
Saturday 21 Nobember 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE CRICKET AS AS SEE IT Teodoro Picado but one THE SAN JOSE RACES LEARN SPANISH The 1936 season is over with ring the Competion. 70 not, the Construction. Lowe. Spence the Excelsior remaining Cham out. Brown, Gordon and Roble and Campbeli were their best Barrister and Notary Public pions. They only lost one game son also did well and played a bats while Stewart, Gayle, Miils Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased against the Pathfinders drew round cricket for their Clus. and Campbell did the bowling.
to be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and against the Surtidora, their brilliant fielding won most The victory over the ConstrueNotarial matters to his friends and clients of the be and won the rest They have lived of their matones.
tion was a real surprise and was Atlantic Zone.
the up to their reputation by wm Construction always had the due to the slows of Campoel COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO ning the Cup for the second time best side on the field, but again Surtidora drew their first or in succession their Captain was the cause of game, but lost the others as they Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San Jose Mot ve Power played less mat many of their losses. Isades unfortunately were never able ches but lost twice to the Cham stood out by himself, while to get their best team together. pions and finished with the Harrison, Harrison, and Ram In their last match Carrington same numbe of points as the say did the batting. Francis and Furgerson did the batting a Excelsior to whom they again Banton, Lewis and were while, for the season, Hanry. succumbed in the Tie maton their stock bowlers. Ramsay was Dandy, Edwards and Patterson a se thereby losing the Cup.
The the best Stumper among all the bowled well.
The Turf of Costa Rica hisicst, January next. But as wil be Pathfinders had every chance of teams.
of the other games, Camy one of its brightest gems by noted, there is only one real winning the Mug, but on account Ener: Unity was without their cap bell Sporting XI is the Lest the death of the horse Almi test for supremacy the of their Captain surreadering tain during the season, ana team, while the Pathfinders pre rante Boy. It is said that after provincial horses; there should their last game to the Motive Spence who acted has very lit playing as many matches us a long period of inactivity, this be more entries among all ho. ses Power when they on y required te experience while Campbell, they can to keep their players animal was given a strenuous of the Province. As a matter of 20 runs to win the match, they who has a little more, was not in as fit condition as possible.
exercise on the La Joya iach fact, the Limon horses should me third in the Competition. placed in power. They lost all which seem to have produced a be ven more scope to compete Construction stood like brave their games except one against AN OBSERVER. nervous re action possibly in a among the cracks of the other soldiers in all their games, but cold breeze, and a Chill develop Provinces rather than, as it is, lost to the Unitey which was ed.
a selfish competition among the their greatest set back. They It is a pity that the services of animals of each Province. There generally produced the best an experienced Vet. were not should be a free intermingling side during the season, but bad available in time to assist the of all horsez from all provinces aptainey cost them the loss of groom to save me life of so va according to their sizes, breedtheir games. Unitey BY MAIL saved luable an animal. Undoubtedly, ings and performances.
shut out by winning one game Quickest system to learn conversation and reading.
Limon will be seriously handi Another point to which we against the Vonstruction, while capped by the loss of this horse sheuld like to call attention the Surtidora has given us a reExpert Teachers. Low Rates in competing with the Inter the method of distributing the cord by drawing one game and We know how to do it. Write us at once and we will Provincial Cracks for the Cla prizes. According to the prolosing all others.
gladly send you details of Studies course.
sico Costa Rica during the gramme, the second noise is The Excelsior success came You will be happily surprised to know how forthcoming San Jose Races as better remunerated, compara ifrom an array of al round good easily Spanish conversation becomes under our tuition. Almirante Boy was one of her vely, than the winner, for as anplay and Captaincy. Maxwel, greatest contestants for this counced, he gets all the subSutton and Johnson were out Costa Rica English Academy event. The Damian Stables secm scribed entrance fees, so that if standing as bowlers while the Professor EZEQUIAS MADRIGAL to be suffering a spell either ten horses are nominated for any entire team did well with the of lack of judgment or luck: event the second horse would SAN JOSE COSTA RICA.
