
1936 Our New Governor and Comandante ng atra The Atlantic Vaice The Italo. Ethiopian Scandal and Its Effect on Europe our President Cortes Makes History Limon is gone wild with delight from the consideration extended her by don Leon Cortes in the choice of these two principal officers.
We had no fault to find with don Julio and don Devoted to the interests of the people of th Atlantic don Fulgencio as Governor and Comandante; they did their Editor English Section: NATION duties impartially and with consideration to all. But since there must be changes, as is the case with all Año II Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday May t. 1936 No. 93 things in this Universe of ours, we are proud that a man of the equanimity and affability of Colonel don Juan José Arias has been chosen as Comandante of Limon.
Mr. Arias, as an old employee of the United Fruit y Company, has been a most affable personage among the masses as well as the classes. There is not a threshold of the settlers along the Lines where Mr. Arias did not make himself very pleasantly agreeable, and during As is well known to our res that all eyes are turned on her movements in Italy and Ger the discharge of his duties, he never displayed any ve ders Italy has declared the con since she is the only one in Europe by. Having regard however to the nom in the administration of Justice; we consequently quest of Ethiopia by an unwar who has not been humanited dur pressure against Italy by 12 feel that in his new sphere as Comandante de Plaza and cantable aggression. The League ing the last hundred years: che smaller Nation members of the of Nations declared its Police and Prisons, his onerous and, at times, unpleasdisap has therefore to be very cereful League and the many usults ant duties will be carried out with that equanimity of proval of this inhuman act and in having herself weil suporteu being broadcasted by Mussol, das denounced Italy as an illegal ag by strong allies for she realizes the tension has become so great purpose as is natural to his characteristics.
gressor against a weak, inoffen she cannot depend on the Latin that within a week or go any In the appointment of Mr. Ricardo Alvarado as sive member of that Body, and blcode in France, hence all the de thing may happen.
Governor and Harbour Master we are also proud as he therefore refuses to recognize Ita lay in a clash with Italy. Italy has now refused to recog.
is a born and bred Limonense; and these are the desires ly sovereignty own thal Empire The Socialists are in power in nize any dip omat in Addis Aba.
of the Club Criollo that we should be governed by As a consequence of this refu France and have promised staunch ba except as private citizens those who are of us, who know our necessities and will sal and since Abyssinia is stm support as they regard Eng anl has given the British Minister add militate in the best interests of our Community. Don recognized a League member, Itsag their only salvation agaiest the Red Cross Mission notice to Hly threatens to withuraw Ricardo is a fearless and straightforward man, always her German aggression; but British quit; she has also closed membership and Germany is tak diplomats are sk:ptial over the Bang of Ethiopia, which is conacting on the square in everything that merits his paing sides with her. generzu Eu growth of the Communists who troled by British capital, add will tient consideration.
ucpean conflagation is therefore are strong in France and have place an Italian Bank in ity stud.
There is much to be done for Limon and don Rithreatened England does not want the backing of the Soviet gev. the strain therefore gets dy cardo will have his time well occupied in carrying out war, she has been trying to avodernment and whose greater er. more and more serious.
the needed improvements. There is our Waterworks it all this while as she knows mies are the Fuscist and Nazi Armed bands of Ethiopians are to be rectified; our disgraceful Market to be set right: still harrassing the Italians, 2008IR shall Graziani forces are reports our Roadway to the Cemetery and the Boulevard to ed to be meeting severe guerril.
Portette and Moin to be completed and made attractive la fighting in the hills around for our growing Tourist trade. Reformatory is urgHarrar, and detachments of Xiaently needed to take miscreant youths off the lians have been dispatched from streets, in the execution of which he will have the Addis Ababa with orders to substaunch support of every member of our community.
due these and other Ethiopia Never before has there been at El Salvador, Honduras and Nica who continue to dispute the Ta We do hope he will leave his name indelibly imprinted the swearing in of a President of ragua. In characters of President cist occupation of their rimpire on our grateful hearts as the result of the efforts of a a Republic such a display of de Ministers there were representati territory. Rag Imru is still, it is true Limonense.
