
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, 10 May 1936 LIMON SHIRTS, PYJAMAS. AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDYCalles Says Anarchy Exists in Native Country Excursion to Guapiles Rome Raise Peace Prici EL PASO, Texas. General That is a so ute y false he and declared that laborer of do it.
Plutarco Elias Calles declared declared. wish had one mil the country were opposed to com Mr. Moronts said the today he had been banished by lion.
munism. included more than na a country swept with chaos. The principal cause of Mor of the 500, 000 organized worke as he paused in his hurried ar The general left here before one exile was because he heads of Mexico.
trip to a California exile.
the announcement that his son, the Confederacion Although General Calles al Despite his insistence that he Alfredo Calles, had been denied Revolutionario Obrero Mexica the agrarian movement is brel is through with potics. Gepermission to return to Mexico no. This labor party is opposed ing up many private land ho!
teral Calles told quest oners from Brownsville, Texas, where to communism. do not believe ings, he expressed belief thi that he wants to return to his he left his father last night after the government can destroy the property owned by foreigners mative country.
During his brief luncheon stop accompanying him on his sud but it is trying to not in danger.
here, General Calles assalled in den forced flight from Mex. co bitter terms the man who san City him into forced exile.
Later at Phoenix Arix, Gen Cardenas (President Lazaro eral Calles said he was not surCardenas) has gone into a fie prised at the action.
of phich he knows noth ng. They are suppressing all my General Calles assertsd.
On account of receiving certain sound This friends and followers. General field is socialism and con Calles asserted advice we will not go to San Jose in munism. There is a complete Told of attempted selzure of May, but on or about August state of anarchy in Mexico at his property below the border, present; the are hundreds of General Calles said, had ex WE GO TO GUAPILES ON SUNDAY JUNE 7th.
strikes and the country is being GENERAL CALLES pected it.
Train will leave Limon at 30 a. and Guapiles pm svept with chaos.
Cefore Icaving Dallas th Apparently refreshed by its line officers in case of a possible morning for his air trip to Los ROUND TRIP FARE. ADULTS 2. 50 night of rest at Dallas, the form disturbanc earoused by the e. Angeles, where he arrived late in Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association er President and virtual dictat sence of General Calles in this the afternoon, General Calles or of Mexico talked readily with border city.
denounced President Cardenas Deporters.
There was, however, no need as being of such uncertain With him were three men whe for official action.
mind that it is imposs. ble to tell are to share his exile, Luis Mo Genera! Calles emphatically from one day to the next what rones, former labor leader; Lu denied reports that he ranked he is thinking.
Leon, former Minister of Aguas one of the richest mea in expressed hope that revo ture, and Rafael Melchor Oce, Mexico, with a supposed fortune lution will not be added to the former Governor of Guanajur of 156. 000. 000 pesos.
troubles of the Mexican people. By Arnald, Cortesi to, and his personal secretary, Eaptain Manuel de la Fuente, who will later return to Mexico STATION RESTAURANT ROMD. One of the curious occasion, and the gist of Me No Need for Action things about the Italo. Ethio lini demands can only be SIQUIRRES Ft pian controversy is that Premier ferred from indiscretions th (Under New Management)
El Paso Sheriff officers and Mussolini has never come out came out through devious ch po icemen were at the airport The passenger train from Limon stops at siquirres 20 in the open and stated clearly nels and fro mwhat was prin the deputies requested by a minates. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your what he wants on East Africa.
at the time by newspapers Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Cos All his public utterances have era ly regarded as mouthp.
ta Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station.
been limited to stating the Itaof the government By pieci Bar Cigars Cigaretts English Spoken Se habla español kan demands in very general together various scraps or in out maiton obtained from numera Ita te:ms, with special emphasis on SULLIVAN the necessity of evening up oli sources it is possible to form mo pra scores, cafeguarding Italian co fairly complete picture of lonies against Ethiopian agPrice Mussolini asked them obt calling off his East African gress on, throwing Ethiopia open dol to Ita ian economic exploitation jaign.
wil LIMON and obtaining an outlet for Ita It may be summed up as lese ly surplus population.
lows: Fábrica de Hielo On Suday last, May Srd. the ony Henry who was able to Never has he ventured to exConstruction C. extended them The stand the attacks of the Bu plain, however, what Ethiopia was to be divided is these Refrescos two parts, one made up of Sou selves against the Surtidora. ders.
things mean in terms of more territories inhabited by the last The Builders were the first to Today the Pathfinders mect concrete realities. Even in his minating Amhara and Shatere occupy the wickets and made aſ the Unity. We wonder if the lat. most recent pronuncement, races and the other of the terval huge building of 84 pieces. The ter will be able to again surprise made this week, he went no tories inhabited by the subjether Merchants then went in with us as they did last year in their further than to say Ethiopia races conquered by Ethiopia prop the intention of doing business game with the same Club? military strength must be crush comparatively recent times, the with the bowing of the Bulied Spectator first part would retain a certelone ders. but Banton and Francis LA FLORIDA measure of independence, other were keener business men and Mussolini and Eden would be placed under intertright had them all coup and out for HARVESTING CRABS tional supervision through Fábrica de Hiela only 15 runs.
There os reason to believe League of Nations and disan. Wh This breaks the record estabMussolini explained fully to Fo ed. The second part would all the Venta de Leche Within the past fortnight reign Secretary Anthony Eden come Italian, either by actu quite lished last year when the Irons thousands of visitors from town of Britain when the latter visit cession or by some such disgulben had the Youths all out for 22 have been seen wending their led him last June what the finaled form of cession as a mandians runs way toward the Aviation Camp aims of his African venture were te or protectorate. It is said that of the Merchants it was and when enquirea why, it was at that particular moment. No Mr. Eden, who thought he couren found that it was the season official account has been made satisfy Italy, with semides for wyriads of the ten footed public of what was said on that to page 11 crustacean family to put in their appearance. The result is that DE hundreds of bags of Crabs have been caught and taken to LIMON, LIMON, town, much of which has gone on to San José it is learnt.
Day and Night could these Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports harvesters of Crabs. men, women and children. be seen taking in the crop: Ladies who DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT one wou be surprised to find in the frolic, all marching on Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased to Table Bay, Dukes sons, Cooks sons, sons of beletd Earls, all wout in the Fray, Crabbing. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica sat als.
Www y Maderas ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME HOP LEE LUNG EL Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes El más surtido en Matína Mac cia

    AnarchismCommunismItalyMussoliniSocialismWorkers Party

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