
ENGLANDS ATTITUDE IN THE ITALOETHIOPIAN WARFARE Many and harsh have been the against her, she being the principal Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone sarcastic remarks cast against Bri user of that waterway in carrying tish integrity in this wicked design on her commercial relationship with Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 26th, October 1935. Editor English Section of Mussolini to absorb the better part the Far East, neither could she be Año ll No. 68 of Ethiopia in consolidating his aims the first to fire a shot in view of of Empire building. To the careful her, persistent advocation of a peaobsenver of world affairs, however, ceful solution of all problems.
THE JAMAICAN CRICKET TOUR it is evident that England needed to We are sure all have admired the As announced, the long looked seven runs for six wickets.
be very very careful in her decisions. address, by Radio, of Sir Samuel for visit of a team of Cricketers An unprecedented crowd witnesThere are those who felt that En Hoare, British Foreign Minister, be from the Isle of Springs has been sed, amid deafening cheers, the Nothing sensational hes been re be fierce fighters, swam the rive gland should have rushed into the fore the fifteenth Convention of realized, and the officials of the performances of our masters of the ported from the principal points ex. night and routed the Ethiopian strife immediately Ethiopia indepen American Womanhood in New York. Motive Power Sporting Club are Art. Over four thousand persons cept that both contestants are pre ter a six hour hand to hand fiq dence was threatened. Oh, the Suez in which he said he was hoping that to be congratulated for the advent were present to show their appreparing, gigantic scale, for a In preparation for the drasti Canal should have been blocked from his speech of the 11th. September. among us of these stalwarts in the ciation of the Rev. Spencer great offensive in the North. Therefects to be expected from the the moment Mussolini began trans at the League of Nations, had esta princely game.
and his men, and however modest is said to be a million men concen cement of the Economic bloc porting men and munition into Eri blished, without any doubt, the fact On Thursday last week the he may inwardly be the genial trated on both fronts to consummate Italy has been placing trea; British guns should have long the British people solidly sup. Railway Station appeared as if the Manager must have di spenced that this great drive for the purpose of in many countries for war since belched forth warflames against port the Convention of the League City was enjoying one of her his little suffocation, which at times dislodging the Italians from their sities. An order for 300, 000 the Italian warships for many rea and will oppose any unprovoked acts toric fete days, thronged as it was rises in our throats to stifle our positions at Adowa and Adigrat. Al boots was placed in Warsaw sons assert the Pacifists. of aggression and will defend all me with hundreds of our beauties dres means of expression, called OR though some foreign papers stated was turned down in conseguen Has it ever occurred to these show thods for a peaceful solution that sed in all colours to catch a glimpse GULLO.
Adowa had been recaptured, the ca the scarcity of skins due to ters of Peace, Peace. that such would substitute war; and that the of what these idols of whom they Tuesday arrived, and the Burial bles from Addis Abeba now confirm oders by the Italian governme an attitude would Lave destroyed all subject of colonial possessions is had heard so much were like. Schemers marched to their destiny the activities around these places as this respect the United States the pretences of the Peacemaker. It one that should be discussed by the The entire team boarded the and well should it be, inasmuch a means of preparation for the great so refused an order for aeros is a well known fact that England League at once as well as the ob Rapido and away they sped for as Peter the Great had taught them attack.
from the Abyssinian governme has been the Mother and Protector servations on the actual phases of San José leaving us the humdrum how to nurse their hopes when From the South it is reported that consequence, she asserts, of he of the League of Nations which was International economic relations. in life to which fate has destined us. they are sick and how to bury Italian natives of Somaliland crossed trality in the warfare.
instituted as a preventive against ag which all obstructions to internatio They spent Friday all day sightsee their sorrows when they arise; for the river Shibeli and took the towns An Ethiopian machine gun gression, by the more powerful na nal commercial exchanges ought to ing in the Capital. some running had they not got to face the Full of Burdoni and Dagnersi. The Ethio operating on the Ogaden front tions, on the rights of the weaker be swept away, as these are the cut to the outlying districts of ler Johnsons in front of them, pian General, Deja match Ayelu, ported to have annihilated 40 ones. How then could it have been prime factors of all wars.
