
Saturday 2th. November 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA The Excelsior Gives Reception BEFORE THE COURTS SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments Messrs. Jack and hosts alike and stated that the INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF was nurses, the was Races At La Joya, 24 Miles Maduro Lumber Yard The public has heard much handed down.
By the kind invitation of the ident of the Board of Control and of the Booth Daley case for un. The matter is now being pla.
amiable Captain of the Excelsior had offered a bat as a prize for lawful propaganda against the ced before the Civil Department Club, we were afforded a very the highest individual score by a plaintiff commercial interests, o fthe Courts to determine the pleasant evening at the Rooms of member of our Local Clubs during in which Daley was condemned damages suffered by the Plain.
the Limon Friendly and Literary this tour. Mr. Johnston complimto a fine of several thousand co. tiff by the use of the slanderous Association, where the members of ented the Excelsior Club on the lones or in default to imprison. remarks.
the Clarendon Touring Team were fine showing they had made against ment for term of years.
entertained at tea along with a the visitors; he also eulogized the Against this judgment Daley select party of friends and sym visitors for the consistent manner appealed on the ground that the pathisers of the Club. in which they played the game as had already been punished for Card of Among these were Mr. Aubery well as for their admirable sportsthe same offence by a fine in the Spyre, President of the Association; manship during their stay.
Thanks Police Court. The appeal Mr. Robert Johnston, The Rev. Mr. Forde next said a was upheld and he was liberated from Consul resident here; the Rev. icw very pleasant things to visitors Mr. and Mrs. Clarke William Forde; the sentence of the Lower Court.
desire through this medium to He then took action in the SuOrane; Charles Hayling; Green tour was an education to both the give expression of their heart wood; Campbell; Taylor; visitors and our people.
Flatulence preme Court claiming damages felt thanks to their many kind And all forms Nation; Frank Cox. While Mr. Sutton, the Captain of the against the Plaintiff for the friends who during the short but Tea was being served, in a very Excelsior thanked all for their prosecution Indigestion of Stomach The Plaintiff also appealed dangerous illness of their little cosy and attractive style by the lady presence and for the very kind against the judgment of daughter, Mercedes, in the friends of the Club, among whom things said of his Club. He conthe were Mrs. Hayling; Mrs. Ec gratulated the Clarendon Team on Co Hospital showed so much Colics Disorders Court, on the ground that his case for unlawful propaganda interest, attention and ieston; the Misses Naomi Taylor; their performances and expressed sympa.
was for a different misdemean.
Brotherton; Gillings and Lord; the hope that they would take FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Mrs. Blandina Mitchell and Mr. away with them the very pleasantest our commited on a separate daThere is a special feeling of Elliot very ably officiated at the reminiscenses of Costa Rica. At te to that for which the accused gratitude to Drs. Salisbury piano and violin.
Brotherton then presented Mr. ForMANUFACTURED BY: fined before the Police and. Gamboa, whose timely Court.
Tea over Mr. Spyre, in his the request of Mr. Sutton, Miss BOTICA FRANCESA usual jocular style congratulated bes, the originator of the tour, with HERMANN ZELEDON operation on the appendix saved On the 5th. September the Sathe little life. There is also an the visitors on their achievements a small souvenir. Mr. Forbes suitla Casacion declared against expression of indebtedness to the SAN JOSE and introduced Mr. Bob. Johnstonably replied and mentioned how both appeals and ordered that Misses Donegan, who had always taken a keen in very sorry they all were to leave costs be borne by each party.
Kingman and Hoffman, and terest in Cricketin the Community, Costa Rica. The Rev. Mr. Spencer tification of this decision the maids of the institution for had officiated last year as Pres. then responded in epithets full of given on the 25th. October.
their constant thoughtfulness hilarity, to the many amiable things and kindness.
said of him and his charges; he There have been persistent commodate the humblest owner Nation vs. Mitchell thanked them one and all for their rumours afloat that the Races there ought to be a large num. In this case Nation of great hospitality and for the many scheduled to take place at La Jobers of entries and great surpri. Limon accused Mitchell for Compro estampillas usakindnesses extended them; in fact, das: Costa Rica, Centro, he was thinking, he said that he ya, 24 Miles, on the 10th. inst. ses. The blooded horses from Injurias Graves, in that Na.
ant have been postponed to the Panama will be seen at their best tion and 35 members of the Sur y Norte América; y to.
would have to lock his team in their 22nd. we consequently intervie. and some interesting finishes Association went on the Prop.
da clase de estampilas Eurooms on Thursday night so as to wed a member of the Committee might be expected.
8th. of July before the then Go. ropeas. Pago los mejores be sure of their presence on the who informed us that there is The Circle has been enlarged vernor of the Province, don Fila.
