
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 26th, 1936 CAMISAS PIJAMAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY eri. סי LUIS WA CHONG esWANDERERS SECURE VICTORY AT BEVERLY WHEN FALL OF MADRID EXPECTED WELL. WHAT. On the sth. instant the nam yonny Smith and the mediuni bers of the Wanderers of Downer, who dispatched An Associated Preas correspon into positions corresponding to Booth Bread, dent reports an interview with those of the Northern armies.
pourmeyed to the side in just 45 minuts for the Beverly, and DI Biscuits Buns, General Mola and General MiEgaed the Tearless amall score of 15 runs. Little How strong are the MaWithout which you can guel Cabanellas Rebel commanof that place. Captain Calvin coil Tas or Smith got wickets for drid government troops? by boats of eating the best.
General Mola. You ed the coin correctly and cannot sont runs and Dawner the other ders, on their plan for Spain.
Berlin Bread call them troops. Our enemy is the visitors to bat they quickly for (there were 12 players. Booth Biscuits hit up 88 runs. Young Smith Notwitshtanding the protestaa strange company of ordinary and Down watercopalo on ois host, Captain Tiarris, criminals, anarchists, commuThe Peoples Bakery WITH REBEL ARMY, BUR nists, literates and women for runs each. The Fearless Where you will get the best.
as Manager of the Wanderers, GOS, Spain. Two generals of then faced the slow bowling of directed his men to return to the the Fascist Rebels high They are assisted by thirdclass the industry can produce.
wickets with a lead of 73 runs soldiers and some officers who mand told this correspondent ani on colaining a total of 37 that the war wouldn last very der such circumstances it is difare professional traitors. UnQ What kind of light for wickets they declared. long, and that when it Young Hayiing made 48, over, with the Rebels triumpor believe we must expect 250. 000 artillery, Infantry or aviation was ficult to make any estimate, but do you believe most effective GUACIMO GUAPILES young Smith 13 and Brown ant, Spain would be placed und more or less. armed rabbition is more important than any By General Mo a) Avis HERNA Viernes taller er a unified, central governCantina, Licores In the second effort the Fear ment.
other despite the fact we didn Extranjeros y del país. less could only compile 49 all out Do you intend to restore the the French Government. Do you You repeatedly attack use it until now with full force Coultas Tienda bien surtida being top scorer monarchy? General Miguel Ca.
with 16. Plummer (J. got banellas was asked and he repli neutrality? By General tal reforms do you plan? think it is not observ. ng strict What kind of goveramen Abarrotes en general wickets for runs, young Tassed: PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA for and Hayling por 10. You may be sure that the ar take French prisoners every rely absorbed in the military pro di Cabanellas) None can deny we (By Genera Cabanell28) At the end moment our thoughts are entiti mies of the Spanish patricts day. We know that planes, mu blem, but our pians will assure con which will have reconquered nitions and war materials BREVITIES OF INTEREST Spain will make the final de flowing cyer the frontier to our king and for the workmen The are better conditions of life for wor BA Four natives of the Island of deported by the authorities of sion. We foresee a piebiscite.
enemy. future Spain will be Guadeloupe bave been elected to How long do you think governed that Island.
15 the new French Chamber of Dethe war will last? by GenQ. What measures will you under a system of social justice puties.
150 manzanas in the district of eral Mola. Not very long. It take to get back the gold the for all who are united under the te Paraiso, Cartago, are being has only lasted as long as it has government sent to France? same patriotic ideal. By General Cabanellas) The You believe government The Postmaster General of EO tablished in 40, 000 because a large part of the poengrafted gland announces that efforts are orange plants for the purpose of pulation in government territo national government has alrea leaders will shoot all political dy declared such acts are illegal before you capture them? prisoners and dynamite ca sa being made to include Jamaica exporting the fruit to European Ty is ignorant of the real situation.
and not corresponding to inter. By General Mola) It terra and Puerto Rico in the overseas markets.
radio telephone service prior to national law. Ways and means meto think people talk like that What plans have you for the new Spansh State? by of repairing this incredible rob the close of the year. hate to think our enemy wil The Minister of Public Works General Cabanel. as)
bery will soon be adopted. cast aside the weystone of civi is considering the proposal of en Spain lization, respect for life will be governed in a gaging the services of an Expert which will make it impossible for Another batch of four French fu fashion Do the insurgents have property.
gitives, who recently reached from Mexico for the establishthe enough money to continue Port of Spain Trinidad from Ca ment of a national factory to ma hands of dirty politicians, Free nellas) The national (Rebel) gopower, ever again to fall into the war? By General aba yenne in an open boat, have been Ca nyou two nufacture vegetable oils.
imagine such Masons, Jews and similar parastvernment controls two thirds well known men fighting a duel tes on human society.
GERMANY INCREASES TRADE WITH BRAZIL of Spa Of sixty branches of for no reason at all? Do you believe he prethe Bank of Spain. we hold forRIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil. was 8, 353, 856. This year it is were But understood they sent mitary deadlock could re ty. We count upon the generosity Analyzing Brazilian trade with 1, 795. 234. The Observer blames, sult in splitting Spain into two of all patriots and upon the fighting for a woman honour.
AL the United States, Germany and this situation on trade with coun parts? By General Cabane credit which sure victory gives That just it. They found out Great Britain, The Financial and trieg under blocked currency re las) That would be absolute us in certain foreign countries. later that she had none.
Economic Observer finds that for gime.
ly impossible. The whole country the first quarter of this year Ger will join our sacred enterprise as many share was 22. 94 per cent, soon as we are a nation free from the United States 23. 57 per cent Marxist tyranny. SINGER» 1936 and Great Britain 9. 25 per cent. When do you expect the Germany increased and the Uni fall of Madrid? (by General Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora ted States and Great Britain de COMERCIANTE Mola. soidier does not like Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna.
creased their exports to Brazil.
Establecido en la Provincia to make prophecies, but can SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES ya por más de 20 años On the other hand, 81 per predict the last part of the drive Vende al detal, Vinos y Licent of Brazil exports went to on Madiid. the final march Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado cores extronjeros y del pais, TI Germany, 45. 47 per cent to the abarrotes en general.
into the capital itself. will begUnited States, and 11. 51 por cent MISCELANEA in when the ring around the city to Great Britain. Thug Germany Establecimiento esquina is completed by the wedge of 1936 is piling up a large trade balance Norte del Mercado White (Rebel) armies driven bet unfavorable to Brazil Entre. 49 ween Barcelona and Madrid and You can sew with it backward and forward, do Brazil 1931 sterling balance when the Southern forces move embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one croce ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH Singers Agency at the North side of the Market in Limon and YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser re EDGAR YOUNG to the Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER, Mia lotos Ahorre. TROTSKY TO REMAIN IN NORWAY Du El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres AL OSLO, Norway. Norway preferring to await a grand ju Department of Justice issued a trial clean bill of health to Leon The Nazi press, meanwhile, cod Trotsky, the one time revolutio tinued its attacks on the forme nary leader of Russia, in reply to powerful revolutionary. eports that he had abused his cesidence privileges by fomenting egitation in other countries.
The department said otsky activities had been under surveil iance since his arrival on June 18, 1935, and that the government had found no reason for termiCantina Posada nating his stay. group of young Norwegian y Cafeteria Nazis, who we. e riported by the police to have invaded Trotsky Felipe Wing Ching home in a search for incriminating documents, refused to explain Apartado 395 their actions at a police hearing, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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