
New Industries Cropping Up. THE ATLANTIC VOICE Regarding the War Revolution looking Toward Italy on one to man of reason tense of our numerous holding was ste proper dedica: Turrialba Bananas Find a Market Law As Practised in Limón ollut The lack of Originality is in the exportation of our Coffee Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone most noticeable in the propensi and Cocoa is now receiving the ties of 95 per cent of our citi consideration of the government. Año Il No. 72 Limón, Costa Rica, zens. If one individual thinks if Saturday, 23rd November 1935 All the Toys imported Editor English Section Nation at putting an Ice Cream carit on Christmas time can be made the street for the sale of that right here in our homes. There refreshment, every one, who canis hardly a boy who does not try afford to purchase a twenty to imitate some class of toy quart bucket, follows the thought bought by the richer ones, and News items from the seat of) vances of the invaders.
of that Originator, so naturally the imitation comes sometimes war indicate that activities It is expected that what is there is a slump. If one man ori. pretty close to perfection.
the northern front have much supposed will be the greatest Is does not need much of a warfare has produced, and he ginates the idea of a Kiosko on Instead of making only one increased, duringf the past fews battle since the commencement of sage to see that Italy is heading, has now unearthed a change of the market square for the sale for personal use why not make days, with many encounters tak. hostilies may have already startoward a change of goverment. Constitucional Laws by the Great of fruit, beverages, ice cream, a dozen? The Minister of Agri ing place in which the Italiansted in the vinicity of Ambaalegi King Victor must have seen this Council of Fascism which is only etc. soon the plaza is infested culture would gladly assist to admit suffering heavy losses in to the south of Makale, where long ago. The Dictatorship of known to the Council of the with these little fresco shops. If secure a local market among the men and arms.
Ras Seyoum has concentrated his Mussolini can have no other aim great ones, and under which it is it is a matter of bananas, all go merchants who now import such From Asmara, it is reported forces in an effort to repel the in view than that of a Republi provided that on Victor death planting withouth even the hope things, thus a livelihood would that an Abyssinian force made advance of the Italians in that can governmnt. King Victor Humberto cannot succeed to the of securing a contract; if Cocoa, be earned right in the home. a surprise attack on a column of section.
quite well sees this, but of course, Throne by right Constitucioall make a rush for its cultiva. And now we come to one of italians near Hauzien, and after As a result of the Emperor as discretion is the better part nal Powers but only by consent tion; and so on.
our greatest possibilities, trou inflicting serious casualties, ret conferences with the Governor of valor, he keeps quiet; hence of the Fascist Council. This in.
With the congested state of blesome yes, but quite realizable. ired in complete order, The Com of Harrar and the Turkish Gehe is hardly heard about; the formation was conveyed by Hum owr Banana, Cocoa and Coffee the REARING OF PIGS. Amy mander of the Italians was killed nral in charge of the Ogaden world knows that he is King of berto ex. Premier Sforza market all agriculturists are ex youngman can start on a small during the encounter.
section, la new plan of campaign Italy, but in reality Mussolini as soon as the change was discoperiencing a dearth of incomes; scale with say half a dozen ani company of Italian cavalry in keeping with the wishes is the and Fascism the vered by the secret Police Depbut there are very few who will mals, a hundred or so reots of was also attacked and almost an. the Mussolmen, who predomina. ruling element. The only thing artment.
think, who will originate ideas bananas, a small patch of Badihilated, the Abyssinias captur te there, was decided on, the Mus to save the monarchy is if Mus. It is therefore evident that which would provide the possi. doo Cocos and similar stuff foring a large number of animals solemn having offered their ser solini imperialism in Ethiopia trouble will soon be begun among bilities of an independent income. food purposes.
and a quantity of ammunition. vices unconditionally.
meets a reverse.
the ruling powers of Italy and There are In any district, two or three very many minor The heavy rains which have Crown meeting of the League Com Prince Humbert is ho with the privations now existing things that could be taken up hectareas of land can be secured been faling along the Somali mittee on Sanctions has been ca wever not so reticent in the mat by of the rigid enforso as to alleviate the stringency and a ranch erected thereon. front have greatly impeded molled for the 29th. instant to inter as his father, hence he and ent of the penalties imposed by Why not plant Limes, Oranges few rolls of wire ecould then be got vements in that region, while the crease the list of articles included Mussolini have been having some the League of Nations, Mussoli.
and Grapefruit. Costt Rican gra. for making a coral. This indus general increased guerilla tactics under the Sanctions; these will, differences over the suffering of ni position will not be a bed pefruit and aranges have taken try would produce as profitable of the Abyssinians is regarded it is said, be petroleum, iron, his people which this Ethiopian of roses.
the British market with a storm. a living as that earned by any as seriously hampering the ad. steel and coal.
Why not plant these the banana planter.
What more, if and later on improve this by tion were applied it could be fosregular spacing them intered into an inmmense industry.
The Contracts for the Bana. chase and exportation of the the potreros as shade for the ani. Year by year the cuties on Lard, nas grown in and around the fruit from these districts by mals.
Bacon, Ham and all products of Turrialba, Juan Viñas, Santiago way The practices in our Law form.
There are times when neither the Pig are being raised for the and Paraiso Districts were can has been proceeding with be desired so far as the proper before the Courts, wi. consult men of Puntarenas; and this Courts certainly leave much to How people, who have to go a lime nor an orange can be had protection of this industry so ascelled by the Compañia Bananera tpparent good results.
in the community, If limes were to prohibit the importation of saon the ground that the fruit was With Mr. Chittenden presentation and prosecution of who have never even spent a abundant we could export our me, yet there are but very few unfit for the markets formulat return from recent the cases placed before the Jud. week in a Lawyer office as a vacation he has concentrated lime juice as is doceople who give a thowuth to it. ed by the United Fruit Company, brought the good news that he are lost without the litigants even the Courts as floor sweeper, it is gts are concerned. Many cases messenger, or in an office of ne elsewhere.
