
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 27 th. July 1935 PAGANA PURGING RUSSIA COMMUNISTS INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS THE UNIVERSAL UNIVERSITY Foreman Sheet Metal Worker Lumber Dealer The Mass Meeting Without cost or obligation, please send me full particulars about the subject before which have marked X: By Eugene Lyons Only an inkling An American TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES leader, if found wanting and disAdvertising Bridge and Building Civil Engineer Train Operation The national congress of the rul missed in disgrace, might make a Accountancy Architect Welding, Electric and Gas Surveying and Mapping Chemistry. Pharmacy ing Communist Party which met berth for himself elsewhere. An Architectural Draftsman Reading Shop Blueprints Gas Engines Refrigeration Coal Mining Engineer in Moscow at the end of January outcast Communist is ussually out Building Estimating Telegraph Engineer Diesel Engines Locomotives Navigation. Boilermaker represented a depleted and pur forever. These is only one master, Wood Millworking Telephone Work Aviation Engines Section Foreman Textile Overseer or Supt.
ged membership. The entire or only one employer and dispenser Contractor and Builder Mechanical Engineer Automobile Mechanic Highway Engineering Cotton Manufacturing Mechanical Draftsman ganization in 1933 had passed of favors: the State run by the Structural Draftsman Plumbing. Steam Fitting Bridge and Woolen Manufacturing Machinist. Toolmaker Heating. Ventilation Building Foreman through a chistka or cleaning of Communist Party. From power to Structural Engineer Agriculture Electric Wiring Patternmaker Air Brakes Fruit Growing the ranks, in which political her oblivion by way of the chistka is Electrical Engineer Pipefitter. Tinsmith Steam Engineer Chemistry Poultry Farming esy and private sin were ruthlessly road trodden smooth by tens of Electric Ligthing Bridge Engineer Steam Electric Engineer Good English Radio. Marine Engineer disclosed and summarily punished. thousands, as smooth and as slipBUSINESS TRAINING COURSES Figures were not published be pery as a chute the chutes. Many, Business Management Accountancy Spanish. French Signs Grade School Subjects fore the congress opened; but it is indeed, would gladly embrace Office Management Cost Accountant Salesmanship Stenography and Typing High School Subjects safe to surmise, on the basis of oblivion, but should their sins Industrial Management Accountant Advertising Complete Commercial College Preparatory former purgings, that from 20 to prove heavy enough to warrant it Personnel Management Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Civil Service Mail Carrier Illustrating Cartooning 25 per cent. that is to say, be they get exile or prison instead; Traffic Management Secretarial Work Lettering Show Cards Railway Mail Clerk tween 600, 000 and 750, 000 Com even, in rare instances, death by Name.
City Address munists were cleaned out. While shooting.
Cía. Publicidad Moderna, Representantes. San José, Apartado 1354 it was in progress, throughout the If Bolshevism is a religion, as year, no new members were admit outside observers so ogten insist, The extraordinary human stories culation, or harbored dangerous polited. Joseph Stalin party of then the institution of chistka is uncovered by the chistka would easily tical opinions. The honey pots of po3, 000, 000, striving to remain the its confessional. confessional fill volumes. Many of them spilled wer inevitably draw careerists and HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE monolith prescribed by Lenin, more searching and soul searing over into the press; more of them self seekers, aunder any system ever had deliberately reduced itself to than any ordained by older faiths. spread by word of mouth. The great devised.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón 2, 400, 000 or less. confessional in which there is Russian revolution is a thing of yesPara EUROPA Statistics do not begin to con never any privileged secrecy and terday, its wounds only halfhealed.
It was to rid itself of such accre(SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, vey the drama of the chistka. One rarely any absolution; in which Tourists and onther casual observers tions that the chistka was conducted.
must have lived in its atmosphere punshment is not deferred to a see the relatively calm surface and Let no one imagine that it succeeded to understand it. The chistka was hereafter but is meted out on the can only guess at the dislocated, man in that task. The justice which it CORDILLERA 17 de Agosto a tangible presence, a sword of Da spot.
led lives underneath.
administered was at best a rough mocles, hanging, it seemed, not The deity to whom it is directed well known journalist, in the one. Many a shrewd bureacrat slip Para GUATEMALA only over the Communists them is the myriad proletariat, which Party since 1918. was being purged. ped unharmed through the meshes of (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
selves but over the whole nation. listens in on the proceedings at The process was routine, since there the chistka, while honest but less The millions directly affected, public meetings, on the radio, could be small doubt of the man adroit men kere caught and crushed.
their dependents, their friends, throught the press. It is a deity standing. But as the very close soConsidered in the large, however, CORDILLERA Agosto 12 moved in an atmosphere tense with eager to detect lies and evasions nieone in the audience produced a the Kremlin may be said to have SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS apprehension. Since they are the and unsparing in its judgment.
