
Saturday 3rd. October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 936 Identification Cedulas.
YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser CONTO a sedot terste ter Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER IN a of on to THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT ELECTROLUX THE CIENEGUITA «SINGER» 1936 TRAGEDY who fe earnings hardly ever pass the thousand colon mark per annum. The government now realize that this Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora is unfair both to the labouring man and to the State, Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna. On Thursday, a week ago which has to provide protection for life and property as SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES native by the name of Ramirez got drunk and, apparently under the well as various other comforts for the citizen; so from Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado influence of marijuana, na amuck January 1937 the Cedulas will be compulsory and, in every one with whom he came in keeping with the information given by the declaration, contact he who earns above three thousand colones will be He went at a man name Miller, Machine 1936 required to pay a tax of six per cent per annum. This who thought he would make diswill, of course, touch the professional, the merchant, You can sew with it backward and forward, do cretion more wholesome than vathe high salaried clerk and the artisan who, at present embroidery, mending and hemstitching work. lour, so he ran away leaving his Icecream cart to the meri y ot do not pay anything.
We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
his aggressor. He, however, retur After all, every lawabiding, responsible, respectaONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH ni armed with a bit of iron bar ble citizen in any community ought to regard it as a Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limón. bt when Ramirez again wert alprivilege to be able to directly assist in the presupuesto ter him, he once more ran away this time into the quarters of of the country which provides him with a livelihood. In dicos woman where he effectively id some countries the franchise for providing the officials POCOMANIA AND ITS GRASP ON THE himself. Ramirez, now drunk with who shall guide the destiny of the affairs of State is THOUGHTLESS success, came across al innocent controlled by the direct taxation of the citizen, and Negro, a native of St. 5itt well those who do not contribute have neither vote nor voice known about Limon as Brule The frecdom allowed religicus this strangs, let us call it, religion He struck this poor fellow fun in in the privileges of citizenship. The man, therefore, eve tactivities in this country is hav is having on a large number the forehead with an immense stowho would shirk his responsibilities in this direction atre ng a most pernicious bearing on the people of this Zone is unbeline and kicked him in the mouth would not be considered any better, communally, than des bibe denominations of acknowled vable. They are allowed to live in while he was rolling he the object of pity seen drudging along our streets. We i, edized Christian tzachings which have concubinage; in fact, the Priest or ground Elastong been establish among us. Humano Terrible. as the Diario consequently entreat our readers to make their decla Needless to say no Police was of in every section there can be en rightly calls him performs a rations faithfully and secure their Cedulas so as to do near ard although the securrelice baron countered small groups of me marriage ceremony full well know took place just what is right by the State.
chind the It and women who were formerly eding he is only encouraging im fice of the Cieneguita Judge neitererents of one of our regular moral acts in this respect. Many er he nor his Commissary knew cul Church Organizations, but who are have lost their wives or husbands anything about it, the injured man today bitterly opposed the in consequence of this; for as soon had to walk to the Cuartel nim d armer teachings regard ing Jesus as they all as it is termed.
or self to report the matter. Brute hall beand Him Crucified; they assert align themselves to this corrup now lies in the hospital, in a dying beney have now received the New tion, goodbye to home, husband or condition, while Ramir has been m; Spirit. More and more converts, wife, as she or he has to travel permitted to abscond SEE mat are being added to this new fana from District to District spreading THE NEW AIR COOLED whaticism. O, meeting nights when the doctrine and making new the principal officers or heads of converts.
by this strange religion are present, On the other hand, these people NOTICE men women and children can be are awfully feared in the districts REFRIGERATOR The British Vice Consul in Port been werding their way to these were they operate for the evil con haunts of devilty to spend the sequences they are supposed to Limon wish to have information ON which will lead to the whereNO MOVING PARTS Mentire night in carousings of cu be able to inflict on those who NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER meniftstations, accorapanied denounce them No resident wouid about of the following persons: Wallace, Urcelina. last heard USES NO WATER to PERMANENT SILENEC prvu gar gyratio of the body an attempt to give a declaratica EFFICIENT grunts like those of an enraged the Court regarding a suspicious of in Toro. Ford, Veronica; ElBoar. Ench fanatic tries to outdo death or the ill treatment ut an lis, Williams Charles (last heard the other in their jumpinys in the enemy. Those who dare such ex of in Santa Rosa Farm. Cohen, FOR FULL PARTICULARS air amid a jumble of gibberish, poses, as are being done in these William (last heard of in Siqui SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE Nicholson, as said to be the unknown to gue or columns, are marked for some tra rres. Richard; Sagedy by the Humano Terrible muels, Ernest.
