
11 Saturday June 20 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Proposed Coinage Law YCE Ahorre. such the Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Egypt New Programme.
EDGAR YOUNG to ve the CA00 LETRE 40 We take the following impor five coon when made with tho tant provisions from the coinage se of five cents.
proj:ct formulated by Dr Max No one is obligated to accept in connection with the scheme for in the single payment of any obli amounts El éxito en los negocios y en la a general transformation of the gation, more than the Beaking and mon tary systems indicater for each of the diferent vida está siempre en espera del of the country and which is now coins, the State and its depenceceiving the consideration of Con gencies wil. how. ver accept such hombre que tiene el dinero negress: ccing without any imit as to cesario en el momento preciso The monetary unit of Costa Ri quantity.
ca will be the Colon.
Torn, burnt or mutilated bilis Usted debe ser de esa clase The Bi issued by the Natio will be changed by the National al Bank of Costa Rica will be bank provided the bearer presents de hombres ib: method of rogal payment in at loast one half of each che Republic without limitation, bis and is able to prove und will be applicable to evacy destruction of the missing parts.
Diass of obligation, pub ic or pri All perforat:d or cutcoins, as vate.
In very contractual undertak also those so corroded or deretrio og: In the fixing of prieus, wa rated as to destroy their coinago imprints, lose their Segal moges, salaries; honorariums, penbo netary va u and lot, sions and every other class of vanuneration or demnification changed by the Nationa? Bank. the imposition of rights and All Bills issued by the Ango Costarricense, the Banco de Cos entributions and in whatever ta Rica and the Banco Mercantil other obligation private or public which invlove the emp oyment of stil in circulation will be exchang amounts money the respective by the National Bank, at par for the Bank current Bills, wiCAIRO, Egypt. The new projects it intends to carry natural reources, particu shai be stated in Colones.
month thin the space of one becomea ly elected Parliament was out. It began by stating that larly oil, gold and other mi Ag sconag this law of formally inaugurated with it would occupy itself with nerals; aid agricultural de efective, the national gold or sa from the coming into effect the National Bank Law. After the customary pomp and the interests of the general velopment by irrigation pro ver coins will caese to be a means ceremony except that the public, and particularly with jects and widen the extent legay tender and will be with this period has elapeed such bei Os their value.
royal seat was vacant. In ameliorating conditions of agricultural products to drawn fren circulation. The Na stead there were three gold among the laborers and pea include all sorts of fruits. tona! Bank will buy these coins chairs on the center of the sants, who form a majority cco ding to their metalic value platform occupied by the of the population and who It will institute a large on thay day of purchase.
Regents, representing King need urgent assistance. program of public works, In a private transactions payFarouk.
The government declares it including roads, canals and ments witá nicka coing of the COMERCIANTE After a careful study of will abolish certain village Assuan Dam for electricity. Je to one hundred colones, to tif dams and harnessing the one colon denomination are limitR ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA PO the question on the basis of taxes and the levy previous it will facilitate civil and ty a colones with those of fifty MAS DE 20 AÑOS European precedents, it wasly imposed upon minor go military aviation and impro decided that the 17 years vernment employes. To en ve and enlarge the army and colones with those of twenty ficent, and twenty fivo Vende al delal. Vinos y Li old cores exiranjeros y del país.
monarch should not courage national industry, abarrotes en general.
attend the opening ceremonavy.
cents, Payments in coper Micelánea.
ti plana to create an in ny.
coins are limited to ten co one3 dustrial bank, enact benefi The speech ESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA DRTE DEL MER.
concluded In the speech to the thro cial customs legislation, en with the statement that An ten cents denomination, and to when made with those of ne, which was read by Pre courage and assist in the 10 Egyptian conversations mier Nahas Pascha, the new exploitation of the country were going on in an atmosgovernment set forth the phere of the utmost cordiali ty and an expression of hoTHE GIFT SHOP pe that they would soon lead Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard to an accord realizing Nacionales Exopt independence and ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS establishing an alliance of Larre assortment of genuine old indian poltery.
Frank Maduro ir friendship between the two Beautiful objects in native woods.
PRICES REASONABLE Frank Maduro hijo, HUMOR DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, casi 75 yards on car line Best native lumber righi hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Louca un corner Maderas del país. ExistenUn caballero entra en una tiencia permanente en nuesli o da elegante a hacer unas comMISS BROAD Sucr. PO BOX 581 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA at moderate prices depósito pras.
LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN Al verificar el pago, e dueño C) establecimiento sale a cambler un billete de Banco, y dice al ol do de su hijo, nifio de ocho años Vigila bien, no sea que robe As a significant part of of a schedule attached to a algo.
Great Britain From page le then 99 per cent of the motor armament new contract for the conve a su regreso, exclama el muders for cquipment wil b2 ploe vehicles registered in Mexico are program the disclosure Was yance of mails to and from cama el muchacho en voz alta: ed soon.
of American make. Likewise Uni made in a recent White Pa the United States. Other pro Pap, el señor no ha robajo The highway expect to ted States manufacturors have per that Cunard White Sta visions of the contract read: wada te liners carrying mails were That the contractors will prove an important adjunct be a most a monopoly on the sale and to be prepared at the ex cooperate in the distribution tween the two countries, as both ef road building machinery pense of the Admiralty to of naval intelligence. Quen uited anoche?
Mexico and the United States cquipm:nt used in Mexico.
carry six inch guns. Caracoles.
partialy With this highway That the contractors will has a motorist regalation de This 1935 Oh!
provisica, signed encourage the Royal Naval tourist Son muy indigestos! griate to assure the rapid growth Spened during the April by Major Try Reserve movement Eso es lo que le ha hecho daño, howy traval over the route.
season 14, 000 American tourist among on, the Postmaster General, the officers and men on 103 caraco es.
In 193, the total number o: cere, averaging thres persons per and reprezentatives of the board the contractor Los caracoles. Lo que me whicles imported increased to car, made a trip over this route steamship line, forms part ships.
ka hecho daño son las cáscaras. lt 435 valued at 7574 700. Mo from Laredo to Mexico City and return. During the present tour ing season, its stated that this number of tourist cars was more Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your allen ion to our remark al the back than treblad.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt ich reade: 12 000 Mexicans are now work Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office ing on the completion of the road cina dentro de los primeros 10 días wey, asd the government before the 10th of the month has been invited to participate in de cada mes take Be so good as to comply with this request and do not the opening ceremony to Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which place in the town of New Lare de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
do 265 miles of th: Highway total length of 3, 250 miles are Teported completed and open weather traffic.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
EL ATLANTICO Prop. inch Guns for Mail Ships MOTOR SERVICE ON.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón to


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