
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 26th, October 1935.
4554564564 TLF1F1457F7FLSF461 56156141414F7F74151461471557574575574574674575576574F7F7F7F5LF4F4F155741551561571551561574675679574575576575576576674574679555461FLFFLFF ome GAMBRINUS to meet man it?
reby Hangs Tale METROPOLITAN BUREAU ady: 20 COM y brinde por su propia salud y satisfacción in den 5475645474574575514 TLFLF155745 FILTELLTILAS451554 ALALALALALALTI FELLATL46557LA4145FILTELSLLLLLLS LLLLLLS thing, he replied, the wife has THE LOUIS. SCHMELING MEET ARRANGED the influenza. the children the DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA It is announced from New Yorkcember next for a 15 round bout.
mumps, and ve caught a cold.
Avenida San José that arrangements have been made Paulino has been guaranteed the Then, you only have the maid Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad for Joe Louis Max sum of 30, 000 and a percentage to carry on with. No, wasthe further gloomy and Colegio de Señoritas Schmeling in the month of June of the gate receipts.
reply, she left for home by the MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, next year, and that James Bradfirst train the minute tried it.
Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb dock has agreed to meet the win It is also reported that Louis and SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the ner in the following September. his promotor will leave later for City proprietor to a new arrival, neck of Womb Meantime Promotor Jacobs sta South America for engagements in So you are building a new house, RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small tes that the Spanish pugilist, Pau Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, ch? How are you getting on with medium sized) by way of the Urethra lino Uzcudun, has contracted to and thence to Europe for visits to meet Louis in Detroit early in De. the more important Capitals. Fine, was the answer, Tve MISMANAGEMENT AT THE HALL got the roof and the mortgage on CRICKET CLUB INAUGURATED AT MATINA it, and expect to have the furnace Mr. Editor, each, ten cents to be forwarded to The Editor: and the Sheriff in before fall.
Captain; Murray, Secretary: us and two cents for your commisS. Hill, Asst. Secretary; PrinAs there has been so much com sion. We are accustomed to send For the benefit of the various exis gle, Treasurer; Gayle, Trustee; ment on the inauguration and ac them to Mr. Mitchell butting Clubs, we take pleasure in an Parchment, Fieldmarshall and tivities of the Reorganizing Com owing to his actions we have struck nouncing the organization of a Cric Bryan, Janitor.
Legal, Notarial General mittee of the in which his name off our Agents list.
ket Club here under the name of the. would like you to With thanks, Business Transactions my name appears and has been so Please be good enough to send Unity my son a foreign language.
much scandalized from the Ros in the sales as early as Magazines The following are the present ofrofessor: Murray Certainly, Ma. Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. trum, as a subscriber to your valued are sold so as to enable us to print ficers Gayle, Charmain; which would you like, French, Secretary Journal, crave the space necessary the succeeding issue.
My untarnished reputation of Broomfield, Captain; Allen, vice!
han, Italian, Spanish or RusMatina, Oct. 1935.
to explain the reasons which brought Wishing you continued success, honesty. My intelligence and this Committee to life. have the honour to be your obehichever you consider the high calibre efficiency constitute In consequence of the many ir dient Servant. Sgd. Marcus CORPORATION MEETING AT MADRE DE DIOS foreign.
the necessary and all important regularities committed by Mr. Garvey.
FACTORS which constitute my Mitchel in the management of the The Agricultural and Building All shareholders, who hold InYell, Peggy, said her neigh Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac Division in this City, 35 of us had Letter to Division No. 300 Corporation will hold their Annual scribed Scripts since the Inscription and how do you like your tual and prospective CLIENTS, to approach the then Governor of Shareholders Meeting at Madre de of the Society, are asked to attend governess?
who confide to my care, di. the Province on the 8th. and 9th. Officers Members of Limon Div. Dios on the 10th. November en and deliberate on these important sy, after thinking for a mo rection and administration, the of July in a complaint of such ac Dear Sirs Ladies.
suing beginning at 10 matters. half like her and half handling of their BUSINESS and tions. Resulting from such a course, The election of Officers will be The Reorganization Committee like her, but think half GENERAL AFFAIRS.
