aplauso y de agradeci marks against the Radical Party.
Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón strike on the 15the. instant, in en el mismo lapso a 934 perso miento a los miembros de la Jun group a person from the Para EUROPA protest of their not having been nas y haya podido inhumar de ta de Caridad.
palco interrupted the representa piad certain special bonuses. The caridad 258 caráveres suminis Artículo Segundo tion with loud cries and the hurl. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, Authorities declare that the strike trando los correspondientes solicitud de la señora Pre ing of bottles and other articles at AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO)
was unjustifiable and has been taudes. No se sabe, dice el señor sidenta de la Sociedad de Seño the performers. Several revolver KRETA Enero 19 1935 promoted by revolutionary activi.
Tasies, qué se haría en Limón ras de San Vicente de Paul, el shots were fired and many persons ties. More than fifty of the strik.
sin una junta de Caridad integra secretario dió lectura a algunas injured, some of them seriously. CARIBIA Febrero 1935 ers have already been arrested.
da como ha estado; que qué ha de las actas del correspondiente ria esa pobre gente que viene libro que lleva esa Sociedad; y Para GUATEMALA SALOMON CHING WE LEE del interior a buscar trabajo sin de esa lectura pudo darse cuen LUIS WA CHONG (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
encontrarlo y quedándose sin reta la Asamblea de la humanita Estrada GUACIMO GUAPILES cursos para regresar a sus hogaria e intensa labor de las señom. CARIBIA Enero 28 res, cuál serí la angustia de esos ras. Se notó solamente que el Abarrotes y Licores Cantina, Licores ExtranjeSERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS desvalidos sin la mano protecto número de señoras que comporos y del país e Artículos del País ra de la Junta? Continúa dicien nen la Sociedad es muy reducido Para cualquier clase de informos, dirigirse a: Tienda bien surtida y do el señor Taseis que hace mo pudiendo ser diez veces mayor Precios Econónicos Hapag Lloyd Felipe Alvarado Cia. Abarrotes en general ción para que por aclamación dado el número de señoras que LA IBERIA Agencia Costa Rica e da un voto de aplauso y de radican aquí.
Precios sin competencia Su Ini. Telefone 2188 LIMON gradecimiento a los miembros (Concluirá)
Este documento es propiedad nacional vinguer Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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