
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 2th. November 1935.
Modern Ethiopia ALLAN SIME New and Notable Treatment of the Affections of the Liver by Thorium Ray Activity 30 Company test (Continued From last issue)
Diređawa even has an American took its name. Seed was taken from LIMON educated mayor.
Kafa to Arabia, and thence came back to Harar. According to the Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa The escort keeps up with the mule Arabs, the cultivation of coffee also spread to other parts of the Importation and Sale of General The affections of the Liver are justly regarded as the most My soldiers used to walk or run world from the Yemen, in southMerchandise dangerous. This Organ undertakes the most essential funtions, and according to the mule humor western Arabia.
any disarrangement of them extends to others and, in a short while, the entire 35 miles in a day. They In Kafa and adjoining parts of prejudices tre entire system. The following are some of the more would go through the motions at southwestern Ethiopia may be seen At The St. Mark Hall inmediate effects of such disorders: Frequent headaches, dizziness, least, of lifting both the mule and to day vast and virgin forests of costiveness, gastric disorders anemia and pre mature aging.
In accordance with a letter re. Several able speakers will, it is me over certain steep places in the coffee of the indigenous variety. It Unfortunately, it is only now that a remedy has been discoveascent of the Harar plateau. There necessarily grows without cultiva cently received from Mr. Gar. expected, express their views on red which is not limited, like the majority, to exciting the biliary would, of course, be a certain pe tion or care and thousands of tons vey, the Moin Chapter will hold the relationship between the functions of the Liver and regulating the intestines; but will build cuniary reward at the end, the of the berries fall to the ground in another meeting at the above aims and objects of the Associa up its defences, renovate and definitely regulate its condition and amount depending on the degree waste each year.
Hall, in conjunction with the tion and the conflict now raging functions.
of interest shown by them en route. The outer fringes of some of Reorganizing Committee of the in Abyssinia.
HEPATOSAN, a Formula of Dr. Harris, whose proper On my first visit to Harar was these forests are worked by natives Association, on Monday The meeting will begin at ties are converted into active Thorium Rays, has made indisputable given, as part of the traditional in sections not too far from export 4th, instant.
progress in the treatment of these disorders. Its influence is notable courtesy of Ethiopian provincial trading centers, where the market and its benefits quickly observed. The experiments which have officials to the recommended trav. value of coffee is known. Egypt RECENT DEATHS been carried out fully demonstrate that HEPATOSAN is the ONLY eler, a big and very much alive ox, buys much of this coffee, shipped many baskets of large, round, flat via Khartoum, in place of former Santiago Francis, a resident Hospital on the 1st, and 10th. Formula capable of effecting a definite cure of the diseases of the Liver, and this is the opinion of many members of the Medical cakes of Ethiopian bread, and a importations of the Brazilian pro of Dos Bocas, and James Elliot, October respectively. They were Profession.
generous number of jars of home duct.
of Cairo, are reported to have natives of the Island of Jamaica.
HEPATOSAN is used internally. It is on sale at the Boticas of brew.
An article in the National Geo died in the San Juan de Dios Messrs. Reyes and McRae in Limon, and the Botica Oriental Such gifts are embarrassing until graphic Magazine describes kat, and Francesa in San José.
one understands how to dispose of the Flower of Paradise, grown in Costa Rican Palm Nut them. They are actually intended the Arabian Yemen. This small Dreariness Broken for the nourishment and chere of celastraceous shrub, known bota.
one Ethiopian escort. My 30 gol nically as Catha edulis, is cultivat. Compra COPRA killed him ed Harar also. CARI DAD DEL COCO)
The usual monotony in Limon the Pacific Coast, have we had completely before sunset of the and twigs are gathered wet with bas been broken for two weeks by greetings and expressions of comnext day. For me there was broiled the early morning dew and made We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut) the visit, from the Isle of Springs, radeship on so memorable an occaa choice bit of the tenderloin. into bundles, protected by larger of the Clarendon Touring Team sion as the entertainment of a visitThis old fashioned style of leaves and grass to keep them fresh, Price 11. 00 Quintal under the Captaincy of Mr. ing Team from Jamaica to Ethopian hospitality is now enjoy for sale in the native bazaars. Good Virtue and the management of the the strength of our Costa Rican ed mainly in the outlying parts of prices are obtainable, particularly Pagamos cantidades grandes 225. 00 Tonelada Rev. Spencer.