Cartago, Heredia and Alajuela, with the Steers McDonalds to was wounded in this battle. It is lians. The guns were carefully and returned to Limon on Saturday the right of them and the Hen strangely reported from an inmense cealed and the Ethiopians di consistent for her, who had been He concluded by saying that it last to start the tasks prepared for dricks to the left of them, all shouting continually for a peaceful was therefore a great pleasure for them.
quantity of Italian bombs were laun open fire till the Italians were solution of all problems, to burst thundering and roaring at them? ched against these towns by airplanes. tly in front of them. The in him to speak to a great American forth with torch in hand as a means audience, whom he knew was bent beaviest train of human cargo that for all that returned of them was they did not explode; anyway the they broke and fled leaving the On Sunday morning at 30 the Their fate was, nevertheless, sealed but little or no damage was done as Askaris became so demoralized of quelling the flames of the fireon promoting international friendships has ever left Limon, drawn by a thirty Seven runs all out. The brand? On the contrary, Britain has done everything humanly possible to the many invocations of the Ameri over 1, 000 anxious excursionists. and Hendricks made a veritable in the cause of Peace, as proven by single engine, steamed out taking visitors then went in, and Fuller natives, called Dubats, who seem to on the field.
avoid this conflagation. We will adcan Minister of State, Mr. Cordell crammed in nine coaches, to see sequence of boundaries. hitting my mit that where the shedding of hu Hull. on these ideals; hence he wis what would be accomplished in the the Ball in all directions on top man blood is the topic, quick action hed to convince the American peo first match at Carmen. As the of and clean over the houses on all is essential to avoid the spilling, but ple that Englans stande for the abo train was late in ceaching its desti sides, not even respecting Colonel a precipitated shedding will not help lition of war and the thought of war nation, the game did not start till Campos Institute, the Jail. In Many have been the proposition We now observe that th the situation.
equally in the fields of commerce of 12 o clock. Rain fell soon after, quick time 201 for four wickets was recently placed before our govern an offer for the constructior The League of Nations might be industry and labour as on the bat and when the visitors, who tried reached. The idol, Ricahrd Coeur ment, for Industrial purposes, by factory for the manufac considered very slow in her discus defields. We wish. he said, a new the first knock, had reached 35 de Leon, gave a real exhibition of foreign Capitalists.
cement under certain conc sions and appointments of Commit world, a new order of things in hu runs, the game had to be abandon boundary making, as all balls ap Much opposition was taken by rights, in which there is to tees to investigate this, that and the man relationships, in which peared the same to him, and in Congress to the construction, under pended some two million other matter, but every precaution and justice in commerce will be as On Monday the Pathfinders lead quick time he knocked up 81 runs. concession, of a large factory at for its inauguration. We had to be taken so as to prevent the sured, because we are convinced the way to battle, but Captain Wednesday game with the Purtarenas, for the preservation of dering whether this will contestants appealing against what that these are also your desires and Dixon and his youthful ten could Wanderers was full of interest, as the Tunny fish for exportation to turned down by our Cone may be deemed hasty or premature your ideals.
not control their opponents; due to they really had a first class team the United States, insomuch that. One cannot help think decisions against their best interests.
a soppy wicket, the game was not pitted against the foreigners. They the Executive had to intervene in the great idea behind thes The admirers of the principles of With such remarks broadcasted to started till 12, 30 and at 40 had two of their former very good granting the concession.
tions is simply to prevent British fairness to all will conjectu the world, who can fail to realize the Capt. Virtue called the closure, af. men, now enlisted under the ban Much comment has also been capital being brought in, re that every act of hers will be mo sincerity and supreme conviction of tor his team had put on 173 runsner of the Motive Power in Cup made recently in the matter of explotation of the resources re severely watched and scrutinized the English people that they must be for six wickets, McDonald Cricket, Lucie and Bones. Then granting a Concession to the Good country, in the interests of by the entire world than those of the last to open fire in any conflict retiring with 102 to his credit. The they had Ramsay and Harrison Year Company for the planting of there being no local capital any other nation, having regard to even after all reasonable overtures Youths then faced the onslaught (Papie Lyon. the best of the Con: 12 thousand hectareas of lands in ble for such improvements the position of supremacy she occu for a pacific solution of misunders of the two fast bowlers of the visit struction. And yet they failed, Rubber.