plomatic brilliancy and demons ves from Great Britain, The Unsaid, holding out with his troops The ATLANTIC VOICE congratulates these two Cration of appreciation as that ted States and Mexico. In the in the mountains between Aulis gentlemen on their appointments and will watch over, evidenced at the taking of the role of Special Charge affaires Ababa and Lake Tana.
support and foster every good intention and endeavour seat of government by don Leud were those who represented Jaof theirs, so that when their term of office expires we Cortes on Friday, the 8th ins pan, Peru and Venezuela. What a tant.
shall be able to render that homage and respect due to Pos concerted plan of action for thi: Countries that never before function; truly there must be their careful guardianship.
ma thought of being represented in some great quality discovered ir Costa Rica by the grade of Am this Ruler or this Republic for League of Nations bassadors have done so for this such a mark of recogaitiolis accosion Special Ambassadors the Powers of the world!
GENEVA, 15th. The Repub.
39 were sent from The Vatican, THE ATLANTIC VOICE con The high quality of Costa Ricar The United States movements lic of Guatemala announced toFrance, Spain, Colombia and Pe gratulates don Leon Cortes Cas Cacao has certainly attracted the have risen from 123, 530 kilos on day her retirement from the Leahe wa attention of the foremost colin. 1935 to 634 0:46 in this year, aad nama: Ministers Plenipotentiaries tro and feels confident and Extraordinaries tries of the world, and it to gra Germany from 25, 663 kiios to came from live up to the standard of merit gue of Nations, by giving the ti Germany Italy, Chile, Guate:nala, indicated by such recogtation.
pu ated two years notice ter raLifying to note that such coun 170 908 quring similar periods.
XI sons for taking this decision have tries as The United States, Ger Our Cacao sale for the three been forwarded to the Secretary many, England, Heiland, El Sal months of 1936 have been by hir ail.
vado and Peru have very enor 1, 463, 042 kilos, realizing 110, 282, 37 mously increased their purchases dolers, approximately an uver.
The notice has caused treh That a country like England, ge of ceats per kilo. The price surprise in League circles as is with her extensive Cacao panta aow being paid locally by Our SERVICIO DE VAPORES que, it is believed, to commercial tions in Kenya, East Africa; Tri exporing merchants is thirty pressure placed against her nidal and Jamaica, should have cents of the colon per pourd. Mussolini as Italy was a largo increased her importations from which seem a very reasonable fiSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York buyer of her coffee.
Costa Rica from 13, 834 kilos in gure having regard to the many con escalas en Cristóbal Habana 1935 to 123, 444 kilos during the expenses attending the exportafirst quarter of the current year tion.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS is strikingly worthy of nota AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Ethiopians Establish New Seat of Government Vapores Salidas With the unexpected ousting fairs, of War and of Agricu ture CAIRO. Information from Office of Austria Vice thus becoming actual ator.
been received regarding the VERAGUA Chancellor and prominent Fascist 17 de Mayo In diplomatic circles ine 021tablishment of a new Ethiopian Leader, Prince von Starheniber, nion Is held that these recent QUIRIGUA 24 de Mayo government in the town of Gora, po itical conditions in Central Es events are the outcome of Sir situate some two hundred tiles tope have one more reached a Austen Chamberlain visit to PETEN 31 de Mayo to the west of Addis Ababa most critical stage. Starhemburg Vienna and for the destruction is stated that its officers is a firm friend of Italy and is of Mussolini growing influence composed of all those who were said to have received much finan. among the native Fascist. Alth members of the Cabinet of Baile cial aid from Rome toward the ough the Chancellor has stated Selassie and that they are being formation of his Oome Guard. that Austria foreign po icy will Agentes para Limón Puntarenas assisted by the loyal Chiety of He has now gone to Rome to not be changed it is thought the Tribes in that region. All tha esek, it is believed, the said of that he will now be more inclin.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas important government archives Mussolini in the effort he wined to sympathetically regard the de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del were transported here from Auto make to regain his lost position. movements of the Nazis, mean Gran Hotel Costa Rica Ababs and every precaution In forming his new cabinet, while the military is tascag the being taken against attacks from Chancellor Schuschnigg has re createst precautions for the safeTELEFONO 3156 landits.
tained the positions of Foreign city of the country, Guatemala Retiring from OUR CACAO TRADE UNITED FRUIT Co.
Central Europe Again Disturbed be ALVARADO Cía, SI Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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