
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 23rd. November 1935 Our Tourist Trade Campaign To endeavour to cure Gonorrhoea with any kind of treatment seriously endanges the future of the diseased The Costa Rican Palm Nut Company Compra COPRA We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut)
war Mr. Mitchell Interrogated CRISTOBAL, Nov. Costa Rica of Costa Rica, since pratically all Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front is anticipating the biggest tourist travellers visiting that country must Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath Well ventilated season in her entire history, accord pass through Isthmian ports leither dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
ing to Mr. Haern, Cristobal going to or returning from those of Sample room Agent for the United Fruit Company, the neighbouring country. It has LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress EVERY TREATMENT SHOULD CONSIST OF TWO ASPECTS, who has just returned from the neigh therefore been found desirable to Post Office Box 236 THE SELF DEFENCE AND THE SANATIVE Telephone bouring Republic.
improve the co operation in a comThis expectancy is based not alone mon cause since the charm felt by The controlling factor of every scientific treatment of gonoon the extensive advertising circulat travellers for Panama is bound to be The St. Anthony Elocution rrhoea is the defence of the system against the possibility of the ined by the National Tourist Board in reflected also for Costa Rica and Contest fection invading the blood, the muscles and the bony joints. To Costa Rica and the tireless efforts vice versa avoid this, Therapeutics resorted to vaccinations injecting thousands of its members in presenting the of gonoccocus, or to drastic anticeptic by way of the blood. This proi As announced, the Elocution Bruce, the second to Miss Vera cedure was neither sanative nor preventative and so finally periodic country to foreign travel agencies, as Costa Rica, says Mr. Hearn, is an ideal travel centre, but also on putting her best foot forward in the Contest arranged by the St. An Gillings and the third to Miss washings with generally poisonous solutions had to be reverted to.
Burial Aid Edith Franklin.
the fact that the National Board of matter of cordiality to tourists, furnish thony Sick and Appreciative Such methods as have been used and are still being used only de.
Association came off last Wed comments were made with res mostrate a relative efficacy. However, repeated failures have been Panama, especially its Colon Branch, ing adequate accommodations and has lent generous co operation to facilitating such side trips as nesday night. Unfortunately the. pect to may the other contestants experienced and a relatviely poor percentage of cures.
that of Costa Rica, it is said. fully introduce travellers to the adre was a fall of rain earlier the both by the Chariman Mr.
More effective, rapid and sure methods are urged. Dr. Ha The fact has been stressed that vantages of her climate and the many same evening wich affected the Harold Shith, and Mr. George rris, in his laboratory in Montreal, spent many years in researches to the efforts of Panama to attract attractions she has to offer in the attendance. However, those who Williams, on behalf of the Jud. find a scientific solution. Numerous computations twere realized.
bravd the elements were presen ges.
tourists cannot fail to assist those. matter of sightseeing.
Finally, in February 1935, he came to the end of his investigations ed with a rich programme, the The prizes were delivered with and submitted to the official Body of American Doctors his new artists excelling in all their appropriate remarks by Mrs. product SANUREX for the effective treatment of the disease; parts.
Clarke, President of the An based on the one hand on the defense of the system against possible Misses and thony Assosiation.
invasion of the infection; ad on the other, on the sanative process of Charles, and Chickery, Exercises of this nature are the same urethall infection. An effort was then made to officiolly deLynch, Mrs. Prichard and very welcome and it is hoped mostrate the most scientific and complete medicine which had until (CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
Merssrs. Gibbs and Guthbert they may become more regular. then been placed in the hands of the profession.
gripped the hearts of the audien They serve not only as a means The Montreal Hospital, as also others, conducted several expe.
ce with their tuneful melodies. for enjoyment but as an incentiveriments. Fifty cases were treated with SANUREX simultaneously Price 11. 00 Quintal Mr. Jack Frnaklin climbed new for intellectual advancement and with urethal washings, with the exception of five who would not perheights with his song, If hvad culture.
mit this. The rapid influence of the new treatment was inmediately Pagamos cantidades grandes. 225. 00 Tonelada the world to give. The piano observed. Definite cures succeeded much more rapidly than under Sell COPRA and get more money for your selections of Mrs. Charles HaylGRAND ELOCUTIONARY the old treatment, shewing that SANUREX considerably reduces Coconuts with LESS WORK ing and Miss Inez Franklin were CONTEST the time of treatment. However, the five cases which did not submit Cocos a 00. el cien executed with real musical and WIE talented skill. Miss Naomi Tay.
to the periodic urethal washings but only to the treatment with SAFurther Information: BEECHE PARISH HALL NUREX, were also healed but in a longer time than the others. This lor heartily applauded for Apartado 173, Limón, Costa Nico shews that SANUREX alone has sufficient power to bring about a her elocutionary number, Mr. Wednesday, November 20th. total cure. This is most important for those afflicted and who for Dobson maintained his reputa 30 various reasons do not desire to also submit to the treatment of ure.
tion in his brief comedy item. Under Auspices of St. Antho thal washings.
Masters Clarke and Henry were ny Association with tworfold much appreciated in their Another proof, also of great importance, made in this same Mr. Editor: poration and will deal with ora Object of providing Xmas Cheer Hospital, and later corroborated by others, is that SANUREX is also the tion The longer live.
for the poor and needy and the Abyssinian question by itself.
