
Disappointment at Siquirres HOTEL BRITTON EDGAR YOUNG CounterfeitCoins Again in Circulation LUIS WA CHONG EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber en cene in the sell censorel nrw. licens, indulge in by the scale of reticence in his matter Sunday the 15th. Instant would Lines; but at p. Jugiter Dm but tw Sunday pull nerican press.
As caracterizes its British cun have been a Red letter day at stretched out his five points which rejois ceert sirvice man, contributput. Secret Seeman WE our Midland Town when the versed in ominous symbolen, 12. could deal with the subjects the gossip column th: the 24th anniversary of the Pro Indicating that the moon had Tankly asthey are in the ds newspaper anggests mentioned rerently the con gressive Lodge of the Mechanic not yet received her strength of hit of doing lai si important. Pierpont Morgan 10 semn of th, Foreign Office over Order was to have been elebras Beauty from the Ruler of the is. ces betray a sertal resent aissut to be invoke to bring the references in a section of ed In befitting style. a real System, hence the time was not over what they regard as e merican pos to the same. American press to our royal reuniting of the Mechanie s, opportune for such co operative but ploint eat that noth Bond of Love and Brotherly af associations of Love and Chia ing could be done about it by the fection among the Craft. but rity.
Lated States Groent, Sav. Jupited Pluvius was anything The function was postponed more control ovey its now but propicious so he washed until tomorrow, 22nd, when it is papers than the Britisli.
out. an awful down pour, the hoped the zest and enthusiast REMEMBRER! wha, you eat, where you eat, and where An article of suc disturbing chances of a spiend exhibition which prevailed a week ago ril you sleep are the most important things in life character, however, appeared of Pongees and Crepes among not in any way edimlarshed Situated next door West of Limón Trading Co. The old aweckiy port dical with a large the ladies and the rivalry of clo and an enjoyable evening ae Pen sión Moderna and influential circulatiga that it quence among the Brothrs.
complished We guarantee up to date and hygiene services in sleeping is now very probable an oficial The meeting was set for qua: ors, restaurant, also soft drinks all at moderate pririqueet will be mad, to Washing and all the nice things had ces at Britton Hotel.
ton to use its influence to prevent been provided by Bros. Petgratheir urthe references of a similar ve. Radcliffe, Harris and co workers to refresh the virtCOMERCIANTE wanaouma nature, Establecido en la Provincia At the same time efforts will ors, and a high y equipped choir por más de 20 años badto have pressure brought had been engaged and raiaea Vende al detal, Vinos y Liin Symbolle chants. anthems and on the editor of the American cores extronjeros y del país, odes to entertain the adherents Jone from another quarter.
abarrotes en general.
Arcording to the San Jose again in circulation. Two such MISCELANEA papers, counterfeited coins are soins of the Colon denomination It happans that one of Pier and admirers of the Square, the Compass and the Blazing Star Establecimiento esquina were recently discovered Norte del Mercado, of Hope and Assurance, who had ard and placed in the hands of the WELL. WHAT. Entre 49 gathered from the nearby disod police for the necessary Investi Booth Bread, trlets as well as from the gation Biscuits Buns, We call the attention of our Without which you can CUACIMO GUAPILES Maduro Lumber Yard readers to this matter so tha: Depósito de Maderas boats of eating the best.
they may give more attention to Derlin Bread NACIONALES Cantina, Licores the coins of this denomination Where you will get the best.
Extranjeros y del país.
the industry can produce.
receivel by them in the course Booth Biscuits PROP.
Tienda bien surtida of their ordinary transactions, Aberrotes en general as it is not unlikely the au nors The Peoples Bakery Frank Maduro hijo, of this illicit trading may also PROP.
PRF CIOS sin COMPETENCIA endeavour to circulate them in this Zone pont Morgan banking partn 29 Maderas del país. Existas a financial interest in the pa tencia permanente at moderate prices pur nuestro depósito. Morgan close friends are the Dake and Duchess of York, his guests during his visitg here. So Morgan will be to dience inter Ehe Editor our beloved Fr.
vine Please accept muy thanks in hanked every one for the The which manner in Marquezy of Donegal, advance for the publication sincere who perpetrates a slimlar gossip of this short article for the they had welcomed him on colu:n under his signature with benefit of our friends and this his first visit to the Mis title Almst in well wishers who are inte sien, a welcome which, lie Conf dence in Rotaermere sun rested in our efforts for the said, would long be rememday Dispatch, tak. another advancement of our Catho Lered by him, as it had caus ed his heart to glow wiin a gle. He pr:duers the following onlic Mission in this District.
this censorship business RAZONES QUE HACEN EL CASTILLO On Saturdy 7th. instant, atherly love toward them we had the pleasure of knowl who, by reason of inen Aste th EL MEJOR JABON get fed up wit: al thig sturting and welcoming the Rev. membership in Holy Mother in the American papar; about Fr. John Hotze, Cura of Li Church, were all his loving the the cansor:d British press mon and Superior to the Pri children; a family which toEl Castillo lava más y mejor for the benefit of American; and ests stationed in the Vaca y numbered no less than Sther I wil try to explain.
riate. On being informed of 350, 000, 000 members all of There is no censorship Ithe expected visit, the mem one mind and in futi ele such in England. That is there bers and friends of the Misurence to the authorit, insEl Castillo no daña las manos is no one sitting in sion became enthusiastie in ti:uded by God.
Whitehall behind a glass door marked cn Father a heatry ineir efforts to give the good At the conclusion of his sor with a pair of scissors welcome, wuch appreciated address, to El Castillo es económico tell editors what they shall not and accordingly arranged a! Rev. Father desired all most enjoyable function recent to be individually in print which took the form of a cont duced to him with whom On occasions Compre Jabón EL CASTILLO y exija los cupones a su nack pages out of news ageniseert consisting of songs, re le shook hands and gave a pulpero. Cambie los cupones HOY mismo por una publications citations, etc. every item of picture of the head of this before putting them on sale to which was admirably render versal Family Catho acción en La Proveedora y Ramón Leon Agencia protect themselves from bor ed. Miss Dahalia Tomlins:lics.
General Frank Herrera conorm with what they conston clasing recitation entitl The pleasant function clos der good taste CONCURSO ed Good night our hon with prayer are the sing On occasions it is suggested oured Guest was greatly ing of the hymn Tear Thy Por cada compra en valor de Diez céntimos en Ja but no more than suggested appreciated.
taidren gentle Jezus.
bón EL CASTILLO usted obtendrá un cupón, y cada from the Treasury or War Office in his address to the au. Fidelis.
diez cupones serán car. biados por una Acción. Esta for instance that the publication Acción servirá para tomar parte en el gran sorteo que of cortain news would be against Wh se verificará el día 22 de Diciembre de 1936.
the publie nterest. Usually the suggestion is reasonable and fa There are ways of making it LIMON, LIMON, 25 cajas jabón a escoger anpleasant for an individual news Importación 15 paper that prints what others 10 y nave decided to leave out.
Imports and Exports 5 Exportación But know of no power OD earth that could prevail if the Depósito de Madera Lumber British presg decided a piece Deposit of 10. Dews should be prnted and print Compra de Cacao en ad it provided it aid not infringe grano Cocoa Purchased on various laws relahing to news papers Use el mejor jabón who have several tiewe bien Catholic Activities at Cairo y ganese 500 GRAN CONCURSO attractive ST תם El Castillo es puro El Castillo prolonga la duración de la ropa as El Castillo deja olor a limpio ET ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Premios: de 500; de 300; de 200. radily adopted Con Th Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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