
31 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 20 1936 HATS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY The World Confusion 40, 000 Mourn Archbishop Mussolini Calls the Trump blic, Italy Army to Stay SOME QUEER FACTS the MEXICO, An esti hours to hear a solemn ponmated 40, 000 mourners fo tifical mass sung by Archllowed the funeral cortege bishop Leopoldo Ruiz y Floof Archibishop Pascual Diaz res. Responses were given from the Cathedarl to Tepe by five Bishops, after which Following on Argentine ini.
Spain is still fully occupied in yac, where he was buried. the coffin was driven slowly tiative to obtain a final decision contesting the subversive activi. Catholics jammed the ca along the three miles of high regarding the Ethiopian war, By GLOBUS ties of the various rebellious thedral from the earliest way to the cemetery.
Mussolini warned both France groups scattered about the Repu.
and England that he is disposed to abandon the League of Nations Italy will be granted whatever Nicaragua is experiencing great Sf the sanctions were not imme. she claims as a recompense for unrest by the overthrow of the diately lifted, and that conjointly remaining in the League. splen Sacasa government by Somosa, ADDIS ABABA. Mars ly issued, was, he pointed with this move he would mobilize did demonstration of the ideas of who demands military domination hal Rodolfo Graziani inform 1543, limited to volunteers severai mwons of soldiers to protection for the weaker peoples of the country but which the Sa ed his officers that Italy occupying positions in Italy cope with whatever eventualities ofthe world!
casa group will not countenance powerful military force in All other rapatfiations of inrose. This determination is sup France has been undergoing a Panama sees injustice in the ma East Africa would be kept soldiers are limited to temported by the Italian public who most serious strike due, Premier uipulations of President Arias in intact.
porary leaves for family The Italian Government reasons.
incited by the Abyssinian victory, Blum says, to German Nazi pro the recent election. The Constitu are unwilling to any longer tole paganda; but one great speech of tio nof Panama declares that any demobilization order, recent rate punitive measures. France his has sent nearly all the work candidate for the Presidency, who has not yet made public her deciers back to their posts, while his aolds office under the governsion, but as has been conjectured government has very clearly de ment, must resign six months for some time in diplomatic and fined her international policy. Prior to the date of the election; other circles, England has formal The main items are. Fidelity Dr. Arosemena, who held an of man of the Bomba tribe of school for beggars was disly abolished the sanctions with a to the League and to contracts, fice did not resign within view, she says, of securing the and Treaties signed by his Coun prescribed time and the Election go and live with his wife pa Moravia. Proper courses were or Rhodesia, when he marries, must covered by the police at Byno, peace of Europe. Many other na try: Adhesion to the policy of col Board declared his nomination lective security and decided co null and void, but President Arias father in law! In this tribe rents, and also work for tions seem likewise decided.
his ganized. Lessons were given in The Soviet delegate, Litvinoft, operation with England, In these declares him quite in order and is the wife and her mother who it make up and the faking of desays that the only real danger points there is a consolidated front he wins his opponent by over 2, 000 rule the roost, and not the hus ter was taught. The school had formities. Heart touching patwhich confronts Europe is the of Britain, Russia, Rumania, Yu votes, hence the dissatisfaction.
band, of whom little notice German Nazi movement; Eduar goslavia and Checoslovakia with the words of ex President Poris fourteen pupils, all boys, and taken.
two teachers, who took half of do Benes, President of Checoslo his country.
ras are very significant. If their charges daily takings as vakia has expressed the opinion Hitler is now worrying over the President Arias insists in burlestuition fees that the retention of Italy in the questions asked him by Britain, quing the popular will of my peoLeague is an indispensable factor the most irritating being, which ple, shall have to say to them for a decisive system of European of the Treaties signed by his counin the words of Franklin, Rebel security.
try does he respect, with a view lion against Tyrany is in obeNorway and Chile have clearly of their modification? He promi dience to the will of God.
demonstrated their wishes to put ses an answer around this time.
SANTIAGO, Chile. The le aviation force is inferior an end to all sanctions.
In the meantime Mussolini is an. Away from Costa Rica, there is Chilean Government, it is to that of Argentina, BoliIt is therefore thought, in poli noying him over the renewal of hardly a Republic that is not hav said, is expected to spend via and Peru. Therefore, it tical circles, that the trend of the Triple Alliance between Ita ing upheavals of one kind or an. 50, 000, 000 in modernizing is held important that the opinions will be in this direction iy, Austria and his country. But other. It can really therefore be its military air force. This government rush through its as a means of ending all hostili. how can Hitler trust Italy when said it is a time of great unrest includes construction of air new program. bill calling ties when the extraordinary ses she fooled the Kaiser so sadly: among nations: and from the 26th. ports and the purchase of for a ten year expansion sion of the League meets on the and even now is endeavouring to to the 30th of June will be a material abroad.
plan will be sent to Congress 30th June; thus granting to Italy alienate the affectations of Aus time of greate expectations, and It is pointed out that Chi shortly.
a decisive triumph not only over tria from Germany by her intri serious deliberations will be ne.
Ethiopia but European politicsgues with the Schuschnigg plans. cessary to conserve the peace of and the League Council. This Japan and Russia are watching the World. Even the United StaCouncil has been summoned for each other very anxiously in Chi tes, it is noted, has asked for an the 26th. to discuss and arrange na and Manchuria; as a matter increased Budget for secvring the Italo Abyssinian problems pre of fact the Southern Provinces 01 120 war planes to place her on paratory for the general meeting China have declared war on Ja an equal footing wit. other naLIMON, LIMON, on the 30th. when it is evidentiran.
tions in case of war.
SOLO Vida!
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