
Saturday Derer. ber 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Majority Seen Back of Rebels COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION When you enjoy prosperity your friends will ke bumeros.
but when adversity overtakes you not one in twenty will be found. Therefore secure yourself by becoming toember of he ONLY reliable Burial Society, Civil war in Spain actually colossa! bluff in the history of pondent in Spain. Mr.
Karted in 1931 with the Tor modern politics.
said: mat on of the republic over the Upholding the position of the The Spanish people were te.
Insurgents, Mr. 130 Torres Perona trayed not only at home, wishes of the majority, but declared that it was not only abroad. The Rebels are the mon voted monarchist and have since the right, but the duty to rebell eaten aristocray. the feudal been ruled by a power fully or against the tyrannical rule o aj army, great landowners and the ganized minority, declares José inmority.
feudal politica) church comunM. Torres. Perona, former as Every one of the Leftist leading because of the threat to sistant publisher of La Prensa ers now champloning the sanc their powers.
and correspondent for Spanish tity of legal, constitutional Pu.
newspapers pularly ele tea governments reSpeaking before 500 volted in 1933 against a ESTABLISHED IN LIMON, 5th MAY, 1928.
at lancheon dietssion of the right res me swept into power Capone Pays Tax In the Interest of our Cacao Trade Thew of the satisfactory reset LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION whic am very had to have.
sav in wi. people Hotel Astorm Mr. Torres ero said.
The following circular has been this clearly understood. fust Miami, Fla. The Internal na asserted that King Alfon o DIforing opin on were voi ed sent Cacao farmers by M, Glend you bearely twenty Orie was persuaded to leave the coua by Mrs. Vera Dean, editor Revenue office here wa: inform Ramos, the energesi Mana cents per pound to help yo try before the total vote was and research associate for the ed today that an income tasien ger of the local Branch of the until the proceeds of the sale of countea, believing that the na association, who recently return had been paid and was instruet. Ice of his activit. es in the interests are reported, when turn over; of 51, 298 against Al Capone Bank of Costa Rica, in pursuau the cacao entrusted to my care tion had votea the Copositioned from Europe, and Carleton ticket. He termed it the most Beals, author and former corres led to call off the auction sale of of this industry.
his Palm Island estate.
to you the net result; deducting The instructions came by telesults obtained last season by vances and phone from the Internal Reve those who exported their cacao cacao.
handing of the nue office in Jacksonville. Or under the Bank Co operative cials here said that they had no system, Mr. Ramos desire; Chat if you really care for your in What should you therefore to, further information and did not all who can do so should ia know who had pad the lien. their own interests take advan exporter and STICK TO THE terests? No hing but become a tage of the opportunity again BANK beilig offered them. honestly consider our sy tema Constitulionul Crisis.
HIIE CIRCULAR the salvation of the cacao in From Page dustry which was almost Beads of the comtemplated unior; Dear Friends: when we came to the rescue, a:13 hence should the King persist have been asked, several you may be sure that the day in carrying through sucr an Cimes, to explain in plain words. may it never come, on objectionable marriage he may the Bank Co operative system we dose the red doors of our find himself without any po of Cacao exportation. cacao store dom it would be now litical or social support. gladly do so.
just as well for you to once more To become an exporter on abandon your farms as they will RERE WHAT The King has since defini need to gather enough cocoa to never agan be a peying proposi.
tely decided he will not alMRS. GUNNARDE NELSON complete a shipment, let us say tion. Dont be deceived by the dicate and will marry the di one hundred bags. You OF CASSELTON, red herring of competitive prineed vorced Iry; he has so inform proper foreign connections to ces. You can always get the saanie DAKOTA, WRITES: ed his. mistry. It is believraispose of it. You need enough and better prices by personally ed and decision was ta: money to pay shipping, hand exporting through the Bank syschance to tell you bow very much my Koronene ken in view of the offer of ling, packing and other expen tem. No one can pay. you more Electrolux hus helped me Winston Churchill to assuineses: and finally you need redit than what we get 10r your vacao In a hundred dimerent ways.
