
day, 11th. May 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Happenings at Matina What Wrong at the Hospital?
כתבה SAL UVINA merest reports.
For Liver Stomach Ailments the ambulance.
and сх.
ed en oc can well get el the money as The Cost of Living Soars end len was On Sunday last quite an unus.
False reports have come on two! These are natters for don Fula.
sua amount of activity was not Behold, Percy yet lives. occasion from Matina that Judge Jefe to quite into. Tn: pcct ces on the road leading to West By the chance, but Alvarez of that place was dead. It ir ple are being fleecedu. times falia. The Hospital ambulance prompted no doubt by that pecuseem as if it is the wish for suake these when there is a work was observed on its way towards liar desire on the part of certain an event which has fathered the far them.
Stanfor! Doakley was fined.
Westfalia with what appeared to members of our human family to THE RIGHT SALTS be a coffin and withou: which it take one long last look at the spot Several complaints have reach. 25. 00, as Pound Fees, for the shortly after returne cityward; where their loved ones passed their ed us that Matina is passing straying of his cows in the Village.
Not so many minutes Mrs. Rus last earthly moments, some of through a period of oppression by Stanford refused to pay the fine; sell truck was seen running pell those who had gone back with the 619 the Judge. He is said to be un he was sent to the Jail in this City mell full speed as if to overtake unknown corpse, went into the necessarily inquiring into the home but was soon liberated as there ward on the upper floor of the ros disputes of the settlers in the vi was no case against him. He reWhat was Wrong? bed on which they had, but the cinity, even when these take place turned to Matina the following On enquiring what was the hospital to take a look at the without the attendant scandal; and morning cause of such mov it was bed on which they had but the when the people explain their un Alexander Pugh was fined Invaluable for the Treatment of discovered that the relatives of an day previously left their relative.
pleasantnesses, be imposes fines for 20. 00 for opening his wife let.
East Indian named Perry, who had Great Scott, can this be Caesar which he dors not give receipts.
ter. Was a receipt given? Was it become a patient in the hospital a ghost which confronts them? No, man named Lindo (Tom) entered in the Court Book?
Flatulence And all forms few days previously, were inform it is the real Perry, their relative, was fined 50. 00 for having a poor old woman called Cleined that he had died in that Insti fully alive. What wrong, bag of coconuts which was pres. my was placed in the Lask Up Indigestion of Stomach tution. They requested that the claims the sick man, where are umed to belong to Mr. Gutierrez and fined 20. 00 for frivolous corpse be sent to Westfalia in the you all going? To this some one nel whereas it was brought from the reasons.
Colics Disorders ambulance at their expense; this replies Cousin Perry, them send Beach. Stanley Hill and his wife There fines are accepted in moidone they and their friends made fe tell we sey you ded, a how it go, as had an ordinary dispute in their ties; even Commissary Chips are the usual purchases necessary for you no ded fe true? The conshome; the wife did not lodg: any accepted in payment and by which FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES the funeral not omitting the Rum ternation which ensued razt complaint, but Hill was fined the Judge ration is provided.
with which to entertain the mour be imagined.
Pc 45. 00 without being given a Look out Señor Catulo, you know MANUFACTURED BY: ners; but, Lot and Behold! when But what has occurred, how did och receipt for the payment. horse, you cannot legally fine these peoso owned by one Williams, went into ple these amounts, and they are Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa che coffin is opened, the Body such a mistake happen? It appears which comes to view is that of a that one of the nurses in attenning the cornfield of one Montague. or being advised not to pay them SAN JOSE which Williams had to pay.
without obtaining the black man, not that of Perry, dance had inadvertently placed necessary The coffin is immediately reclosed, iPerry Chart. with the history mm 35. 00; Montague did not receipts.
a truck commissioned, and the of his case, over the bed occupied compensation for In justice to such complaitns, it the damage to his corn, nur did would be well if the Governor unknown corpse coveyed at top by the man who had died, and speed to the place from whence it that of the dead man over Perry the Education Department receive would go up and investigate if all came; it is accompanied by a large bed.
it for no recept was given these complaints are true and see and We have, in previous issues, call. a scarcity of this commodity, and bodyguard of the relatives how many of them are entered in What a huge joke befitting uie old the Court Registry to be turned ed attention to the pernicious con its price was increased to a figure friends of the real Perry, who are Tit Bits and the History of afri into the Treasury of the Education sequences which the persistent spe which was considered prejudicial anxious to know what had become Limon.
culative manipulations in our mo co the interests of the consumer, a of his mortal remains, which they This Perry happens to be one of STOCK Why Stanford Dunkley netary exchange were producing law was promulgated which stipus declared must not be dumped by the actors in the news item entillin the lives of our people, parti lated that the maximum wholesale jany means.
ed Before the Law Courts in sent to Limon, as a prisoner, by To the Stock Breeders of On arrival at the Institution it our last week issue. Can it be iba the Judge of Matina and was cularly those of the poorer or la price should not exceed. 17. 00 bb the Province, Mr. Simeon berated on arrival here. The Gov. bouring class, by reasoon of the per quintal and that whenever it is learned htat two men had died possible that his absence would be Richards of Penshurstof.
excessive increases in the ernor might find himself involved cost of did, the government should make there that morning; one had al preferable in the procedure, hence fers for Sale, a Fine Lot of.
some day, in claims of an Internaliving.
importations to keep it at this ready been buried or dumped, and this dramatic play?