millions who govern the vast Union Everywhere lives dredged for scanfrayed yellow newspaper published achieved its main objectives. It cast in St. Petesburg before the revolu out undesirable members by the hunPara cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: of Soviets, their mood of suspense dal. Skeletons were yanked gleefully tion. He read an article of the black dred thousand especially those and fear could not but commun from obscure cupboards. Personal tra hundred type, inciting to anti Jewish tending to think outside the strict HAPAG LLOYD icate itself to almost everybody. gedies and comedies were reclaimed pogroms. He read the signature limits of the orthodox catechism or AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Imagine, if you can, the from under alluvial deposits of time. that of the man being cleansed. For party line. It has fortified the au3, 000, 000 Americans holding the Non conformist views, in particular, a few minutes the victim tried to thority of the small inner circle which most strategic posts of power and were ferreted out and demolished. The evade responsability, then he can holds Party power, by demonstrating influence in their country being, omnipotence of the Party vigi fessed. He had been editor of a reacthe penalties of mon corformity and suddenly subjected to a pitiless dly controlled from the center and tionary sheet. After the revolution rewards of uniquestioning discipline.
public inquiry into their past his speaking in the thunderous accents he joined the Bolsheviks and had The mass meeting, in connec siasm had been partially subdued tory even unto their great grand of the proletariat was making it worked faithfully ever since. He had tion with the Universal Negro by the illtreatment meted out to parents, of their political faith, self manifest.
Improvement Association, which the promothers of the meeting by passed previous purgings without private conduct and more intimate The majority of the membership. trouble and thought his past safely should have been held by the Of the boisterous uncultured attitude personal foibles. Imagine this in of course, passed the cleansings with buried. Now it was resurrected. He ficers of the Moin Chapter on of the man Mitchell previously quiry conducted under conditions flying colors. Many of them emerg was removed from the Party, possibly FRANK MADURO Jr.
the 10th. instant, at Liberty Hall, referred to, there was neverthewhich made it the duty of every ed from the chistka laden with fau arrested; in any case, his life lay but was frustrated by the vicious less a fairly good response to the Prop.
neighbor and charwoman and of rels. stronger in their position than around him in ruins.
and uncultured conduct of the call considering the meeting had fice boy to question and accuse ever before. If secret sins were expoSimilar tales could be strung out Best native Chairman of the Limon Chapter, to be postponed from the Sunday lumber these upper 3, 000, 000. Imagine sed, so were secret virtues. All the endlessly there were Mr. Mitchell, came off at night to that of Monday, and an that, and you have some inkling same, the procedure was an ordeal routine exposés. Communists who at moderate prices the St. Mark Hail, by kind per appreciable amount was received of what happened in Russia. for nearly everyone involved.
beat their wives, or engaged in spemission of the Revd. Mr. Pugg as subscription toward the Cause.
on Monday. The intention of the This amount is to be airmailed meeting was to deliver a written immediately to Mr. Garvey in message from Mr. Garvey to all London to assist the cost of estaSIQUIRRES RESTAURANT adherents with the view of rais blishing the offices, where the be The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Miing a Fund for the founding of world wide Association will nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be dignified offices in London for represented for forcibly portrayserved on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res. the Headquarters of the Socie ing and enforcing the claims of taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo ken, Se habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht ty.
Negroes on African Territory, Deutsch.
The meeting was called to or first, to British fairplay, then KISSLING der at 30 by Mr. Li to other Nationals with interests In RCA VICTOR Manager vingston who acted as Chairman. in the dark Continent as she The large audience was kept in termed by them.
tensely interested on the point of Notice of the next meeting w2 San Juan de Dios Hospital Congested the message by the many spea given for Monday the 29th.
The doctors is charge of the va cupy a bed.
kers, among them being Mrs. the same place and time, weath, rious wards in the San Juan de We would therefore advise those Britton of Bananito; and conditions being lagreeabl Are Finer than Ever! Dios. San Jose, have intimated they who may dasire to enter the insti. Nation; Daniel Roberts. Frank An enormous throng is expect are unable to accomodate more tution to first find out if space Abel; Thomas; Georto be present to subscribe to the patients for want of space; in is available, as only emergency or ge Cuthbert and Fowler of move. Committees are to be appofact it is stated that some of the very serious cases are being readily Limon; as well as Mr. Marks, inted to receive contributions in wards are at present se congested admitted.
Mr. Wills of Moin and Mr. Pet every district. The Fund will be that more than person have to oc.
grave of Siquirres.
designated Garvey European The fire of enthusiasm was Fund. Contributions will be ackkindled in all by the fervour of nowledged in the columns of the Excursion Train to Cartago the spekers on the matter of Ra ATLANTIC VOICE and the For the Feast of the Third Centenary of the cial Consciousness and the justil Central American Express. Sece of upholding the hands of Mr. veral new speakers have been alVIRGEN DE LOS ANGELES Garvey in his new Headquarters ready listed. Should every memTrain Leaves Limon 2. August Ist. and Returns from Cartago 2nd August 1pm from, whence he would be better ber of the Race contribute at least Round Trip Fare 00 able to direct, with great impetus a fifty cent paper Bill a splendid The Product is to Benefit the Poor of Sn. Vicente de Paul and push, the aims and objects amount will be advertised. Each Perry Girton of his Organization, before the one in therefore asked to display THE DIRECTIVE International Convention.
his clannishness to a cause which Although the flame of enthu needs assistance.
Maduro Lumber Yard the more See the Radio that thinks. Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception RC VICTOR RADIO Costa Rica Radio BUY YOUR UMBRELLAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyLeninRussian RevolutionStalinWorking Class

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