
SALOMON CHIN THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 3rd. October 1936 LITTLE HOPE FOR SPAINS FUTURE CRISTOBAL. One of the and Italy backiag the rebels and first non partisan expressions of France and Moscow the oven opinion in regard to the civil war One should not suppose that now ravaging Spain was drawn the government composed of from Dr. Antonio Diaz, a Guate ment party malan physician who received his archnarchists alone. illiterates degree at the University of Ma and ferocious beasts. There are drid and was practising surgery on all government fronts up to the time of his recent departure from that country. Dr. Dias is oa his way to his home in GuateWee. Le mala see little hope for Spain for ESTRADA a long time to come. he said sad Abarrotes y Licores ly explaining that he had been Artículos del País transplanted to Madrid at the age of eight and had lived there prac Precios Económicos tically all of his life despite his LA IBERIA family connections in Escuintla, Guatemala Irrespective of which side may many intellectuals behind the go win and it will be a long drawn er ment, men fighting for out struggle, can see no hope be their rights. There are atroci ideal, for what the ybelieve to for peace in that unfortunate ties committed on both sides but country. There exist two great both have been exaggerated, each anrl bitter hatreds, intermingled on both sides with other hatreds, those fighting in the name of cis by the other. The militarists, each sid ehaving its conflicting vitization, have been as barbarousel parties.
as the confessed anarchists. It is Apparently it is a war of a struggle without quarter, one he Marxism against Fascism, antiof the bitterest and most cruel Clericalism against the Church, the Bourgeoisie against the Aris ever waged in histos.
tocrats. But, when one knows the Perhaps shall return. do for not know. But if do shall be a true situation, there are so many ramifica fons, interests and hates prepared to live on a battlefield for a long time to come. This war on both sides that one cannot will not end with a few more truly define the various groups skirmishes and Cada día se hace más necesario el Seguro de Vida co or what they stand for.
perhaps, when he mo elemento de bienestar social.
Whichever side may win, there one side finally vanquishes, there the will be a general slaughter of the will be a greater terror than is El Seguro de Vida forma parte de nuestra vida modervanquished. Many heads will fall.
ToW raging over Spain.
me na y es una obligación moral que incumbe a todos los More blood will be spilled then sed ciudadanos civilizados del mundo.
than is now soaking Spanish soil. Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON The hatred in Spain is more bit ter and relentless than that be FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT.
tween warring nations. It is im placable, and victory for either Abogado y ru side wil spell, at least an attempt Ba at the annihilation of the other. Notario Público The socalled neutral powers have pilt been shameless in their one sided Oficina: Altos Pasaid. Violating all promises, they the cual Ingianna bave boldly furnished munitions of war to both sides, Gerunany Jon BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Lo que dice el Presidente Franklin Roosevelt, de los Estados Unidos, acerca de las ventajas de poseer una Póliza de Seguro de Vida: Infórmese hoy mismo qué fácil es tomar un Seguro de Vida Read THE ATLANTIC VOICE tog Red uni AMERICAN PROTEST TO GERMANY Ahorre. lo CRITICISMS ON CRICKET (By the Ball. The American State Depart. his possession.
man r lease, but the CommitAnd ment is much occupied with rehe Secretary Hull complains that tee was inactive. The President There are those who w: w. thvatting and powling avera gard to the arrest and imprison the Committee, for the defence of the Committee claim that eupy a building for a lengthened ges, etc. We also hoa there willment of an American citizen by of American political prisoners. the State Department should fol period before rea izing it is infested be a fitting presentation of be the the German authorities, Lawren has not been acting seriously in make representa loss to Germawite pests. There are also these Cup. May We suggest that our ge ce Simpson has been held a pri the matter which was prejudicial ny but Secretary Hull refusea, a Dan who are to be found at the Cric al Comandante Col Arias he soner in a German Jail for fil to the man interests. The Sta SICH a procedure be asserts, Pay ket felds daily yet they do not asked to do so.
teen months, charged with hav te Department, he said, was cons would be inconsistent with diBay seem to that six fair delivere There arhaps o in runursing communistic documents tantly at work to obtain the plomatic relations.
make an Over foating around. We understand it Sometime ago someone tries to is sed by some that the Pathionpult Captain Suttos legs by aik ders cannot go to Jamaic by cting what will he and the Exelsior hors that they may but not till Club do cow that the youngsters March 1937, after the Schools Fou!
Smith, Brown, and Gordon hava ball season has closrd. Then we returned to their Manager Cap hear that Smith, Brown talo Dixon. This is to point out James, Robinson and Gordon to Cricket Critic Mirror that it will play for the We uerers next there be a Nursery Club, it is the Season; that Captain Dixon Pathfinder not the Excelsior tere lost interest in the Pathfinders sre some of the athader ro that Vernai Laass will play for ducts. Phil Brown, now pluving the Irons that the Pathfinders for Egbert Harrison have suspended thair Tom to watch of the Construction: Reulen the conduct of cortin mes on Brown, Samuel Smith: Gabriel Sor their team with other Clubs don: James Robinson and Oswald The Excelsior conduct in their Sewell All good layers from this last match with Constructions Nursery. The reflection of the Mir an outrage; yet they are students Or sem to be short focussed or cf the gam. is upside down. Does Mirror not We are wondering how the know that the only players fro Youtis appreciated Mr. Parchduced by the CP.
are ment in ing of 52 Bravo ParchMaxwe V. Walker, Wade and ment.
If Eewell, of the Pathfinders The Competition is coming to a would rid himse of a little of his close, we therefore hop that be loziness he would then begin to cretary Clarke will publisn a re play cricket and be of mor service post or the entire Season work, to that Club Buck no Oswald El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BourgeoisieCivil WarFascismFranceGermanyItalyMarxismSpain

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