Mr. Mitchell, on the 10th. July, of the operating for cision taken regarding the life of effected at this meeting and a de Gibbs, like her the most.
banned us all from further activi the uplift of the Limon Division Secretary.
the Corporation the administraties in the Division, giving in our No. 300 having had in view, with Farquharson, EGBERT POLSON ters arrived at his office President names to his Secretary with orders great concern, the waning interests tion or disposal of the Property.
rather glum. What Accountant, Interpreter, Trans to accept any further dues in the affairs of the Organization, asked a colleague. Every lator, Judicial Business Agent.
from us. We, consequently, form not only in Limon but in the ened ourselves into a Committee for tire Republic, on account of what STATION RESTAURANT the reorganization of the Limon is deemed mismanagement, am SIQUIRRES Division of the Organization. We now requested to approach your Contra mordedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano (Under New Management)
immediately wrote Mr. Garvey in Body with a view of resuscitating forming him of these occurrences, the former interests and progress en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Miand sent him our quotas for 50 of the Organization, by presenting, Existencia permanente: es. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be members as per Constitution on the for the good government of our ed on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del lic. Carlos Viquez ant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo 25th. July. This he acknowledged Division, our (60) Sixty members ken, Se habla capañol, by letter dated the 9th. August a who have been duly registered and Avenida Central. Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas SULLIVAN copy of which is herewith.
recognized by our Parent Body as We continued our operations, per letter in hand from the Pres Anticipating an early reply, ed. We were instructed to be very LOCUTIONARY CONTEST AT FREE ADVENTISTS sending up another quota for 60 dene General. for reinstatement yours for Racial uplift. Sgd. peaceful otherwise something very Monday the 14th, instant. al zes were the gifts of Messrs. Frank members as well as five dollars for on the Rolls of the Limon Division George Cuthbert, Chairman; Frank serious might have occurredbux interesting and instructive Maduro and George Breedy. Miss 50 Blackman Magazines sold. By No. 300 of the of Abel, Vice Chairman.
the 10th. October we had enrolled Costa Rica, so as to create the spirit of Peace does not last on took place in the church Reid was awarded the first prize 76 members, all enthusiastic in the enthusiasm in our approaching elec question, 16th. instant, fifty of our ing, in the interest of this peace. On the Wednesday night in forever, therefore am suggestFree Seventh Day Adven a beautifully decorated set tions and to imbibe new life there members of the Reorganization that the existing Division on the in this city with Mr. cups and saucers and a pint of cause Afric Ethiopia.
Mitchell as in.
As our space was too limited for In Welch Grape Juice, Master Stepattended the business meeting at lines will get up a deputation among In to the contest, am directed by these to solicit our Liberty Hall to see what would them and come to Limon and inthe pro henson won the 2nd. a beautiful so large a umber of adherents who protested to the Czardom of Mit an audience with a special Com be done re this letter in conjunction vestigate the serious situation.
e included Solos, Duets, re glass with silvered holder chell in the Liberty Hall, built by mittee of ours, who will interview with Mitchell 12, when myself ns and addresses.
Thanking you Sir, e contestants were Miss Oli. Special mention must be made them while he was being cared for you at your ensuing Board Meet and others were grossly insulted deid of the Alpha Cottage; of eleven year old Miss Morgan ba of wich he says he is a native, in the Santa Clara Province of Cuing: and our good names badly malignFrank Abel Mabel Woolery of Pacuarito; for her eloquent and impressive to McFarlane of the Sal. elocutionary effort. It was the we decided to write the Officers my; Miss Eugenia Mor regret of all that there was not a and scanty membership of the 1)
V8 Miles and Master Jap prize available for her.
vision (12 in number financial)
offering our re instatement. See alphenson of the on Division. All are schoAt the close of the programme copy letter attached. For this the third grade in their res Elder Mosley and the Chairman myself and others were cruelly schools. The Judges were thanked all for their interest, help scandalized last Wednesday and Banco del Estado State Bank de la Bastide; Mr. and support. It is expected that the cur letter thrown to the winds by Williams and Mr. Elder will arrange another contest, President Mitchell. a Mr. Menelik Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue edham (in the unavoidable at an early date, among the scho Sealy of Moin. one of his Offie of Mr. Polson. The pri lars of the fifth or sixth grade. cers) and others.
ofrece al público los Offers the Public the Copy of Mr. Garvey to us through our Financial. servicios de su Services of its Mr. Edward Mitchell: not Suero Butantán new and BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA osta Rican Palm Nut Company repuesto come from belo Secretary. Compra COPRA Ve buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut)
EN LA IN THE Dear Sir: We thank you for your letter of the 25th. July signed by the new officers of the Division, which letter we will answer under separate cover. We however want to assure you all that we highly appreciate the amount of five dollars enclos.
ed therein.
This is to inform you that we are sending you, under separate cover, 50 copies of the Blackman Magazine to be sold at 12 cents CIUDAD DE LIMON Pagamos cantidades grandes 225. 00 Tonelada ell COPRA and get more money for your Coconuts with LESS WORK We show you HOW TO DO IT Further Information: CALDWELL Apartado 173, Limón Costa Rica CITY OF LIMON para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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