
Saturday 9th. November 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA SAL UVINA one on For Liver and Stomach Ailments two Maduro Lumber Yard PARK HOTEL SENSATIONAL RISE OF THE BROWN AN EXORTATION TO OUR READERS DINAMITER, JOE LOUIS This English Journal, the only you may desire to sell, whether a NEWSPAPER of its kind in the farm, a house, a horse or a cow.
This acknowledged genius in the me city. In January of the present Country, is not supported as it Notify your absent friends and fistic Art has earned within the year he won one match on points (THE RIGHT SALTS)
iught to be.
relatives of the Births, the Marria fifteen months of his career, and another by with a gain The recent exposition of irregu. ges or Deaths which may occur in 254, 391 dollars.
of 4, 700. February saw him in larities at Matina is abundant proof your family; and remember those that He started on his monumentai Los Angeles where he netted there are fearless, honest, who have crossed into the Beyond.
achievements on the 4th. July 1934, 2, 500 by winning a The writers at the helm, who are pro by a Memorial on the anniverwhen he won 50 by knocking out month of March brought him tecting and will always protect your sary of their passing.
Jack Cracken in Chicago. In quick 6, 000 in two fights interests, by exposing every outrage To enable us to further and ensuccession he won two other fights Counts and the other by committed against your freedom as large our activities on your behalf, in the same month for sixty and In April, by securing four s a citizen of this Benevolent Rep. we need 1000 more subscribers, we ublic.
seventy dollars respectively, mak. he obtained 6, 500. In Maybe bespeak your assistance.
ing 180 in all in his first month won one for 500. In June It is therefore to your interest to Send your Wants to Mr. Roge.
try, in Chicago. In August he again he knocked out Primo Carnera and en list as a Subcriber. Utilize its lio Gutierrez, Box 218 or Mr.
INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF columns by advertizing whatever IC. Nation, Box 137, Limon.
won two. one by and one gained 4, 400. In August his vicby points which fetched ihm. tory over Levinsky netted him 274. In September two other were 47, 700 and on the 24th. Sep Flatulence And all forms NOTE OF GRATITUDE similarly won and yielded him tember, by knocking out Max Baer. 306. In October he earned The Excelsior through success. They, hope, in the near he earned 217, 337.
of Stomach Indigestion 394 by winning two s. In Thus it is seen that in the 15 this medium, beg to thank the future, to be able to shew their apNovember he touched his firs thous months of his professional life he Sporting public, who so wholehear preciation in some tangible form.
Colics Disorders tedly donated subscriptions thereby Drummond, and dollar prize by again winning has had 25 engagements, 21 of Secretary causing their function to be such a matches in Chicago which which he won by knockouts and brought him 1, 400. In December on points. He meets Paulino Uzcu FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES THE LONG EXPECTED PAN AMERICAN ROADWAY he secured 2, 200 more in the sa Idum on December 6th.
It is noted that the request from tries into Panama. As the work THE COST OF LIFE MANUFACTURED BY: this government to that of the will be carried ou with American United States that the route of the capital it will mean much to labour For some time the claim against the of the heirs of the deceased; but we HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA proposed roadway should not be in these countries.
Company for the tragic death of now observe that technical valuaSAN JOSE permitted to be placed adjacent to Mr. Jose Monge, Deputy in Con tors nave placed the value of this our Railways has been considered.
gress, which occurred about two promising young career at Mr. McCollough, the years ago when the motor car, con 125, 000 colones.
Bridge Engineer, who will be resducted by Mr. Taylor, collided ponsible for al the construction with an engine between Turrialba MISSIONARY SOCIAL PRESIDENT WHO IS NOT WANTED of Bridges along this great roadand Tucurrique with the loss of Special Missionary Social FRANK MADURO Jr.
will take place on the Dear Mr. Editor, four lives, has been before the The rentals of the property, ac way has arrived here and will no Prop.
Courts. Many and varied have Free Seventh. Day Adventist cording to the recent reduction in doubt, at an early date, start their Permit me to call the attention prices, ought to bring in over.
localization over the rivers which been the arguments and suggestions Church Lawn Best native lumber on the claim of 150, 000 colones Tuesday, November 12th. at of Mr. Johnathan Mitchell and 300 per month and should be will have to be crossed.
his faithful few As is well known, this road will to an incident quite sufficient to pay the Municifiled by the Attorneys on behalt Admission 25.
at moderate prices which occurred a week ago. The pal Taxes of about 160 per quar run from the United States throRev. Spencer honoured Liter. Why, then, is this item not ugh all the Central American counTHE PEOPLES BAKERY berty Hall with a fine lecture on punctually met? However, rather Sunday night, 27the. ultimo, on the than do this he has bought a Radio We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the problems confronting the Negro on credit. Is it not evident that misBERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders peoples at this time and impressed management is rampant in the af. Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its on his hearers the necessity of ho fairs of the Society which Mit Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath Well ventilated output.
nest and sincere adherence to the chell governs? The monthly quotas dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. Come in and try a Loaf.
