
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday Nobember 1936 Compra y Venta de Muebles mo HOTEL BRITTON LOCALES: Calle de la Sabana, 50 varas al Oeste de la Panaperia de los Sres. Musmanni y contiguo a la Planta Purificadora de Leche REMEMBRER! whas you eat, where you eat, and where you sleep are the most important things in life Situated next door West of Li món Trading Co. The old Pension Moderna We guarantee up to date and hygiene services in sleeping quaders, rataurant, also soft drinks all at moderate prices at Britton Hotel.
LE OFRECE NOTE OF THANKS We are in receipt of a copy of the Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Almanae for 1937 It has been nicely got together with a very pleasing effect.
In addition to giving some es.
timable advices, it carries much astrological information of very interesting nature. Our thanks for same.
Cute Student Nurse 19:11 it be absolutely necessary. doctor for me to wear a mass over my face when assist at this operation?
Interne. Yes, certaily we have to be sure that the surgeon keeps his mind entirely on his operating EN SAN JOSE: Catres extranjeros des de 25. 00 en adelante. Camas. Cocinas Roperos, Aparadores, Mesas, Neveras, Colchones y Almoha.
das de paja Tiereias, Estantes, Máquins de coser y de escribir. Uinas, Mostradores, Muebles, Silis, Cajas de Hierro.
Esialiones, Cunes, Espejos de todo tamañ. Tocadores, Escritorios, Sillones, luegos de Sala, Mecedor 3, Mesas de noch, Juegos de comedor, Cocinas de hierro Baules. Tarros para leche, Peceres, Garrolas grandes, Registrado as y una estanteria con 51 gavetas para bolica, etc, etc.
Meet Me There Meel me where those palm trees grow, Casting shadows far and low, Down upon the spreading grass Where our feet so like to pass.
Chile Tourist Trade Woman Asleep Years SAO PAULO, Brazil. She wept for many days, SANTIAGO, Chile. Author Asleep for five years, Noethen lapsed into what appea.
ties fore. ee an increase in tour. mia Boldrin, a 27 year old red to be a deep sleep. She ist traffic to Chile this season unmarried woman, was decla has not awakened since, reas a result of improved travel red by physicians to be su ceiving only soups, coffee and 1acilities offered by aviation and shipping companies. The Spaa ffering from mystic psychotea as nourishment.
ish revolution also is turning the pathy.
Once in a long while she European current toward South The giri father, Pedro Bol half opens her eyes in answer America. Preparations are being drin, an Italian, said that his to her mother call. Her eyes made to meet all tourist require daughter had been extremely flutter with a dreamy sort of ments religious from her childhood recognition. She smiles wanand that in 1931 she retur ly and falls asleep agair. No ned from church sobbing word has passed her lips hysterically that the world is since 1931.
not for me Where the mid day cooling breeze Daily fondles bush and trees, And the lizzards always chase Friends and mates from place to place.
Meet me where the Pedies sing Notes of beauty that must bring To the lonely heart sweet cheer, Preity Mary, meet me there.
Meet me on the hill top where, But for ferns, all would be bare; Where the sun says good bye last Telling us the day is past.
COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Meel me where we ll never part Company for life, Sweet Heart; And if truth the dream must prove, Meel me where there no death for love.
LUIS WA CHONG BRISBANE, Australia. Dr. sufficient to keep it alive for Fábrica de Hielo Herbert of the Univer ten or twelve years more even 500, 000 76 pound flasks were y Refrescos sity of Queensland and 200 if it does not grow again. Quicksilver Trade Booms shipped annually to China to volunteer workers are endea Smaller Macrozamia palms, be used in the manufacture voring to save the life of better known as burrawangs San Francisco, Widely of vermillion. Since the World Great Grandfather Peter, re are found along the coast of used in the manufacture cf War the is ustry fell, and puted to be 15, 000 years old, Australia from Victoria do munitions, and thus in de in 1934 the entire American the oldest living thing on Queensland. Power alcohol. mand as a result of the pre output was only about 34, 000 earth dye and a fiber from which sent armamut race, quicisi flasks.
Grear Grandfather Peter, an a paper. pulp is made, suit ver is being produced in in LA FLORIDA Australian Macrozamia palm able fot beltirg or packing, creasing quantities in Califor on tambourine Mountain and is produced from the trunks nia.
Fábrica de Hielo several of his companions were of these trees. From the upper First discovered by the cut down recenlly by an un part of the trunks a fine brow Spaniards long before the Venta de Leche known vandal.
nish wool for upholstery work gold rush, quicksilver was GUACIMO GUAPILES Although the venerable giant is obtained.
once one of California chief Maderas had been cul down for ihree The seeds, a bright red in mineral exports. Even as raCantina, Licores months it was still alive when color, contain starch and pow costly as the Eighteen. Nine found by Dr. Herbert, lecturer Hard and were used at one ties, Extranjeros y del pais.
it is estimated that botany, and replanted after time by the inhabitants of Tienda bien surtida Waiter. It inast be kind of the cul end had been coated the district for a kind of flour.
Abarrotes en general difficult to eat soup with such with malachile green lo pre They baked the seeds, then a mustache as yours?
PRE CIOS sin COMPETENCIA vent underground decay. soaked them in water for seCustomer Yeath, its quite Scientists think the sago veral days after which they COMERCIANTE a strain starch in the treee should be ground ahem up.
Establecido en la Provincia Poet. Dld you tell your la.
por más de 20 años Vende al detal, Vinos y Limily was coming over this ev.
cores extronjeros y del país, ening to read some more of my abarrotes en general.
MISCELANEA Establecimiento esquina Girl friend. Yes, and it workNorte del Mercado. ed like a charm. They re all go a Entre 40 Ing out to the movies. SOLE BANK OF ISSUE UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK «SINGER) 1936 ofrece al público los Offers the Public the Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna.
servicios de su Services of its SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado EDGAR YOUNG BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA BANCO DEL ESTADO YA LLEGO. La Máquinade Coser SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA IN THE Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER»
Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Machine 1936 You can sew with it backward and forward. do embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limon para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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