the language of the Holy Spirit JOHNSTON used at the Pentecostal manifestat and his anarchistic emissaries BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON ion, but with this difference It is therefore well that the go.
while the Apostles spoke in the worament should become aware of ITALY DISAPPROVES existing languages and were unders the conditions existing and being POLES SEEK OUTLET FOR POPULATION tood the imitators of the As foctered. The latest trick of Mr. MIXING WITH ETHIOsembly of wild animals do not Alt. after stealily influencing a WARSAW. PIANS Poland will stek naj politics. It is emphasized that At understand each other the grandmother. a member of his IY close of their frenzied, eram dan group. to bring her grandchild an outlet for her surplus popula Poland cannot absorb in industry tion in Africa and South America or agriculture a population cowse, amid the tumultuous growing into the fold, uses this girl as his ROME. The Cabinst aprov: and may demand colonies when ing at the rate of 400. 000 a yeit.
and ejaculations, throw medium for spiritualistie tricks arded the formation of a permanent German colonial claims are discus The newspaper says the problem of ad themselves o the ground where seances and the child being now so colonial army and the establishsed e exhausted they will sleep for the susceptible to his desires has prac ment of 150. 000 workers in over population of the Polish coum Ebe following day or two while others ticarly brcome an idiot at Sis com thiopia to develop the nation Polish Political Information, the can be solved only if peasants and In the Foreign Office organ, the tryside and the Jewish problem Der betake themeleves to the wood mands; he however, difies the met new territorial acquisition sei Jants and remain there for several her and the authorities to regala The Cabinet also stricty for population problem is discussed Jews have an opportuníty to emiEers days their associates supplying the possession of the child who is but bade any juridical or social in from the viewpoint of internatio grate. The article suggests forindays, thir associates suplying 14 years of age. Is this not a great tercourse between Italians and for ing a worldwide organization them with food of herbs, ete to let evil which the Executives of the the native races and barred lo José Achion Ng this purpose ter equip them for communion, government of don Leon Cortes cal native Chieftains from exerthey caim, with the Spirits. When should investigate and remedy? sing any power.
The League of Nations in set.
Comerciante Detallista the return to their homes they tle the emigration question, says Parry a wild insane appearance Licores, Abarrites, Cristale as it is one of the basic elements of FRANCE TO END SYRIAN RULE ria, Articulos de Ferreteria are generally ill for some time, pacification of overpopulated Euy Eléctricos; todo Special food, medicines and treatrope. The unhappy events the PARIS. Syria, a French man the marcate in 1939 cuentra en este establecimet having to be given them by past few months, says the article, miento a the Priest in charge the Curan date, will be launched on its way The accord, is the result of weaks which have shaken the League to independence, officials andou of negotiation between Syrian Na dero of the group.
authority, could have been avoided The sup? rstitious grasp PRECIOS DE SITUACION ced in treaty with France ending tionalists and the French Foreign which if a solution of the population Office ard army officers.
LIMON problem had been sought at the During the three year period of right moment.
the transition the Syrian and Leb Chaos would delay independence.
anese Republics and the adminis France, however, promised Irative divisions of Lattakia and treaty of independence on lines Jebai Druse will be unified Frenes milar to the agreement between LIMON, LIMON, troops, under terms of the pact, Iraq ard Great Britain, but the Importación will be reduced in Syria and those extreme Nationalists in Syria rethat remain will be garrisoned in garded it as wisatisfactory. They Imports and Exports specified districts asked immediate and complete inExportación Cantina Posada Syrian Nationalists have agitated dependence of the mandate, amDepósito de Madera Lumber Deposit vigorously for independence. Far. nesty for all political prisoners, y Cafeteria lier this year student strikes in sev suppression of all French CSeral Syrian cities, in which hun sions and immediate abolition of Felipe Wing Ching Compra de Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased dreds were killed and wounded, the common istert st fund into brought a warning from French which al Syrian customs ducies Apartado 395 officials that a campaign of were poured some se en ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME EL CABALLO BLANCO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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