
Sunday, 10 May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE. 11 936 ALL MEN EQUAL IN EYES OF LAW KA Guillermo Niehaus Co. Suero Butantán Laboratorio de Análisis Clinicos Rome Raise Peace Price Dark clouds hang ominously social evil have not been long In race and as such. cannot do of our constitution, men filled exempted from a share of the over the people of the world. appearing thus we see that the other than manifest my deep with the purest patriotism, profits, is null. how much mbre fore runners of the great evils Municipal Government of Li indignation for a proceeding drank their inspiration in the then, must the State an a. 50about to befall them. The na mon passes a resolution denying which is an affornt to a race fountain of the French Revol ciation formed by the co operations are preparing frantically a numerous group of Costarrican whch has given to the world men tion and handed down to us, in tion of its citizens, reject as vold for war, revolutions are com Citizens the use of the recently or letters such as: Juan Latino all its purity, this most beauti any act which tends to deprive mon occurrences, social conflicts constructed Municipal baths the celebrated Spanish poet, tul truth. Time has shown that a group of its members of their become more inflamed, and re just because they belong to the lexandre Dumas. Jaul Laurence they were men of foreght for lawful share of its benefits.
ligious and racinl persecution, coloured race.
Dunbar and James Waldon htey placed an impassable bar Racial hatred, such as inspirе quite in harmony with the obscu Johnson: educators, such as rier against social conflicts suched the Aldermen of iLmon cost rantism of the Middle Ages, am a Costarrican citizen by Booker Washington: libera as the Aldermen of Limon are the United States one of the have taken hold of countries a voluntary act, and when tors, such as Antonio Maceo and desirous of creating, and gave bloodiest civil war in history bes was which boast of being cultured chose to become such. Toussant ouverture; singers, an emphatic denial to those who ides a long series of social conand civilized. Only Costa Rica, quite conscious of the fact that such as Paul Robeson and Ro are seeking with inhuman dis flicts: it retarded the progress an Island of peace in the midst though acquired certain rights, of Spain with the expulsion of of a stormy sea. seems to esca also imposed upon myself the the Jews and Arabs, and at the Pe the coming storm. Neverthe inevitable duty of giving my present time in Germany it is fil less now and again, the life, when necessary, in defence ilng thousands of homes with winds, which blow from other of my cuontry; but it is not only sorrow. The Aldermen, tharethe countries, waſt across its clear onthe battle fields amid fore show a great lack of wisblue sky ominous cloudlets fery roar of cannon, that LIMON we dom when they try to introduce ich quickly vanish when the defend our country, we also de MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS this source of disco:d into. the sun of Liberty strikes them with fend it when we defend the sa Costarrican family in which, es its rays. Communism came from cred rights of its citizens. It is, Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia hitherto, peace has reigned suRussia with its class hatred and therefore, my duty to protest preme.
vanished. Now it is racial pred most vigorously against a mea Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo und In order to defend their, injudice with its hatred which sure which tramples o nthe threatens to darken our sky.
defensible attitude. the Alderrights of my fellow. citizens. Importación de mercaderia en general men argue that the unrestrieted The symptoms of this pernicious am a menber of the coloured use of the baths would result in th a decrease of profits. By what land Hayes, composers, such as tinctions to disturb the traditio process of mental jugglery, do 00 Samuel Coleridge and athletes, nal peace of the country these gentlemen arrive at such such as Jesse Owens and Jose Constitutional Law teaches an absurd conclusion? Only Louis that a citizen possesses a dual they know. Nevertheless, suppersonality: he is a member of posing what they say be true, Contra inordeduras de serpienies. Téngalo siempre a mano One of the greatest achieve a society and he is also a part of ask, is it lawful and moral, to en su finca, Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
ments of the human mind, writ the State. As a member of a so traffic with the rights of the EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: ten in characters of blood on the clety, he is liable to suffer from citizens of the Republic. to sell pages of history, is that which, certain factors, but as a part of them for thirty pieces of silver?
to the glorious strains of the the State his condition does not Del LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ Marseilleise, resulted in the De admit classification, for in the ALEX CURLING.
