
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 28th. December 1935 to Italy Case Against Ethiopia ce.
HEREBY HANGS Regarding Recent Theatrical Show TALE The Season Greetings Re The five Year Plan By Thomas day in the City of David, a Saviour, ALLAN SIME Dear Mr. Pettigrove: who is Christ the Lord. The Law of Dear Mr. Editor, Permit me space in your valuaThe Yule Tide Season is with us God still speaks with all the force of It is with pleasure of the greatLIMUN and throughout Christendom the ti that Angelic Message, but man ble Weekly to express something est kind that am now writing Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa me aged saying Merry Christmas and deviation from the surrender of tho re the Five Year Plan of the you and your good Division Happy New Year. is being repeated. se watchful Shepherds on the thills Universal Negro Improvement inform you that, officially, we The central note, the highest an of Palestine, is very alarming.
Association, as decided on by the will open the drive of our Five Importation and Sale of General them, the richest music, the most Man is indeed poor, needy and in 1934 Convention, for the Indus Year Plan, as authorized by the Merchandise the 1st.
wonderful declaration, resound in digent and all he is physically, men trial and Educational uplifment Convention of 1934, our ears, Peace on earth. Good tally and spiritually are made possi. of the poeple of Color.
January 1936 from date there will will to Man.
ble only through this great gift of In keeping with this order of be an active campaign all over Sad it is to say that at this time, the Babe of Bethlehem.
the Convention, Mr. Garvey has the world to realize the objects when Rulers and statesmen tremble While we extend the hand and written me the following letter of the Plan.
By Roberto Forges Davanzati for fear of those things which are express the Season Greetings, letto imbibe new impetus into the It is therefore the duty of each The conflict between Italy and fault either of its central government coming on earth. the ceremonial us do them with a sincerity of heart members of the Organization in and every Division and affiliated Ethiopia is today represented by thoor of its local chieftains, has unin law, the precepts and ordinances are let us strive to do good, and resolve this country: Society, and every member of the se who call themselves pacifists and terruptedly refused to cooperate with only mostly observed on the surfa to follow the blessed examples of the London, 19th. November 1935. Organization, to be ready to do champions of the League of Nations Italy.
One whose advent we are again Mr, Pettigreve, something to make the success of as a violent and arbitrary improvisa Seven years after the assertion of Man today chooses his own future commemorating. Let us look forward Pres. Moin Junction Div. the Drive possible. For the purtion of Fascist Italy. This is an error. Italian political sovereignty along and so it all rests on his making the to that time when the earth shall be Limon, Costa Rica.
pose of realzing the initial capiIt is, in fact, an interested and deli the Red Sea, a treaty of coopera right choice. How imperative was filled with trees of rightenousness tal to start the Fund, we are askberate distortion of the truth. tion was concluded. It resulted from the Angels message on that glorious thereby securing for us an abundant ing each and every Division of First of all a fact that also fixes lengthy negotiations with Menelik, Christmas morn in the days of King crop of Peace on Earth and Goodthe Association to stage a cama date. Even before the unification the chieltain, who, after a fierce in Herod. For unto you is born, this will to Man.
paign meeting to raise funds for of Italy, the Kingdom of Sardinia, ternal struggle, had succeeded in asthis purpose which is to be forin order to assu. tself. a base otserting his predominance over the other warded to Headquarters here to operations autside the Mediterranean, Ras. This treaty officially recogreach us in the time to be publisconsidered the possibility of esta nized Italy position, for ir entrusMrs. Brown Does your daugh hed by acknowledgement in the blishing permanene relations along ted to Italy the diplomatic represen Mr. Horace Prendegast sends us buildings, hospitals, etc. and these ter live at home?
January issue of the Blackthe Red Sea. The first Italian to cation of Ethiopia in its relations a communication regarding a pic our correspondent says clearly ne Mr. White. believe so. see man.
land at Massawa was the Genoese with all other States. Menelik, who ture which was recently shewn at gative the claim that the natives her at breakfast every day.
You are therefore, by this letGiuseppe Sapeto, who went there in owed his position and power largely the Moderno Theatre under the are an uncivilized people.
ter, requested to make immedi1838, returned of the interior with to Italian aid and had concluded title of Wings Over Abyssinia. Mr. Prendegast further expresses Newbride. Oh, Bob dear, need ate arrangements for the stating the sentiment of an Italian and the the Treaty of Uccialli in 1889 wherehis objection to the hilarity display a new dress.
by your Division of a colossal faith of a Catholic missionary. In by he recognized the protective collaThe picture purported to represed by many coloured persons on Hubby Dress, dress, nothing but Mass Meeting on the last Sun1869, through the efforts of Sapeto, boration of Italy, soon began to re ent a fight on the battle plains of observing that the Abyssinians were dress. Haven you a mind for anyt day of December 1935 to raise the promotory dominating the Bay bel against this legitimate and just Africa, wherein the Ethiopian ar not wearing boots, and also at the hing higher?
funds at that meeting for the of Assab was purchased on behalf of subordination.
my was plainly shewn advancing sight of a poor deformed leper, Newbride Higher? Of course the Rubattino Shipping Company It would be too long to go here in against those whom the audience who sat on the steps of a hospital have, so you can make it a hat as should forward us here immediapurposes herein stated; and you with the consent of the government. detail into the successive phases of were left to imagine were the Ita as if seeking admission to that in well.