Cricketers, the first of its kind to Sell COPRA and get more money for your the Empire. More Occidentalized from the Moslems.
Coconuts with LESS WORK The game of Cricket is greatly occur in Central America.
procedures have come into practice am always reminded of a goat admired by the Britisher no matter There have been thousands of in the easily accessible centers.
when see a native leisurely masWe show you HOW TO DO IT how remote his domicile from a faces and bright costumes throngticating these kat ewigs, which are Further Information: CALDWELL greographical point of view; henceing our streets during this time, Ethiopia is the home of coffee chewed to stimulate wakefulness, Apartado 173, Limón, Costa Rica the reasons for encountering in Li some of whose we Had not seen rleieve fatigue, and produce pleasmon, within the past fortnight vis. for many years; all visiting for or The Harar district, town and ant hallucinations.
of the Franco Ethiopian Railway nificent specimens of feudal chief. itors from almost every nook and ostensible purpose. to see Cricket province, is the center of producMy main adventure in Harar zone. They frequently happen on tainship.
corner of the Republic. from Es played as it ought to be. Andfaith.
tion of cultivated coffee in Ethio was a lion hunt. Though, not fruit the right of way and generally do trella, Sixaola, Old Harbour, Man fully were their hopes and expecpia. Investigation of that was one less. it was not sufficiently success. not appreciate the nature of a rail. To the chiefs, large armies make chioneal. Cahuita. Parismina, Cotations fulfilled, as the Boys from reason for my earlier visits to Ha. ful to merit accurate recording. way locomotive until too late. The great countries lorado, Guapiles, Guacimo San Jamaica deported themselves in a rar. The bean produced is of excel like big figures. But there are plen. fire wagons themselves do not José. Even from Puntarenas, on manner as has never before been lent quality and ranks next only to ty of lions not far from the old always escape unscathed in colli Most of them, as befits leaders witnessed here; they exhibited their Mocha in world markets. It is cal. walled town. They are the finesion with a rhinoceros, a large an of mountain warriors, are interest. Mosquito net is essential equipment cricketing abilities as well as their led long berry Mocha and is sold blanck maned fellows so alluring telope, or a camel or hefty bullocked only in things military. The first for the traveler gentlemanly characteristics in to a discriminating clientele in the to the big game hunter. Probably from the semidomesticated herds question they ask me is how many Food and accommodations are manner that brought forth the adUnited States.
other kinds can chew one up just untrammeled by fences.
soldiers the United States has simple. The most essential thing is miration of persons who might Although the Harar plantations as thoroughly, but the Harar fel. Camels in particular, according They have heard, they say, that a good mosquito net. Even in never have seen a game of Cricket are descended from seed introduced low is particularly respected. to my personal observation, make America is a great and fine coun. Awash the old time tale of the trio and elicited the opinion that others from the Mocha district in Arabia, When an Ethiopian kills a lion, a great deal of noise when struck try and it must, therefore, have formation of mosquito operation is should copy the example set them.
Ethiopia is the home of coffee. he has the right to demand a special by a locomotive, and are not dis many soldiers. More than one of familiar. Once a human victim is They toured the country during the The tree was found originally by audience from the Emperor dur placed from the right of way with my friends among these feudal located behind what he fondly be short time at their disposal, earnArab travelers in the Ethiopian ing which to declaim and act out out considerable shock to a train barons has been disappointed to lieves to be net protection, two of ing laurels of victory wherever province of Kafa, from which it the feat. Afterwards he is privi moving at even the reasonable learn that am not a soldier, eit the musketeers, one on each side they travelled. They never lost a leged to wear the mane and skin speed favored in Ethiopia.
her by birth or adaptation.
of a mesh, stretch it for the entry match even though there were MISSIONARY SOCIAL as part of his warrior dress. Yes, replied a railway inspecThe military is one of the two of the third. This operation, twice many combinations pitted against Special Missionary Social Resumption of the railway jour te to my obvious question, we pay, supreme castes in Ethiopia. The repeated, opens the way for the tem. They were feted and idolized will take place on the ney from Diredawa is at early and always the price of the most other is the clergy, which holds the important part of the night work. throughout the length and breadth dawn. For many reasons trains in valuable camel of the herd. balance of power.
