
THE CULTIVATORS ON ON GOVERNMENT LANDS. New Castle Functior SALOMON CHING Suggests Racing Improvements be sen refc From page accideats, snakebites, the natural of being so very far from the certed plan of action is decided resu co: 75 cents monthly per hecta consequences which these farmers thickly popu ated centres: why on. The cost of a Commission Write directly to Mr. Rogebub Fes for potreros and 50 cents for have to bear themselves.
therefore charge them 75 ceats can easily be obtained by each Gutierrez, Box 218 Limon and Who minor crops such as yuca, yam Such crops as Cacao are very per hectarea. Does the govern settler subscribing say three co the writer of this article, Mr.
and the like; five cents per tree uncertain; should it rain heavi y ment not see that it is smother Tones; and we are sure if such Nation, Box 137 Limon Mr a heing charged for coco there is no crop, and if the sea ing an important industry? a Commission were to approach Nation can also be seen at th son be very dry there is also 110 If the government is to demand don Leon Cortes after he takes office of Mr. Harold Smith Now, to anyone who is ac crop. Or a certainty, by statisti two colones per month from its his seat much good will be the Limon.
usinted with the circumstances cal reasonings and deductions, it Banana terants, why not then of the pagriculturistes, it will is only within the cycle of seven colect the regular rate of fifty scem unfair and exhorbitant to years that an abundant crop is cents from the Company and pay collect after these rates, hence experienced and then the prices these growers as the larger landthe reason why these small sett. may be lowered by the exporting ed proprietors do and afford them merchants to fifteen, ten or five similar facilites. From page Choirmaster, choir and other pe cents per pound. Is it any wonAt the close of the installation ticipants for the beautiful der, therefore, that these people Our settlers are slow in agitat. ceremony a very interesting pro rendered; and the Chaplain, dodge or scamp the legitimate ing for their rights but this is gamme consisting of addresses, closing the function expressed WEE LE payments to the government col the time to be up an ddoing. They songs, solos and recitations was appreciation for the presence and iectors. should appoint a Commission to carried through under the chair assistance of the visitors frog Estrada According to the terms of the represent their sufferings to the manship of Mr. James, Presi Bananito.
Concession to the Fruit Compa Dew Administration and we are dent of the Bananito Division, Abarrotes y Licores ny, the government demands that sure goodresults will be forth who heartily congratulated the MCPHERSON.
Articulos del Pais the rental of cultivable and acces coming.
Precios Economicos sible lands to small settlers must Any suggestions or propositions not exceed one colon per annum.
in this respect will be sady LA IBERIA Why then shou these poor un acknowledged by the Administrafortunates be demanded by the tion of this Journal and they wil tors dodge from payments for government to pay two colones place themselv at the disposel The Editor.
men who are in the majority their sanall holdings in tirse per month? Is this the sort of of all concerned so long as a conmay be better facilitated, swupy and inaccessible lands. Equity we are to expect from our Permit me space in your more encouraged to giv The poor peop:e exile themse. government?
Wellll! What. valuable columns to say a few their support and ve these swamps away from Cattlerearing is the slowest of words by way of further im true lovers of the Sport; tha che und schools for the eau our agricultural pursuits, demand Booth Bread, proving the much appreciat the stakes planted can of their children; to get airg great outlay of capital for Biscuits Buns.
ed efforts ofthe La Joya Ra the track be at least five o kmde of schooling they must fencings and the establishing of Without which vou can boastcing Company.
six feet high. At the lastec on the children up to Limon pastures in addition to the pur. of cating the best.
meeting my horse, Noblber Wiore eccessive rates are charg chasing of stock, while it takes Berlin Bread The Company should see Star, in the Un ried Racopa at for their maintenance, etc. four years before a steer is fit Booth Biscuits that all horses competing in went over one of these shoring with the consequent estranging for marketing. Can we wonder the same Purse be more clo stakes and sustained a canto of parental ariection ard home that the majority or our butchers dis just about two inches bel life; to say nothing of the incon stock must come from Nicaratances in each go be made the stifled joint; that horsebro Ve atence in cases of illnesses gua?
These maritime Where you will get the best.
settlers the industry can produce.
longer according to heights be allowed to enter Purseto and o misfortunes, such cannot sell their milk on accouat of horses so that the smaller according to heighs; that thmi Secretarial duties in conned tion with entries be carrietor out with a greater regard Th Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back silence and that horses be no de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: shuffled about like a decko Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office cards.
th cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month sincerely trust that Racing Company will do de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not their best so that Racir Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which may be still further improve de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
in the future.
With my thanks Mr. Editor Guscimo Jnnction.
becom around The People Bakery sely matched; that ithe 83 Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Robert Reid. DESPICABLE ACT It ins work, it is a pleasure to wash with 10 SE Nahon Information has reached us a thousand colones had been pil to create the mistrust and disthat a meaa. dirty act of theft fered from the cheques of the gust of the Company who tries cömonitted at the Bananito Banana growers of that district. to employ the offspring of the Comunasariat a couple of weeks the amount was reported to have West Indian element for whose ago been paid in cash and merchan entry into the country she is resThe employee of the Company dise whereas the men never re ponsible. Such conduct is det:iwho had been in charge of that ceived such payments. The en mental to the prospects of the store was found, on stocktakiug, poyee was vile enough to deceive honest ones emp oyed in similar to be nuort by several hundred the stock. takers in many ways; positions, for the Company wili coloues in his accounts and, na on of which was the present naturally be suspicious of them turally. the keys were taken ation of three demijohns as full all; they will be treated worse from him; further avestigation of rum, when on a second in chan they now are with the white hovovar disclosed that much over vestigation it was discovered that empolyees being afforded the pre their contests had been disposed ference and which causes disof and the vessels refilled with satisfaction water. He and his helper decamp It is hoped that the display of ed toward the Panamanian bor such rascally deportment will be COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA der, but he was unable to get a a salutary example to the youngs Licores, Abarrotes, Chiscross as he had no papers, he is ters of our community; it is sald alería Artículos de Fe therefore supposed to be in the that the cause of this depredarreleift y Eléctricos; todo Sixaola regions. The Police are tion is due to the man associase encuentra este searching for him and no doubt tion with lewd women compaestablecimiento a he will soon be brought back to nions, so we again express the Duecios de Situción receive his just reward.
hope that this will be a lesson in It is a pity that such unprin every respect to the young who LIMON, COSTA RICA cipled young men shoul dcommit occupy such positions of trust and themselves in this vile mancer confidence.
José Achion Ng.
PALMERA Sold in pack ages only.
The wrappings are exchanged for useful gifts Catalog of Gifts will be sent on request Industrial Soap Company AOUSTIN CASTRO Co.
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