
Sunday, 17 May 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 1936 The Keith Bank Representative SAL UVINA ES (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Indigestion FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES our nor IN LIGHTER VEIN What will happen to the depo them of abandonment of the case which none of the great leg cen sitors of this Bankrupt Estate before them, he must say if Jus Deputies have seen fit to amead 521 now that Mr. Benson, the only dice in Costa Rica be lacking in in spite of the scandalous examperson responsible for the frau virtue or is paralitic, it is no fault ple set by the failure of the Com lulent bankruptcy, has been per of the Judges or himself in parti mercial Bank. President Jiménemitted to quit the country, is a cular since they are only able to was himself a Magistrate ye. he matter of much speculation and act in accordance with what the did not see fit raise the point annoyance.
Law prescribes.
25 If our Justice of any amendment with all his Very heated discussions have proves Coja, like a lewd woman talent, wisdom, rectitude and acrisen in the Press and in Con lacking in virtue, it is due to don knowledged eagerness for right gress regarding the apparent shi Ricardo and the other Lawmak doing, so why now should he blaluwe ding, by some high officials, ofers in Congress not amending theme him (the Judge. If the Law: al si his gentleman, as don Ricardo Law to prevent its paralitic sta are bad it is up to those who dierimenez styled him in a Press te; it is for him, knowing its de rated them and those who placed Interview a fortnight ago.
We tects to amend them and make their approvals on them to decide low find our ex President and them servicable. Judge does such defects and change themhe Second Civil Judge of Sannut legislate, nor is he a member not the poor Judge, who was Flatulence And all forms osé at loggerheads over the same fthe Eexecutive Council to be sworn only to fulfil, not to make carfuestion. In a ninterview given able to present legal projects and inem. It will therefore we seen a Prensa Libre, don Ricardo see them executed. Judges have that it is impossible for a Judga of Stomach tates that the Justice of this coun o powers of veto, as the Presi te execute rapid justice with the bas strayed from virtue and dent possesses, nor can they in subtilty of such old and bad lass Colics Disorders paralitic in its manipulation of terpose their influence. The Laws without incurring a disciplinary the Supreme denis most important case. to as handed down to them permit correction from di hich the Judge in question, be transfers and notifications for Court.
te whom the case is pending, certain lapse of time, as also inThe Judge concludes by sa ing probok serious objection and reply cidents and audiences before reeumating to the ex President expres solving; they also admit all sorts that he is yet to see how a Judes an, by means of the present Law MANUFACTURED BY: sald ons, says among other things, appeals incidents, exceptions on Bankruptcy in the Civil Code nd it the Diario of the 7th. instant, and other means of hindrance of procedure, nor HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA trestaat although he is no Great which are obstacles to the rapid by any other of the thousands of disease aint nor a person of grand in decisions of Justice. He cannot SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA sisting laws, proceed rapidly in gina uence, even sufficiently exercise his own criterion with the arrest of the Directors of a that nown to be able to sound a great out a petition to do so by the Dank nor supply the necessors ance dumpet in the Press, yet as don centending parties; he is not a Larr. paper for such. What is nditio icardo has thrown the blame Collaborator in the formation of certain is that our Justice is ad is dihr the absconding of this indi the Laws, nor is he the author of sunistered badly because the laws et dual on the Tribunals accusing the anitquated laws on Banks, permit all sorts of obstacles ani Wife. The way you beat me, a kiss that you ll never forget.
bmdrances in the rapid exercise m convinced you don love me Scottie. ll say would beof salte.
any more.
ver forget a kiss that cost me ten Husband. Oh, aren you just dollars.
As the aims and objects of this imagining things?
ard Tournal are pledged to defend Wife. ll say am. m On account of receiving certain sound the interests of our many Sukse imagining what m going to do advice we will not go to San Jose in cibers, we venture this exusé of with the a imony intend get know a man who bas got T.
matters affecting the gunerous May, but on or about August.
ting from you.
car he can turn around on a diae.
sufferers by the failure of this WE GO TO GLIAPILES ON SUNDAY JUNE 7ih.
Bank to assure Bah, that nothing; know a them that it is Train will leave Limon at 30 am and Guapiles p.
cniy a Bolt from the Above that guy who got a car he can turn Nifty.
an bring them any relief in this If you ll give me a around on one of those new giri ROUND TRIP FARE. ADULTS 2. 50 check for ten dollars, ll give you bathing suits.
unhappy and vexatious tanse ticn es Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association The Criminal Department cf Justice claim that nothing could be done to stop Mr. Beason, the Agent and Managing Director, code them rom leaving. The Civil Departmunt claims that no claim for Top fraudulent manipulation had been LIMON, LIMON, dicmanded by the lawyers con Hy bet Vews from Nicaragua state The first child was born The Doney at one Mrs. Sinforosa Martinez the 3rd. instant at p. the Curators claim it was risky for Gucting the investigations. Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports prieleiding in a district of our neigh next four at am. the follow them to demand the arrest of Mi.
ring Republic known by the ing morning: the sixth during the Benson while the Judges in the DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT ne of Rivas gave birth to sey of the 5th, ani the seventh civil Department did not dagto call chi drent three girls and four on the 6th.
nase the case as a fraudulent one The mother is being cared for in as much as investigations proCompra Cacao en grano und peil Three have since died.
Cocoa Purchased by the Local Authorities on in ved that he used the depositors!
tructions of the Central govern deposits to pay a twenty five thou ment.
sand dollars loan from the Chase THE CARIBBEAN CLUB National Bank of New York whose Then from Puntarenas we are imployee he had been for fourinformed that a resident in that seen years, and was sent here by The Caribbean Club cordially invites you to a part of our Republic recently be that Institution with a recommen dance to be held at the Community House, Hospital came the mother of six but they dation to the Keith Banks for the Point on Saturday night May 16, 1936.
have unfortunately all died. Last nosition of Manager so as to proLIMON ly, we are told Music will be furnished by the popular Heredia of a Siamese ect the interests of this foreign Twin birth at Corozal, also in the Institution.
Orchestra. Dancing will start at nine thirty.
Fábrica de Hielo province of Puntarenas. One In the meantime Benson Quota for Gentlemen 00.
is these was born alive but died soon one and the Depositors are left Refrescos after.
suspended en el Aire.
THE COMMITTEE Excursion to Guapiles bed ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME competition in Child Bearing On opon COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY of FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitamos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would, much regret to take.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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