pies, not only in strategic relation tandings may have been exhausted. ing team, Richard Fuller and they could only muster 35 runs due ship but in Statemanship; she there Hence, therefore, her latest wil Johnson, and when twilight came to the cannonading of Fuller and fore could not afford to make a mis lingness, as a result of the concilia on they had only mustered thirty Hendricks. We must here congraHURRICANE AGAIN HITS JAMAICA AND CUP take in a matter of such vast impor. tory conversations which tule the Costa Rica Burial Scheme, The Islands of Jamaica and tations and other cultivatio tance. She alone could not block the being carried on in Paris, to with GRAND ELOCUTIONARY who managed to make 37 runs, Cuba had the misfortune of again tropical disturbance passe Suez Canal; it could only be done draw a couple of her capital ships CONTEST thus doing two more than the suffering from a second hurricane the eastern section of Cub by the concerted decision of the Po from the Mediterranean as soon as Champions before the same attack.
wers. Besides she would not have has the menace against Egypt from the PARISH HALL The foreigners then went to the with in the short period of a month. Tollowing day; where its ft Hitting Jamaica on Sunday last, troyed a large area of Co tily supported such a decision as it Lybian borders has been sufficiently wickets and due to the technical where it, occasioned further con causing several deaths ang would have created a precedent which reduced and she is afforded certain Wednesday, November 20th. bowling of Bones, who bowled, siderable demage to banana plan injuries among the populatio might at any future time be used guarantees by Italy.
without a change, through the enUnder Auspices of St. Antho tire inning, they collapsed for 76 JAMAICA ACTS IN INTEREST OF NATIVE LABOUR ny Association with twofold runs. WEEK OF EARTHQUAKES Object of providing Xmas Cheer It is a pity this match was not Information has reached us that. employ a certain proportion of or the poor and needy and the played in as sportive a spirit as though somewhat tardy, Jamaica native labour in connection with has started action in the interest such places, and to make recommen suits.
ncouragement of Literary Pur Cricket principles demand. In fact Helena, a town in Montana, Uthe subterranean rumbling we have had some complaints from has suffered enormous da the inhabitants were redcued of her nationals obtaining a reas dations as to how far it might be Number of WELL KNOWN the visiting team which lead us to mages as the result of a series of awful condition through cnable proportion of local employ. feasible and desirable to introduce ITERARY TALENTS will wage feel that if it had been the Junta earthquakes which kept the earth, The property damage ment, such has already been taken by legislation compelling such Battle for Supremacy.
of Control regulating these mat it is said, in an almost constant ed a 2, 000, 000; only ty Panama and other Republics as ployment.
well as this country, though to a Five Prominent Citizens wil ches, some players might be asked tremor for a period of some seven were, however, reported al lesser extent.
The Committee is comprised of be Judges. Elaborate First Part to stand down. We hope such or eight days. Over 270 shocks large number of the people The Governor of Jamaica is the Minister of Education, the of rare entertainment, education it would Musical Programme. An Evening conduct will never again occur or were registered and so terrible were ed injuries.
not be surprising stated to have appointed a special Crown Solicitor, the Mayor of and surprises.
the visitors should call off the Committee to enquire into the pro Kingston, two members of the Lematch.
posal that business establishments gislative Council and a private citi SUPPORT WORTHY CAUSE The Fearless of Beverly throughout that Island should zen.
engaged the visitors on Thursday SERVICIO DE VAPORES General Admission 50. and on Friday the All Limon ComDoor opens 30 Prizes gra bination. Tomorrow the Ironsides Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA of receipt which reads.
ty, Club or Interested Individual. Construction and on Tuesday the Excelsior.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EURO VAPORES SALIDA This bill must be paid at our office DOODGE CALCOVAC MEDICAL CONGRESS AWARD OUR PHYSICIANS QUIRIGUA 27 de Oci beffore the 10th of the month Congratulations to Dr. Antonio Doctors works on Anaemia; Dr.
PETEN de Novi Peña Chavarria, Ricardo Moreno Peña Chaverria securing the Duque VERAGUA 10 de Nor Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot Cañas and Alberto Oreamuno for Gold Medal and Drs. Moreno Caoblige us to suspend our service, a step which their success in obtaining the first nas and Oreamuno the silver moFELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
we would much regret to takt.
three prizes offered for the best dals donated by Messrs. Aduardo Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS works presented during the session Icaza and Arturo Muller respecof the Third Central American tively.
Para otros inforraes, dirijhse a las oficinas de COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Medical Congress recently held in Diplomas of honour were also Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Cosa Danama.
awarded Drs. Enrique Berrocal TELEFONO 3156 The prizes were awarded for the land Luciano Beeche.
are still 30 emif UNITED FRUIT This bil med in Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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