
Most Misleading THE ATLANTIC VOICE The article reports an interview No tabourer. not even the in Commssion Recommend Minimum Wage The Final Effort will not we now are TO PEJIVALLE ransportation of war material, another nation.
ఆమన We do not know whose fault it, he must have done on his way Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone ut a glaring disregard for here from York. On the other the truth appears in an article of hand, how could don Felipe have Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 27 th. July 1935 our esteemed contemporary LA obtained his observations conjec Año ll No. 55 Editor English Section. Nation PRENSA LIBRE in its impres turing that the New York boats of 16th do not call at Kingston at all. don Felipe domestic his recent return from New York and is contented to earn one shillSome time ago Deputies Mora fee, tobacco and sugar cane cultiand who, in his idea of supporting per day in Jamaica. When, and Jimenez of the Communist vations, and fifty cents to those on final effort to avoid a conflict of African territory has also acceleratWhat may be regarded as a destined for Ethiopia, over her ing, as he calls it, the firm hand therefore, he refers so dispara. Party, submitted a project for the the Banana and cocoa farms. arms in Africa is to be made at led the seriousness of the situation.
of don Leon Cortes is made to gingly to the labourer and the consideration of Congress which The report also suggests that the meeting of the League of Nasay employees of labour in that is suggested the passing of a law to the daily working hours should not tions, called for next Wednesday, siasm, it is reported, is being disMeantime the greatest enthu Our governments and our land by stating that even skilled fix the amounts to be paid as wa be less than six hours unless when with England still clinging to the played by the Abyssinians in their Soceity have occupied themselves labour gets but one shilling per ges to the labourers on Banana and interfered with by rains and other hope that a way may yet be found Emperor preparations to meet alleviating, in every possible day and is happy to be so paid, Cocoa farms.
uncontrolable circumstances, with to bring about a peaceful settle the expected conflict, and a wides.
way, the fate of our poor people. we cannot regard it as any thing The project was referred to the authority to the government La ment of Italy quarrel with Abys pread sympathy is being shewn for All the work possible is given else than a deliberate attempt to regular Committee in charge of bour department to vary these rates sinia, though all others have ap the African cause among aliens them and theyare paid salaries misrepresent conditions. such matters, who have now made in keeping with the economic con. parently lost this hope.
large numbers of whom are offer.
which, if insufficient, are at least He may be endeavouring, by their report, which unanimously ditions of the country. Certain In most well informed circles iting their personal services.
not what may be considered star this misrepresentation, to boost recommends a minimum payment penalties are proposed for the in is felt that the Italian Premier has!
The leading Italian Newspapers vation Wages. By this am not the alleged iron hand of don of twenty five cents of the colon fringment of the law.
so definitely committed him self are loud in their protest against endeavouring to underate the me Leon Cortes who is credited per hour to the labourers on cof. and his country that he cannot, at Japon profered help, which they rit nor the efforts of any Parti (truthfully or not, we do not this stage, change his attitude regard as an attempt to combine do, but the fact is, we have not know) with having stated that Still At It without seriously injuring his the Yellow and Black races against remained indifferent to this class two colones per day is adequate country prestige. He has just the Europeans in furtherance of of problems, and so the country wages for a labourer; to the member of the United States tem. Stress was laid on the opin recently declared there is no other her cherished desire for an Asiatic bas been able to maintain our si right thinking voter, however, Senate, Hamilton Lewis, has again, ion that the acquisition of the Is way for a settlement of the matter Union; they, consequently, call on tuation. Instead of which, on amy this propaganda of don Felipe brought sforward the preposterous lands was necessary for the proformation given out that Italy and frustrate the threatened peril.
than by force of arms; and the in all the Western Nations to unite passing through. Jamaica, for does more harm than good to his suggestion that England be urged tection of the United States.
example, have been able to ob candidate; it is out of tune with We are told that none are so to cede Bermuda, Jamaica and the be represented at the serve in reality the truths of the his success. What self respecting Bahama Islands to that country in blind as they who refuse to see: creased activities now being shewn a call to all Hindoos to rally to From Calcutta comes the advice League meeting, as also the in that Mahatma Gandhi has issued Crisis. experienced there that labourer will vote for one whose part payment of the War Debt. way employees of high grade, of great platform is one of serene satisfacThe Senator has also suggested are so dense as they who decline in the dispatch of larger numbers the help of Abyssinia either by a perparation and efficiency, do tion with existing circumstances that England be requested to re to understand. On eveey occasion of troops to Africa, and the repa contribution in cash or by personot earn but one shilling per day. a day wage of two or three linguish her claims in connection on which the suggestion has been triation orders issuel for non com nal services. In making the call, and are content to earn it. colones and the exchange at 45 with the consruction of the Nica. mate it has been met with the state: ed areas, are all regarded as indi get that Mussolini is a menace to batant Italians from the threaten Gandhi says India must not for might be excused for saying that with merchants requiring gold raguan Canal, so that the Amer ment that no part of the British cations of Mussolini determination the coloured salaries are epen yet more reduced for foreign remittances.
can government may have the sole Empire is for sale, yet we find race and that the than this of the many who can afford right of operating both this and some one or other of our Amer. to defy these conciliatory efforts! country being under the control of to travel around, don Felipe is the Panama Canal as a single sys Sicars Cousins still harping on it.
