
PIG THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT and ut ELECTROLUX Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 26th, 1936 BRAZIL TO BAN POCOMANIAAND ITS RESULTS FASCISTS Afr. Editor they are believ. to be able to As one of the growing evil infilct incurable sickneses, mad RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil aniong our more ignorant 53 and even death, by their SEE Congressman Amaral Peixoto susceptible citizens, we shall be conjurations, on any enemy THE NEW AIR COOLED introduced a bill to outlaw the obliged if you will produce for theirs or on any offending inem benefit of the readers Accao Integra ist Brazileira he the of ber of the flock.
Brazilian Fascist organization your appreciated Journal, the Formerly, there was only the and any other association who translation attached hereto, of an Davis Troupe in Limon; touay REFRIGERATOR Se Ideology or program preaches article which appears in the We have two others the Alti destruction through Violence of Diario de Costa Rica of Sun troupe of Arnold Hill and the NO MOVING PARTS the present regime. The bill is day date, relative to what is Spencer of Santa Rosa Thure od NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER the outcome of an attempted therein called Cocomin but rea was also a branch of the Davis PERMANENT SILENEC coup by Bahia Integralistas.
USES NO WATER lly is Pocomania.
Troupe at 25 Miles, under the di The Accao Integralista WOS EFFICIENT This form of lunacy is tak rection of one Ramsay, but he founded in 1932. Its laing a very serious hold on one is said to have incurred the illders claim 000. 000 followers section of the Hermano population and will of the Terrible FOR FULL PARTICULARS but these figures are disputed.
combatted by the which resulted in his being SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE The police prohibited an Inaught to be tegralista parade scheduled for Authorities to prevent its further stricken with a curious malady JOHNSTON from which no one but the Her the Brazilian Independence Day spread The Fascists will be permited In your last week edition, mano himself can relieve him. Ia BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON to meet within an enclosure Stwas mentioned that the man Al Siquirres, there is also a troupe art are lected by the police.
ti of Arnold Hill had run amuck to whom strange things 14 FOREIGN MINISTERS TO ATTEND PEACE Sao Paulo reports twenty Com the Authorities; indeed, orders for attributed, such as the climbing PARLEY munists arrested, mostly Spani his deportation were said to have of trees and remaining there with all ards, at a clandestine meeting been issued but when the Autho out food for many days, etc. De There is a troupe among the They are accused of plotting a rities went to get him he was not Subversive movement.
to be found.
coolies of Westfalia, one on the BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. presented by their Foreign MinEstrella Line and another is now This false Cult is being taught being formed at, Cahuita, whers Fourteen Ministers of Foreign isters.
Affairs have telegraphed the the children of Negro parentage The acceptances are from the a Sister Mary Davis of 28 Miand as its appellation Argentine Government expres Foreign Ministers of imples, les conducts a Bolivia the school for See, here, you newlyweds, don the doctrine renders those whose sing their intention to head de Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile. legations from their countrles to cuador: Guatemala: Haiti; Nic. germs by so much kissing?
you know it possible to contract brains are subnormal linble to de young adherents under the gul Jance of Pastor Davis of velop maniacal propensities; han the Pan American Peace Conragua: Paraguay, Peru, the Yes, unhesitatingly answered ce it is regarded as one of the Camp One.
Terence there in December nited States Uruguay and Ve the girl, got this germ mar. principal causes of so many in Ail this proves that the false The attendance at the peace nezuela.
ried by kissing him.
sane Negroes among our poru. Cult is growing and as the lower conference of men who direct lace order of our people are highly the foreign affairs of fourteen a superstititous and wiling to adopt American countries is he Hermano Terrible, as looked upon here as certain to facilitapriest of this strange belief is any teaching which tends to the calied, is supposed to be endow supernatural it will rapidly sute the negotiations, as it means Iron that two thirds of the twenty ed with peculiar powers for creat percede other Cults if an one American States will be rein ficknessos, introducing spi hand be not placed on it by Law rits of devilry and even causing It is said there is no law on the AVISO NOTICE the death of those who may Statutes of the country to deal BRITAIN AIDS COLO Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and fa mock or otherwise oppose their with this offence (for that it is socio de la Sociedad Beneficen mily by becoming a member devilish practices. Hence these but a Decree could really be cia de Costa Rica, para pagar situissued to cope with the NIAL SCHEMES men and along with them the wo of the only reliable Burial los gastos de entierro. Estawan who is named the Mother tion.