einen its being food the responsability for forinthia Bamle so you can collect abroad because bir are in the he byen med chance to have much a vari ing a new Cabinet should hatt due you once your cacao market for profit, so IDIOK TO ety is meal. As for having that of Baliwia rcsiga The, is sold abroaa. mignty inter THE BANK ana keep saat prutit company, find it lan Dune and Duchess of York prise to accomplish singlehan. for yourself chore any more. can fx frozen calada o long aheed have threatened to leave Encd. few words more. Any kind of time there beda be and 16 Mother any last minute ruch to Under my system, a small pro word of encouragement, any them so they ll be treab.
Queen to go immediately in cer, with a farm yjeld ing nut suggestions or any complaints co retirement, should the maone bag a year, can export as should be made to me and Triage take piace. Meantime easily as the big one which pro will be thankful. 11 after read duces hundreds of bags. Ina sing this letter you still wish to it is reported that Mrs Simpson has left for France. set for himself, the full bener:t know something, advise me and of the foreign markets, thout will be pleased to answer you: It is now expected that a having to split the results of his and if you want to try our sys.
KEROSENE constituional fight will soon hard labor with the iniddletem, send me your first 100 bags be commenced with the view man.
or your first pound, both are welof Preventing the marriage, come as a proof of comprehen.
NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT as there is a suggestion of don buy cacao, and wish ion and co operation.
DER NO DAILY ATTENTION dhe possibility of the legisla Yours for better and better tive Chambers passing the prices laws necessary to give efect Read the thereto, although it is admit RAMOS.
ΚΕ EROSENE ted that such a proceedure Electrolux Plenty of ice cubos Temperature regulator would be difficult.
brings to farm speeds freezing homes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux and conveniences that have made actually pays for itself with its the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on lux the choice for mest city homes refrigerating cost.
and apartments. This Ideal farta Electrolux is able to operate so Tomorrow will see the start of Guapites. The one from this end refrigerator Insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple Costa Rica first important wili leave at am to cunnet protection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no Race Season at the Stadium, with that from Gualipes at SiLIMON ice cubes you want.
moving parts to wear. wickless San José: the first race 15 sche quirres.
delicious frozen desserts glow type kerosene burner does duled to start at 30 The following program will greater freedom from kiteben all the work. eliminates de Arrangements have been in de be carried through for which the Fábrica de Hielo work, preciation due to moving, wear for the running of a special train, undermentioned horses are list.
y Refrescos Nor is that all! Electrolux runs ing parts. Electrolux requires no from this dty and another fron ed Ist, Race, for Small ani.
lor only a few pennies a day! Ode daily attention. needs to water.
mals. Runaway, Estrella, Priafilling of the tank lasts a week or Write today for free literature.
cesa, Marlen and Revolutionist.
QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX José Achion Ng 2nd. Race, the Meseta Central Purse. Jabon Campana, SomNo moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency Conbra, con Permiso and Alcazar, inued low running cost Fullest food protection. Every Comerciante Detallista 3rd. Race, the Traube Purse worthuchile convenience Savings that Licores, Abarrites, Cristale. Camaronian, City Bride, Colom LA FLORIDA ria, Articulos de Ferretería bia and Barland Queen.
pay for it.
y Eléctricos; todo 4th Race, the Pajaro Azul cuentra en este estableciPurse. Gilder Synora, Lay Fábrica de Hielo miento a JOHN KEITH Co.
Gray and Bob Roy 5th, Race, Smoky Barland Venta dhe Leche Agentes Exclusivos PRECIOS DE SITUACION Knight, Kentucky and Melba Agent Limon: JOHNSTON LIMON 6th Race. Sun Land, Lorreta, Sholo and Siow Ban Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    Civil WarFranceSpainSpanish Civil War

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