
Saturday June 20 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE On the Sick List SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
We regret to learn that out new ly appointed Administrator of Customs Mr Miguel Alvarado, is indisposed and away on sick Ica ve Mr Ruben Monge, the Chief Accountant of the government sudžung department, is acting AU riinistrator Guillermo Niehaus Co.
LIMON MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Importación de mercaderia en general For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Wedding Bells COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Indigestion FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
ed FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES era Period of Arrests New Publication The marriage of Mr. Peter proved a special phase of we com Blackman and Mrs. Daisy Hamm, while luminous rockets rent the air which Flatulence came cft at the Catholic and decked the sky from th front And all forms Cathedral here on Wednesday even of the Hall, the interior of which LIMON ing, the 3rd. instant. was the was most beautifully adornej ai. with of Stomach crowsing event of the week; and the bumerous tables spread Fábrica de Hielo because of the popularity of luscious cakes, sparkling wines and thie contracting parties, for nearly two fruit galore, a veritable of of Colics Disorders y Refrescos hours before the ceremony took colours, intersversed with congraplace, the church and its vicinity tulatory mottoes were thronged with eager spects The reception was opened by the tors. The Revd. Father John Hut Rev. Father Invoking a Heavenly zie officiated and ver yimpressively blessing on the assembly and imperformed his sacerdotal duties in ploring peace for all Mr. MylMANUFACTURED BY: clear Eag ish, the prescribed pray ton, the President of the Buria! De ers being, of course, rendered in partment, thereafter taking change LA FLORIDA HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA Latin. To augment the auspicious and fulfilling his duties as is prooccasion the function was coupled verblal of him.
ept SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA with the Eight Anniversary of the The bridal cake, inade by Mrs Fábrica de Hielo founding of the Costa Ries Burial Sterling, was a work of rare art set dat Scheme Association with Venta de Leche which is four stories.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackman are closely Many were the speeches of anassociated Maderas preciation and wishes of goodwyl Soa The City of Limon hay been jrray the idol of a certain class On leaving the Cathedral the expressed to the wedde pair, and very much disturbed during the has been caught in the net on a happy couple proceeded on foot to that by Master Rufus Dawkins wil prst two weeks by reason of the charge practising withcheratt. Ma the Rooms of the Association ac long be remembered for When many coloured Chance sellers py reports had been made about companied by their nume:3. social order is blessed by Heaven, affected (Lbig man to the Detectives negara guests and two files of the juvenile it must bring good results.
Several Chinese have been ing his activities in the art and members of the Society with fow As Groom and Promoter, My arrested for conducting Chance tbc defrauding of tho innocentsers and rice under the able direc Blackman thanked one and all, ond tion of Mrs. White. The his thanks, we know, are smcere.
lotteries and for smoking opium: of their hard earned cash.
BSA siga profusedly illuminatany coloured Chasce sel ers Contrabandists, smokers of the led with varicoloured electric bulbs We have been favoured wit a I. copy of the second number of the were also arrested on suspicion marijuana weed and dishonest traj monthly Review Nicarao which of selling Panama Tickets, and ders are all having a bard time is being issued in San José under others as suspects in the circula with the Law.
the personal direction of its pros tion of fals: Bills. Even MeMuprietor and Editor, Mr. Octavio Miss Russia of 1936 is painting with the improvement in business.
her face. Guess the color.
He just happened to be riding The principal aim of Mr. TOthe elevator when it went up. rrealba is to promote a closet cul tural interchange betweer: oui Los Angeles is barring persons Republicans are Conira mordeduras de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano rumored to be country and his native land Ni.
without financial means; if Uncle en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
Sam doesn look out he may come dollars for the Congressional batamassing a war chest of a million caragua, and the present issue certainly carries a series of inEXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: within this classification, tles. If they get it, it will be sure teresting articles along this line from the pens of some of our well sen The wealth of the United States proor that Roosevelt policies have known intellectuals as also others nes Del LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ is estimated to be 195, 000, 000, 000 brought about a return of prozce of our neighbouring Republic Avenida Central, San José rity Frente a las Compañias Eléctricas The last three zeros represent the We confidently recommend it average man share. As long as you get fun out of to those in search of good, healthy reading matter.
be life, wrote Mrs. Roosecelt, even Army bombers the other HUMOR set day theoretically destroyed lower Ma if you are near the starvation point, German. Czechoslovakian fronLA En el Juzgado: Entre amigos: hattan. We thought the New Deal youth and hope will win out. For tier plays the information of our sister jourthe codcertina every. Como se llama usted. Chico, astoy. desesperado: had already done that.
morning to his cows. He first Pantaleón del Toro.
tengo que soportar en casa dos o Jalist it may be said that if you are noticed that one refractory ani Natural tres dias a la semana a mi sue near the starvation point for some Columbia professor says short, De León.
gra. Dichoso tú, que tienes la thick, rotund persons are of time, and also your family are near mal became docile when it hasra the strains of the concertina, and. Estado tuya en provincias. easily adjustable nature.
it, youth soon vanishes and hop: Fver can applying this lesson to the other Casado.
SI; pero viene a vernos dos try to adjust three of them into the grows to despair before you cows found that they submitted Profesión?
say Joe Robinson Iveces al año.
driver seat?
more readily to milking and ga Domador de fieras. te quejas! farmer in a village on the ve increased yields. Tiene usted hijos. Es vez se esta Mussolini says he willing so Si, señor; cuatro cachorros. selg meses en casa.
negotiate with Ethiopian govern.
ment officials on a give. and take basis. Yeah. give em the dickens and take their country.
IN LIGHTER VEIN Suero Butantán al Laboratorio de Análisis Clinicos an que cada TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN El Café Restaurant San José Overlooked among the great film performances of 35, was that of the tailor who brought the of ficers of the Bounty through a doz en storms at sea with their pants pressed Lugar de reunión de nuestro mundo elegante Tiene el placer de poner en conocimiento de su distinguida clientela, que a partir de esta fecha ha quedado reorganizado completamente, su servicio de cocina americana, española y francesa, en condiciones de satisfacer los gustos más exigentes.
KISSLING and WILSON Avenida Central Teléfono 4338 Apartado 1467 Frente a las compañías Eléctricas The Republican thesis is becoming clear. Ex President Hoover, it appears, had nothing to do with beginning the depression and President Roosevelt nothing to do with ending it.
We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year o: Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never fool all the people all the time.
Remember that though we suffered from one Bank failure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone of the on: and Flesh of the other.
Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed you receive your Benefits it even for One Year.
If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the ONLY safe and reliable Society, the COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
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