Nine Cows and a Montgotional character on It was hoped that after the figure; this was actually done on the other, presumably Perry, sent We are now inclined to regard mery Pole Buffalo Bull.
this govern Fruit Company had commenced several occasions. This, however, by request, to Westfalia.
ment, if his subordinate Officers Great the duplication, which we told by Anyone requiring genuine persist in acting in such arbitrary paying in gold for the bananas cannot be again done at the exist. God exclaim both relatives and uma in his Count of Monte Crisgood milking Cows should supplied her by her contractors, ing rate of exchange, and so, the friends, our good relative has to took place in the Prison, as a ways.
commnicate with Mr. RiThis is but a warning and we but such has not been the case; in been carried beyond the 17. 00 some relief would have been seen, local wholesale price has once more been dumped, what a calamity on real fact.
chards, Pensliurst Estrella hope it will be attended to before fact, these unfavourable conditions and the consumer called upon the Line.
claims for illegal imprisonments have not only continued but have pay twenty five cents per pound DOCICR JORGE MONTESDE OCA Tare made.
gradually got worse, until now, for this commodity of every day Avenida San José Mistaken Identity with the rate of exchange gone necessity. We would not be at all Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad beyond 600 per cent, the price of surprised if, in a short while, the and Colegio de Señoritas Mr. Hugh Montgomery, First fered no serious discomfort apart Sugar has been again increased. retail price were carried to thirty MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, secretary to the British Legation at from the confinement in prison. Some time ago, when there was cents.
Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb the Vatican, was, on the 28th.
SURGICAL DIA THERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the March, mistaken for a Spy and. BREAD BREAD. 100, 000 Italians listed for the government of the Reich is neck of Womb after being questioned by the PoEthiopian Operations arranging to raise a loan of a RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small lice, was contined for two days in Eat only the best bread.
thousand million Marks to finance medium sized) by way of the Urethra prison in Naples when his identity BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF It is asserted from Paris that up the programme for increasing em was cleared up.
Made only by BOOTH Italian loan is to be The British Embassy at ar: The best that may be had Rome tas sent a note to the Italian gov.
in the country. Africa, and that as soon as the which are wholely German.
Several propositions have been After considerable discussion, erment calling attention to the Don forget to call at rainy season is over there will be suggested in the Island of Jamaica Mrs de Cordova won out on her incident, news of which was kept BOOTH and take home a a total of 100, 000 ready for any Revolutionary Leader Killed in as a bifitting memorial of the Silver mtoion. It is expected that the secrct in that City.
loaf of Berlin Special movement along the Ethiopian Cuba Jubilee of His Majesty King George Governor, Sir Edward Denham, Mr. Montgomery is a nephew of bread.
Cable advice from Havana accession on the throne of the Uni will send a message on the sub Sir Charles Montgomery, British Trying one will convince state that doctor Antonio Guiteras, ted Kingdom. Committee was apject to the Legislative Chamber Minister at the Hague. He says you, that this is positively Hitler to raise a thousand million leader of the Revolutionary Party, pointed by the Governor and all the so that that Body may decide the he appreciates the fact that it was the best loaf of bread, Loan for labour programme was killed on the 8th. instant, at proposals submitted to them. Among form the memorial should take.
nothing more than an unfortunate made in Costa Rica From Berlin it is reported that and 20 of his followers had taken the poor: Morilo near Matanzas where he these were: Housing Scheme for case of mistaken identity; he sufIt is thought that each Parochial the crection of a new Board will make a substantial donae refuge. Sixty soldiers and Marines Legislative Chamber; the erection tion so as to allow the crection of are said to have taken part in the of Educacional Institutions; wards in every parish to take care of capture of the Rebel Chief. awarding of Scholarships (Bocas those affected, and to make propa150, 000 dollars, Cry. were for training youngeters and your la ganda work against its spread. The discovered on his body.
dies for positions in the government Committee propose selling millions of service, especially in the Public Buttons and Broaches to Works Department and those of he Costa Rica Soda Railway and Surveyor General: for raising the necessary funds.
Banco del Estado State Bank mulating schemes for the ereation of Similar propaganda will be waged Water Factory Institutions for the prevention and there as is being done here by the Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue during of Tuberculosis in the Island. Dr. Facio proposition.
LIMON When the Committee met the METROPOLITAN BUREAU ofrece al público los Offers the Public the Hon. Sydney Cargill, Custos of Fábrica de Hielo Legal, Notarial General servicios de su the parish of St. Andrew moved Services of its Business Transactions that a New Legislative ChamBox 544. Cable. Metrobur y Refrescos ber be erected as a fitting memo My untarnished reputation o rial Mrs. Michael de Cordava, honesty. My intelligence and Florida Ice and Kvife of the Managing Director high calibre efficiency constitute of the Gleaner, however, inoved the necessary and all important that The memorial should take FACTORS which constitute my EN LA Farm Co. form of measures for the relief Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac and amelioration of Tuberculo tual and prospective CLIENTS LA FLORIDA sis, that Island wide subscriptions who confide to my care, di be invited toward the capital rection and administration, th.
Fábrica de Hielo No expenditure decided on, and that handling of their BUSINESS and para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service Venta de Leche ih be left to the government and GENERAL AFFAIRS.
servicio bancario Rendered Legislative Council to say EGBERT POLSON y Maderas what extent the country Accountant, Interpreter, Tran pledge itself Lator, Judicial Business Agent.
Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. ment has dispatched 50, 000 men to internally and from Companies Jamaica Silver Jamaica Silver Jubilee Memorial 1: Banco Internacional de Costa Rica assist in SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON to can


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