
LIC. DON LEON CORTES ASSUMES PRESIDENCY OF REPUBLIC The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantie) ne Editor English Section: NATION Año II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday May 10th, 1936 Nr. 92 ABYSSINIA TO BE DECLARED ITALIAN TERRITORY International complications may arise MARRIAGE OF OUR RETIRING PRESIDENT In keeping with our Political dition to the scores of local dig.
Constitution Lie don Leon Cornatories it was graced by the tes on Friday last assumed the assistence of twenty special reexalted office of President of the presentatives from foreign counRepublic for the 1936 40 term. tries.
The important and impressiThe ATLANTIC VOICE saluve ceremony took place at noon tes Costa Rica new of that day in the Halls of the and wishes, hem, his Ministers President National Congress building in of State and other public orficers the presence of the most en a most sucessful and prosperous thusiastic throng ever assemb term.
led for such a function; in adBio GRANTING UNTO CAESAR WHAT IS HIS After eight months of the most various diplomatic circles that heroic efforts to defend her terfurther and more difficult comritory and national rights Abyp. ications are likely to arise On the eve of relinguishing his were the parents of the Brida. ss! nia has had to succumb to the soon, although Mussolini has alarduous duties of State, our re Mr. and Mrs. Jimenez left the unwarranted aggression of Italy ready declared he will not distiring President has assumed the following day for Borilla whe whose major army is now in cuss the situation with ether ery much more pleasant ones te they intend spending some control at Addis Ababa.
the League or any individual naof matrimony time prior to permanently taking Realising his inabiuty to ultion unless such discussions are At 30 last Wednesday night up residence in San Jose.
timately save his Empire, Embased on the premise that Ethis Addis ATLANTIC VOICE the marriage of don Ricardo to The peror Haile Selassie left ex pia is on wItalian territory Mass Maria Eugenia Ca vo took tends the Meantime he has given an asit sincerest respects and Ababa with his family on place in the Presbitery of the well wishes to don Ricardo and 2nd instant by train for Djibousurance that all foreign interests Dolorosa Church, San Jose. Toe Mrs. Jimerez.
ti in French Somali and where wil be respected.
only witesses to the ceremony they arrived during the afterA mecting of the Council of noon of the 3rd. on the following the League of Nations has been day they embarked on the Britsummoned for tomorrow for the ish warship Enterprise for purpose of considering the entiJaffa from whence they go to Te situation Jerusalem. It is rumoured that the Emperor will remain here EMPEROR SELASSIE The taking of Addis Ababa is permanently in a Coptic Monasstated to have provoked great tery and the Empress in a Con latter being forced eventually to indignation among the Britisia has The many friends of d: a Luis vent; but there is also the state take refuge with the British in Labour Party as also the working mass. By a resolution passAnderson, our great Internatio ment that the Negus will shortly their more secure building ed at a meeting of the National nal Jurist, will be pleased to see be going to Europe to further his efforts o nbeha of his Rome reports that Musso ini Labour Council it was declared that he has been appointed a Empire.
TO that the invasion of Abyssinia intends, after officially announmember of the Commission of Seven to codify the InternatioShortly after the Emperor cing the annexation of Abyssi by the Italian Fascists constitudeparture, serious rioting broke nia by Italy, to invite those nanal Laws of the Americn Con out in Addis Ababa and this con tions who hoie interests there tes a threat for the League of tinent.
Nations and the future of civili tinued up to the time of the to negotiate with Rome regardzation; that the actual military The seven countries represen entry of the Italians. About 300 ig the necessary legalization of situation in Abyssinia did not ted on this Commission are, The natives and 20 foreigners aro adjust the differences between such interests by treaties. proUnited Status, Peru, Chile, Ar supposed to have suffered more vided they are prrepared to rethe League and Italy; that the gentine, Mexico, Brazil and Cos or less seriously during the dis cognise Italy sovereignty.
ta ca turbances. Much looting and Council reofirms that Italy burning were done. The Frenc In view of the advices coming should not be permitted to reap It is also announced that don and American Legations were across that the European the fruit of her illegal and bruLuis has been selected to espe a so subjected to several armed tions do not intend to recognise tal aggression and that it was cia ly present Costa Rica ati attacks, the occupants of the Italy conquest, it is believed in more than ever now the duty of the inauguration of Cuba new all Loyal members of the League po itical regime under President to maintain and intensify the Miguel Gomez fixed for the 20th Sanctions against Fascist and instant aggressive Italy until the prinThese appointments demonsciples of the League, the power of Right and of Civilization trate the distinction handed triumph out to our respected Internatio On Friday 1st. instant an imnal Lawyer and the ATLANTIC menee throng of po iticians, spec VOICE offers its congratulation tators ard curious ones witneszcd to don Luis Anderson the inaugural session of our Na.
tional Congress. The interest usually taken in this gorgeous ceremony was, on this occasion, SERVICIO DE VAPORES given further impetus by tue friends of don Ricardo Jimenez, Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York setting the retiring President, in view of con escalas en Cristóbal Habana saia 18 MANAGUA, Nicaragua. The 1, 000, 000 cordobas. Acordoba the fact that this will, in all progovernment anr unced that the approximately 91 cents. bability, be the last for him to official contract for the LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS cons The bui dings will be design inaugurate.
truction, of government buiided and erected by Americans, but Don Ricardo stands in the uri.
ings destroyed by the earthqua. the materialy will be purchased que position of having openda AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS y sb ke had been awarded to Dam from Germany. Because of the twelve general sessions of this seD bach Gautier, a Swiss. Amer scarcity of foreign exchange, August Assembly in his three Vapores Salidas ican engineering firm.
Germany has agreed to exchange terms as President of the Repu.
The cost of the new construc building materials for coffee.
lic; and it was ordy his own de PETEN termination to make way for 10 de Mayo tion is estimated at about younger man that saved his re VERAGUA 17 de Mayo election for a fourth term. hence the reason for so much disp ay QUIRIGUA 24 de Mayo of affection and congratulations for the Grand Old Man.
In his Message, don Ricardo ALVARADO Cía, presented a most interesting and lucid statement regarding the Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas At the session of the National for the period of the transactions of the last four present Congress held on Monday last regime years ag well as the present ecPara otros informes dirijase a las oficinas Doctor Carlos Pupo, don Jorge We extend oar sincere congra nomic position of the Republic, de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Hine and Doctor Rafael Angel tulations to these gentlemen for the past fiscal year was statGran Hotel Costa Rica Calderon Guardia were respecti the high honour conferred oned to have closed with a total de ve y elected 1st, 2nd, and 3rd them: ficit of more than four million TELEFONO 3156 Vice Presidents of the Republic, colones.
National Congress Congress Opens Regular Sessions UNITED FRUIT Co.
Reich Supplies Nicaragua With Building Materials a Congratulations Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyInvasionItalyLeón CortésMussoliniPresidentes de Costa Rica

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