Avenida Central, San José Frente a las Companas Eléctricas claration of the Rights of Man democratic form of government San José. put man in the place which the word citizen implies equalihis human nature demanded, ty. Therefore, in its dealings and it gave a death blow to pri with individuals the State must EL vileges as odious as those which not make distinctions between the Aldermen of Limon are de rich and poor, atheists and besirous of establishing. The cornlievers, black and white; it can From PAGE 10 can derive no possible benefit er stone of this great monument, only distinguish citizens and Cantina Posada Ogaden, was amazed when he from possession of colonies.
a bulwark against tyranny and non citizens. If it acted otherheard Mussolini demands.
wise it would be committing a oppression, is the principie y Cafeteria The Musso ini. Eden conver Ready to Take Chances our which says all men are equal in violation of the laws of sation took place last June, or the eyes of the Law. The authors Constitution which govern its Felipe Wing Ching almost four months before the Wh:n they look at the other conduct. This is precisely what outbreak of hostilities. Now that European States they see that the Municipal Government or Apartado 395 Italy has fought a war and those that have large colonial Limon, an institution of the Sta most bankrupted herself in th: empires are rich and powerful Hello. Do you have te is doing when on account of process, she feels that she should while those that have no co ocolor it denies a Goat. Deer. Tiger, Snake, considerable obtain very much more. It is nies are neither rleh nor pow Lion Shark and Aligator number of citizens the use Sanctions may be withdrawn of doubtful, inde:d, whether she erful. There seems so obviously Skins?
public baths which, as taxpay From Geneva It is reposted will be content with anything to be a procees of cause and ef Zarz iparrilla and China ers they helped to build. Moreov that several of the League Naless than the whole of Ethiopia. fect at work that the Italians Roots?
er, when it deerees that the mu tions may request the withdraare willing to try their hands. Medicinal herbs and Barks? nicipal bath are for the exclusive wal of the penalties now in force The argumont is very simple.
The Italians hope that vast Beeswax and Honey? use of a certain part of the popu against Itay at the coming meet The Itanians say: The whole of mineral wealth will be found in Then, SEE US, lation it establishes a privilege ing of the League Council Southern Ethiopia, as far north Ethiopia and that it wil be Metropolitan Bureau which is in conflict with Art. 26 South Africa will, however, it as the eighth parallel, was of easily possible to exploit it. In laws establish that any part is expected, insist that the pefered to us bp the Hoare. La any case, the province of GojOffice in the Crystal Passage Box No. 541 of our Constitution. If our civil nalties remain until Musso ani ival plan, and this territory mustjam is a large producer of est nership, in which a partner is comes to terms with the League.
there fore be regarded as Italian ton, of which Italy stands Property whatever happens or great need.
the mainder of Ethiopia, about cone ha already is ours and the Moreover, it is thought that other half coon will be ours by the Ethiopian climate is suitable right of conquest.
for white men and will permit at least part of Italy sur us What Italy is going to do with population to be settled there.
all this territory if she gets it is It is pointed out that the British quite another matter. It shuudhave filled South Africa with coBANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE be noted, however, that the Ita lonists and it is argued that lians haye not been particularly there is, therefore, no reason UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK Impressed by arguments in fo why Italy should not be able to regn publications to prove they do the same in Ethiopia.
ofrece al público los Offers the Public the servicios de su Services of its Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Nacionales EL ATLANTICO Frank Maduro jr.
EN LA IN THE Frank Maduro hijo, Prop.
Best native lumbes Maderas del país. Existenpara toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service cia permanente en nuestro at moderate prices depósito servicio bancario Rendered CABALLO BLANCO BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Prop.
Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarCommunismGermanyItalyMussoliniSpain

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