
Sunday, May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 1931 ON PUBLIC HEALTH HOP LEE LUNG COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY are FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO The March Bulletin of states, which is so universaed on the seat or floor of the Central Board of Health Ily and frequently eaten in truck with any passenger of Jamaica deals extensively the same condition as it is sitting beside it.
on Sanitation of Foodhan received as Bread is, and as It is the consumer who Establecimiezto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes ilers which may very much a mere vehicle of germs. The should control these condibe made applicable to us average person would not tions, for as long as the putere.
allow his own cook to dish blic is content to buy such El más surtido en Matina. The article opens with up his dinner with her fin bread, the bakers will not reference to the governing gers, and handle each piece trouble to improve their me Law; it states Under the of food on his plate; liethods of handling. It is not Public Health Law a person would not allow even the possible for the Health Dewho knows or suspects that members of his own family partment to see and control immensely unwise and dan if one progressive butcher he is suffering from an in to do this, but he enjo at everything which to be gerous.
would paint his stall and ing bread which has been eaten. The public should buy We spoke in these columns screen it from flies, the mapawed about by any num only from such persons and some weeks ago on the handi jority of housewives in Liber of strangers, many of bakeries that are scrupulou ing and delivery of beef and mon would give him their whom are hopelessly filthy ly clean and employ the pork in our markets; and patronage and thus increase in their personal habits. most sanitary methods of while our Health Officer his trade. And so it is with In modern bakeries the preparing the bread. If any disagreed with us in so far other items of food; it is the finished loaf never come in one is suspected of employ as his responsibility was con Public who must wage a Of contact with human hands. ing unhealthy, unclean wor cerned, he yet agreed that campaign on Sanitation, and When the bread is baked itkers in the bakeries, they there were myriads of coc thereby assist the Health LIMON is immediately wrapped by should be reported to the kroaches and other germ ca Officers in improving condimachinery and delivered Department of Health.
rriers in the old wooden tions in this direction.
Fábrica de Hielo free of human touch or con MILK is another item of stalls. We are thinking that!
tamination. But how do we food that needs careful Refrescos see bread commonly prepar sctutiny. Why buy milk ed and handled?
from sellers who not In most bakeries here scrupulously clean in their STATION RESTAURANT hand kneading still exists; dress and habits, especially SIQUIRRES OX one can find many bakeries is this necessary when drink where the baker sweats over ing raw milk; the cows may (Under New Management)
the heavy job of kneading be infected; the waters on The passenger train from Limon stops at siquirres 20 and flavours it with his which they are fed may be minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your LA FLORIDA sweat in some cases. It is foul; the milkers hands may Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costhen put into open baskets be unclean; all these dangers ta Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station.
Fábrica de Hielo or into flour bags or any old may be eliminated when the Barcrocus bag and transported milk is cooked but drinking Cigars Cigaretts English Spoken. Se habla español to the selling Venta de Leche depots on raw milk in any shape is SULLIVAN dusty roads delivered by Maderas hand and such hands. Sometimes the delivery coun ts are wrong necessitating ave 20 several such pawings in de The Swedish fectious desease, is forbid livery. We have heard of the government is While the Bridge would increase, oline stations and repair shops.
Noden from engaging in occu Bread dropping on the floor considering the construction of a train and automobile traffic be Denmaſk recenày constructed Rubations which involve handl or roadway, picked up and Bridge across the Oresund Straits tween the Continent and Sweden a similar but shorter bridge bsking food or drinks. An em replaced in the basket co to connect that country with Den it would also encourage a transit tween the Island of Funen agd Bloyee who knowingly em vered by any old crocus bag. mark.
freight and passenger traffic to Jutland boys a person, suffering We have customers The bridge would start and from Norway and Finland The cost of the projected bridge from an infectious desease, allowed to handle and squee Malmo City and end on the Is Custom houses would be erected will be borne by the three counhato handle food is also com ze the bread, the while dis land of Amager near Copenhagen, on both sides of the bridge, astries, Sweden being willing to smitting an offence.
cussing its freshness with covering a distance of ten and a well as large parking places, gas contribute one half.
The first item it the shopkeeper. We have halt miles and connecting the amconsumers about is Bread seen bread sent out on ca mainland of the Continent with There is no article of food, it miones in a crocus bag plac Sweden. Engineering firms esti1 mate the work will require eight years and involve an expenditure And what has lhe Police On, that quite aesy: of 35. 376. 000 dollars.
cone, she notified them of pretend m talking in my The bridge would carry a sin course?
sleep gle electric railroad track, a conNot on your life. Every On account of receiving certain sound crete roadway for automobiles, night she now leaves a twenty ll let that handsome miladvice we will not go to San Jose in 25 feet wide, as also a special, dollar bill ca the same mantel. lionaire thrills you when He track for bycicles. To accommodate presses you as close as May, but on or about August.
shipping there would be four Pi Jack, you have been marri suppose he does.
vots or drawbridge sections which led quite a long time; how on He sure does; he carrils would permit Train will leave Limon at 30 am and Guapiles p. steamers to use carth do you manage to make that big, thick wallet of his the four dredged shipping lanes your wife pay attention to in his inside coas uocket.
ROLIND TRIP FADE. ADULTS C2. 50 across this ten mile route. you. Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association TEN MILE BRIDGE seen near warns IN LIGHTER VEIN holi Excursion to Guapiles sea Naval Expenditures BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Latest Cables advise that England will be expending 10 million pounds on her Navy and the United States the sum of 500 million dollars on hers.
BANCO DEL ESTADO UNICO EMISOR SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK ofrece al público los servicios de su Offers the Public the Services of its ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE LIMON, LIMON, EN LA IN THE Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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