Lat During the past year Britain blecida en Limón, el de Mayo Sociely established in Limon of the troupe, are regarded Many of the adherents of this NOE Colonial Development Comittee de 1928 May 51h. 1928 Gods by their followers. Their belief are addicted to marijua pas rendered financial assistance to enger is not to be aroused as the following schemes.
Inge 20, 000 toward the pure watertion of a tuberculosis hospital and José Achion Ng he distribution scheme in Britiah clinic in Jamaica, 26, 500 for BRITISH FEAR CRACKING OF EMPIRE for Gurana. free grant of over the storage and distribution of 9, 000, and a loan of a similar Comerciante Detallista water for Belize, British HonduL reconstruction: amount for the LONDO. In an article en your minds easy.
ras. substantial free can positigrant titled Where Does Britain vely assure you that the British Licores, Abarrites, Cristaleof roads and land settlement in was also made the Bahamas to stand? The London Economist are never going to fight whatevria, Articulos de Ferreteria St. Lucia. free grant of develop their Sponge Industry.
y Eléctricos; todo se enMU 25, 000 toward the consurue says it is credibly reported that are so cluttered up with Since the Lheir establishment, este establecicuentra en in when last Autumn it pler seemed great possessions and so terrifimiento a 1929, of the Colonial Developthat Britain stout championed that something will crack AZANA SEES LONG ment Fund financial assistance ship of the League might have they make the slightest move FRECIOS DE SITUACION amouting to 5, 804, 436 has forced the Duce to abandon his they have completely immobilizWAR LIMON been approved, of which. aggression in Ethiopia a depara ed themselves. We can count ifr 3, 712, 992 has so far been dis tion of Italian admirals saw the them out.
TOKYO. Spain is un tributed among the various Colo dictator. Mussolini was right. says ben nn habits and as such are fredergoing the pangs of child nies. They said. the article con The Economist. The secret 1:e Ite pirth. declared Present quently dangerous.
tinues, If it is your policy o knew then is now shared by HitА.
Manuel Azaña in an interproceed with action that willer. These two dictators with all aowever, There is one thing, view by telephone with the precipitate a war with Engiand the civil and military forces of which the writer of this article Ivic correspondent at Port Bou, Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON you may be right and anyway their totalitarian States behind wishes to emphasize that is the unfairness of stating that all Am Spain, of the Tokyo Asahi.
we will follo you. But we think tham ere iraking the running in No one knows what the We should say before you irre Europe. They have nicely caleu Jamaicans are adherents of this dip baby will be line. he is vocably commit yourself that if lated the little more which they pernicious evil. as the overwhelm Abogado y ing majority quoted as saying, but be it comes to that Italy will find might dare to seize ith impunity thoroughly sure that it will be valuable, herself without af fleet in forty on each fresh occasion for their against it and would be pleased Notario Público Meanwhile, we are fighting eight hours. We will be simply to see it exterminated.
a udacity.
tal JAMAICAN It is this desperate courage to save the mother life.
blown out of the water her Oficina: Altos Pasin them and its absence in tae Dir: Note We are sorry President Azaña predictwe Mussolini is reported to have leaders of democratic countries couid not include the translation ed the war would be long, cual Ingianna replied: adding: the It is inevitable which account for the ascendents issue as requested by our Thank you my children. Now that Spain, after the war, go back to your ships and niake cy of fascism in Europe and the esteemed correspondent, cur spa decline of democracy.
ce for English material being al will move to the Left; but very limited to republicanism and democraey are ingrained in the al Spanish people. He declar Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back dd decentralization necesde su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiGovernment trgops, he This bill must be paid at our office asserted, held all important cina dentro de los primeros 10 días the before the 10th of the month centers in Spain and were de cada mes fighting well.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le robamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which suppose you see things more de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
fe clearly now that you re married?
but Yes, my wife doesn let me get by drunk enough for my vision to become blurred.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
as IL are an Lon Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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