Aims and Objects of te which should regularly go to the Sample room No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH Association as organized by Mr. support of the Parent Body are not LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress impressed on them.
being sent. Where is all this money Post Office Box 236 BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS Telephone The building was thronged with going?
an interested crowd of members of Mitchell latest Scheme is to RACIAL CONDITIONS IN WORLD the Race to hear the remarks of hold a Rally on the 11th. instant the visitor; and as soon as the gen and he has invited all Clubs, Lod (From Page 5)
and Southern Italy are advancing. tleman ceased speaking, this fine ges, Burial and other Societies to Grecian Politics American Politics 148, 000, 000 during the same pe The failure of increase in white audience quietly moved out the come to his rescue. What a farce. riod. The most astounding increase births has now reached its highest Hall leaving just that Baker These are the very Societies this is, however. shown by Japan with point, declares the Scientist, and dozen around him. Mr. Mitchell man has from time to time been According to notices from offi. From the information given out a birthrate three times as high as although the members of the race was not given a chance to reply ridiculing, even going as far as to cial circles, the 24th instant has regarding the elections, the Repu that of Germany. Her births total are still sufficiently numerous that to the as their platform Rev. gentleman ad write to Mr. Garvey stating it is been fixed for the return of King blicans, using 2, 000, 000 per annum with a surplus they do not appear to the superfi drees before the Hall was empty. on account of their Intrigues why George 11 to Athens. He will, on opposition to the New Deal policy over deaths of 1, 100, 000. Germany cial observer to be in danger of This is the third time within a his members are disminishing. He arrival, immediately proceed to of President Roosevelt, will return had a population of 64, 365, 000 in extermination, they are neverthe month that suc a treatment of Pas should rather have admitted that form a government not only of to power in the control of the State 1930 and at the rate at which her less being swamped by the more sive Resistance has been meted out it was due to his lack of good ma Royalists like Kondylis but of other of New York which they lost in births are falling may only have prolific coloured races. The whites him; Col he not see in all this a nagement hence the Association elements such as Tsaldaris, Theo 1934 after 20 years supremacy 60, 104, 000 in 1975; while France, now number one third of the not wanted? Has he no self res unpopularity and inability to fulfil tokis and Metaxas.
The State of New Jersey has also with her 41, 835, 000 in 1930, may world population but show only pect? His Officers walk out from its Aims and Objects.
been gained by them.
by, that time be reduced to. one fourth of the births; and a time to time refusing to serve under There are 75 former members, GRAND ELOCUTIONARY Harsh Statement 39, 307, 000. The Professor, how quarter of these occurred in Russia him? Can he not see in all this a registered with the Parent Body, ever, thinks that the Hilterite pro where there is, as stated, a conside direct discrespect for the Chair? who have offered to re enter the CONTEST gramme of taking the people back rable Mongolian mixture. There The Lawyer for the Municipal Organization, but Mitchell has reelectoral speech broadPARISH HALL to the land and encouraging simple were 425, 000 coloured births in Board has written the Society giv fused their affilliation. Why? Is casted by radio, Ex Premier Mc Donald, referring to the British habits and large families may save Europe in 1932 and the number is ing notice of a demand for the it because there is something, Mr. Wednesday, November 20th. Government programme of defenthe German nation.
rapidly rising, while the Negroes payment of the several quarters? Editor, which Mr. Mitchell does 30 Australia is regarded as the in Africa and the United States Taxes over due; and yet he will not wish the people to know?
ce said. In times like these in Under Auspices of St. Antho which the Agressor slaughters who country in most immediate danger are showing a remarkable and in not surrender the property to the These are some of the reasons why ny Association of being swamped by the coloured creasing fertility. Even in tempe people to enable them to administer am inviting all Chapters and Di. Object of providing Xmas Cheer barding defenceless women, chilwith tworfold lesale without declaring War, bom.
races, for although capable of rate zones it is claimed, the whites it in a businesslike manner. Can he visions to hold an investigation for the poor and needy and the dren and aged people, such a gov.
maintaining a population of more are not now holding their own with blame one for feeling that there do hope they will act before it encouragement of Literary Pur ernment ought to be judged as a than 100, 000, 000 she only has a them and, in keeping with the re must be some sinister motive behind too late.
total of 6, 000, 000, and lying in cognized rule that where one race all this determination to hang on With thanks for your Courtesy, criminal would be. Number of WELL KNOWN such close proximity to an overflow contacts with another of greater as long as he can?
Frank Abel LITERARY TALENTS will wage ing yellow population of. fertility, must consequently fade Battle for Supremacy.
500, 000, 000 will be powerless to into powerlesseness and insignifidefend herself against this horde. cance, STATION RESTAURANT Five Prominent Citizens will the cause of the HUMOR be Judges. Elaborate First Part Germany birthrate stood at the downfall of Greece, Rome and SIQUIRRES Musical Programme. An Evening high point of 30 per 1, 000 in 1901. Other great civilized nations of (Under New Monagement. My little boy has just swallow of rare entertainment, education ed a ten dollar gold piece, said but fell by fifty per cent in the antiquity.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mi and surprises.
following thirty years.
the excited mother.
France The Scientist concludes that nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be rate was 33 in 1801 and fell to 20 although nations served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res SUPPORT WORTHY CAUSE child in danger?
Neighbour Gracious, is the by the end of the century; it now sarily doomed to extinction, they taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Sporegisters only 17 and is about sta must perish unless they keep up a ken, Se habla español, General Admission 50. No, thank goodness, replied tionary. England and Sweden are high birthrate and this they can SULLIVAN Door opens 30 Prizes gra the mother, his father is out stated to have fallen behind France, only do by leading wholesome, simtefully accepted from any Socie town.
while Spain, Portugal, Rumania ple, virile lives.
IMPRENTA BORRASE HERMANOS ty, Club of Interested Individual.
NEWS OF THE WORLD In an as was are not necesof. Buy Your Shirts at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY


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