
On Matters International The Atlantic Vaice na ration but have been intress and rather contestants ou NEW BEEF MARKET The Milla Maritima other Govt: Lands RO SO in.
Madrid continues in town, ang of the Cervantes is claimed of the loyalists, ta but little oy the government to nave been Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone os important changes ing not ced stie act of a german submarine.
as a result of the constant and As England has not recogniz Editor English Section: C. NATION heavy fighting which has. ceoul ed. Frenco reg med red during the past week The maintains her absclute neutrality Año III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 28 November 1936 No. 121 defnding forces have apparet sh, den. es the right of the tly, not only been able to more tionalists to interfere with her effectively consolidate pe shipping in territorial watero. outs us Ing their activities aloriz several of these, and has, casequently dis oft hy surrounding fronts with patched a number of submarines th, object of destroying the in cruisers acd other war units Our Municipality has decided surgents lines of communication safeguard her interests. Fence to construct a nw and up to date This is now causing. It is said, announces her intention to Beef Market; and as a means of The Minister of Hacienda having decided that much concern among the rebel operate with Brita in this carrying out this project, the lot Tes leade who have decidd to rein pel. In so for as Russia is con of land north of the present mar the rents for these lands shall be collected by ket square, formerly occupied by medium of the Tributacion Office. it is quite clear core, their troops with a large cerned, she is reperted to be con number of Moroccans. It is uti centrating around 35 of her the Cuartel de Policía, has been that the men who had been running around to ceded by the supreme govern ced that the government has now vul poats in the locality. rience collect these amounts fom the settlers and frighten ment for the edifice.
placed the Soviet General, Franz the theaten interua tona en Kleber, in command of their ope oroglio thickens and complicn est nceessity to the city and work their own Such a market is of the great them into signing contracts were doing soon initiative and, of course, pockeling rations in the Northern sector ann of a more serious nature taun will soon be commenced the eon. whatever they could obtain.
and that preparations are about choco already existing may arise Provision is also being made to concluded for the As stated in our last issue, the Minister does launching at any moment; attugu thes: secure greater supervision at the another offensive against th na tuition is regarded as somewhat Slaughter House that only not yet officially know of the existence of tenants tionalists along this front. ameliorated in vew of the en stock fit for human consumption on the government strips along the Railway lines.
In consequence of the effectiva tror zone which Grl. Franco tu will be placed in the market. It has been the custom of many Agents of Police movements bring recently display consented to establish in Parcelo These improvements are due, it ed by the d:finders of the cty. waters.
to place these settlers in charge of the lots for is learnt, to the urgent recomGeneral Franco has made another expected that the bon mendations of our energetic Me which service shey charged each one any amount change in his plats; he now aidment u Berc lona will come dico of Health, Dr. Ruben Umaña from five to one hundred colones. These amounts tends to ffect thrubjugation mence on th. 30th. Istant, and were supposed to be paid into the public treasuryof the capital in sections with the chain addition to the large num but they never went any further than the hands possibility of thereby be peins ber of planes which the natianalis about an earlier surrender. Air are concentrating for the pur Railway of those who collected them. Of course, as the Communicatica bombings still continue with Spose, Italy will be assisting wilt Supreme Government finds that these occupiers rious results; Cartagena was sub 50. Later reports indicate that Interrupted are willing to pay a rental so as to avoid others jected to much damage on Thursh loyalists have made turcher seitling near their holdings, the officials are only day night gaas against the insurgents in too ad and willing to enter into contracts with Beant me the situation in the the sector euth of Diadrid In consequence of the ccnti them more so since they had always been willing Mediterranean continues to provi fremier Largo Caballero has nous and heavy showers watch 10 pay the Police Agents. But as it is desired that de much international concern as solicited the convoking oi a se ſell throughout the day and th, natianalist have initiated chil meeting of the Council such rentals shall be paid into the Treasury direct, night of Thursday, our railway the ectivities with the view the League of Nations to dear communication with th interior the Minister of Finance is sending Mr. Jorge Araof stopping all foreign supplies with th interverton of the Pas has once again been interruptsa. gon, the Administrator of Tributalion, to this Zone from reaching the loyalists, and cist nations in th Speniah Up to the time of golas to to investigate everything in connection with the In this it is claimed they are flict. The meeting may take als press we are informed that being greatly assisted by Germace during the corn ng week. occupation of these lands and to obtain a report morous washite nv Outrci ny and Italy. Th, recent tonpoedo between Juan Vin and from him regarding the conditions under which the Santa go. It is not yet poss bla of people exist. and if they must pay to inform him curse, to say just how long we why and how much they shall. Mr. Aragón is exmay be deprived of a recz tratfic pected here during the coming week.
with the interior, but the nege The present is therefore the proper time to mert of the Rodroad are acey appoint a Commission of two or three intelligent The strong reas which we are of the Minister of Republie engaged in their efforts to store continually experiencing are Works habe the work communication at the men to interview Mr. Aragon and submit all grienrliest causing such additional damage taken in hand immediate y as possible moment provider the vances to him. This should be done during the to our City Bath, that it is now they are not at present in a poc weather holds sultieiently coming week and the Commission be authorized feared the entire structures will sition to meet the required cost to go with him from place to place so as to be destroyed unless the necessary It is to be hoped the Minist more effectiveiy present the matter.
repaire: are effected withoniers will find the means of ascist(To page further delay ing our local authorities to save Carthquakes Weather with a view of avoiding so se what threatens to be a terrible rious a loss, our Municipal Fath drag on our Municipal. ty finan Changes ers have solic ted the assistence res.
DI The Municipal Bath to UNITED FRUIT Co.
Quer RUBBER INDUSTRY SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Vapores Sino Salidas On Sunday night a very beavy earthquake was telt in this city, ard a change was immi diately observed in the very Opony The Good Year Rubber Cor the Corporation obtained their showerg We were experiencing poration have been steadily pro concession, as soon as their techOn Wednesday night another ceeding with their experimental nical advisers are perfectly sa heavy shock was experience, operations on the lands acquir tified with the results of the ex which was follow, ng by avy ed by them in the Cairo District: periments, private landowners showers throughout that night and the results, so far have will be encouraged to start cui ori all Thursday. This second been so very satisfactory that tisations with plants which will shock was of much greate inten they have imported anothe: lot be supplied them free of charge city on the Pacific side though of plants to cons derably extend under certain conditions wlih, damage has been report their cultivation respect to the disposal of the Showerg of an almost torrenAs was mentioned at the time product tal atura have continued throughout Thurrlay night over the entire Atlantic ne as well as var cus sections of th.
inte for. Turrialba reports that te town is being threatened with an Barrister and Notary Public ir undation by th overfiouis of th rivers. Various house3 Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased cave been destroyed in th. dis to be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and triets of San Carlos and Sarap: Notarial matters to ti friends and clients of the Atlantic Zone.
qui by the strong wins wich COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO accompanied the rainfall Telegraphic ommunication with Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San José mans of the outlying distrets ha e also ben interrupted. QUIRIGUA PETEN VERAGUA 29 de Noviembre de Diciembre 13 de Diciembre Teodoro Picado ELDERS FYFFES, LTD. CARARE de Diciembre Llevando café solamente para Londres. ALVARADO Cía, Agentes para Limón Puntarenas Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruir Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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