In 1882 the purchased territory be this hostile resistance, which followed lians tely after the meeting, the amoas they were not visible, stitution. The absence of boots, he unt raised so as to reach us not came the property of the State and Menelik supplications for friendship though numbers of their men and says, is due to the sandy nature of Mother, why do you put powder later than the 15th. January therefore politically Italian. and help when he was still struggl planes were falling under the fire the country which would material. on your face? asked the little one.
From that moment dates the true ing for the throne. What it is impor from the guns of the Abyssinians. ly impede expedicious marching if To make me beautiful, darling.
beginning of Italian penetration, tant to emphasize is that the mili Mr. Prendegast complains against the soldiers wore boots. He conNothing should be left undon Then, mother, raps you re not to make the meeting a success.
which has been accompanied by the tary operations that preceded and the elimination or omission of these cludes his article, which was work of explorers and missionaries, followed the conclusion of the Trear from the picture and attributes the voluminous for entire publication too using the right kind.
Understand that every Division Many of the lost their lives in the ty of Uccialli were hard and bloody reason to a prejudice in favous of in our limited space, by asking all will be holding this particular various regions of Ethiopia, either at and that Italy sacrificed in them the the Italians against those who are cloured patrons just can see why you and Fred meeting on this particular day, discontinue the hands of the natives or as a re lives of her soldiers, who fell in thow looked upon as an inferior Race. these worthless practices of hila couldn get along together, he of so do your part and do it well sult of the hardships and privations sands where the pioneers had fallen so quiet a disposition.
and let us hear from you as statThe scenes also depicted parts rity and mockery which do much they suffered. It is thus exactly fifty singly. The battle of Adowa in March, of the Empire Capital, Addis more harm than good to those who That just about right, the mono ed.
three years since Italy first set foot 1896 an ill fated battle, in which Ababa, with its modern Church indulge in them.
tony was awful. We had nothing in With very best wishes to you on the Red Sea coast, participating 15, 000 Italians fought valiantly common to quarrel about.
all, in the Europeanization of the Afri against 100, 000 Ethiopians was 45, 500 square miles and a popula. re helped Menelik: When the Regent MARCUS GARVEY, can Continent ond obeying a legiti the principal episode of the period that tion of 622, 000 inhabitans, and Ita Ras Taffari became the Negus Haile Why are you in mourning? Is your Pres. Grl.
mate law of expansion the same came to an end with the present con lian Somaliland, with an area of. Selassie, an Italian mission headed husband dead?
law that has been obeyed and is still figuration of the territory of Eritrea. 190, 000 square miles. and a popula by the Duke of the Abruzzi was preo, he quite alive; but as he has In keeping wtih the above reobeyed by other States and above The second Italian colony, Soma tion of 983, 000 inhabitants, both ha sent at his coronation. And in 1928 been treating me so badly have quest a special Mass Meeting all by England, who has conquered liland, on the Indian Ocean, also had ve very long common frontiers with a treaty of friendship and collabora gone back into mourning for my first will be taged on Sunday the 29th.
such a large part of Africa. One may its origins over fifty years ago in Ethiopia, which have not been pre tion was concluded between Italy husband.
instant at the St. Mark Hall not, therefore, speak of improvisa 1883. There also pioneers and sol cisely delimited on the ground It is and Ethiopia, which the new soveto which all the adherents of the tion.
diers in great numbers sacrificed their necessary therefore, that the relation reign declared he wished to moder Rose see your new friend is Organization and members of the In these fifty three years the re lives to enlarge it, to develop it, to with Ethiopia be those of good neigh nize.
raising a mustache, Race are asked to attend.
lations of Italy with the Ethiopian give it the greatest possibilities of borliness.