It is therefore time for some ener and the planters were remunerat has found a market wherein hej knowing how.
Pineapples (Costa Rican) are getic youngman impossible to conjecture.
to start in nied by a compensation price of can now disponse of this class of also much in demands in the Lon small way and gradually improve twenty five cents per stem.
The mode of procedure in pres Advise them as one may, they don market. Any producer can his breed until he gets recognizof fruit, hence hi his disposed to enting the complaints are never will still spend hundreds of do. National Syndicate was sub buy it for shipment after the ra followed, from lack of knowledge llars and finally lose their pro.
go to a saw mill and secure the ed as a magnate in respect the sequently formed by Messrs. te of twenty five cents gold per of such modus operandi, by the perties, because they persist in strips of lumber necessary to reto. No education is needed Saborio and Ulloa for the pur. bunch.
make his own crates for carefu only a constant and intelligent would be lawyers to whom these the employment of men of no lly packing his pineapples for application and dedication to the An Awful Occurrence silly litigants present themselves experience in matters of legal shipment.
product. Make your little coral, for protection before the Law. procedure.
Naturally their cases are nonis sick he generally The Goodyear Rubber Compa improve it year by year plant From San Francisco, Califor victims have already died and suited, declared singular. with wishes to consult the best doc, ny has signed a contract to plant your food stuffs, get in touchnia, comes the report that seve many others are in serious condi out a cause before the Courts. tor to be had in town, yet if he 400 hectareas of Brazilian rub with a veterinary college forral hundreds of the residents of tions.
ber, the Hevea specimen, and instructions how to ward off di that city had been poisoned with Investigation by Thereupon the supposed Attor. requires the services of a lawthe Police to assist in the exploitation of seases, then attend to your ani. trioxide of arsenic which was points, it is said, to a criminal ant ones, to call him, in order to the worst, the most illiterate, the ney, as he would like the ignor yer he does not select any but the industry. They are to give mals and your fortune is made found to have been mixed in soda intent to a wholesale poisoning continue drawing the government 30, 000 plants; purchased in one of the commer of the people.
on the purse one who has never been anything all who are in a position to do so Every country, to be prosperof his duped client, does not tell but a clerk in a drygoods store farmer should get ready to solicit a shaous, must foster and encourage him that his case is lost; No, he a saloon employee, English Cricket Team Selected for Jamaica re of the plants as it will help her own industries so as to cease puts in an incident side help or some such server. Some in the coming years.
importations and increase expor. London item states that the selected the fourteen players who issue complaining of some frivo Escritos placed before the Courts Yorkshire The establishment of a factory tations, so as to have a content, champion cricket county, have to Jamaica early next year.
Club of England will represent them in their visit lous assertion of the opponent have been declared nothing but for the making of Bags for use ed and happy citizenship.
in escrito, meantime the main gibberish (jerigonza. jargen The team is to be captained point at issue is hopelessly lost. mankey dialect; and yet these Joe Louis by Arthur Sellers and will Months go by but this Attorney men are cotinually being Lands Procurable For Settlement to Meet play six matches, five in Kings. for stamp papers, timbres and ted with cases valued at thous ton and one in Montego Bay. still draws his Gastanaga salve, nds of dollars.
The 10, 000 hectareas of papers as a citizen of Costa RiThey are expected to arrive in whatnot. He then appeals from lands, chich are to be ceded by ca is entitled to denounce twenty Jamaica on the 13th of Februa the decision of the Judge, and of This, however, is the fault of the United Fruit Company to hectareas of these lands with lery and remain there for five course demands another fee for the faculty and the Lawyers.
the government in accordance gal right of owhership for set.
going before the higher Court, Get an honest interpreter to with teeir recent concessions in tlement and cultivation.
not only for himself but for his consult the best man available the Banana Contract, are den Information matter ounciable by all citizens of Costa will be gladly supplied to any Confederation of Barrister, knowing full well that rather than spend hundreds the case has already been ruled a quack lawyer.
naturalized citizen on lapplicaLaw Colleges out of court and would have to Any person, therefore, who tion to the Editor of this Jourbe presented in an entirely new to be continued has secured his naturalization nal, Box 137, Limon.
Mr. Francisco Jiménez Ortiz, President of the Legal Faculty of Costa Rica, recently returned HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE home and is proposing to his Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón confreres the foundation of a SERVICIO DE VAPORES Confederation of the Colleges Para EUROPA for Lawyers in America, He Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, claims that his observations in AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA travelling through Peru, Chile, Urguay, Brazil, Argentina and Thrygia Noviembre 28 LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Venezuela have brought home to VAPORES Diciembre SALIDAS him a conviction of the necessity Cordillera PETEN 24 de Noviembre for such a confederation.
QUIRIGUA de Diciembre In addition to his engagement to your among the members of the meet Paolino Uzcudun on the 3rd. Legal faculty here, and every Cordillera Diciembre FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs. December, New York reports that step will be taken for its formunegotiations have been completed lation at an early datet.
SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS whereby the sentational heavyweight Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: Para otros informes, diríase a las oficinas de la United contender, Joe Louis, will meet IsiFruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Read doro Gastanaga, of Spain, in HavaHAPAG LLOYD TELEFONO 3156 na on the 29th of the same month.
TELEFONO 2086 The bout will be a ten rounder.
ITHE ATLANTIC VOICE AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventua, Cost: If a man a or entrus on poor on this on UNITED FRUIT Co.


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