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LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 11th. May 1935 335.
PAGINA saw who didn have a dog.
Give your children protection More Delightful Than Permanent. Campaign Speaker. Fellow citizens Ah. er um, as was about to remark, be.
lieve that the generality of man in general is disposed to take an undue advantage of the generality lof Man in Audience. You better sit down. You re coming out at the same hole you went in at.
What to become of your youngsters if you should as a los before they are self supporting?
léxito y GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY llegaron ja y teamuno HOW?
Hereby Hangs Tale Did your teeth chatter when over Frenchmen Ready For Mobilization time uv out.
El Caballo Blanco mobilization orders will be posted Maduro Lumber Yard Beyond Her Ken. physician attended an old lady from Scotland who had caught a severe cold.
Through any local Agent or office of the Hon Alde Villa you felt the chill coming ciudad you? asked the doctor.
Banco Nacional de Seguro Mrs. Jones, a lawyer asked dinna ken, doctor; they were of his landlady, if left a thous lying on the table! was the pleasand dollars in your keeping, and ant reply. died, what would you do? Would Novel Case of Theft you pray for me?
Service. rather stout wo No, said the landlady, rd man was making herself a nuisan News from Paris says, if war articles of clothing he is required While Stanley Forbes, a chauf. He reported his loss, which had pray for another one like you. ce in the big shop which was hold should break out at any moment to take along. Men with the lon feur, slept. apparently, very sound. cost him 15. 0, to the police, but ing its annual sale. Nothing, it there are 6, 328, 000 able bodied gest military service on their rely in motor car at the corner of they are rather puzzled to fathom Sometimes Both. What seemed, would suit her, and the men in France, between the ages cords will be called out last. Hanover and Harbour Streets, how such an unusual theft could is a budget?
unfortunate shop assistant was be of 21 and 50, who know exactly To get together, with the least Kingston, Jamaica, his upper plate have been successfully perfectuated. Well, it is a method of worry. ginning to get a little weary, where and at what hour to report; possible delay and inconvenience of artificial teeth, among which Anyway Stanley has had the neing before you spend instead of Haven you anything ready they even know the specific train this immense body of men, France were two of gold and which were cessity of visiting his Dentist much afterward.
made that will fit me? askea the by which they should travel to has been divided into twenty mil. presumably exposed, was snatched earlier than he anticipated.
customer at last.
their mobilization headquarters as itary dittricts for mobilization out his mouth.
Talk About Dilemmas. Ah, Yes; the umbrellas and the also the length of time allowed purposes: good mornin. Mrs. Murphy, and handkerchiefs are downstairs, them for reporting before being At Metz twelve chasing planes Clearing the Slums how is everythin. madam, the girl replied. considered deserters.
with a flying capacity of over 220 Sure, an m havin a great The Governor of Jamaica has Dump ground and connecting The French Legation in San miles per hour have been assigned it between me husband Gentlemen of the Jury. The Jose has inserted an article in the to patrol the frontier so as to keep Council to spend 100, 000 for from Pechon Street through the given sanction to the Corporation Beckford and Darling Streets.
and the fire. If keep me eye on prosecuting counsel was having a Daily Papers calling on all French German planes from spying on the wan, the other is sure to go little trouble with a rather difficult Nationals in Rica to at once re. French fontifications.
clearing up the Slums of the City witness. Exasperated by the man of Kingston and carrying out port to the different Consulates evasive answers, he asked him it for information.
works of improvement, such as the And Touch Not the Cop. he was acquainted with any of the In case of a of war, building of a new municipal markAn irate enthusiast, who had jury.
et. a new Slaughter House, a new Cantina, Posada y Cafetería watched his home team go down Yes, sir, more than half of in every city, village and cross road Fire Station, the extension of the Felipe Wing Ching in defeat, stopped the umpire as them, replied the man in the box throughout France. man liable City Gas Works, improvements he was leaving the field. Are you willing to swear that for military service would thereFRANK MADURO Jr.
Apartado 9 to Smith Village and Trench Pen Where your dog? he com you know more than half of Limón, Costa Rica upon turn up his military papers Prop.
and the building of a thoroughfare manded.
them? asked counsel.
where he would find the day on Dog? ejaculated the umpire. If it comes to that, m wiling which he must report; at what hour Best native lumber have no dog.
to swear that know more than he should report to the nearest rail Well, said the grouchy one, all of em put together, came de way station to take train for his at moderate price you re the first blind man ever fiantly from the witness.
