
SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Aliments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF ady Het And all forms Indigestion Colics FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES DS Saturday, September 26th, 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PIG AND CATTLE REARING AS AN INDUSTRY Joe Louis Knocks Out Al Etorre From time to time we have government so as to provide empointed out how very necessary ployment for many of our young it is for our rising generation to men who are now forced to seek On Tuesday night last zal look toward these two items as petty positions in the public ser Joe Louis fought his thir (THE RIGHT SALTS)
Beis an industry for self support rath vice.
tieth fight in Philadelphia er than being a ways dependent We note that within the past and gained his twenty ninth ses on some one else for employ fortnight 16470 kilograms of victory by securing a Knock ment Lard have been imported from Out over the Latin American hundred or fwo colones will Nicaragua. Why should there be Al Etorre in the fifth of ay start any youngman in Pig rear the necessity of our bringing in their 15 round bout.
Albing if he means to labour and is to the country such a large Etorre was sent three tiable to secure on rental say two quantity of this commodity? nes to the mat during the hectareas of land. Two pigs, fo. Why can not our ordinary de first four rounds and in the brood purposes, will, within a mand be met by local manufac fifth and final. Joe pressed a year, give him all the work he ture? Lots of Bananas are being his opponent to the ropes can attend to: thereafter be rejected; during the past week and brought the figlit to a would have to emp. oy help. about fifty car loads were ciose with a knock out It is a well known fact that thrown away: we have much punch on Etorre jaw.
tide fully 70 per cent of the cattle Breadfruit going to waste and we slaughtered in this country com could readily plant Cocoes. Poes across the Nicaraguan border tatoes and Corn to feed the Pigs, MOST POWERFUL Flatulence and has to pay an import tax of when there is a scarcity of other POISON DISCOVERED Tty colones per head. Cattle re crops. Why can a aring is an expensive and slow number of our young men not of Stomach proposition, but there are many form a syndicate for the rearing wealthy men among us who of these animals and so make poison said to be more po Disorders could profitably utilize much of themselves independent of hav werful than any known snake the abandoned banana lands for ing to be employed all the years venom is reported to have been such a purpose. The industry of their lives.
discovered by the Explorer D: could also be subsidized by the William Holden in the Kanalu Mountains of South western Driber tish Guiana.
To Whom It May Concern Manufactured by: The poison, derived from a cor All persons who are desirous of remitting money to Jamaica. tain bark, is obtained by boiling.
at the lowest rate possible, with the reliance that their remi down the bark to an extract of HERMANN ZELEDONBOTICA FRANCESA Itances will reach home safely, ought to call and see an old a particular strength, it is appli and trusted friend San Jose, Costa Rica ed to a sliver of bamboo about MENDEZ the size of a pencil point and 09 Limón blown through a 10 inch shaft at the target. The instant dan Send in the remittance along with the address of the th person to whom the cheque is to be sent, plus sevenly cemis a man skin has been prickel for Registration, and rest assured the money will by the poisoned arrow all blood GUAYAQUIL 400 YEARS reach home safely.
is withdrawn from his extremi LY ties and death takes place before he actually knows he was hit ーバー ROOSEVELT MESSAGE TO LABOUR ECUADOR is already the Gwf of Guayaquil, pass deep in preparations foi ing several picturesque is next year celebration of lands, among them Puna, a Washington. SHORTAGE OF LABOUR Guayaquil fourth centena which is mentioned frequenThe text of the the lives and destinies of the na Labor Day message to American tion workers. We have made IN TURRIALBA ry. Founded in 1537 by Captly in accounts of Pizarro vorkers by President Roosevelt progress. We must continue to tain Francisco de Orellana, invasion of Peru. Puna vivas as follows: move forward.
a Spanish grandee, the city Nage, a near by health reI send hearty Jabor Day greet Employment and weekly pay is today the country lead sort, is popular with Guayaings to America workers every envelopes have increased steadily As a means of assisting the u ing commercial center, with quil residents.
where. feel that there is cause during the past three years, sti nemployment question, Congress a population of some 130. Sfveral South American for rejoicing among wage earne. smulated by the spending of the some time ago authorized the 1000 cruises are planning to stop 1s labor annual day approaches. Federal Government useful Executive to transport labourers The town, an important at Guayaquil long enough sta Labor Day is a day on which it ways. This increased buying pow from one part of the country to port on the Pacific Coast, is to give tourists an opportudes natural for us to take account er of wage earners and farmers any other where there was need located on the Guayas Rinity to explore the remoter da of stock to see where we stand has resulted in increased sales by tor their services at the expense ver, one of the deepest wa parts of Ecuador, where rewith respect to those vital pro merchants, more orders for in of the Public Treasury.
terways in South America. lies of Inca and other early plems which affect so profoundly vestors.
In keeping with this provision Oceangoing vesselt go up civilizations are attracting We have witnessed significant the Labour Department has, dur the river for about sixty mi the archaelogist.
changes during past fewing the past few days, been send les. Ships enter through years, changes which necessitate, ing a large number of these special reconsideration of basic unemployed to Turrialba (from page 7)
problems with a view to finding were there is a great shortage of a new app:oach to their solution. hands for work on the various sent from that country to help Our aim must be to achieve estimated Coffee is. It is the goverment party.
As a protest for the execution whose factors are so finely baland maintain a national economy that about 400 men are needed.
of three sisters of the Uruguayan anced that the worker is always Vice Consul in Madrid, that Soutu sure of a job which will guaran Americans Republics has severed tee a living wage.
Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes By a living diplomatic relations with Spain wage mean a wage which will The forces of General Franco insure the worker and the workΕΙ más surtido en Matina reported to have reached ther dependents a living in accor vicinity of Toledo and that his tidance with American standards nal effort to relieve the besiege of decency, happiness and selfLIMON heroes of the Alcazar may be respect.
launched at any moment.
The wage earners of America Fábrica de Hielo GERMANY AND ITALY ON RED DRIVE General Mola uitimatum for do not ask for more. They will the surrender of Bilbao expired not be satisfied with less, Refrescos last night, and although it said that the Governor of the VENICE, Italy. The two other in his propaganda.
town has offered to surrender spokesmen for Europe strongreport from Germany he be assured that the lives of est dictators sought to effect that Premier Musso ini will all the inhabitants, the soldiere unity of their anti Comunist ac meet Chancellor Adolf Hitler in and goverment sympabisers will tivities Berlin on an early date, official Wee. Le be saved, it is doubted it the Dr. Joseph Goebbels German ly returning the visit the Chanbombardment can be a yoldadas LA FLORIDA Propaganda Minister, and Dino cellor paid him in Venice in May, ESTRADA the Nationalists are pressing that Allleri, Italian Press Minister, 1934, was officially denied here.
so be carried into effect.
Abarrotes y Licores discussed the turbulent political The possibility, however, that Fábrica de Hielo tides of Europe and laid plans such a visit might occur some The general advance against Artículos del País adrid still continues from both Venta de Leche to unite in propoganda cain time before the five power methe Northern and Southern ronts Precios Económicos paigns against communism.
eting for a new Locarno egreebut is being stubbornly contested The first step in their plan, it ment next Fall was not excludLA IBERIA y Maderas Was believed was that eached in informed circles.
by the government trops.
would agree not to assail the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
מן the ON The Spanish Rev.


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