In the contest, Mr. Barnett encouragement of Literary Pur tate. Up to now, the medicines used for this purpose damage these an excellent treatment for affections of the liver, bladder and pros. would be much obliged if you What an exhibition of his lack Branch suits.
will permit me space in your of culture. think, Mr. Editor, represented the Limon of the Jamaica Burial Scheme very interesting Weekly to ex that Mr. Mitchell should be the Society; Miss Vera Gillings, LITERARY TALENTS will wage Number of WELL KNOWN organs, to such a degree, that they are being abandoned as dangerous to the patient.
press an opinion on this Abyssi leading one, as President of this The Baptist Women Federttion: Battle for Supremacy.
SANUREX has been accepted, with full confidence, as the nian question.
big Division, as he calls it, to Miss Elena Douglas the St. An.
surest treatment against gonorrhoea; care should, however be taken It is seen in the Panama Tri. take steps to send off a Five Prominent Citizens will cableto abstain from eating grease and exciting condiments or drinking bune and the Central Ameri. gram of sympaty to the Emperor Misses Iris Bruce, Edith Sten. Musical Programme. An Evening ving will greatly assist aspeedy and total cure.
thony Association, while thebe Judges. Elaborate First Part alcoholic beverages during the treatment. healthy system of li: can Express that a petition was of Abyssinia or a petition to net and Edith Franklin were of rare entertainment, education got up by the Kingston Division King George as has been done SANUREX is on sale at the Drug Stores of Messrs. Reyes independents.
and surprises.
of the Universal Negro Improv by the Kingston Division.
The Contest was remarkably and Kirkpatrick in Limon, and all the best Boticas in San Jose.
ement Association in connection The Hall of the keen and the Judges esperienced SUPPORT WORTHY CAUSE with the Ethiopian war with was built, Mr. Editor, for the im some amount of difficulty in Italy. The petition asks His Ma. provement and betterment of the deciding on the points gained by General Admission 50.
jesty the King to allow Jamaic Negro people; but it seems to each contestant. However, after Door opens 30 Prizes gra ans to enlist in the Ethiopian me as if it is being run for the a very minute check, they awar. tefully accepted from any SocieThe Jackson County grand ju necessary in view of the United army to assist in repelling the betterment only of Mr. Mitchell ded the frist prize to Miss Iris ty, Club or Interested Individual. ry on the 13. th. instant returned States Supreme Court having set attack of the Italians. This peti. family of a few persons, and to new indictments of two counts aside the sentence of death on tion was signed by fully 400 carry their warfare against each against the nine Negro de two of the defendants the persons. The Panama Division the more intelligent Negroes of fendants in the Scottsboro case, ground of systematic exclusion of the Association is also doing this Community.
with a Negro sitting on the ju of Negroes from the grand and their best in connection with Whit my thanks for space, ry for the first time.
trial juries the conflict.
Edwin Horde LIMON These new indictments were The Negroes of the United METROPOLITAN BUREAU States of America are doing the Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa THE DISTURBANCES IN EGYPT Legal, Notarial General same. would ask Mr. Jonathan Business Transactions Importation and Sale of General The anti British manifesta. fire on some of the demonstra.
Mitchell the following questions Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Merchandise tions continue in Egypt; and the tors causing several casvalties. What are you doing in con My untarnished reputation of general strike which was decreed Tramways and autobuses were nection with this warfare? As honesty. My intelligence and by the Students and Nationists attacked by the strikers and maPresident of the Limon Division, high calibre efficiency constitute went into effect on Thursday. ny of the merchants forced to what steps have you taken? Some the necessary and all important Cup Cricket News Numerous disorders occurred close their establishments, time ago the Committee on Abys. FACTORS which constitute my and the police were forced On Sunday last The Motive the Cup with the precious vinta.
sinian matters formulated by you, Iron Clad Guarantee to my acPower Cricket Club met and de ge.
Mr. Editor, asked Mr. Mitchell tual and prospective CLIENTS, deated the Wanderers. thus get The Wanderers made 65 runs STATION co who confide to my care, diRESTAURANT co operation; but instead of ting even with the Excelsior all out, the Motive Power 100 for operating by inviting you to the rection and administration, the SIQUIRRES Hall, built for the purpose by handling of their BUSINESS and with four points each in the Cup wickets. Capt. Delpratt played (Under New Management)
a fine inning and came out at coloued people for the use of co GENERAL AFFAIRS.
The fixtures being now at an end, the withdrawal with bat in hand. The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Miloured people, he impudently, igW. EGBERT POLSON nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be the tie match will be played off for the Wanderers, Knott also norantly and vulgarly replied Accountant, Interpreter, Trans served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Restomorrow to decide who shall filll playei a fine inning.
taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spothat this is a big Cor. Slator, Judicial Business Agent.
ken, Se habla español, SULLIVAN THE PEOPLES BAKERY Philippine Commonwealth Inaugurated We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the On tho 14th. instant President the Island Senate, was installed Panama Bananas and Coconuts BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders Roosevelt signed the proclamat as the Republic first constitucan be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its ion creating the Phillippine Com tionally elected Prseident.
According to statistics suppli. October, they realized output.
monwealth preparatory to The worlds latest President assed by the Port Captain Depart 55. 321. 35 for the growers. DuCome in and try a Loaf.
plete independence by 1945. umed his high office uder a heavy ment in Colon, one hundred and ring this same period 1, 070. 000 No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH The proclamation became ef. guard on account of threats on ten thousand stems of bananas coconuts were also stated to have impressed on them.
fecting the following day when his life by his political oppon. were exported from the province been shipped from the province, BOOH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS Manuel Quezon, President of ents.
of Colon during the month of the proceeds totalling 13. 357. 05 Scottsboro Case Reopens on on ALLAN SIME to com. Large Variety Ladies Hats at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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