Then Japon declaration in fa England is a member of the League All these observations incline the only one whom we have heard vour of Abyssinia and the reported of Nations and so is perfectly to think that in Costa Rica say it is only in Jamaica the veriwillingness of England to allow justified to go to the assistance of ought to continue in this path table ravages of the Crisis way of social labour, proportion experienced. We are more incliing, with every sacrifice, work toned to accept the statements of (The Switzerland of Turrialba)
Jews For Ecuador the unemployed.
pother great men who have and In calling attention to the untolled in América and Europe and For the Paptist Annual Day of Pastime It is reported that through the acres of land for occupation by ruthfulness of these statements, who assert that Jamaica is the Friends who so wish can spend the day in Turrialba intervention of a philantropic, 50. 000 Jews expelled from Ger one cannot help feeling that for only place in which they have ROUND TRIP FARE: group residing in Paris, the go many and in actual residence in a Capitalist of this class to have not seen any Crisis. With Bana FROM LIMON. 50. MATINA 00. SIQUIRRES 50 vernment of Ecuador has agreed France.
uttered them, he might be consi nas at 6d, or 80 cents gold per TRAIN LEAVES LIMON A.
to concede more than one million dered as having earned those des stem; oranges at top prices; cofserts which would be his did he fe at 130 por cwt. and all proreside in a country controlled by ducts well paid for where could Cuban Murderers Pay Penalty Communism.
don Felipe see one shilling per Alfonso Roubal and Serafin St. Catherine District Prison In the first place don Felipe day? No don Felipe there are writer has said the English vouring element in the national could hardly have had time to pooner men here than you but Diaz, the Cubans found guilty the morning of the 53rd. instant man loves Liberty as he does his pot. and so do not wonder that, the murder of another Cuban by at 30 o clock.
make any adequate observations they are quite as read as you are the Criminal Court of Jamaica, wife, the Frenchman as he loves in the enamoured Patrick Henry, The case was, in one day visit to Kingston as and better informed too.
as customary, his mistress and the German as should be seen on who was of that paid the extreme penalty for what reveiwed by the Island Governor his grandmother. There are so stock.
has been described as the most and his Privy Council when it was The battles of the Races in the Further Suffering In China brutal and sensational murder in decided that the law should take me, we think, who love it as they do their mother in laws. The cause of Liberty have crimsoned the history of the Island, on the its course.
Under date the 24th. instant. ers and while no official figures gallows within the walls of the majority of order loving people, the ages; they are like thick however, love it like life itself. strewn seeds. It was in search of it is reported from Shanghai that can yet be obtained regarding the the Dam of the lake Luchasan to death caused by the everflowing This latter love was enunciated Liberty that the Pilgrim Fathers the Southwest of Chanting has of the Yellow and Blue Rivers, it Planters Apparently Succeed by the great American Patriot, braved the Atlantic and the perils broken and caused a tremendous is estimated that the number will Patrick Henry, when he said of the New World. It was for it yundation which is rapidly ex exceed 200, 090. It is, however, Some time ago we mentioned ago and was evidently a success as Give me Liberty or give me that John Brown died and the nding. 300, 000 persons have had stated that five million persons are that certain of the Banana plan a second consignment of over 3, 500 Death.
Revolutionary and Civil Wars take refuge in the trees situate homeless and damage to the extent ters of the higher regions around bunches left Puntarenas yesterday Let us observe the attitude of were fought. If it be true that the higher lands.
of thirty millions in value Paraiso had formed a combine to for San Francisco.
these nationals toward the great the dead participate in our mun30, 000 bodies have already been caused from the inundations in export their fruit to California, as The fruit is conveyed in trucks Disiseratum and consider their dane affairs, then the shades of ecovered by the Red Cross work. Shantung.
they were unable to dispose of it to San Jose and there delivered regard fo it; as Heine puts it, the those who gave their lives for this in the local market. The initial to the Pacific Railway for trans thoughts of these highly cultu cause must rejoice at the recogniNew Banana Company shipment went forward some weeksportation to Puntarenas.
red people have permeated, in tion which their sacrifice has now fluenced (flavoured. the Ameri secured. Limited Liability Company, sand colones each.
to be known as the Compania can melting pot. At the same The capital is stated to be fully MR. TAYLOR In Rosseau philosophy, Liber time we cannot forget that the ty is conceived as lawless; but Nacional Bananera. has just been subscribed by the forty shareholders Among those who are arriving to Headquarters in Boston, he was Englishman was the greater flainaugurated in San Jose with a and Mister Jose Pablo Rodriquez here today aboard the Vera for some To page time attached to capital of one hundred and sixty Quesada has been named Presi.
thousand colones divided into one dent.
gua is Mr. Taylor, the Gen Division. Although his stay will eral Auditor of the United Fruit be short, the Atlantic Voice hundred and sixty shares of a thouCompany.
wishes him and his amiable wife a Mr. Taylor is no stranger to most enjoyable time among his (Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
our City as, prior to his promotion many old friends.
We beg to call your aitention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: Abyssinia Confers Decorations SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS This bill must be paid at our LONDON, 26th. Doctor Chain of Gold of the Order of LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS office before the 10th of the month Asaj Wargneh Martin, the Solomon and the Queen with the de Agosto Ethiopian Minister in London, Chain of Gold of the Queen of Be so good as to comply with this request today presented the King with the Sheba.
Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, Itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a Compañía Ultramar and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Earthquake Felt Throughout Country Agentes Generales astep which we would much regret to take.
An earthquake, which was felt to 45 seconds and, though causing FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón in almost all parts of the country, much alarm in various places, did Sub Agentes en occurred at about 10. 45 last not occasion any damage so far LIMON PUNTARENAS Thursday. It lasted for from 50 as is known.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
LIBERTY on were this Royal Netherlands Steamiship Co.

    CommunismEnglandFranceItalyLeón CortésMussoliniPresidentes de Costa Rica

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