
AGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 9th. November 1935 Modern Ethiopia Avoid Tuberculosis In every to see ALLAN SIME was Armistice La fundación de un hogar feliz es SU CASA Day The meeting announced by the Proteja su tranquilidad con una Póliza Moin Chapter and Re organizing Committee of the for Monday last, in connection with CONTRA INCENDIOS the Italo Abyssinian questions, has been postponed for Armistice DayMonday 11th.
No lo deje para mañana It is expected that several speakque podrá ser tarde. ers will deliver addresses on this important subject as well as on the Banco Nacional de Seguros matter of War and its consequences. An invitation is extended to all ex Service men.
PROFITEERING IN COAL BEGINS crisis or catastrophe fact that the coal burners guar(Continued From last issue)
there are always those among us antee six kerosine tins of coal to Scientific forestry saved Addis for a fine equestrian statue of the who are on the lookout for the one sack, but the wholesale traders BRONCHITIS CAN BE CURED IN THREE OR FOR WEEKS Ababa late Emperor Menelik.
opportunity to fleece their custo who make their purchases at the Addis Ababa has good streets mers and patrons.
kiln abstract one tin from each The change was avoided, howNiether a lengthened period nor much money is now required Now that the rains have begun, sack, so that thier customers only for the cure of BRONCHITIS which very often develops into Tuberver, by Emperor Menelik intro and no across the railway tracks uction, at the suggestion of his quarter. It has also legations, con our dealers in Coal have started receive five. which we regard as culosis. It is a mistake to treat this disease with ordinary expectorants capable of producing serious consequences.
sreign advisers, of the quick grow sulates, hotels, many American to be exorbitant. Some are demand iniquitous.
BRONCHITIS requires a most effective and reliable treatment, eucalyptus, or blue gum. The motor cars, airplanes of sorts, and ing three colones per sack, simply We were pleased to learn that and Dr. Harris BRONCHITIS completely fulfils this requimperor directed his subjects to some presentable business buildings. because a few showers have fallen.
lant eucalyptus, cut only trees The population approaches 200, 000 Others are yet worse in their un the Police had arrested one of these rement.
lesignated by his officers, and re of whom at least 5, 000 are foreign reasonableness, It, is a well known traders for this dishonest practice.
The following is from a report of Dr. Weyssberg of the Saintlace all fallen trees by seedlings. ers. There are 50 Americans in the Justine Hospital, Montreal: From the 20th. of January to the 3rd.
Menelik never had to give an order country.
Races at 24 Miles of February 1935 fifteen cases of Bronchitis were treated: ten were a second time.
diagnosed as acute and the others chronic. In the acute case the Don forget the Grand Excur mo a. Yankee Band will be attacks of severe coughing were from six to eight times a day and As a result of the monarch for Haile Selassie, once Ras Tafari, is a sion Train to La Joya, 24 miles, in attendance. Tickets can be ob the ages of the patients between six and 21 years. Treated with BRON sight, Addis Ababa to day has a every inch an Emperor The other main elevation of corest which furnishes an ample the Great Horse Races, tained at Canalies Printing of CHITIS, three were cured in two weeks, and seven in three weeks.
and practically selfperpetuating Addis Ababa is crowned by the Limon at a. and from Guaci November 10th.
seen before. Train leaves fice or Frozen sweets factory.
Of the chronic cases, there was a girl of ten years, the daughter of upply of firewood. Incidentally, group of buildings which make up an asthmatic mother, who had been suffering from Bronchitis from be trees provide a break against the Imperial Palace. The most imthe age of five years. Treated with BRONCHITIS, she was cured in strong, bleak winds that sweep posing edifice on this designated Six Weeks. Another serious case was of a young man of 21 years, times over the high plateau upon Hill of the Gebbi is the Audienweakly constituted and suffering from the disease since he rich the capital city is stuated. ce Hall of the Conquering Lion of three years od; treated with BRONCHITIS he was cured in five The one story frame buildings the Tribe of Judah, constructed of LIMON weeks. The remaining cases were cured within the fourth and fifth hich formerly made up the rail stone and given its high sounding weeks.
way station and customs depot at title by order of the late Emperor Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa BRONCHITIS is not a Commercial remedy, it is a medicinal Addis Ababa have been replaced Menelik.
treatment which possesses the highest reputation among the medical handsome stone structures open Menelik pleased himself with the Importation and Sale of General fraternity, and is preferred in hospitals, clinics and sanitoriums.
in 1929. Familiar sights at the title of Conquering Lion of the Merchandise BRONCHITIS is sold in concentrated form to be taken by drops.
ation are the bales of hides and Tribe of Judah, which he claimed It is on sale at the Drug Stores of Messrs. Reyes and Kirkpafins collected from the interior by virtue of his descent from that ovinces for export to Europe and first Menelik who was born to which he rules. This modernization, association with the Empress Zau trick in Limon, and the Boticas Francesa and Oriental in San José.