bat. They deserve the Cup ;within the past two years two get 250 colones while the winMotive Power was unfortunaOne man with two Languages receives double Pay of the best Horses known to the ner would only rece ve his purse te, she lacks man pulation, Capcountry died there. Mr. Littie of 200.
tain Hayling has a good team to Camerooniani died some but depends too much on two time ago, and now we are shock Yet another point there is sok bowlers who cannot aled by the arent tragic death no place provided for the smalof this another prime favourite ler horses; hence if the owners LeRay, Lawrence, Scott and in hippie sport.
mean to compete, the 13 horses Groves all did well. We wish handmade MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Six thousand th We have sees published the will have to line up with those them better luck next season. Planters in the Depart bombs were exploded and lining up of the horses for com of 15 hands no matter what nic Pathfinders always had anment of Chinandega, the ri Dr. Ricardo Robelo estimat petition in the Great Races their known performances may excelent side but their Captain chest agricultural district in, ed that 70, 000, 000 locusts which will be one of the most he it is, however, left to be seen MES does not seem to realize that Nicaragua, report that swar were destroyed. He believes enthusiastic itemy of the First what modifications may be Cricket is a sport: he generally ms of locusts, estimated at that another bombing wall Annual Fiestas of the Republic made by the Committee at the regards it as war. Hy cannot hundreds of millies have annihilate the insects. her to be held in the Metropolis írom at moment.
u stand loses. Smith proved attacked growing cotton, sands of birds are eating so the 27th December to the 3ra.
Thimself toe best al rounder of beans and corn.
many locusts that they can hat the season. He played severall The planters are destroy not fly and are becoming sterling innings, part cularly ing the pest with bombs, sky prey of snakes, wildeats and DIA thu that against the Exeel ior when rockets and fire crackers. Tother animals.
ng made the highest secre duJogoscoe. coacoeeeco. o. 00000cc. 000 Ways succeed. Anyhow, whyte. Locusts Locusts Destroyed by Bombing HOP LEE LUNG ok José Achion Ng Do. 00 COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Estable iniz:to de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes DI 9H 2013 ΕΙ más surtido en Matina 18 (ថ POCOMIA AT PACUARITO. authorities along the Comerciante Detallista When you enjoy prosperity your friends will be numerous, Licores, Abarritus, Cristalebut when adversity overtake yoa not one in twer y will ha ria, Articulos de Ferreteria y Eléctricos: todo found. Therefore secure yours elf by becoming a membe: os se encuentra en the ONLY reliable Burial Society, este establecl.
e to and it lasted the entire night one to make this Judge Think miento a ESTABLISHED IN LIMON, 5th MAY, 1928.
athoungh the Police had crdiera, it was an ordinary functin or a 10 hard Lo arr st the participants at any Nine Night Waka; while to FRECIOS DE SITUACION such functionings. Yo working respectable residents LIMON BOOODOOGSOOOOO 000000ooeeeeeeee were provented from Bying Cf cours: there are some of their refresh ng slumbers. we our coun. how ver hope our Judge will not More Italians Killed In Ethiopia try sections who can be given be so fool again.
TO Dear Mr. Editor: Sunday the Sth. instant there a small remuneration to shut Yours gratefully, Mr. Editor TOGE. Seventeen Italian of Permit me to bring to th: no way a ceremonial jumping and their eyeg to any infringment of for space granted me.
lis o ts and coldiers were killed tice of the authorities that er rrunting at the village of Facun the Laws, so possibly this WOS SUFFERER hite pol ein Africa in Septem her and 110 died as the result faccidents or illness, it is an Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back ounced.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
The monetary unit of the con uer Ethiopian ki gdom, Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofithe This bill must be paid at our office Taria Teresa thaler, was re es cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias blished as the leghl before the 10th of the month currency de cada mes Cabinet decrefter havin Be so good as to comply with this request and do not nabolish last July.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which The government and banks of de tener que corlar su servicio.
We would much regret to take e East African colony received httisstte thalers at the formetle set for purchases thalts with Italla, lir.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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