Not only was the treaty of 1928, Do you like a man with one, Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for chiefs have had a long and often work and production, which presup When Fascist Italy had to con which provided for effective coope don space, bloody history, which has abundan pose order and tranquillity. sider the situation of her two East ration in works useful and indeed Sure, it tickles me almost to death. Pettigrove tly proved that Ethiopia, through the Eritrea, which has an area of African colonies, at the time when necessary to Ethiopia, soon thrown she was proceeding to organize her into the discard despite, Italy desire Transfer Of Title Deeds THE PEOPLES BAKERY two Libyan colonies in Mediterra to carry it out faithfully, but is benean Africa on a stable and final came apparent that the Negus wished So much has been said regarding, Lawyer? As a resident of SiquiWe wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for ths footing, Mussolini remained faithful to take advantaje of it only for the and so much money has been spent tres, know that Mr. Mitchell was BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing ordere to his intention of working in close purpose of arming his country in a for, the transference of the Gor: asked to give the work to Mr. Silcan be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase ist and cordial cooperation with Ethiopia. more modern fashion and with evi don rights in the va whom they were sanguine would output.
When the present Negus Haile Selas dently anti Italian aims.
property of Limon as well as that have done the work long ago, bu Come in and try a Loaf.
sie was only the Regent Ras Taffari Ethiopia has no outlet to the sea, of the Siquirres Branch, that it instead, he took upon himself to No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH and needed the good will of his neigh and a single railroad links its capital, behoves me to ask a few questions: give it to Mr. Villalobos.
impressed on them.
bors to impose his authority on the Addis Ababa, with Jibuti, the port other chieftains he had disposses of the small possession of French So cannot be inscribed in the Record tain party is to be inserted as the Why is it that these documents BOOTH MODUCT CHALLENGE IMITATORS Rumour says the name of a cer.
sed and imprisoned Lij Yasu, who maliland. The coastline of Eritrea Office and returned to the iron Trustee in place of Gordon. Cax had been designated as heir to the and Italian Somaliland ois in Italian chest of the Limon Division? The this be true? Such a one would Cricket Once More Once More throne by Menelik Fascist Italy, hands, and between the two there are Siquirres Branch is in danger of then become a part owner, can it After a lapse of many weeks, a charged one cent per pound; the in 1924, welcomed him with favor. only the short coastline of French losing their rights to the property be done?
little interest is again being aroused heaviest and the lightest being award. There is no doubt that Italy sympa Solamliland and the longer one of in that town. Why is it that this Yours truly, in this manly sport. On Sunday last ed prizes. This is said to be a Har. thetic attitude helped the Negus to British Somaliland. Ehiopian natio document cannot be got from the Frank Abel the Te Match between the Excelsior lem Panama stund being introduced attain his ends, as it had years befo nalism has made it its principal aim and the Motive Power Sporting Clubs here. The dance will start at p. to conquer an sutlet to the sealand productive relations.
Giorghis with a body of troops estishould have been played off, but as an ad, ournment made at 11 o clock To Thine Own Self Be True through one of the two Italian coloIt will be sufficient to mention mated at over 50, 000 men entered the ground was not in a fit cond. so that all may attend the Watch!
nies and made a start toward realiz summarily a few facts.
To All Men Goodwill the Tigre and marched on the trontion, due to the heavy shower of rain Night services, resume at a. and Already in 1912. as has been de tier. The Negus knew very well that which fell the prev ous night, it had continue to in the morning of the We Thank Our Numerous Client ing this plan by exerting all its pressure on Italian Somaliland. clared by the Italian Government in the colony was almost completely unto be postponed.
New Year. Invitations for the dance For Their Past Support In reality, the new Negus did not the Senate during the discussion of protected because several battalions The Pathfinders are to meet the are only being issued by the Pathdepart from the political objectives the colonial budget, a And Wish Them lively cam had been sent to Libya. It was necesBananera of Cairo on the Li nders in order to give the Cairo Merry Christmas Happy Pros of his predecessors; indeed, he paign had broken out in Addis Aba sary to recall the Eritrean battalion mon Oval on the 31st. instant. The fellows a happy time.
sought to follow them faithfully be ba against Italy. The fomenters of from Libyt by telegraph; troops and Youths expect to pr. ng out form dable It is hoped that the match will be perous New Year.
hind the convenient screen of the the campaign emphasized the splen war materials had to be dispatched side. The visitors are to be entertain a display of genuine cricket.
The Metropolitan Bureau treaty of co operation of 1928, which did opportunity offered by Italy Li from Libya by telegraph; troops and ed, the same night, at a Scale Dan The Youths are also to engage the Egbert Polson according to Italy, should instead ha byan war to attack Eritrea. In March crisis had to be faced as a conse ce. they will all be weighed and Matina Club on New Year Day. Our Fifth Year Of Service. ve represented a basis for peaceful and April, 1914, the Negus Woldoquence of the sudden threat of wa The Season Greetings to All from the JAMAICA STORE GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Culturaly Juventud, Costa Rica.


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