Mr. León Cortés is the first José the earlies part of the wek mobilization headquarters and the of the Presidential Candidates to with a view of inaugurating an take the field. Last Saturday he active campaign throughout the New Citizen Law For Germans held a public meeting in Carta Republic; but as don Ricardo go, and on Wednesday he visi has since this meeting reiterated Under the provisions of a new (mony at which such an award is citizenship Law soon to be issued to be conferred will include the On Sunday last, May 5th. the Simpson Downer get three wic. ted this City when he was enthu his determination not to accept in Germany, it is alleged that the solemn act of taking the oath of Pathfinders scored a victory over kets for 17 runs and Simpson siastically received by a large nomination, it will be necessary section of the populace; the for then to look elsewhere for right to obtain citizenship will only fidelity to the German community Ithe Wanderers. The game was four for 19.
be available to men who have serv of the Reich and its Fuehrer. Those rather sensational and the specta The Youngsters certainly played rrasty Theatre held a capacity their Candidate, that is, if they ed a term in the army and to who are considered enemies of the tors chered and congratulated faultless cricket, which made this crowd the same night to listen are still deermined to keep away women who are the mothers of at State or unworthy elements, even the Youngsters when they shatter the most enjoyable game of the to his discourse. It is understood from either the Cortesitas of Aleast one child.
though nationals by birth, will be led the last wicket of the Wande Competition. If they had an exthat his party has been langely costistas.
The award of a Letter of Ci deprived of the right to receive therers.
perienced Coach to train them increased a as a result of these Although don Julio Acosta tizenship will only be issued by award.
has not yet taken the public plat The Wanderers compiled 66 properly much talent might be two meetings.
Chanceller Hitler and the runs and the Pathfinders 82. This drawn out of this lot of Tre Group who have been form, he and his supporters hayoung was the fifth match of the Compe cricketers. We will only ask Cap endeavouning to bring forward a ve been busily pushing ahead.
cain Dixon to instruct his lads in third candidate, recently offered Reunions are being conducted in For the Pathfinders Minto decency, and tell them not to pay their support to our former citi various centres and it is reporand Brown each scored 18 runs; any attention to the criticism of the zen don Felipe Alvarado, who ted his adherents are being stea Hunter, 15 Miller 12 and public.
declined on account of the un didy augmented. Harrison 6; while Brown favourable condition of his he In addition ti the above, it is took wickets at a cost of 13 Last Monday the second eleven alth. It is said that Dr. Calde now stated that the Communist runs; Smith for 10 and of the Pathfinders met the first ron Guardia may be invited to Party have definitely decided to Taylor for 14.
eleven of the Fearless on the come forward as their candidate. enter the campaign and will, ear The principal scorers for the City Oval. The visitors won by The other Group, who have ly in the coming month, anno.
Wanderers were Smith 24; 37 Runs. The scores were 34 and been consistently working for the unce their Candidate: Dr. AleIn RCA VICTOR Knott 13; Brown 11 and 171 respectively.
re election of don Ricardo Jimé pandro Montero is being mentionez, held another conference in ned in this connection.
The Campaign The Cup Competition cerotition.
See the Radio that thinks!
To Legalize Sweepstakes LA MUERTE, EL OLVIDO, LA GLORIA Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Are Finer than Ever!
RCA VICTOR RADIO The Corporation Council of same before the Council at an earKingston and St. Andrew, Jamai ly date.
Hay una enfermedad crónica, ne bres que, mediante la acción intelica, recently passed a resolution fa The governments of Trinidad, cesariamente mortal, que todos de gente y altruista, embellecieron, mevouring a public Lottery. It is now Grenada and Bermuda have albiéramos evitar y que, sin embargo, joraron y esclarecieron al mundo reported that the Hon. ready given sanction to the run todos deseamos: la ancianidad. habitamos.
Simpson, who represents Kingston ning of sweepstakes in those Colo. La gloria no es otra cosa que La gloria es como la mujer pain the Legislative Council, will be nies, so it is contended by those un olvido aplazado.
ta el hombre la perseguimos si nos presenting that Body with a reso supporting the movement in Ja. El fin práctico de la civiliza desprecia; la desdeñamos si nos prelution to legalize Sweepstakes maica that there should be no dif ción consiste en obligar a la muerte fiere.
which it is suggested should be ficulty experienced, at this time, in a hacer cada día más larga antesa. Poco vales si tu muerte no es run under the auspices of the gov obtaining the desired permission. la delante de nuestra alcoba.
deseada por muchas personas.
ernment to provide funds for the At the session of the Council on. Considero antihigiénico meditar. Loor a los maestros que, comaintenance and betterment of the the 30th. ultimo, Mr. Simpson de continuo sobre la muerte. Hacién mo el admirable Sócrates, han hecho Hospitals and Poor Houses through gave notice that he would at the dola blanco perpetuo de nuestro ca de su muerte la más admirable lecout that Island. It is expected next sitting, move that Law 25 of riño, acaba, como la mujer amada, ción!
that he, in association with the 1898 be amended so as to permit por enamorarse de nosotros, y nos Nada distrae más a los viejos Hon George Seymour Seymour, the government setting up and es. lleva temprano con sus alas de mur que ocuparse de historia; es decir, the member for St. Andrew, will tablishing a State Lottery, the prociélago hacia la gruta tenebrosa e in de la vida y hazañas de hombres más sponsor the resolution in favour of fits of which to be applied to pub sondable.
viejos que ellos.
la public Lottery and will bring lic purposes.
Sólo merecen la gloria los homS. Ramón y Cajal Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Radio Perry Girton
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