The train gets under way again of the Province and left us yesterFree Seventh. Day Adventist this part of the world do not oper This second day journey on the When more feudal next morning at dawn and rolls day for home aboard the Dutch Church Lawn frequent at night. In Tuesday, November 12th. at days of my first trip over the line territory, but not in Ethiopia pro ba, the slow moving train takes on lands, where gallop many herds of them the happiest reminiscenses of railway is in Ethiopian governed chieftain is en route to Addis Aba through lovely grass and forest Liner Venezuela taking with Admission 25.
the nomadic tribes domiciled along per. Many families of huge, dog an animated appearance. Each gazelles and antelope. once Costa Rica and her people.
certain sections of the right of way facel babons cross the right of way leader must be accompanied by a counted in 20 minutes seven difwere not averse to the entertain. as the train approaches. They are goodly number of his soldiers. It ferent herds. Occasionally one sees COSTA RICA SODA the tracks, and they enjoyed ar: 50 feet away from the train, 40 or ment afforded by a train jumping not caught by the locomotive. But goodly number of his soldier. the dark blur of a rhino breakfastIf there is not room inside, ing on the far side of the Awash SALOMON CHING WEE LE WATER FACTORY ranging such spectacles, particul 50 of the bigger fellows turn im trucks and even on top of the cars River canyon.
Estrada arly at night. These playful practices pudently to watch and grimace.
for their free ride to Addis Ababa. About o clock in the afternoon LIMON have been much discouraged in Fellow passengers are becoming The trip is for them a great lark. cf this third day the sprawling ca Abarrotes y Licores recent years, along with others more interesting. An occasional Ordinarily they have to walk. pital city of Addis Ababa is sightFábrica de Hielo Artículos del País which once upon a time added to Ethiopian feudal chieftain, The second night of the three ed in a forest of bluegum trees, the hazards of travel in Ethiopia. Dejazmatch, sent down to rule this day train journey is passed on the across a roiling, grassy plain some Precios Econó nicos y Refrescos territory conquered by the late Em banks of the Awash River, one of 20 miles from where the train first The days are probably gone for peror Menelik II, boards the train the peculiar streams of the world. climbs to the final level of 8, 100 LA IBERIA ever when a doughty warrior would with his followers. He is usually At this point it is a switly flow feet from the Akaki River valley.
FLORIDA ICE AND actually attempt to distinguish en route to Addis Ababa for con ing river in a deep canyon. Rising The background of the city is himself by attacking a moving en ference, discipline, or other purpo on the Ethiopian plateau, it turns churchcrowned Mount Intotto, once FARM CO. gine head on with spear and shield. ses, at command of the King of northeastward toward the Red Sea, heavily wooded and a convenient The son of the desert has had to Kings.
but loses itself in the Danakil low. source of firewood, which attracted LA FLORIDA give up so many diversions that Responsibility often comes with lands short of its natural destina the early settler. Some years ago, Abarrotes. Mercadería en his life must have become some age in Ethiopia. These dejazmat tion.
when most of the original juniper general Fábrica de Hielo what monotonous. But better times ches are, therefore, usually elderly Awash consist mainly of a small and acacia forest had been Venta al por Mayor y are coming; the radio and popular. men. Many are more than six fect railway yard, a one story brick away, it was proposed to remove Menor Venta de Leche priced cinema are in the offing. tall. With their grizzled and sacred building housing a hotel under Addis Ababa to a new and wooded Agentes exclusivos de la fa Wild and domesticated animals whiskers and with voluminous white quasi Hellenic management, a scat. location, as many another Ethiopian mosa mantequilla y queso y Maderas more or less freely at cotton mantles thrown togawise tering of native shacks, and many capital had been moved in past ROSSI y Co. night in these sparsely settled parts over there shoulders, they are mag Icats.
a than one or a Bonilla y Co.
cut still roam Buy Your Shirts at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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