
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sunday, 17 May 1936 THE NEW REGIME Compra y Venta de Muebles de ROBERTO ORTIZ all pass Si desea usted amueblar su casa económica y decen temente, visite este establecimiento situado a 125 varas al Oeste del Banco Nacional de Seguros.
Avenida Central Judging the expressions of de of adherence to civic Virtue was his best enthusiasm and efforts termination made by cach newly nat an empty word as it hai pro will be directed thereto. He thinks Inducted Officer of our Executive ven abeautiful rea ity. He then students should their Counci. we are feeling confident continued. In fulfilling my du Bachelor of Arts examinacion that great progresy will be made ties in the elevated position prior to being admitted to in the economic and cultural life now assume at this most historie Normal School for training 28 of our Country moment, shall do so fully coga Teachers.
Mr. Manuel Francisco Jiménez, zant of the grave and serious res. On Social Reforms, be men ng Secretary of Foreign Affairs, ponsibilities which contract in tloned that his government would said his department would direct guaranteeing the pub ic Order of have to approach with great all powers to the attainment of my country, in giving a positive courage and sound precision, the that prestige of honour and dig. effect to Justice and to stimulate social problems in the lives of our nity exemplified by the respect the unfoldment of the general in labourers and in everything wb. ch shewn them by the presence of terests of the Republie.
refers to the proletariat wetdignataries of twenty greet na being of our people. He promistions of the earth at their Inau He made special stress of the ed, during his campaign, he said, unique and historic occasion by to interevene and now he must gurtion having twenty nations specially comply with that promise by a Dr. Antonio Peña Chavarría, as represented at his inauguracion careful revision Secretary of Pubic Health, gava ceremony, thus proving the interas his motto tor service, tha sin national respect in which Costa cerity and enthusiasm be has die Rica is held and expressed Compra y Venta de Muebles de JOSE PEREZ Con poco dinero usted encontrará toda clase de Muebles y utiles para el hogar. Visite hoy mismo su local siTuado contiguo a la Planta Purificadora de Leche.
Frente al Pasaje Amerling in the adjust Alcohol Injections for heart played throughout his profession need of upkeeping such recozol Hello. Do you have Disease a EL ATLANTICO Best native lumbes Jite.
tion Goat. Deer, Tiger, Snake, Mr. Raul Gurdian, as Secreta DETROIT Touching on the readonship of Lion Shark and Aligator Injections of al constant treatment is of definite ry of Finance, offered a better the Church, don Leon said that Skins?
cohol into the nerves alongside value in preventing heart disease collection of the Wealth of ire indeed the only golid fundamental Zarzaparrilla and China the spine, removal of the thyroid due to certain infections.
country, and a strict adherence of Social happiness is to be found Roots?
gland and a diet of few calories As yet no vaccine has proved to economic Order.
In Religion, because the State can Medicinal herbs and Barks? are among the new methods of beneficial in arresting rheumatic Mr. Luis Fernández, as Secre never forget it is by means of Beeswex and Honey? treating heart disease. These and heart disease, Dr. Stroud said, Then, SEE US many others were described by tary of State for Internal Affairs, religious sentiments that the priDigitalis, nitroglycerin and rest Dr. Stroud of Philndelphin continue to be standbys in treatsaid he will a ways, in his labours, mary advancements toward cul. Metropolitan Bureau at the recent meeting here of the ing certain forms of heart disease.
adhere to the equity of the Lax turand the morality of its cit. Office in the Crystal Passage American College of Physicians, For much. dreaded angina pec and be guided by the spirit of zens are to be found, and a thP. Box No. 541 Too often the heart is treated toris, Dr. Stroud said that Justice ough the Constitutional religion cheerful outlook, reassurance of Mr. Ricardo Pacheco, as Secre or the country is Catholic the ment of salaries and the means for symptoms that are brought on by disturbance of the sympa the patient as to his condition, tary of Public Works and Agri practice of other religious would of living in the various Zones thetic nervous system. Dr. Stroud and a readjustment of his daily culture, stated he will be a felch be tolerated by his government go with their different imatic bear ful guardian in the development long as their doctrines incuirete ings on the health of the work pointed out. Doctors are finding routine with mild sedatives conmore and more peuple that prolonged tinue to be beneficial.
of public works of major impor sound dogmes of morality. The Ingman. He added, our are happily by temperament peaceful and orderly, we do not see those fit sof collective discontetit Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard THE GIFT SHOP evilenced elgeweher which true pa triotism reproves because they Nacionales do not attune with social bar.
mony and tend to damage the Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
decorum of our Republican InsProp.
titutions; it is therefore perempBeautiful objects in native woods.
Frank Maduro hijo, tory, in keeping with certain neProp.
PRICES REASONABLE cusrities brought upon us by ciMaderas del país. ExistenDIRECTION. From Hotel Costa Rica, east 75 yards on car line vi ization, that we give a vigorous right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner.
cia permanente en nuestro impulse to our national mode of at moderate prices depósito MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX BI SAN JOSE COSTA RICA life so that the country may live by her own resources and thereby LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN leggen the scale of importations within a commercial balance.
fically but to its instability in may acquire money, at moderets Referring to our Money values, regard to salaries an athe cost rates of interest, to give them an tance to his country, such administration of The Church will be stated the working cusses of living as well as the prejudice Impetus to improve their crops.
the Roadways. Waterworks, Bridges therefore have all the resprch and all those who live by a liwhich an uncertain exchange oc That whereas, in the past, and Pubic Buildings; and the which the Law imposes and the mited salary are the principal vic casions by falsifying our transac Government Bank had only ben probems of Agricultural pursuits merited help which the efficacy tims of the lack of a fixed rate tions in foreign markets and dis accustomed to provide money to will be his constant care, of its high and noble ideals de of exchange in the means of cir. arranging our genral economic aid the large landed proprietore, Mr. Luis Dobles Segreda, as mand cuation. The changes in the va movements, this institution must now open 15 Secretary of Education, said On Agriculture, he said the doors for credits In cash ts ths as On Justice, he says reforms wii lue of our money, produce sericus the school is the foundation uca have to be made in the Codes with upheavals in the face of which question of Capital will have to smaller producers, so as to enable mainstay of the Republic, the the view of expiditing litigation the State cannot remain indir be considered by his government them not only to plow and plant Beacon Light of all Institutione so that our Tribunalg may give ferent. do not refer, he said, to as a means of providing facilities but to be able to negoclate in the and the salvation from all tur quick and complete Justice. In the high rate of exchange speci to the small producers so they market.
moll, so will enter the technical matters of reprisals, it is his deCouncil of Educaion to elimin. te sire above all, he declared, that the uncertainties and instabilities our prisons should be converted of Pub ic Instruction.
into workshops run on a proper The President, Mr. Len Cortes tesis of moral customs.
Castro, on being sworn to pro. On Elucation, he said muca rutect and safeguard the integrity form is also necessary: the Teaof the Republic, said Yes Sir, chers must be better prepared to do swear so to do. In his in. be able to impart proper instruc.
gural message he declared he was tions to pupils, because in his proud to follow in the footprints hcert there palpitates a live inof so illustrious a ruler a donterest for the schools of Costa Rihombre que tiene el dinero neRicardo Jimenez, whose promise ca, and in giving his decided help cesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Ahorre. El éxito en los negocios y en la vica está siempre en espera del Suero Butantán Contra mordeduras de serpienies. Téngalo siempre a mano en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos, EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: Banco de Costa Rica Laboratorio de Análisis Clinicos Del LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ Avenida Central, San José Frente a las compañías Eléctricas SUURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura

    Working Class

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