aerica; stacks of coffee bags; Sheba after her visit to Solomon, which he has frequently discussed ditu (Judith) ant the Fetawrari of elephant tusks, and bales American cotton piecegoods, ſed ruler of Ethiopia is perhaps bet important extent with the advice and ruler of the country. Judith, the somewhat elderly ich are a principal import. ter known by his former title of aid of citizens of the United States. comely but COPRA es containing Detroit impor of the late Ras Makonnen of Ha. ways. After 14 years of his friends died on April 2, 1930. Hapta Gior(CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
it contribution to our foreign rar, the most powerful of Ethio hip, am firm in my belief that he gis was Menelik hearty old cade are piled on the station plat. pia feudal princes in Menelik is, from all viewpoints. a ruler of valry general and a famous Ethio We buy COPRA (Meat of Coroanut)
m, for American motor vehi time and the principal supporter of whom any country might well be pian, who would never consent to proud.
ride either in a railway train or a are in great favor in Ethiopia. the latter as King of Kings.
Price. 11. 00 Quintal merican chewing gum is growing The new Emperor is only 39 From time to time Ethiopian motor car. He died in December, Pagamos cantidades grandes. 225. 00 Tonelada popularity, too, but not yet in years old, slight of build, and of students have been sent by their 1926. knew and admierd both Sell COPRA and get more money for your ich large packing cases. decidedly Semitic cast of counte.
ruler to the United States for Judith and Hapta Giorgis.
Coconuts with LESS WORK The Emperor Menelik nominat prseback, or five minutes by mo beard and a mustache. His person: Ethiopian students have persuaded successor. Yasu (Joseph) was never ride of 20 minutes on mule or pance, which is enhanced by a full schooling. There are five in Amer: Cocos a 00 el cien ican colleges at present. Returned ed a grandson, Lidj Yasu, as his takes the arriving traveler to ality is particularly engaging and Further Information: BEECHE main part of the city of the he is famous for his hospitality. former American professors as edu ed in 1916 because of an alleged the Emperor to engage one of their crowned, however, and was depos.
Apartado 173. Limón, Costa Rica Sew Flower.
French he speaks well; English, a On one of the two principal ele. little.
cational adviser to this government move on his part to substitute Islamos tions of Addis Ababa is the ever Ancient Empire to be modernized and he is already on the job. for Christianity eresting market place. Here once Haile Selassie was an apprentice State religion. He is now a plitical od the often described great tree ideas for modernizing the ancient came Prince Regent in 1916. For important.
His Majesty has progressive emperor for several years. He be prisoner, but apparently no longer The Salvation Army will ce. the Young peoples Thanksch served for generations as a lebrate their annual Harvest giving; at p. Altar service et. have been told that in and richly endowed empire over several years after that time, in (To be continued) Thanksgiving on Sunday 17th. for Adults. Special addresses.
ne days it sometimes bore as ole ole instant. On Saturday the 16th. On Monday 18th. a rich and the doors of the Church will re profitsble programme on Haru as seven criminals, generally vesy but of its ghastly fruit main open all day to receive the vest Time will be rendered. All Sw more than two hanging ingathering. Offerings from all are invited.
e occasion. All of this was, friends will be gladly accepted. Silver collections will be taken Services will be as follows at the door.
course, years ago. The famous ee has made way in recent years Sunday 17th. Service of Thanks WRIGHT and Praise at Il o clock. At p.
Adjutant VETROPOLITAN BUREAU Banco del Estado State Bank Legal, Notarial General Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue FROM MADRE DE DIOS Business Transactions The meeting of Shareholders of has been postponed to the 17th.
the Agricultural and Building Cor instant in consequence of the Raox 544. Cable. Metrobur. ofrece al público los Offers the Public the poration, which was announced to ces to be held at 24 Miles.
servicios de su Services of its take place here tomorrow, 10ah. My untarnished reputation of onesty. My intelligence and MORE PANAMANIAN TOURISTS gh calibre efficiency constitute The Bocas del Toro arriv Colon and Bocas del Toro. They e necessary and all important ACTORS which constitute my ed here on Thursday last with will be here for a few days visiting another batch of Tourists from their friends.
on Clad Guarantee to my ac.
EN LA IN THE al and prospective CLIENTS, SPAIN BID FOR NAVAL STRENGTH ho confide to my care, di.
ection and administration, the CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Three hundred millions of pese position and a world conference on ndling of their BUSINESS and tas (about a colon) will be spent the subject has been summoned to NERAL AFFAIRS.
para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service by the Spanish government to im take place next month in London.
prove her aerial and naval strengtn. Hence the decision of Spain to EGBERT POLSON servicio bancario Rendered Since the pernicious actions of Ita strengthem her armaments; the Accountant, Interpreter, Trans ly, all nations are disposed to get programme is estimated to cover a tor, Judicial Business Agent.
away from the naval strength pro period of five years.
The present and recently crown with me, he hopes to carry on to an Hapta Giorgis, he was the practical Costa Rican Palm Nut Company Not infrequently huge packing Ras Tafari Makonnen. He is a son He is a remarkable man in many daughter of Emperor Menelik. II. Compra as the Ethiopian Harvest Thanksgiving BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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