Best native lumber precios del país.
ship for their return home.
no postponement, that the Races and the curves made easy for delfo Granados, with a complaint at moderate prices Mr. Jack Orane, an honorary will take place, as announced, on the big horse to get around of mismanagement of the affairs José Dolores Marenco member of the Excelsior Club, gave Sunday the 10th. November. more comfortably than hitherto of the Society against Mitchell, Bajos de la Pensión Améthe speech of the evening. He comThere are very many horses special train will leave Li. its President, and requested the rica. Frente a la Estación.
GRAND ELOCUTIONARY plimented the visitors for their in preparation for this meeting, mon for 24 Miles at a. on Governor to institute an Audit sportsmanship and their playing half bred las well as CONTEST common the day of the Races. Au en of the Books will a view ability. He agreed with Mr. Forde stock, and as the purses are so tries of competing horses close of destituting Mitchell METROPOLITAN BUREAU PARISH HALL regarding the educational capabil.
from his position As a ities such a tour afforded, and ad reasonably put in prices to ac. on Friday the 8th. instant.
Legal, Notarial General sult of succomplaint. Mitch.
Wednesday, November 20th. vised the Manager not to miss ell insulted Nation in the presen.
Business Transactions 30 ce of the Governor as well as Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Under Auspices of St. Antho Caal and on his return home to see if 27 afterwards from his rostrum, ny Association with two fold an annual trip of this sort could We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for thej before a large audience, by call. My untarnished reputation of Object of providing Xmas Cheer be arranged as he was thinking it BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders ing him a Gangster who will honesty. My intelligence and for the poor and needy and the would be a means of broadening can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its not work but lives by preying high calibre efficiency constitute encouragement of Literary Pur. the ideas of our Cricketers. At this output.
upon the ignorance of the Ne. the necessary and all important suits.
stage he took the opportunity Come in and try a Loaf.
FACTORS which constitute my Number of WELL KNOWN of congratulating young Wade, of No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH For this he was accused for Iron Clad Guarantee to my acLITERARY TALENTS will wage the Excelsior Club, for his manly impressed on them.
Injurious Slander. After taking tual and prospective CLIENTS, Battle for Supremacy.
attack of the bowling by which he BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS the declarations of witnesses on who confide to my care, di.
Five Prominent Citizens will became top scorer among our Crick.
both sides, the Police Court found rection and administration, the be Judges. Elaborate First Parteters and earned the bar offered Musical Programme. An Evening by Mr. Johnston.
and of rare entertainment, education vote of thanks to the ladies and surprises.
who so generously catered for the Mr. Editor.
which is caused, am sure, from mages processal and personal in favour of the Plaintiff Nation.
pleasant entertainment was moved lack of experiece. If he were to EGBERT POLSON SUPPORT WO THY CAUSE by Mr. Spyre and very pleasingly As the party to whom Leg take a trip to Jamaica, as have Mitchell appealed before the Accountant, Interpreter, Trans supported by the Rev. Mr. Spen Stump refers in your issue of the done, he would see the same thing Governor, whose decision confirlator, Judicial Business Agent.
General Admission 50.
26th. inst. in connection with run take place at Kensington Park, ming that of the Judge of the Door opens 30 Prizes gra This part of the function closed, ning on to the cricket field and com where, at times, a batsman or a Police Court, His Honour Mr. IMP. BORRASÉ HERMANOS tefully accepted from any Socie the visitors indulged for a while in pensatig a bowler, nmay say that bowler has to be helped to gather Carlos Vaglio, has just been ty, Club or Interested Individual. tripping the fantastic Toe. excuse the writer for his criticism the sixpences, shillings and ale ale ole ole ako ste ostale ogla florins showered on him for hav. DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA ing performed some particular brilliant play.
Avenida San José Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad would also remind my critic that on the fall of a wicket, the and Colegio de Señoritas MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, ground is open to the public until Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb the entry of the succeeding batsSURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the Banco del Estado State Bank man and the Umpire announces neck of Womb play. There is therefore Unico Emisor RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small Sole Bank of Issue ference between the fall of a wicket and the close of an inning in medium sized) by way of the Urethra this respect. With regard to apofrece al público los Offers the Public the peals, maintain that it is the servicios de su Services of its privilege of any player to shout the recognized How that. and it is We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back left to the Umpire to give his deof receipt which reads: cision. For further information, would refer Leg Stump to Um. This bill must be paid at our office pires Instructions, which will tell EN LA IN THE him that the Umpire is the sole beffore the 10th. of the month judge of a fair or unfair play. CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON did not see any of the Wanderers Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot throw their caps or gloves on the oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ground; but of course all this must, we would much regret to takt.
para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service be expected.
servicio bancario Rendered With thanks Mr. Editor, re.
going sight seeing on the Panama THE PEOPLES BAKERY Cricket Capitalist Replies to Leg Stump sixty colones with costs and da. GENERAL AFFAIRS.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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