
Saturday 28th. December 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA The Yorkshire Team Visit To Jamaica SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments EL NACIMIENTO us.
VIBRATIONS The Christmas Season By universal agreement, the 25th cf those whe are able to recall and information has now been receiv Febraury 15th. and 17th. YorkshiDecember is recognized the world in a spiritual sense attune on the ad that the Yorkshire Crichetersre vs. School XII at Kingston; Feover as a day of Goodwill among occasion. Glad tidings of great joy will leave England on January 30 th. Sruary 19 th. and 20 th. Yorkshire men and consequently, a day of do bring to you and all mankind.
for Jamaica to engage in a series of and School XII at Kingston; FePeace and joyous association not To you, in David town this day, matches. They are expected to arri bruary 22, 24, 25, 26 Yorkshire vs.
alone by Christians but by peoples is born of David line, a SA.
ve in the Island on the 13 th. Fe Jamaica at Kingston; Febraury 28th.
of all creeds and nationalities. The VIOUR who is Christ the Lord; bruary and to leave for home on and 29 th. Yorkshire vs. Country exhibition of this sentiment is pro therefore all glory be to God on march 17th.
XII at Montego Bay: March 4, 5, 6, bably the nearest approach to that high, and on earth be Peace, Good7 and 9, Yorkshire vs. Jamaica, at he comradeship which the Sa. will henceforth from Heaven to The following schedule of six Kingston Oval; March 11, 12, 13, it of the World gave as an Earth begin and never cease.
matches has been arranged by the 14 and 16 Yorkshire vs. Jamaica at ole during His earthly life. Can we not fellow this chant in Islands Cricket Board of Control. Kingston.
say this day is recognized by a spiritual adoration to this ALsal agreement because, whe PHA and OMEGA, the GOD of we may be, whomsoever we GODS, this LIGHT of all meet, whether Jew, Moham. LIGHTS, and manifest in our lives! INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF From the Album of Confusian or Freethinker, not only at this time, but throughcrotons, various species of orchids and flowers daily refreshed by memis always that expression of out the approaching new year, that Flatulence And all forms do not know if it be on account bers of the family of the home.
lwill either by a kindly example of Goodwill, tolerance, of the peculiarity in our nature of The space between ceiling and a cheering word, a hands love and kindliness to each other as Indigestion of Stomach deprecating things and customs, which floor presents, too, a most interest. a telephone call or a telegram we now de some act of kindness in were absent in the course of our training background of fashionable cur cessing the salutation, the wish an attempt to bring joy and hapColics for a Happy Christmas tide; and piness into the life of some one in Disorders ing and unusual in our usages, why tains of paintings on which are diswe never seem to interest ourselves played a profusion of artificial and so that vibration in thought of less favoured circumstances whetin very many of the pleasantries and natural flowers made into innumeraman universal understanding of her by a gift of clothing, a dinner FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES agreeable adoptions which are to be ble bouquets.
a spiritual sense of peace and good or other needed thing. Let us carry observed in the life of others around Among the floor decorations and will on earth to all mankind is set this spirit of philanthrophy in our around the Babe in the Manger.
in motion from Continent to Con daily contact with our fellow beings MANUFACTURED BY: May be it is because we are too are numerous toys which apparently tinent at this happy period. so that the sentiment of satisfacHERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA orthodox in our views and too con serve to attract the attention of the How significant and beautiful tion may be ours and thus soothe ventional in our comportment why younger ones and assist their little is the chanting of that Angelic the cry, the yearning, of our Souls SAN JOSE we have become so indifferent to minds in contemplating the humble Anthem, as it echoes, by medita. for true Peace on Earth and Goodwhat we regard as foibles in others; birth of the Saviour of mankind: tion and concentration, in the ears will to all mankind.
or because we are a bit too preten the unostentatiousness with which tious toward our own way of observ the Prince of Peace came into the STATION RESTAURANT ing similar matters to consider as of world; the significance of babyhood, SIQUIRRES importance that which we have al jas also the happiness which His birth (Under New Monagement)
ready decided as being curious and brought. It impresses. it is a deLeg display Reaction inordinate. But has any one ever gi dication of the home to the praise The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Miven a thought to the NACIMIEN of God for His gift of love. It faminutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be Wnen it comes to exposing legs The pool arrangemnt is being TO. custom in served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Resconnection liarises the young with the beautior calves, it is significant to a constructed from public or com with the announcement and celebra ful history of the rth of Christ. It taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo ken, Se habla español, new arrival to observe the pair munity funds and the colored tion of the Christmas Season? demonstrates the Season of Love. It of drum sticks by which most element constitute the largest SULLIVAN For the observance of the beauti n the Nacimiento.
of us are propelled around here contributors, so why the nonsen ful custom, a part of the home is BOXING so the knee length attire might sical restriction over community specially reserved from Christmas prove rother embarrassing to property for community use. The Eve to Epiphany, and is Los Boy Scous Llopes Last Saturday night card at the decision to George.
many of us at the outset. Folks proposed makeshift of putting up quelly and artisticaily decorated.
