
Sunday, May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE loffman Puzzles Jersey vernor Activity for Hauptmann Leaves People Confused as to His Motives By HAROLD LEVY SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments th a ಇರ. INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Indigestion FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES for EDGAR YOUNG LENTON What lies beh court had listened to exhausti him the necessary wotes both Governor Harold Hoff ve argument by defense coun in the Assembly and in the Sepersonal activity in the sel and found not the slightest nate. After a few months trial of Bruno Richard Haupt reason for interfering.
the tax was repealed because of in, and what effect will it ha The court rejected as baseless its general unpopularity. His vith regard to his own fu the contentions that Richard leadership had been rejected.
Hauptmann had not had a fair If it was Mr. Hoffmann pur nly the Governor himself trial in Hunterdon County, tha: pose to get back into the lid why he took it upon the trial was a circus maxi asselt to reopen the investimus. that the jury had melight, he succeeded. But he not brought down upon himself the anon of the crime. No one bean sequestered properly, that of dows what the outcome wide open condemnation will the State summation was Flatulence And all forms 01 press and public. After losing inflammatory, that the defendd Mr. Hoffman, when he dant had been denied his consa day long battle to get the Court of Pardons to commute as a secret. nocturnal visit to titutional rights. The United of Stomach doomed convict in the states Court likewise declined imprisonment, he granted a reHauptmann sentence to life cost house at the State prison to take jurisdiction.
theast October, simply obey prieve to the convict.
Colics Disorders Was the Governor decision When it became known that responsible impulse?
cole New Jersey Court of the result of a need to get back sible for the Lindberghs going to act, as some of his critics ask, his actions were largely responat this and Appeals and the in the newspaper headlines by into voluntary exile abroad.
pled States Supreme Court Staking his political fortunes there was further criticism.
lopu refused to grant a new on the remote chance that he The next step for the de would get a break of Governor Hoffman, however, somo had gone too far then to turn MANUFACTURED BY: Le was a petition to the New kind?
back and he has continued on they Court of Pardons HERMANN ZELEDON At the time of his unprece his course.
BOTICA FRANCESA Trency dented interview with the pri In some quarters it was charge to yvernor Hoffman is a mem soner he had just been repu ed that he was motivated sy a SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA of this court of mercy by diated by his own partisans in desite to pave the way for gettee of his office, together the Legislature. He had starting rid of Colonel Norman which will support Governor Lea Jersey Governor has a habit of led the Chancellor and the Schwarzkopt as Superintendent don of Kansas for the Presiden coming througn. and those who may judges of the Court of of the State Police. Col. Schwar tial nomination, and he will be in have stood by him loyally in the its and Appeals. But he zkopf was in charge of the hunt a commanding position if the con stress of the past few months have ested himself in the case for the slayer of the kidnapped vention looks to an Easter State every confidence that he will be este e it was officially put bechild and the Governor has mins tor a candidate for the Vice Pre found swimming in the political him.
COMERCIANTE ed no words in saying he considers sidency.
pool when many of his adversaESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR the job was bungled.
Jovial and a good mixer, New ries have sunk from sight.
Is Barred Action has said that there were MAS DE 20 AÑOS IS POLITICALLY STRONGER doubts in his mind that Vende al detal, Vinos y Liease had been solved by cores exiranjeros y del país abarrotes en general.
Throughout the State various rest and conviction of Micelánea.
organizations have adopted res From page mann. This despite the the country Mr. Brundage ESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA NORTE DEL MER lutions expressing confidence that the State highest in office in San Jose where he gathered a number of ore CADO ENTRE LA AY Ja. YU CALLE (a.
the police head and a bill is pen. will be pleased to be inter samples which he forwarded ding in the Legislature to thwart viewed by all parties inte to America for analysis. We ne situation in Zechuan any step to supplant him when rested in this branch of our trust that the report on these ted off well at the beginninz of his term expires in June, national industries, and to will be so satisfactory that terrible his term in January of Jast Politically. Mr. Orfman is strong whom he will gladly afford his associates will feel conyear and he seemed dest ned er today than at any time since any technical assistance de fident of success and thehe first let it be known that he sired.
NGHAI 19. The United to go far, perhaps even to the reby assist our economic Presidency communicates that three.
was taking a hand in the HauptDuring his recent travels condition by their investe of the inhabitants of mann case. Not many weeks ago through yarious regions of ment.
San Province are comprised Sales Tax Repealed his opponents in the Republican famine afea, and that con State Committee sought to relieve are beyond description, DOD se the poor people have ben, however, he became him of party leadership, but when TID floods, droughts, earth embroiled with the Republican the shou down tame recently es nd communist Warfare there was not a dissenting vote ssively About miajcity in the Legislature over 30. 000. 000 The Editor Mesdames Burton, McFa:are practically starving, a sales tax, which he wished to cast against his endorsement as lane and Walters were also reports that they have eaten have levied to finance emer one of the big four candidates Dear Sir: installed as Lady President, and es in some parts and aie for delegate at large to the Nato stave off death by eat gency relief. He finally won the tional Convention a Cleveland Please grant me space in your 1st and 2nd. Lady Vice Presiark and grass. Thousands fight, but only after the Demovaluable columns to report the dents respectively.
cratic minority had given to He will head the nigrating to other parts.
delegation following: On Sunday, April To page 10 12th. the New Castle Division of the held a grand mass meeting and installation of Officers at which the Officers and friends of the Bananito Division assisted.
The following Officers were installed: McFarlane, PresiCantina Posada dent; Medford, 1st Vice Presiy Cafeteria dent; Douglas, 2nd Vice President; McPherson, Financial Felipe Wing Ching Secretary: Sawyers, Treasurer; Gordon, Chaplain; Hines, Apartado 395 T, Dixon and Gray, Trustees.
To Assist Our Mining Ind.
ers A New Castle Function e Ahorre. EL CABALLO BLANCO El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Banco de Costa Rica Prop.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Nacionales Frank Maduro jr.
EL ATLANTICO Frank Maduro hijo, Best native lumbes Maderas del país. Existencia permanente en nuestro at moderate prices depósito Prop.
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