the Arrasty was all hot stuff The main go between Arturo here, generally, are not blessed some ramshackle device at Puita Handmade flowers of wax and tisADDIS ABEBA, 27. Los jóvenes The six round preliminary bet Clark and Percy Garnett slated with gracefully developed legs for colored bathers is a farce and sue paper are generally used for de boy scouts queriam parien pariiele, ale ween Kid Morales and Enrique for ten rounds, unfortunatly end such as predominate in the vigorous ction this absurd corating the ceiling, which is first rra, pero algunos sólo tenían diez, doce y trece años de edad. En el mes pasado, Evans was a real lambasting and ed in the fifth, Clark winning places where it is said this is and discriminatory measure is covered with colored or white gau un centenar de ellos, armados del basgive and take affair, which en by a technical foul. Garnett was largely due not only to heredity planned. It is not that any inter ze or muslin, on which paintings re tón reglamentario, abandonaron Addis ded in a draw.
master throughout and no doubt but also to the attention paid to mingling is craved but it is con presenting the sun, the moon and Abeba partiendo a pie para Dessie, lleThe semifinal wind up bet would have via a o. the formation during the child tended that all have equal rights stars may be noticed; while, at the gando al cuartel general los ejérciween George Grenalds and Hum route if the foul had not occu infancy, and to the unconscious should they choose to use berto Morales did not get very rred. It was a pretty fight while development resulting from const pool; at any rate it is felt that steadfastly at the corners, others of cherubim looking to del Norte después de 19 días de marcha. De Dessie, engañando la vigithe Manger of the lancia de las autoridades, partieron con far. George warmed up from the it lasted and Clark dexterity ant climbing in hillyó countries, such a hideous stamp on the dig Holy Babe give an aethetic effect to la esperanza de llegar al frente del Ti.
very start and soon had Morales was of litte avail against Garnity of a certain section of the the scene particularly when, occa gre, pero el Negus, llegado a Dessie, in trouble who just prior to the nett aggressiveness and effecti Straight from the Shoulder end of the first round probably ve punching.
community should not be allowed sionally, children representing these fue puesto al corriente de lo que suce to prevail or go unchallenged.
paintings join in the choruses specia día y los obligó a regresarse.
thoulght he heard the gong and Los boy scouts de 16 a 19 años reciSince most of the big countries Uly prepared for the celebration.
bieron fusiles y fueron autorizados a in walking to his corner. guard Some Recet Deaths in South America, all possessiing The representation of the Manger mezclarse con las tropas, pero los más down, received an awful wallop nature resources and and the Holy Babe usually occupy a pequeños tuvieron que devolverse a on the jaw.
The following are among tho potential conducting vast commercial and prominent place among the decora. Addis Abeba en camiones.
When the bell sounded to start se who rcently passed away industrial activities, have, in retion on the floor, which is often so the second round, Morales se the San Juan de Dios Hospital, neatly covered with moss that the Cincuenta estudiantes arrestados cent years suspended payments conds threw in the sponge whe San José.
on their foreign debts which agingenuity is deservingly admired. HeNANKING, 28. Cerca de cinreupon George declared Hilda Fostes (r. a Jamaica gregate billions of dollars, Costa Prop.
re also may be seen mechanical decuenta estudiantes fueron arrestados winner. After some discussion, 30 years, on the 7th. instant; Mi Rica, which is far less capable vises imitating the Holy Family, the en la noche anterior por haber desMorales feeling much revived, guel Rodríguez, 29 years old, aſ of maintining this service would Best native lumber Shepherds, the Wise Men and the obedecido la orden de no llevar a decided to continue the fight. resident of the Old Line, on the do well to emulate their example animals, all 60 artistically arranged cabo manifestaciones hasta que haGeorge returned and in the round 8th. instant; Celestine Hernan and tell her creditors point blank at moderate prices that the attention and admiration of yan concluído las gestiones del go that followed gave his opponent dez Noboa, 31 years old, a resid the plain truth that they cant any observer is challenged. Around bierno con los jefes de colegios. Quie re el gobierno, en esa forma, evitar such a hiding that he was on the ent of the Old Lines, on the 8th. mulct anything out of her cause and beside these are beautiful vases complicaciones en el fuerte movimien feree, to avoid further punish verde 21 years old, a residnt of devising satisfying schemes which of one of verge of a knockout when the re instant; Zoila Rosa Cedeño Val she just aint got it, rather than IMPRENTA BORRASE HERMANOS filled with the many colored tropical to anti japonés y anti autonomista.
ment, topped the scrap and gavel Guacimo, on the 5th. instant.
can only add misery to an already impoverished people.
most uniwon in Maduro Lumber Yard was BANCO INTERNACIONAL DI COSI.
Discrimination Costa Rican Palm Nut Company scimming pool and compra COPRA We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoaut)
Price 11. 00 Quintal (CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
Banco del Estado Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue State Bank ofrece al público los servicios de su Offers the Public Serv ces of its Pagamos cantidades grandes. 225. 00 Tonelada Sell COPRA and get more money for your Coconuts with LESS WORK Cocos a 00 el cien Further information: BEECHE partado 17. Limón, Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Is is said that the public swimming pool now being constructed by the Municipality will not be available to colored folk when completed. The city Fathers probably fear contamination of the whole Caribbean if such are allowed therein. Many of those who would object to and frown upon the presence of these in the pool may however be seen from time to time in dances and other pastimes. uninvited most often at that. where they revel with the duskies with absolutely no thought of contamination.
They may probably be more exposed to it in the haunts much frequented under cover of night than from the joint use de latè iblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del EN LA IN THE PRK HOTEL CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY ON Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
Sample room LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Post Office Box 236 Telephone SO para toda clase de servicio bancario All Kinds of Bank Service Rendered


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